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New European Council's report: "Poland oasis of racism, xenophobia and homophobia" ...

Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
10 Oct 2018   #271
In all my years, I've never noticed that in the street.

Visit any US city with a gay "pride" parade and you will see. And puke.
jon357  72 | 23361
10 Oct 2018   #272
If you don't want to see, don't stare.
Tacitus  2 | 1264
10 Oct 2018   #273
Do not be a hypocrite. You see people kissing in pretty much in most films aimed at children, or even advertisement.

This is not the act itself that upsets you, but the people doing it.

There is no hope for you, but hopefully your grandchildren are better persons than you, and won't inherit your bigotry.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
10 Oct 2018   #274
This is not the act itself that upsets you, but the people doing it.

The difference is that when a man loves a woman, potentially, a baby comes out later on. When a man "loves" a man, what comes out is brown crap, some blood and white sperm. Later, one of them will proudly tell all of us that he now has AIDS. Which will make him a hero and a celebrity if he is already known well enough.

My "bigotry" is based on the simple fact that the a** f****** brought this mess to the US from Africa and Haiti and now we have to pay big bucks for the AIDS "research" and to keep them idiots alive, which ain't cheap.

If you don't want to see, don't stare.

You can apply this idiotic remark to anything, including a hetero couple f****** in public or in a restaurant where normal people take their families out to eat without gagging.
Miloslaw  20 | 5108
10 Oct 2018   #275
You are a sick man help......
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
10 Oct 2018   #276
OK, doctor, other than the diagnosis, is there anything that is factually incorrect in my so totally brilliant Post 274? Since you are a genius, would you kindly point out my errors?
pawian  224 | 27236
16 Nov 2020   #277
Poland oasis of racism, xenophobia and homophobia" ...

Yes, there are still too many stupid intolerant Nazis, racists, homophobes, women haters, fanatic rightards in Poland.

But that scum shouldn`t be considered typical Poles. They are a pathetic minority.

E..g, today major Polish cities celebrated the Day of Tolerance which falls on 16th November. That is why I am optimistic about the future of Poland.

So let`s quote Polish Greatest Poet:

Our nation is like lava. On the top it is hard and hideous, but its internal fire cannot be extinguished even in one hundred years of coldness. So let's spit on the crust and go down, to the profundity!"

Poland in TOLERANCE COLOURS. How wonderful.

  • FREE_840.jpg

  • 5fb2aa810a774_o_smal.jpg

  • 5fb2aaa4224fe_o_medi.jpg
moondoggie  - | 26
16 Nov 2020   #278
No rapes and terror attacks, racism and islamophobia seem to be working fine! Poland even out competes Pawian's country in PISA education rankings,
Poloniusz  5 | 970
16 Nov 2020   #279
like lava...How wonderful.

Hmm, no.

Common sense always prevails.

pawian  224 | 27236
16 Nov 2020   #280
Hmm, no.

Exactly - you know nothing about Polish literature and poetry. Actually, you don`t care about Poland - you hang around this place to promote your nasty Nazi agenda. Simple.
Poloniusz  5 | 970
16 Nov 2020   #281
You are not representative of Poland. Not by any stretch of the imagination. You hang around this place pushing your nasty pro-abortion, open-borders, global queer politics. All you care about is getting attention through your pompous virtue signaling. A true narcissist like you can never care about Poland.
pawian  224 | 27236
16 Nov 2020   #282
You are not representative of Poland.

Of course I am - I am like 10 millions of decent Poles who resist fanatic morally-corrupt rightards` agenda. And I have a real impact, contrary to you. And you know about it. Did you see the latest protests? They were attended by my current and former students. buhahahaha

Today we are celebrating the Tolerance Day in Poland. Sooner or later, we shall celebrate it every day. HA!!!
Poloniusz  5 | 970
16 Nov 2020   #283
Of course I...resist fanatic morally-corrupt rightards

Obviously your so-called "tolerance" of others has extreme limits.

And I have a real impact

Sure, sure you do. Like a raindrop falling in the ocean.

Why else did PiS get a second term from genuinely decent Polish voters?

And you know about it.

Yes, like I said, you are not representative of Poland. You are a has-been communist minority and this explains why you "feel" you have things in common with other fringe minority groups like feminists, economic migrants and homosexuals. You seek to ally yourself with them foolishly thinking there is strength in numbers and they will vote the way you vote.

But you fail to realize that such groups only have their own self-interests and do not care about you or the greater society whom they regard as oppressors.
Joker  2 | 2390
16 Nov 2020   #284
Today we are celebrating the Tolerance Day

Thats kinda ironic as you claim " decent" people go around spitting on other ppl. You are one of the more extreme libtards on this forum, a far cry from " decent" or "tolerant".

Its more like "hypocrite".
pawian  224 | 27236
16 Nov 2020   #285
" decent" people go around spitting on other ppl.

Decent people spit on fascists and racists like you. While fascists and racists like you dream of unleashing a civil war and murdering their opponents. Do you see the difference??? If not, go back to school coz they didn`t educate you well enough. hahahaha

Obviously your so-called "tolerance" of others has extreme limits.

Yes, my tolerance ends when rightards openly call for a civil war when they can go on a murdering spree.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
16 Nov 2020   #286
Why else did PiS get a second term from genuinely decent Polish voters?

Let's not forget that they lost the Senate.

By the way, pawian is perhaps a textbook Pole: patriotic, hard working and deeply committed to his family and work.

You? Let's hear your contribution to Poland. Writing in English on an internet forum visited by barely anyone hardly counts.
Joker  2 | 2390
16 Nov 2020   #287
dream of unleashing a civil war and murdering their opponents.

Youre clearly delusional. Keep playing the race card, you look like a total fool.
Poloniusz  5 | 970
16 Nov 2020   #288
Let's not forget that they lost the Senate.

It just goes to show that Poland is a functioning democracy unlike your British homeland.

pawian is perhaps textbook

Perhaps but not quite actually.

Patriotic? Nope. He is an embarrassing communist has-been who is still brainwashed into thinking that 11.11 celebrations are fascist.

Hard working? Ha! He claims to be a teacher! So let's quote one of your dead British playwrights: "Those who can, do; those who can't, teach."

Though I do imagine that he still does more than you especially during the pandemic. After all, what good are you as a classroom assistant whose career has been laying out notebooks and pens and chaperoning children on toilet breaks now that they are safe at home with classes being held via e-learning?

Deeply committed? Only when it comes to posting on PF - daily and at all hours. I don't see where family and work can possibly fit into his online posting schedule.

Writing in English on an internet forum visited by barely anyone hardly counts.

That's been the sad story of your life, sunshine. Since 2008 and nearly 20,000 posts later.
moondoggie  - | 26
16 Nov 2020   #289
those who cant - teach
those who can't teach- teach English
pawian  224 | 27236
16 Nov 2020   #290
you look like a total fool.

Do you really get a live vision/ sight of me while we exchange posts??? That is amazing.

teach English

I teach English for money. But whenever I can, I teach History, which is my obsession coz I am natural-born Alcybiades. Of course, this allusion has been wasted on all morons who don`t know Polish culture.
moondoggie  - | 26
16 Nov 2020   #291
how can you know Polish culture if you are not even Polish? You would say a Pole can never understand Israeli culture? Make aliyah Pawian, your ultra tolerant homeland with no fascists is calling you
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
16 Nov 2020   #292
you are not even Polish

If you talking about Pawian then he is Polish as a Polak can get,I do hate foreigners teaching English in a non English speaking country but a Polak teaching English to Polaks I respect.
Crow  154 | 9463
17 Nov 2020   #293
New European Council's report: "Poland oasis of racism, xenophobia and homophobia" ...

Poland should reply: "Yea, just we expel Vatican and we are fine"

Imagine scandal in Brussels and Rome. Pope`s eyes would jump out of his eyeball sockets. "ME??? To lose control? Look you stupid Brussels what have you done to me. You enraged Poles and they already were on the verge."
Ironside  50 | 12916
17 Nov 2020   #294
Brussels and Rome.

Go take you meds, In Brussels they have Marx.
17 Nov 2020   #295
Tolerance colors? Little children must be offended as those colors symbolized childhood before LGBT people stole them.
Crow  154 | 9463
17 Nov 2020   #296
Go take you meds, In Brussels they have Marx.

Ironically, this Pope Francis seams to be nice man. Not evil as some previous, like Borgia or our brother in Christ Benedict, for example.

Tell me Irone, my tribesman, fanatic as you are, do you fear more from Vatican or from Brussels? Who can harm Poland more if Poland try to outmaneuver it?
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
17 Nov 2020   #297
But that scum shouldn`t be considered typical Poles. They are a pathetic minority.

Fact: over 80% of Poles are against expanding LGBT rights like gay adoption and 3/4 of Poles are against turd world immigration.

In fact, right now there's a bill to ban pride parades all together. Hopefully it passes, but even if it doesn't every year the fags will get beaten up and have bricks thrown at them. Most Poles don't like pedaly - miejsce pedala jest pod butem
pawian  224 | 27236
17 Nov 2020   #298
Fact: over 80% of Poles are against expanding LGBT rights like gay adoption

Dirk, I see you are an amazingly diligent student of mine. So far you have claimed that 80% Poles are against LGBT in general. Now, after my explanations, you limited it to gay adoption. Very well, let it be.

I am really proud of you. Students like you provide me with that wonderful feeling of reward for all my efforts. Thanks to you I am going to carry on with my vocation as long as possible. Coz I know you need me.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
17 Nov 2020   #299
Funny how the European council (Germany ) accuses Poland, while Germany itself is still allow hotbeds for Nazis, Entire villages in fact.

Don't think you would find such villages in Poland, If you do let me know.
Tacitus  2 | 1264
17 Nov 2020   #300
Well, that is the difference. In Germany you have a few isolated villages. In Poland you have 1/3 of the country proudly displaying homophobia.

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