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NATO expansion in northern Europe - great news for Poland

pawian  226 | 27817
28 Jun 2022   #1
Excellent. Turkey has just given the green light to Sweden and Finland membership in NATO.

In this way the Baltic Sea will become the inner lake surrounded by NATO countries, with one exception of Russian Kaliningrad. Check the map below.

How will Poland benefit?

Primarily, the Polish coast will be protected better against the Russian attack from Kaliningrad where Russians keep formidable Baltic Fleet. Right now the Polish navy is the most neglected part of Polish armed forces. E.g. we have only one old submarine. Swedish and Finish navies are much stronger.

Here is the list of Russian Baltic Fleet ships

Sovremennyy-class destroyer (1 in prolonged refit)
Neustrashimyy-class frigate (2)
Steregushchiy-class multi-role corvette (4)
Buyan-M-class corvette (2)
Karakurt-class corvette (3)
Tarantul-class corvette (6)
Nanuchka-class corvette (4)
Parchim-class corvette (6)
Kilo-class submarine (1 assigned unit as of 2020)
The Baltic Fleet also includes patrol vessels, minehunters, amphibious ships and support vessels.

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jon357  72 | 23654
28 Jun 2022   #2
Lovely news.

Putler must be seething with impotent rage.

Hopefully it will kill him.
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
28 Jun 2022   #3
Excellent. Turkey has just given the green light to Sweden and Finland membership in NATO

Swedish and Finnish military are also excellent.

Hopefully it will kill him

We all live in hope!
OP pawian  226 | 27817
28 Jun 2022   #4
Here is the list of Russian Baltic Fleet ships

Polish navy possesses:
two frigates
two corvettes
three small missile ships
one submarine
a few mine hunters
a few landing ships

So, it is clear that Russians have a much bigger fleet in the Baltic. However, they will lose that advantage when Sweden and Finland join NATO.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11960
28 Jun 2022   #5
Excellent. Turkey has just given the green light

I wonder what Erdogan got for that.....

But yes, if that invasion had the goal to weaken NATO that was an own goal of epic proportions!
OP pawian  226 | 27817
28 Jun 2022   #6
I wonder what Erdogan got for that.....

Probably the two candidate countries promised to stop inviting and accommodating Kurdish militants. Those who are already in there may stay.

Lovely news.

I checked a bigger map. Practically, the whole Europe belongs to NATO, except a few countries. Amazing. Those Russians....... they have an incredible influence over European countries and nations` choices ........ :):):)

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Lyzko  44 | 9723
28 Jun 2022   #7
Geopolitically, perhaps you might explain why Sweden and Finland joining NATO would be to Poland's advantage.
Crow  155 | 9699
28 Jun 2022   #8
NATO expansion in northern Europe - great news for Poland

Quite idiotic news and topis as well. NATO to win with Poles and Poland in the first line. Like Ukraine?

Here is the list of Russian Baltic Fleet ships

And this is exceptionally idiotic. You presume to have list of Russian Baltic fleet. A public list.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11960
28 Jun 2022   #9
Probably the two candidate countries promised to stop inviting and accommodating Kurdish militants.

That alone wouldn't be to bad....

Cool map! So much blue :)
OP pawian  226 | 27817
28 Jun 2022   #10
Geopolitically, perhaps you might explain

The Baltic Sea is going to become the inner lake of NATO countries. Russians will have to build more ships and military infrastructure in the region to counterweigh the new countries` military contribution. That is going to cost the Kremlin a lot of money and will further impoverish the Russian society. Besides, with sanctions working, especially on advanced technology, they won`t be able to do it for years.

In result, the risk of Russian attack in the Baltic region is going to diminish substantially.
Are you satisfied? :):):)

Cool map! So much blue :)

Yes, I was also positively surprised seeing it. :):)

list of Russian Baltic fleet. A public list.

Yes, it is public coz you don`t suppose that Russians are hiding their best ships underwater or underground so that nobody can see? :):):)
Lyzko  44 | 9723
28 Jun 2022   #11
Much appreciated, Pawian.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
28 Jun 2022   #12
Much appreciated

It is not all. :):)

Swedish and Finnish air forces are quite strong. If Russians attack any Baltic state, e.g, Lithuania, new members will send their planes against Russian targets and aircraft.

Swedish air force possesses 70 Gripen modern fighter planes (and the next 60 ordered), while the Fins have 55 F-18 and ordered 64 F-35.

Let me remind you that Poland has 48 modern F-16 fighters and ordered 34 F-35.
Tacitus  2 | 1269
28 Jun 2022   #13
Very interesting. Suddenly the Baltic states are in a completely different situation. Russia is now unlikely to achieve quick air or sea superiority in case of an invasion, and they would have to hold back significant forces for the defense of St. Petersburg.
Crow  155 | 9699
29 Jun 2022   #14
About NATO in parliament of Poland

Back in 1999 in Polish parliament, Jan Lopuszanski from Catholic right-wing group, defending Serbs to whom are Poles historically and ethnically connected, made his explicit warning: /citation/ ``If, today, NATO's putative right to be a judge of other nations and their governments and to enforce these decisions by way of violence is recognized, this right may tomorrow be directed against any nation in the world, Poland included.``

Source: Eastern Europe After Kosovo, Splintered Unity: Polish Politics and the Crisis
by Konstanty Gebert
OP pawian  226 | 27817
29 Jun 2022   #15
Jan Lopuszanski from Catholic right-wing group,

Yes, a group which opposed NATO and EU membership. Poles judged them as madmen. Łopuszański ran for president in 2000 and got 0.79% votes. With such low support, they soon stopped participating in any elections

Today they are non existent in the media. Thanks God. Those fanatic catholics are a real nuisance for Poland. :):)
johnny reb  49 | 8003
29 Jun 2022   #16
Christianity sure does stand in the way of the new norm dunnit.
In fact it stands in the way of all sin.
Can you imagine what little of this world is left without it ?
I think that now the Scandanavian countries have joined NATO that the EU is strong enough that they can go it on their own without relying on their big brother the Great United States of America for their security blanket anymore to hide behind.
29 Jun 2022   #17
Hopefully it will kill him.

For sure we're having a party when Putin dies.
RussianAntiPutin  6 | 209
29 Jun 2022   #18
jon357- Hopefully it will kill him

I hope so! 🙏🙏🙏
Crow  155 | 9699
29 Jun 2022   #19
Those fanatic catholics are a real nuisance for Poland. :):)

Problem isn`t in Catholicism. Vatican and Papacy are problem same as that acolyte of theirs Patriarch of Constantinople and their friend English Anglo High Priest Prince.
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
29 Jun 2022   #20

As usual,your post makes no sense at all.
Crow  155 | 9699
1 Jul 2022   #21
What exactly you can`t understand?
Novichok  4 | 8682
1 Jul 2022   #22
Crow, you are assuming that other posters know what you know. That is not the case here.
Terse works only when all participants are equally well informed. Also, skip metaphors.
Crow  155 | 9699
1 Jul 2022   #23
Dobri brate, I have problem to reduce myself on that level. I giving my best but I see its too hard.

Take this. See, from all African countries only 2 (two) accepted initiative of EU and USA about Zelenski visit African countries and talk in their parliaments. So only 2 African countries accepted. Tell me brate i prijatelju, how one needs to be stupid not to see that entire so called west losing its position in the world when even African countries shows resistance.

Then also, only BRICS is 42 % of humanity. Those who refused sanctions to Russia are 80 % of humanity in total. What else needs to be said. What else, dobri moj.

But haters still coming. They simple refuse to think.
Novichok  4 | 8682
1 Jul 2022   #24
So only 2 African countries accepted.

Those who refused sanctions to Russia are 80 % of humanity in total.

That's all you need to post.
NATO is cancer and it needs to spread.
Crow  155 | 9699
1 Jul 2022   #25
And it needs to be stooped. And is being stooped.
Alien  26 | 6527
1 Jul 2022   #26
Stopped at Ural Mountains.⛔
Paulina  19 | 4556
1 Jul 2022   #27
NATO is cancer and it needs to spread.

No, noone wants to have cancer. Noone willingly invites cancer into one's body. So, in case of Ukraine your metaphor describes Russia, not NATO. Russia is the unwanted cancer that tries to spread all over one's body once it gets a foothold inside.
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
1 Jul 2022   #28
Russia is the unwanted cancer that tries to spread

I really can't understand why Rich does.not get this.

Hopefully, Putin's own cancer will end this war.
Novichok  4 | 8682
2 Jul 2022   #29
So, in the case of Ukraine, your metaphor describes Russia, not NATO.

I don't give a fu*ck about NATO or you, Eurons.

My concern is about the US and the risks it takes on by adding more sh*itholes to the snake's list.

Way back, the US would have to be attacked directly as it was in PH to enter a war. Today, because of the cancer of NATO, it would take a minor conflict between Russia and some crappy Baltic patch of land or Poland to compel the US to put its very existence on the line because of that idiotic Article 5.

Moronic is not enough to describe this arrangement and it sure looks like somebody didn't think things through.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
2 Jul 2022   #30
Russia is the unwanted cancer

Bu.... bu..... bull........ Bullseye!!

My concern is about the US and the risks it takes

That`s the fate of a global superpower which opposes rogue states. If you moved from Poland to Nigeria or Gabon 50 years ago, you wouldn`t have such problems today. It was your mistake you moved to the US. Now you can blame only yourself. Ha!

why Rich does.not get this.

Attention seekers work in different style. :):):)

Home / News / NATO expansion in northern Europe - great news for Poland

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