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Multi-culti (in Poland) -- roadmap to disaster?

TheMan - | 56
19 Aug 2011 #241
it's basically importing in people who are highly prone to: violence; theft; vandalism; drug trafficking; prostitution; cultural seclusion; oh yeah sitting around and collecting government cheques

Strange that's the very same thing I see Poles doing in cities all over the UK. All you can do is set a criteria for allowing people into a country, if it's too permissive you'll get every man and his dog, if it's not working raise the bar.

Those "immigrant communities" are not the norm or the ideal, they're just the cheap places where the less well-to-do/less desirables can afford to live which in turn drives prices down making it more affordable to those just off the boat (chicken and egg scenario). Personally, I'm not a fan of these communities as they are insular and do not encourage integration of any sort (All nationalities are guilty of it)

Most of the Nigerians I know are from religious, two parent families and apart from some born and raised in suburbia (they have all white mates), never get into any trouble. So I always recommend, don't take you sample demographic from the hood. I walk through some parts of the UK at night and the polaks look just as likely if not more to start something than the other residents of these "immigrant communities".

I can't tell you how to fix Africa, but let's not over simplify it by saying they just want an "easy" life. Maybe an easier life, cos not getting shot by the police on the way to the shops (true story) seems like something you'd expect in any country but then not being able to find paying work when you are even willing to work in a toilet must be hard too.

Let's not forget, some on this forum left their own countries for an easy life in Poland, but cos they're EU nationals (fluke of birth) they've somehow contributed positively to Poland and the EU.... Let's not generalise too much, cos I bet for every waster of African origin you personally know, I know one that's an asset. But the only ones that make a good news story are the ones scamming, stealing or drug trafficking.
f stop 25 | 2,503
19 Aug 2011 #242
Ahh.. the Savages threatening the Brave New World.
legend 3 | 659
19 Aug 2011 #243
OK, Joe, now imagine, if you can, that you were born in Nigeria. What would be your plan?

Go to America and Canada where there is already a cluster melting pot.
Maybe theyll find some friends in New York, Chicago or Toronto.
Foreigner4 12 | 1,768
19 Aug 2011 #244
Strange that's the very same thing I see Poles doing in cities all over the UK.

So Polish trepidation towards liberal immigration policies would mean Poles are guilty of learning from the mistakes made by administrations abroad. That may land them accusations of hypocrisy but by the same token, accusations of being smart.

Everyone wants an easier life where ever they are. Natives of the land do too. How have the lives of native Englanders been made easier from the immigration policies their leaders have passed?

I'm more than willing to keep up the generalizing when it comes to European immigration because I have the advantage of being able to point to the preponderance of insular neighborhoods that have high percentages of 1st and 2nd generation immigrants that, as it turns out, are sh*t holes- high crime, dirty, highly dependent on government handouts. Why would I give up such an advantage in making my case?

Poles are from the E.U. and E.U. nationals can come to Poland any time they like. I don't know why we're examining the behaviour of Poles abroad as anything except a strong indication as to how utterly irresponsible and insensitive to the electorate it is for governments to allow such policies to come to fruition in the first place.
joepilsudski 26 | 1,388
19 Aug 2011 #245
Go to America and Canada where there is already a cluster melting pot.

America is a cluster f**k.

Poles are from the E.U. and E.U. nationals can come to Poland any time they like. I don't know why we're examining the behaviour of Poles abroad as anything except a strong indication as to how utterly irresponsible and insensitive to the electorate it is for governments to allow such policies to come to fruition in the first place.

Good point.
legend 3 | 659
19 Aug 2011 #246
Thats essentially what I meant just refrained from putting that part in :)
f stop 25 | 2,503
19 Aug 2011 #247
America is a cluster f**k.

really? You must have seen a lot of it.. And all those immigrants, integrating, must have really ticked you off.
joepilsudski 26 | 1,388
20 Aug 2011 #248
I live in a big city in America...The neighborhood I work in is about 75% immigrant, mostly Latino, with some Blacks from the Caribbean, a few Eastern Europeans & Russians, and some Muslims from Pakistan, Palestine & other Arab countries...Most are decent, but the first thing most do is apply for welfare and other social benefits, even though their sponsors sign immigration forms stating that they will not apply for these benefits...And many are illegals...We have many Asians, too.

They don't INTEGRATE except for grasping for the American dollar...First phrase an immigrant learns here is 'PIN number'...And many reproduce like rabbits...It changes the nature of the community for the worse in many ways...I'm writing an essay about this particular neighborhood and it's history and transformation on my website: I will post the link when I finish part 2.
TheMan - | 56
21 Aug 2011 #249
The neighborhood I work in is about 75% immigrant

Unless this was all in a Chakchiuma village, then it is more like 99.9983% immigrant. Even the "locals" are immigrants. Maybe not 1st or 2nd Gen, but let's remember everyone had a time they were considered outsides.... within recent history too
f stop 25 | 2,503
21 Aug 2011 #250
That's why dividing people into immigrants and citizens is so misguided. Divide them into hardworking people vs. bums. Honest people vs. criminal element. Heads vs. squares. Beatles vs. Stones. Er.. scratch that.

Last night I tried to have a light conversation with some silly girls that believe that the way the stars looked from Earth on the day they were born, determined their personality and who they will marry. Discrimination makes just as much sense to me as astrology.
Wroclaw Boy
21 Aug 2011 #251
Last night I tried to have a light conversation with some silly girls that believe that the way the stars looked from Earth on the day they were born, determined their personality and who they will marry. Discrimination makes just as much sense to me as astrology.

Heh, did you act all interested like. I popped into a local pub yesterday just for one pint and there were some real ruff guys all talking cockney slang, i was like, i just cant be dealing with this anymore.... it hurt my ears. Friggen neanderthals.

Must be getting old.
f stop 25 | 2,503
21 Aug 2011 #252
Heh, did you act all interested like.

I pretended I had something to attend to before I became snarky.
I have a few engineer guy friends, smart, ambitious, socially inept dorks, with toys galore (airplanes, Porshes) but it's really hard to find sane, decent looking girls for them, especially in Florida. They're just bred here to catch a husband... and decent looking ones want a hot looking muscle guys. The Russian brides option is looking better and better. Hey, maybe I should send them for a vacation to Poland!

(Oh, lol, one of the girls wanted to know if this joke was in bad taste: Amy Winehouse has been sober for almost a month.)
TheMan - | 56
21 Aug 2011 #253
Amy Winehouse has been sober for almost a month.)

Loving it

there were some real ruff guys all talking cockney slang, i was like, i just cant be dealing with this anymore.... it hurt my ears

I walked past someone with the strongest cockney accent ever and even though I was at least 6 feet away from him I had to check my wallet was still there, he sounded so dodgy I thought he'd conned me out of my money just by being within earshot of him :)
Foreigner4 12 | 1,768
21 Aug 2011 #254
Discrimination makes just as much sense to me as astrology.

It does seem you hold the word "discrimination" and the term "conservative immigration" to be synonymous.
Immigration policies act to generalize whether one likes it or not.
Liberal immigration policies tend to float adrift in a sea of naivety towards how immigrants will live if given the option of living off the work of others. But on the flip side it provides more government for case officers and those in social assistance.
f stop 25 | 2,503
21 Aug 2011 #255
Liberal immigration policies tend to float adrift in a sea of naivety towards how immigrants will live

lol Only to those who were lucky enough to have their parents immigrate, so they can became poets. ;)
joepilsudski 26 | 1,388
23 Aug 2011 #256
Unless this was all in a Chakchiuma village, then it is more like 99.9983% immigrant. Even the "locals" are immigrants. Maybe not 1st or 2nd Gen, but let's remember everyone had a time they were considered outsides.... within recent history too

Please, this is more liberal nonsense...When the earlier generations of European immigrants came to the US, America was still a vast open space that needed people to develop it, and the economy was in a stage where it was ready for almost unlimited growth.

Today, the economy is in a serious period of decline, both due to structural problems, and the greedy shysters on Wall Street and in the financial sector who have bled us dry....We cannot support mass immigration of unskilled, or even skilled workers, because our own economy cannot support American workers...In addition, most immigrants are from 'third world' type economies and cultures, and do not understand, or want to integrate with the American culture constructed by the earlier generations of immigrants...They want money, pure and simple, and the economy here should address the needs of Americans who have been here for generations, not newcomers from Africa and Latin America...I have no desire for a 'Black or Brown Planet', else i would move to Africa.

When I hear statements like this from white liberals, I think of all the white liberals who wrung their hands over 'segregation' in the US, but were the first to abandon their neighborhoods when ignorant and violent blacks moved in...When it affects you, you change your tune...Better to be honest from jump, then maybe real problems can be addressed.
modafinil - | 416
23 Aug 2011 #257
...We cannot support mass immigration of unskilled, or even skilled workers, because our own economy cannot support American workers...

Substitute 'America' with 'UK' and 'third world' with 'Poland' ...
TheMan - | 56
23 Aug 2011 #258
should address the needs of Americans who have been here for generations, not newcomers from Africa and Latin America

Unless you personally believe you are going to live for more than one generation, I don't thikn there is ANY american that has been there for generations. If you mean that the government should favour a family more because their great grandfather helped make the liberty bell how is that going to work exactly?

Now if you mean the welfare system should not work to make it easy/more beneficial for anyone on welfare to stay out of work than to work then I'm with you. The only thing I'm not a fan of is you banging on about becoming a brown nation... Something you want to get off you mind?

....What if all the middleclass Black families decided to start having 10 kids each and not having a single one on welfare. Would you have a problem with that? It would result in a brown country but they wouldn't be a drain, wouldn't it be acceptable apart from your general disapproval, of course.
isthatu2 4 | 2,694
24 Aug 2011 #259
great grandfather helped make the liberty bell

The liberty bell was made in London :)
BTW, Ive an appointment with my GP tommorow, a Nigerian chappie,the best,most dilegent and darnright friendly GP Ive had since the mad aussie who saw me as a child at deaths door:)
f stop 25 | 2,503
24 Aug 2011 #260
We cannot support mass immigration of unskilled, or even skilled workers, because our own economy cannot support ..

you know, Mary and Joseph were those unskilled immigrants, too..
People are always going to move around.
That's the price for your own freedom, also. Take care of your own kids, and raise them well.
Foreigner4 12 | 1,768
24 Aug 2011 #261
.What if all the middleclass Black families decided to start having 10 kids each and not having a single one on welfare.

Yeah, what if?
Until that happens though...
f stop 25 | 2,503
26 Aug 2011 #262
The HORROR! The only thing left to do is to kill yourself.
isthatu2 4 | 2,694
26 Aug 2011 #263
you know, Mary and Joseph were those unskilled immigrants, too..

Funny,I thought he was a highly skilled carpenter....:)
Mind,I imagine a couple of locals in bethlehem would have a hard enough job these days even getting out of town,never mind across the Eygiptian border.......
joepilsudski 26 | 1,388
26 Aug 2011 #264
'Multi-Cul' and massive immigration are kind of like Wal-Mart...When a Wal-Mart moves into a small community, or even into a big city, it offers cheap imported goods at low prices, in an environment that many shoppers find convenient, and, on the surface, attractive...But what happens then?...The smaller stores are driven out of business because they cannot compete, as consumer dollars are finite...Thus, the local economy suffers and is sometimes destroyed...And, since Wal-Mart imports almost all goods from places like China, suppliers and other businesses in the economic chain in the native country are negatively impacted.

Massive immigration the same...It causes dislocation of natives, and, since immigrants will work at cheaper rates, especially if they are illegal, wages are driven down, causing more economic chaos...

The same happens culturally and in the housing market...Immigrants tend to live around other immigrants, and a kind of 'ghettoization' takes place, causing more dislocation...If one is rich, all these effects are not so negative, as you have the money to move, or insulate yourself from the problems caused by mass dislocation...If you are working class or poor, you must face the music in your community, and try to cope with the effects.

This can be seen in all the large US cities, and in the UK, and in France.
Foreigner4 12 | 1,768
26 Aug 2011 #265
^You are completely correct on this matter. Yet there are some (many) who will refuse to accept that you are correct because it would force them to reassess the angle they've bought into regarding race, political correctness and how badly they've allowed themselves to be misled. They'd rather continue being dead wrong than face the fact that liberal immigration policies don't work for the host nation (and by "liberal" I don't mean by name only).

It's interesting you used Wall-Mart as your comparison because, sadly, it is guiltless western consumption that adds to the destitute life someone in the 3rd world must live in.

Shop local, buy local and support your civic, regional and national economies! This will pay dividends for your children and grandchildren.
joepilsudski 26 | 1,388
26 Aug 2011 #266
Only thing I can add is that this isn't about race, but letting strangers, who don't understand you, or care to, come and take over your home...Nobody with any sense would allow this to happen.
vato loco - | 15
27 Aug 2011 #267
I was born & raised in a large, diverse American city and have always been a minority (so has everyone else actually). And guess what? It's not that bad. We have our problems, of course, but overall steady, controlled immigration brings many positives to our society. Plus, the food is better.

I don't think there's much of a chance of immigrant hordes overwhelming Poland. It's just not a magnet for migrants. But a little color wouldn't hurt either.
f stop 25 | 2,503
27 Aug 2011 #268
But a little color wouldn't hurt either.

and in many cases the immigrants work harder at being good citizens than the self righteous a$$holes that think they are entitled to preferential treatment no matter what they do.
southern 74 | 7,074
27 Aug 2011 #269
Color means decline.I see it here everyday.Whole regions have been downgraded and prices dropped.It has become even dangerous to come out.Colored have different habits.They hang around on pavements outside their homes.When a girl passes by they make kisses in the air.Very different culture.

On the other hand slavic immigrants improve the envirinment significantly by their appearance contribution.It is the whitening effct.
joepilsudski 26 | 1,388
27 Aug 2011 #270
Blacks are seven times more likely than people of other races to commit murder, and eight times more likely to commit robbery.

Blacks are three times more likely to use a hand gun, and twice more likely to use a knife.

Hispanics commit three times more violent crimes than whites, but the statistics are nebulous because sometimes they are classified as white, so it could be far higher.

The best indicator of violent crime levels in an area is the percent of the population that is black and Hispanic.

Blacks are 39 times more likely to commit a violent crime against whites then vice versa, and 136 times more likely to commit a robbery.

Forty-five percent of black crime is against whites, 43 against other blacks, and 10 percent against Hispanic.

Home / News / Multi-culti (in Poland) -- roadmap to disaster?