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Kukiz and Petru - newly emerging political stage in Poland

JollyRomek  6 | 457
3 Jun 2015   #31
that life is going to get a lot more difficult for them when PiS wins.

In what way would life for EU citizens become more difficult?

Poland is what it is and does need the E.U.

I assume you wanted to say "does not need" but seeing how you just fail at everything you try to tell us here, I guess you missed the small word "not".

Well johnny, do you know the country Moldova? Let me help you because I know you Americans don't get too much of geographical education. Moldova is not a region of France or the capital of Spain, Moldova is a country next to Romania and Ukraine. Some people call it the "Somalia of Europe".

Without the EU, Poland might be just as advanced as Moldova is today. As a foreigner living in Poland I can not see anything wrong with Poland having joined the European Union. And, seeing that I am from Berlin and know Poland very well since I was of very young age due it's close proximity to Berlin, I can only see major improvements since Poland has joined the EU.

Do you have any examples or would you be able to elaborate as to why you believe Poland would be better off without the EU? I assume that it would be difficult for you seeing that you have never been here, never will be and in general just repeat things you read on some blogs. But please try.

The Polish people knows what has worked best in the past

As far as I know the Polish people tried to get rid of "what worked in the past". There were even mass protests etc. Something your favourite Oprah may not pick on a daily basis but yes, Poles are not too fond of the past........

Pawel Kukiz who is very popular with the younger Poles

Did you read that on the conspiracy theory blogs you usually quote from? How would you know what young Poles want if you have never been here?
jon357  72 | 23361
3 Jun 2015   #32
It would however be a surprise to everyone in Poland if he "pulled it out". Interesting that you mention

corruption of the PO

- I wonder if you can give examples and explain how

corruption of the PO

differs from the endemic corruption within PiS or explain how and why corruption levels have fallen since PiS were kicked out ?

The Polish people knows what has worked best in the past and are going to keep it that way

Indeed. What worked best in the past was not voting for that shower and after they crept in by the back door, dumping them as soon as possible.

This thread is wandering to a different discussion - get back on topic about Kukiz and Petru
gumishu  15 | 6227
4 Jun 2015   #33
One thing that I did like about the old PiS regime is the way so many ordinary people mobilised against it in order to vote

young people were manipulated by the pedagogy of shame - now young people see the fruits of the 8 years of PO government and act accordingly

the endemic corruption within PiS

you want examples of corruption in PO - afera hazardowa, afera autostradowa, afera stoczniowa, afera stadionowa, afera taśmowa, afera Ambergold, afera informatyczna, afera gazoportowa

now give me examples of 'endemic' corruption within PiS

why corruption levels have fallen since PiS were kicked out ?

corruption levels haven't fallen, the services which are supposed to fight the corruption turned deaf and blind
jon357  72 | 23361
4 Jun 2015   #34
Nope, corruption figures don't depend on internal stats - Poland has become a far better place to do business or deal with public officials since the short-lived PiSuar regime was booted out.

As they wither away naturally hopefully some of the gangsters and shysters in the small town PiSuar local structures will find their opportunities for dishonesty curtailed.

Kukiz would not be the one to get anywhere with this. Petru is a much better bet.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
4 Jun 2015   #35
do business

It's a toss-up whether public ofificials or the business sector are more corrupt. Remember: there is no such thing as a corrupt politician or crooked businessman -- only stupid ones dumb enough to get caught!
gumishu  15 | 6227
4 Jun 2015   #36
there is no such thing as a corrupt politician or crooked businessman -- only stupid ones dumb enough to get caught!

so you also don't believe in PiS integrity??? I thought you were a supporter :P
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
4 Jun 2015   #37
PiS is the lesser of two evils. Both major parties, like most parties everywhere, mainly want to get to the feeding trough and stay there as long as they can. When their stuffed and can tuck in no more they hightail it off to a cushy chairmanship in Brussels.

Waiting ot see what Kukiz represents. Will he be like the pigs in "Animal Farm". Once they got into power they became just as vile as their former oppressor.

One would think that a rock musician might well represent a decadent/libertine and irreligious aberration, but Kukiz is a family man so I'm waiting to see what his stand on various issues is.

Petru is a much better bet

As a big Petru fan you'll be interested to know that today (11 Sept 2016) Petru said on TVN (where else?) more or less: We are going to push the wreckers (szkodnicy) out of office. When we win the election, we will put Duda and Szydło before the State Tribunal. (LOL)

The bloke is either raving mad or hasn't been following .N's public-support polls.
smurf  38 | 1940
11 Sep 2016   #38
When we win the election, we will put Duda and Szydło before the State Tribunal.

Excellent, can't wait
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
11 Sep 2016   #39
can't wait

Sooner Petru will get pushed out of the poltical arena by the Polish voter. His support has been inching down towards the 5% threshold. Another flash in the pan like Palikot.
mafketis  38 | 11137
11 Sep 2016   #40
Sooner Petru will get pushed out of the poltical arena

Leaving one true party in total power! Just like your good old days in the PRL!
11 Sep 2016   #41
When we win the election, we will put Duda and Szydło before the State Tribunal

Always good to know that criminals will be punished. But I won't be in the slightest bit surprised if both the ' prime minister' and that cat Duda are offered plea bargains in exchange for their testimony against their boss, the man who publicly says that he is the "real actual leader", Chairman Kaczynski. Unlike his volunteering to prosecute dissidents during the commie era, ordering his minions to ignore court rulings is a crime.
smurf  38 | 1940
11 Sep 2016   #42
His support has been inching down towards the 5% threshold

I really don't understand the need for that rule, I think it's pretty stupid.
How can you have a proper democracy if you can't have independent politicians in parliament.....oh wait, for a second I forgot where I was living :D :D :D
Wulkan  - | 3136
11 Sep 2016   #43
When we win the election, we will put Duda and Szydło before the State Tribunal.

hehe, you will see them just Like Komorowski and Donald Tusk. They've never been before the State Tribunal nor will be Szydlo and Duda. Petru can talk his empty promises like he always did.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
11 Sep 2016   #44
Leaving one true party in total power!

Voters' choice! The Polish nation has spoken! Whether the losers, ne'er-do-wells and badmouthers like it or not!


I wonder if you all noticed how a few days ago Petru went on television to appeal to every Pole to pledge a "mere" 10 złots a month to his party. It is needed to derail the current government, according to him.

Really cheap and tacky! Especially coming from a well-to-do banker!

volunteering to prosecute dissidents

THE SAME HARRYESQUE LIE!!! No proof, no facts, just mean-spirited insinuations like your "state property at knock-down prices".
11 Sep 2016   #45

Even Chairman Kaczynski's own brother wrote about their application to become prosecutors during the commie era. It's a fact that no amount of insults or abuse from you will ever change. Personally I'd like to see Petru making more of this fact, mention it often to remind everybody what kind of person Chairman Kaczynski is.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
11 Sep 2016   #46
"their application to become prosecutors during the commie era"

So what people became farmers teachers and parents "During the commie era" Just because someone took a job as a judge teacher or soldier (As my cousin did) does not necessarily mean that they oppressed and abused the the polish population at large, each persons actions during that time should be judged on an individual basis , so pray tell me what the Kaczynski's did that caused any mortal harm to Poland or it's people , It amazes me how people who do not understand the complexity living under a oppressive foreign occupation, in those days you did your best to survive as best you could and with gods help you tried to help you countrymen, and in your heart remain true to Poland.

Harry never lived in the days of occupation , because I am sure that in his mind he would have single handed other-thrown the Russian regime Rambo Style ,just like the movies , but sadly the real world does not work like that.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
12 Sep 2016   #47
application to become prosecutors d

So you condemn all judges, prosecutors, lawyers and other judicial types because POTENTIALLY THEY MIGHT HAVE PROSECUTRED AN ANTI-COMMUNIST. In a totalitarian system doctors could be pressured to give lethal injections to enemies of the regimes, issue death certificates with what the regime wanted written there, intentionally misdiagnose an illness, etc., etc., so do you all condemn all doctors living under communism? But we hear nary a peep from you about the blood-dripping Michnik family and the ex-commie-riddled KOD group. They are very much relevant and not off-topic becuase they show you up for the biased bigot you really are.

single handed other-thrown the Russian regime

Not in the least. Under communism he could have finally gives free rein to his inherent snitching instincts and would have probably become one of the regime's star TWs. That is if he finally learnt some decent Polish.

what kind of person Chairman Kaczynski is.

It's spelt Kaczyński with the accented "n". Not only your beloved Anglo-jabber has its rules!
Kaczyński is Poland's wisest and most influential senior statesman, an astute tactician and strategist able to see the big picture -- Poland and the Polish nation. His predecessors were content to cater to their cronies and other fellow-clique members with little regard for the rest of the country. He is now pursing a bold plan to reform the country and undo the wrongs of the past. Many people these days are saying that communism did not end in 1989 but in October 2015 when the good-change party came to power.
mafketis  38 | 11137
12 Sep 2016   #48
It's spelt Kaczyński with the accented "n". Not only your beloved Anglo-jabber has its rules!

The n-acute is not required in English.

Kaczyński is Poland's wisest and most influential senior statesman
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
12 Sep 2016   #49
not required

Not of ignoramuses, but actually most Anglos are not intellectual giants, are they?
In Anglo-jabber or any other langauge foreign expressions or names should be spelt correctly, and so: café, coup d'état, Pétain, François Hollande, der Führer, Škoda, piñata, José, Curaçao, Orbán, Dubček, etc. And therefore also Piłsudski and his great admirer Kaczyński, pre-war President Mościcki and the odious Gomułka....
Atch  22 | 4299
12 Sep 2016   #50

Polly it's simply ridiculous to hear you referring to English as Anglo-Jabber especially when it's your native language as much as Polish.

Now having said that, I agree that Polish deserves to keep its diacritics just as Irish does. We are beginning to see them disappearing as people drop the 'fadas' from tneir names in order to make them easier for foreigners to deal with. I don't agree with that at all. Here's an interesting and rather amusing discussion (in Irish with subtitles) which could apply equally to Polish. It's only four minutes long.

I even know a second generation Polish woman in Ireland (in her mid thirties) who can't pronounce her own surname properly, stumbles over it when she attempts to say it and wha's worse, doesn't care! Mr Atch was disgusted and despairing. He still talks about it!

The n-acute is not required in English.

But it's not an English surname and unless you anglicize it completely and translate it (something to with ducks isn't it??) then I feel the accent should be retained.
12 Sep 2016   #51
So what people became farmers teachers and parents "During the commie era" Just because someone took a job as a judge teacher or soldier (As my cousin did) does not necessarily mean that they oppressed and abused the the polish population at large

No, it doesn't mean that. But a man who volunteered to prosecute dissidents (and all other 'criminals' in the eyes of the commies) volunteered to oppress Polish people. Chairman Kaczynski volunteered to become a public prosecutor, to prosecute 'criminals', as his brother makes crystal clear on page 92 of the storming good Alfabet braci Kaczyńskich. I really do not know why Kukiz and Petru don't make more of this disgusting part of his past, although of course PIS have made it clear that merely having prosecuted dissidents is no barrier to getting a good job once one has shown one's loyalty to the new Party, see, for example, Stan Piotrowicz, who prosecuted people for crimes such as distributing Solidarnosc newspapers.

Under communism he could have finally gives free rein to his inherent snitching instincts and would have probably become one of the regime's star TWs.

Can a moderator advise is that is off-topic ad hom trolling or whether it can be replied to here.

Polly it's simply ridiculous to hear you referring to English as Anglo-Jabber

Yes, but clearly he'd prefer to drive the thread off topic to for people to discuss the vile past of the man who will be replaced by the likes of Kukiz and Petru.

Keep to the topic everyone, please
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
13 Sep 2016   #52
volunteered to prosecute dissidents

Provide a link that states that per se, and some discussion might be possible. Unless it would come from some dodgy lefty-libertine source that would completely undermine its reliability. But since no reliable sources exist for a lie, feeble overinterpretations and insinuations need to be used. Only an idiot would believe any of it. It is but yet another flimsy pretext for H to bash his favourite bête noire. (Sorry, bete noire -- H disapproves or non-Anglo-jabber diacritics).
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
27 Nov 2016   #53
Stan Piotrowicz, who prosecuted people for crimes such as distributing Solidarnosc newspapers.

Any proof of this or just more HB codswallop & malarkey?
BTW, your hero, that fat overfed swine Rzepliński, was actually card-carrying communist, and somehow that doesn't seem to phase you. Again your sick bias has come into play. Sadly there's no cure for that. Too late in the game!
27 Nov 2016   #54
Any proof of this

Of course, just ask Antoni Pikul whose name appears on his indictment.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
28 Nov 2016   #55
Antoni Pikul

Give me his phone number or email address.
pawian  224 | 27236
3 Jul 2020   #56
I loved Kukiz as a rock group leader. His "Piersi" really influenced me in 1980s and 1990s. Great music and lyrics.

However, as a politician he proved worthless. For some time he formed an alliance with PiS, especially when they were creating their own judiciary. Later he declared his disappointment with PiS. He gradually lost most of his MPs. In the last year`s elections he had to affiliate himself with PSL to get elected - actually, they saved his azz in the politics for the next 4 years.

Today, he critisizes PSL for poor results by Kosiniak Kamysz. And declares he won`t vote in the second round.

Only one word comes to my mind: azzhole. But I still like and listen to his old music. :):
mafketis  38 | 11137
3 Jul 2020   #57
However, as a politician he proved worthless

"Entertainer" and "effective politician" require different skill sets.... that's one reason Hołownia was such a loser, not only does he not have the back up and connections needed to actually do anything as a politician he's been a littel b|tch about losing (rule number one: if you can't take losing..... DON'T RUN!!!!!!)

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