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Poland hopes to attract hard-working, trouble-free immigarnts - Ukrainian, Belarusians and Vietnamese

Strzelec35  19 | 830
6 Sep 2021   #121
what would happen if an election would be falsified in a EU country like Poland, Hungary or Romania or Bulgaria? like how do they prevent it and those countries doing what Łukaszenko does?
mafketis  38 | 11083
6 Sep 2021   #122
how do they prevent it

The street is a good indicator. The most that an election can be falsified without widespread unrests is about 10 (maybe up to 15) %. Above that and people realize something's up and if they protest it looks real bad for the government.

There seems to be an undefined critical number of voters who feel deceived for widespread unrest to happen.

Romania is on the edge (since there is widespread vote buying in the countryside). But Romanians also take to the street easily so it's kept at relatively low levels.
Strzelec35  19 | 830
6 Sep 2021   #123
do you think PiS also falsifies them similar to Lukashenko as they barely won with like one percent over that mayor guy of Warsaw?
mafketis  38 | 11083
6 Sep 2021   #124
do you think pis also falsifies them

I think they would if they felt they needed to (Kaczyński clearly has no special respect for democracy) but I don't think anything major has happened. There's enough scrutiny (though again PiS doesn't like that either).

In talking about closes cases, Lukashenka could have claimed just a few points over the next candidate (say 45%) and people probably would have accepted it (since his support probably was around 40-ish per cent - but his ego got the best of him so he went for the 80% which no one believes.
6 Sep 2021   #125
A muzzie from Afghanistan just stabbed a woman in Berlin yesterday because she was working!
Novichok  5 | 8633
6 Sep 2021   #126
This would be a nice bedtime story if you said that the woman had "a big heart" and loved the idea of letting more Muslims into Germany to repent for past sins.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
6 Sep 2021   #127
Thats why Putin dont want even one of the moose limbs.One too many,
mafketis  38 | 11083
7 Sep 2021   #128
there is no risk at all of a 2015-like situation.

Take them in and they'll be immediately replaced, they just found a group from Congo that had somehow crossed the border.... It has to plain stop,79cfc278
Novichok  5 | 8633
7 Sep 2021   #129
Take them in and they'll be immediately replaced,

Commonly known as "just this one".
pawian  223 | 26977
10 Oct 2024   #130
Belarussian or Ukrainian migrants are the closest to Poles/Polesses when it comes to culture or language.
However, they still experience the fate of all migrants anywhere - the first generation will always be treated as migrants by natives. Sad but true and nothing can help it.

Here is an interview with a Belarussian woman who has lived in Poland for 6 years and has already realised she will be perceived as a migrant for ever.,2b83378a

- I've been living here for six years, my grandmother was born in this country, and I still feel like a stranger here. For Poles/Polesses, I will always be like that. I even have friends whose parents were Polish, their first language is Polish, but they grew up in Lithuania or Belarus. Nobody treats them as locals.
- The people I meet here are very nice and open. If they pay attention to the accent, it is to praise it. I have never encountered xenophobia
At the same time, Tatiana notes: - Showing me that I'm not from here is not negative, but it's not positive either.
According to the portal, according to analysts from the service, on January 1, 2024, 310,000 Belarusian citizens had a Polish PESEL number in Poland.

Alien  25 | 6317
11 Oct 2024   #131
Only at first glance. In reality, perhaps Western culture is closer to us.
pawian  223 | 26977
12 Oct 2024   #132
perhaps Western culture is closer to us

We only think so. :):):) But show me a Western nation in Europe which thrives on pierogis and similar dumplings like Poles/Polesses do.
Alien  25 | 6317
12 Oct 2024   #133
But show me a Western nation in Europe which thrives on pierogis.

Italians..... 🤔
pawian  223 | 26977
12 Oct 2024   #134
The problem is that according to a 17th century saying, a Pole/Poless would starve to death on purely Italian cuisine coz we need more meat by fivefold than Italians.
mafketis  38 | 11083
12 Oct 2024   #135
Weird that no one is commenting on Tusk wanting to 'temporarily' and 'territorially' suspend the right to asylum... presumably to counter the russian/belarusian slavers (aka human traffickers) that try to dump them in Poland (and the Baltics and Finland).

It's especially significant since Tusk is a well-known EU insider.

jon357  72 | 23400
12 Oct 2024   #136
Tusk wanting to 'temporarily' and 'territorially' suspend the right to asylum

I didn't know that many people claimed it in PL. He's probably acting discreetly with other leaders in mainland Europe who can't politically get away with saying that.
mafketis  38 | 11083
13 Oct 2024   #137
I didn't know that many people claimed it in PL

If they don't try to claim when they first encounter border guards then they get pushed back past the border like any other shmuck that tries crossing illegally, tha'ts my understanding.

acting discreetly with other leaders in mainland Europe

My thoughts exactly.... especially Germany where Merkel era migration has been and continues to be an unmitigated rolling social and economic disaster with no end in sight...
Novichok  5 | 8633
13 Oct 2024   #138
to be an unmitigated rolling social and economic disaster with no end in sight...

Soon, Germans will be praying for Hitler 2.0 ...a guy who can deport millions without spending billions on hearings and lawyers.
Novichok  5 | 8633
13 Oct 2024   #139
Delicing Germany...When it's done, I will add Germany to my list where I would like to live in my next life.

So far, it's China and Russia where subways don't smell like public restrooms and cops are not afraid of the thugs.

Home / News / Poland hopes to attract hard-working, trouble-free immigarnts - Ukrainian, Belarusians and Vietnamese

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