It seems the Polish women here have a lot of unresolved trauma they refuse to address. This makes them bitter towards men so the become lesbian man haters so they can all waller in their misery together. This creates the weak fem males to become homo-sexual so they have someone to kiss. It's all the womans fault that have unresolved trauma that they refuse to address. Kinda like alcoholics that need treatment.
Polish women (...) bitter towards men so the become lesbian man haters (...) This creates the weak fem males to become homo-sexual
This is probably the most idiotic theory I've ever heard. :D
Polish women*, Johnny, are condensed joy. Pleasure bombshells. If you know how to properly conquer them, they have their ways to reward you. :)
* of course, by women I mean proper women, not femi-creatures, so numerous these days; luckily, in Poland proper women still outnumber femi-weirdos by - roughly - 80-20 percent.
This is probably the most idiotic theory I've ever heard. :D
It's just the opposite. Modern women bought that bs that they are strong and independent and don't need men. Then, as single mothers, they hit the Wall of the early thirties. At that age with a couple of kids, their market value is near zero.
They go to bars and are forced to buy their own drinks because men are not biting anymore.
The short version of this video: Women are morons and go with the highest bidder. In that sense, they copy street prostitutes...and bring nothing to the table.
When asked why guys should marry them, they just shut up speechless...
Oh... those creatures. What can I say - the difference between a woman and a modern woman is like between a chair and an electric chair.
Women are morons and go with the highest bidder
Well, we are liiiviiing in a mateeeriall world and they are mateerial girls, you know that we are living in a material world la la la la la la la la. Or some song along these lines I recall from my childhood.
This doesn't necessarily mean they are morons - they have to think about the well-being of their future offspring, so they select guys with brains, looks and money (or, if not all three are possible, then brains and/or looks for offspring and money for marriage). Smart girls. As long as they bring joy, common sense and pleasure to the table, I see nothing wrong with that.
Why the f*ck are you guys so gloomy about women? They're fun! :)
Yes, they are. Here is proof... When asked what they expect from their future husband, the list is as follows: 300,000 bucks income, 1000 weekly allowance, 6 feet 2 inches, dark and handsome
When asked what they bring to the table, the answer is: Myself - followed by that sweeping hand gesture from face to crutch.
They are shocked when informed that less than 1% of men meet those idiotic specs.
More proof...
Women get quickly bored with the good guys who met all their specs five years ago. 80% of divorces are initiated by women because they are "unfulfilled". When the euphoria of being "free" passes, they hit the Wall and cry. The childless ones get a cat or two and cry on weekends.
Divorced Women Showing Why Men Don't Want to Marry Anymore | Women Hitting The Wall
They might be like that on your side of the pond but I don't know any women over here that are like that. I suspect that even in the US the majority of women aren't like that either.
Modern women bought that bs that they are strong and independent and don't need men.
So therefore, according to you and Johnny, they must be lesbian man-haters? How logical 😂. You couldn't make this sh!t up.
I don't know maybe it's just a specific sample of American women on the internet, but it looks like plenty of American women have unrealistic expectations towards men (mainly concerning money and looks) - or maybe I just watch not the right vids on youtube
I don't know any women over here that are like that.
OMG Finkus, It is no secret that Polish women are the biggest gold diggers on the planet ! And it is no secret that you Brit birds are the most annoying on the planet.
So therefore, according to you and Johnny, they must be lesbian man-haters? How logical
See that old trick Novi how she asks a question and then answers it as if it is the truth. You couldn't make this sht up. 🤡🙄
Of course not. It would be below my dignity to watch this.
vids on youtube
I am, frankly, appalled at the fact that a heterosexual man can spend 20 minutes of his valuable male life watching a video about divorced 30 or 40-year-old women whining on the internet. WTF guys?
The marriage rate went from 80% down to 30%. What does that tell you? What this statistic tells me is that men got really sick and tired of being married and bitched about everything and being told by the judge that they have to give the bi*ch half of everything, pay child support and alimony.
Today, what men need can be bought: Company and sex minus nagging and financial ruin... I am an expert because I read and watch. No, it's not my experience.
a heterosexual man can spend 20 minutes of his valuable male life watching a video about divorced 30 or 40-year-old women whining on the internet. WTF guys?
They are more fun to watch than any comedy hour I know of. The truth stymie's these bimbo's speechless. 😶 Besides, it is raining out and the stock market sucks today.
I am, frankly, appalled at the fact that a heterosexual man can spend 20 minutes
Men spend hours watching fake wars aka sports. I watch real wars aka relations. More fun... A bonus: Men always win debating women regardless of the subject. From abortions to unequal pay to false accusations, to cruelty... A man loves his woman. A woman loves her lifestyle.
Yes 50% of them are dyke's that play the man role with a mans haircut and wear men's pants. The other 50% play the fragile femmy girl that try's to look like a model. I know lots of them and get along with the real ones that are not just pretending to being a lesbian because they think it is cool.
Those (mostly butt ugly and couldn't buy a date) I don't go near. 🐷
How about this idiotic statement: Women don't need men. Or: Women can do what men can except better. Or: Women earn 30% less than men. Or: Women should always be trusted.
The last one got many men in prison for years. Based on the stats, women should never be trusted.
You were raped 30 years ago? Why did you go to see him again? Because I was scared.
That's a very stereotypical view. You can't say that every woman who is overweight and not very attractive is lesbian. Surely you can't be that stupid.
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