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Homosexual lobby steps up infiltration in Poland

Polson  5 | 1767
2 Apr 2013   #31
What you said just showed your narrow-mindedness and hate, somehow, or fear. OR your sense of humour, but in that case, you need to tell us, cuz it's not that obvious.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138
2 Apr 2013   #32
What you said just showed your narrow-mindedness and hate

Where exactly ? Please quote.
Polson  5 | 1767
2 Apr 2013   #33
Talking about your previous post. This one:

guys who stick their dicks in each other anus

I hope you know what I mean now.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138
2 Apr 2013   #34
That's how they are having sex, not ?
Polson  5 | 1767
2 Apr 2013   #35
Not more than heterosexuals actually. Make some research and you'll find out some interesting stuff about that.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138
2 Apr 2013   #36
So what's so hateful and narrow-minded in saying that they do what they actually do ?
4 eigner  2 | 816
2 Apr 2013   #37
documented proofof gay tendencies among animals, man being an animal it would mean that gay behaviour is, in fact, correct..

documented proof, animals kill and eat each other. Let's follow that example since it's natural and correct of course, right?
Polson  5 | 1767
2 Apr 2013   #38
So what's so hateful and narrow-minded in saying that they do what they actually do ?

Gays don't all do that, some do, as some straight people do. It's irrelevant here.
It's like saying Poles -> bigots. Some are, some aren't. Right?

Gotta go, talk to you later (if this topic is not closed by then).
2 Apr 2013   #39
documented proof, animals kill and eat each other. Let's follow that example since it's natural and correct of course, right?

God. Yes, less than we kill each other with guns. Maybe we should attempt to follow their examples more.
kathryn  - | 1
2 Apr 2013   #40
omg this is honestly the most ridiculous debate!
first of all, the quote the original post was based on is completely stupid. "Heterosexuals do not meet up on the basis of their orientation"?? of course they do!! sometimes in very obvious ways, like dating events, or generally more subtle, like friend choices being deliberately heterosexual. and how is it being a homophobe to question if their inner circles are purely homosexual?? people always will become close to others who are similar to them, based on culture, religion, interests, anything! so what is there to question?

and the significance of school books addressing gay families is being completely exaggerated!! im sure they do not encourage children to become gay, just help them understand that there are many gay couples out there. i dont see how anyone can have a problem with this, because eventually they will see gay couples anyway
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138
2 Apr 2013   #41
It's like saying Poles -> bigots. Some are, some aren't. Right?

Totally different case, If they stick there or not is not that relevant indeed, however my point is still standing that people should not get any privileges based on their sexual preferences. That should be obvious to everyone, unfortunately it isn't.
Polonius3  980 | 12275
10 Aug 2015   #42
That's what many Poles call the so-called "pride" parades, as if it's something to be proud of?!
One wonders whether those afflicted with leprosy hold anything as outrageous like a "Proud to be a Leper March"?
Roger5  1 | 1432
10 Aug 2015   #43
Perhaps the USA could send over some of its highly intelligent dogs to breed with our European ones, you know, the ones that are too stupid to attack. By the way, if there are any European police dog handlers reading, they must be having a great laugh. Stoooopid.
InPolska  9 | 1796
10 Aug 2015   #44
@Pol: how can you put homosexuality and leprosy to same level?
10 Aug 2015   #45
"@Pol: how can you put homosexuality and leprosy to same level?"

Because his condition which Freud described as an obsession that the speaker fears but also desires .
Polonius3  980 | 12275
10 Aug 2015   #46
same level

Both are afflictions and therefore nothing to be proud of. Simple as that!
jon357  72 | 22778
10 Aug 2015   #47
Actually. pol3, one is an illness and one isn't. Though it can in your case (as this thread shows) be an obsession.
Polonius3  980 | 12275
10 Aug 2015   #48
one is an illness

But if a group of pseudo-medics get together under UN asupices and declare leprosy not to be a malady, who knows? That's what happened with the psychological disorder known as homosexuality except it was a group of shrinks. Probabyl on the LGBT payroll.

Politicans can declare anything -- that Jews can be tortured, robbed and killed with impunity, the men can "marry" other men, etc. You name it - the sky's the limit!
jon357  72 | 22778
10 Aug 2015   #49
do you consider the World Health Organisation to be "pseudo-medics"?

You really are unhealthily obsessed with this subject. Do you ever think about anything else?

It's always the wives I feel sorry for in these cases.
InPolska  9 | 1796
11 Aug 2015   #50
@Pol: you can't catch homosexuality but I am sure you can catch leprosy ;).

You can shake hands with homosexuals, drink out of their glasses, kiss them and nothing bad shall happen to you but I am not sure you can do same with lepers ;).

Anyway there have been homosexuals since the beginning of mankind so you have to bear with them. What do you want to do? Kill them? Send them to camps? Make them "straight" through some weird electric shock therapy (it is so in some countries)? ...
Polonius3  980 | 12275
11 Aug 2015   #51
nothing bad shall happen to you

High STD rates are a fact of life. Some including hepatits are transmitted through nicks and cuts (which most everyone has at times), bodily fluids (eg sneezing, saliva, urine -- a drop on a toilet seat).


Under activist pressure, threats and intimidation (violent demos, rioting) taking place outside the conference hall of the American Psychiatric Associaton, delegates felt pressured into removing homosexuality from the list of psychological disorders. The WHO soon followed suit. Details follow:


Homosexuality was listed as a mental illness in DSM-II. (The DSM - Diagnostic and Statistical Manual - is the APA's standard classification of their so-called mental disorders, and is used by many mental health workers in the USA and other countries.)
Then in 1970 gay activists protested against the APA convention in San Francisco. These scenes were repeated in 1971 and the APA directorate became increasingly uncomfortable with their stance. In 1973 the APA's nomenclature task force recommended that homosexuality be declared normal. This decision was confirmed by a vote of the APA membership, and homosexuality was no longer listed [...]

delphiandomine  86 | 17823
11 Aug 2015   #52

You do realise that the APA (and all other similar institutions, such as the famous PANY) decide everything by votes?
Polonius3  980 | 12275
11 Aug 2015   #53
So on Monday homos were deranged perverts and after the vote starting Tuesday morning they're declarted normal. Wow they had all of 12 hours to do all the necessary research to substantiate their decison. The violent Stonewall riots and clashes between perverted crazies and police had nothing to do with the decision?!
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
11 Aug 2015   #54
That's why the DSM isn't particularly credible, as it's decided by consensus.

You're right that there's something wrong with the way that they were treated as deranged ill perverts one day and normal the next - which shows that the APA is hardly credible.
Marsupial  - | 871
11 Aug 2015   #55
No we do not have such an act. This is not possible in any state because the constitution as is says that this act is between a man and a woman. The constitution governs the country and a state parliment cannot change it, only the federal parliment. This can be ammended by a sitting federal government or a referendum or plebiscite. The current government said it would not change this before it's election to power. They said that there is a high chance that if elected again next year they would put it to the people to decide as I have explained above. They have stated that they will work out the details and present their offer at the next election campaign in 2016. I am not sure if this country would vote that in. My guess is they would seeing the extraordinary level of gay people here at least 5 times higher than what polonius says it is there.
Polonius3  980 | 12275
11 Aug 2015   #56
constitution as is says that this act is between a man and a woman

Hopefully the Duda-Szydlo administration will pass legislation consolidating that constitutional principle for all time. So even if, at some stage, leftist whackos get into power, they will not be able to change or that would require a 3/4 majority of both houses of parliament.

Merged: When will Poland be threatened by Western style homo extremism?

Poland is quite receptive to trends, fashions and crazes seeping over from the West. Does this inlcude the kind of attempts at homo hegemony over society seen in other countries. London has already closed down Catholic adoption agencies for not bowing to LGBTQ pressure. Here is another example:

UK government give faith schools an ultimatum: promote homosexuality or face closure

LONDON, - The British government's schools inspector has closed two Christian schools and threatened others in its zeal to enforce new guidelines to combat "extremism" and promote "British values" in religious schools that it sees as inherently "homophobic." Christian and Jewish school leaders are complaining of a string of such incidents in recent months. They say it is a case of the government using the threat of Islamic extremism as a pretext to impose a heavy-handed secularist and homosexualist agenda.
Crow  154 | 9207
16 Oct 2015   #57
now is the right time that homosexuals of Poland align themselves with Polish patriotic policy. After all, they are homo but they are Poles, too. As Poles they have rights and obligations.

How about that homosexuals sacrifice themselves for Poland and not that only parade all day long for the sake of western European magnates. Who gives a sh** how they practice sex if they are normal on other fields.
InPolska  9 | 1796
16 Oct 2015   #58
@Crow: +1. I'm amazed that you feel this way as in your place, gays are having a "rough time".
25 Apr 2017   #59
If you want to establish a sexuality/marital status - based KKK in Poland, just keep it up. Poles have been well aware that not everybody is straight - like, for centuries. Only their mixing with Americans and Brits allowed such discussion of such a very private issue, formerly, not a topic of conversation among civilised people. The gay "outies" are nothing more than overgrown children who still can't get it through their heads, that not everybody in the world is going to be overcome by your charm. It's a fact of life. Quit begging for acceptance - particularly when you want acceptance based on something as private as which direction you wipe your arse.

At least in Poland you still have subtle lazienkas and nude swimming places. Guess what. In the US that stuff is all but outlawed. Feeling gay? Want to meet someone in the US? You have exactly three places to live, and even then you have to wave a flag. That's what Gay Pride did to the US. Be careful what you wish for. Puritans and Catholics are a basic weave whether you like it or not.
jon357  72 | 22778
25 Apr 2017   #60
That, Joe, is one of the biggest piles of nonsense here - and there's a lot of competition.

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