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Poland fines singer for bashing Bible

RoughFlavors  1 | 100
19 Jan 2012   #121
all that was needed for someone to "feel" insulted:/

pretty much

quite pathetic that someone can actually still be punished by law in the middle of Europe in the 21st century for "insulting" some "holy" book
croggers  7 | 108
19 Jan 2012   #122
I'm offended that she didn't actually physically BASH the bible.
In England when you call someone a bible basher it means they are very religious.The irony lol
Sebastian  6 | 108
20 Jan 2012   #123
This is ridiculous. Poland is a secular country, so why the hell should she be punished for this? It goes against free speech, and quite frankly the Catholic Church in Poland can go **** themselves. They have too much influence in Polish society and I'm glad Poland is slowly becoming less religious.
croggers  7 | 108
20 Jan 2012   #124
One of my students told me that here in Poland you can get an on the spot fine for causing offence :- calling someone fat/ugly/ calling Jesus a raving homosexual in the street........ any truth to this?

(Just a quick edit there before the lovable grammar police go in for the kill, and when I say lovable I mean I'd absolutely love to volley them in the plumbs) >:o
JonnyM  11 | 2607
20 Jan 2012   #125
One of my students told me that here in Poland you can get an on the spot fine for causing offence

In theory. The same as in England except there it's behaviour liable to cause a breach of the peace and in Poland it's either insulting behaviour or using vulgarisms in the street. As with any 'on the spot' penalty, you can refuse to accept guilt and then it turns into a long-winded legal process.
Richfilth  6 | 415
20 Jan 2012   #126
calling Jesus a raving homosexual in the street.

Is calling someone homosexual insulting? If they're not, they're not, but I'd rather be accused of being gay than Catholic.
JonnyM  11 | 2607
20 Jan 2012   #127
Is calling someone homosexual insulting?

Frequently in the minds (and terminology) of those who do it. That's why the hammer of the law exists.

I'd rather be accused of being gay than Catholic.

croggers  7 | 108
20 Jan 2012   #128
Well I assume it would be insulting to Catholics callings Jesus a homosexual, that was my point, not calling someone a homo but calling Jesus one.
Olaf  6 | 955
20 Jan 2012   #129

Is calling someone homosexual insulting? If they're not, they're not, but I'd rather be accused of being gay than Catholic.

Hahah, that's a good insight! Made me think.
JonnyM  11 | 2607
20 Jan 2012   #130
In fact Jesus came from a society where there were far fewer hang-ups about sexuality than most catholics have today.
croggers  7 | 108
20 Jan 2012   #131
yeah they twist and change religion to suit themselves. If there was such a person as Jesus and he was actually the son of God I'd love to know how different the actual events and RULES were/are. Religious people annoy me, no, people who preach annoy me. THEY OFFEND ME lol
20 Jan 2012   #132
Is calling someone homosexual insulting?

Case and point why the law is ridiculous. Whether you think it's insulting or not, a few guys in Warsaw are going to decide this for you. Freedom of speech does not exist in Poland and that sucks.

If there was such a person as Jesus and he was actually the son of God I'd love to know how different the actual events and RULES were/are.

Does it matter? Regardless of what really happened, they'd change it up to suit themselves regardless.
Ironside  50 | 12955
20 Jan 2012   #133
a few guys in Warsaw are going to decide this for you.

the court will decide, yes.
20 Jan 2012   #134
but the mere fact that you even land in court is because of a law written by a few Polish citizens who decided x, y, and z is insulting. communist. but then again, Poland is full of communist relics, starting with zameldowanie. hopefully Poland grows out of this.
Ironside  50 | 12955
20 Jan 2012   #135
nope, somebody complained that the only reason that case is in court.
RoughFlavors  1 | 100
20 Jan 2012   #136
that's not a very good reason to end up in court. the exercise of free speech is bound to be offensive, controversial, contentious, iconoclastic to someone out there. if we judged what can or cannot be said based on whether it offends someone, we couldn't say anything at all.

Freedom of speech does not exist in Poland and that sucks.

apparently not
Ironside  50 | 12955
20 Jan 2012   #137
that's not a very good reason to end up in court. the exercise of free speech i

definition of freedom of speech vary whats good for the USA doesn't necessary is good for Poland. Initially the term - freedom of speech - has been connected with ability to criticize a ruler or a government.

Obama was right and the USA is the devil !

expressed by one of your pop-singers would that still be acceptable exercise of freedom of speech ?no consequences of law suits would follow?

Anyway in the case of Doda (that pop- wannabe singer ) what you read above about Poland court fined her is simply misinformation.
Translating that circumstances into the USA system it would be so called - preliminary hearing.
Comprar ?
RoughFlavors  1 | 100
20 Jan 2012   #138
whats good for the USA doesn't necessary is good for Poland

how did we start talking about the USA?

how is the inability to say anything you want good for any country?
Ironside  50 | 12955
20 Jan 2012   #139
how is the inability to say anything you want good for any country?

I said that definitions of what a freedom of speech means differ !
You cannot say anything you want anywhere - not without consequences !
milky  13 | 1656
20 Jan 2012   #140
There seems to be a division between the loons with the cross, and the trendies slagging the church. The truth is not somewhere in between, both sides are blind to Poland's grey reality.
RoughFlavors  1 | 100
20 Jan 2012   #141
Initially the term - freedom of speech - has been connected with ability to criticize a ruler or a government.

it did start like that, and then it evolved because a lot of forward-thinking people saw that it is beneficial for individuals to be able to criticize other aspects of a society, including other people's beliefs concerning "holy" objects. again, you can't have free speech if your goal is to be inoffensive, and if you can't have free speech, can you have democracy?
20 Jan 2012   #142
nope, somebody complained that the only reason that case is in court.

with the law being the catalyst.

expressed by one of your pop-singers would that still be acceptable exercise of freedom of speech ?no consequences of law suits would follow?

As if that hasn't happened countless times already since he took office? No lawsuits. No consequences. Witaj w Ameryce.

definition of freedom of speech vary whats good for the USA doesn't necessary is good for Poland.

good for Ironside is more like it. don't speak for all of poland.

if you can't have free speech, can you have democracy?




milky  13 | 1656
20 Jan 2012   #143
Was listening to her singing,maybe she should be fined for being sinfully annoying.
EM_Wave  9 | 310
20 Jan 2012   #144
expressed by one of your pop-singers would that still be acceptable exercise of freedom of speech ?no consequences of law suits would follow?

No legal consequences would arise from that.

America is a much better country than Poland is in terms of freedom of speech. Get over it.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641
21 Jan 2012   #145
Was listening to her singing,maybe she should be fined for being sinfully annoying.

She could be fined for not knowing bible stuff but if people were fined for that, the municipalities would have a huge windfall.
pawian  226 | 27558
6 Sep 2020   #146
houghts on this? I can't believe she was fined as this seems a pretty blatant disregard for freedom of speech,

Well, it depends how conservative the judge is. In 2007, a black metal leader tore the Bible at the concert and threw the pages among the crowd, saying:Eat this sh..t! He was eventually acquitted by the Supreme Court in 2014.
johnny reb  49 | 7972
5 Apr 2024   #147
Is this a Fact or just something that religious people like to pretend is a fact if one calls into question the cultural habits of those who wrote the bible?

I really don't understand how people can be so blind to the teachings and prophesies of the Bible.
Especially the signs to look for in the last days that are written in the Bible that are so obvious today.
Here are some examples:

The return of Israel
Moral Decay
Rise of global economy
Mockers and scoffers of Faith
Increase in knowledge and travel.
Signs in the heavens
The appearance of the anti-Christ'
The rebuilding of the temple in Jerusalem
Persecution of Believers
The gospel preached worldwide.
Rise of lawlessness
Apostasy and falling away from Faith False prophets and deceivers.
Increase earthquakes and disasters.
Wars and rumors of wars
Increase in wickedness.
One world government

All this prophesized and recorded in the Bible thousands of years ago and now is starting to come true with such accuracy.
Just Amassing !
And the Blind still refuse to see when it is hitting them directly in the face every day.
Amassing, truly amassing.
Alien  25 | 6430
7 Apr 2024   #148
@johnny reb
The problem is that these prophesies apply to virtually all times.
mafketis  38 | 11168
7 Apr 2024   #149
these prophesies apply to virtually all times.

pretty much....
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126
7 Apr 2024   #150
It's because

Strong men create good times
Good times create weak men
Weak men create bad times
Bad times creates strong men

It describes these happenings, it was especially crucial to understand NERO's time period and is also why it lasts to this very day

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