has been engaging actively in the European theatre???
You mean where stupid people get on stage to clown? How many Americans died while you, Euromorons, were clowning on that stage? Twice.
Coz in almost every post of yours you prove you never studied it seriously.
I don't give a damn about history. I do about the coffins arriving at Dover and the debt our kids will have to pay.
that the USA dropped their isolationist policy
The US didn't drop anything. The greedy US swamp did. Americans were against joining you, idiots, in that "theatre" known as WW2.
BTW, how did you, Poles, enjoy the show?
Now, along with your new WE friends, you have a splendid opportunity to show your Polish bravery just as you did in 1944. Some of your friends have nukes so you don't need us.