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How does Poland feel about influx of US troops?

Lyzko  44 | 9730
17 Feb 2022   #1
Apparently the Biden Administration has deployed upwards of 60,000 US soldiers to Poland as reinforcements in the event of a Russian invasion.
Are the Polish people in favor of their country being used as a veritable launching pad?
pawian  226 | 27817
17 Feb 2022   #2
Are the Polish people in favor of

Yes and no. :)
No coz foreign troops in a sovereign country are still a nuisance despite their noble role.

Yes, coz the prospect of a Russian attack and another occupation is a much bigger nuisance. :):)
Alien  26 | 6551
17 Feb 2022   #3
Yes, because Amis buy pottery from Boleslawiec, even CIA and Pentagon.
pawian  226 | 27817
17 Feb 2022   #4
Amis buy pottery from Boleslawiec,

Exactly. In result, prices go up and Poles with low income can`t afford that stuff although they would like to boast of having it.
Alien  26 | 6551
17 Feb 2022   #5
High Quality means high prices. Isn't it Ok, what du you mean?
pawian  226 | 27817
17 Feb 2022   #6
High Quality means high prices

Not always. Have you heard of "value for money" ?

Coming back to Ami troops in Poland....

are still a nuisance despite their noble role.

For example, American vehicles are too big and too wide for Polish roads. There are frequent incidents. Road rescue workers have their hands full.

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pawian  226 | 27817
17 Feb 2022   #7
Road rescue workers

Of course I meant road assistance workers.

Another incident: Once an American tank driver, passing through a Polish town, spotted a WW2 Soviet made tank on a monument and got so nervous that he crashed his tank into another vehicle. It is a true story.
Histmag  - | 1
17 Feb 2022   #8
As far as I know, the US sent about 3,000 troops. To Poland. Looking at the current situation, I would absolutely not mind 60,000. or even 600 thousand Unfortunately, it is rather impossible. Until not long ago, I was skeptical about the outbreak of war. But it's getting harder and harder to say these days. The situation tends to escalate rather than de-escalate. The Russians started shooting at the Ukrainians in the Donbas. They are probably looking for an excuse to invade. Especially since I read the Russian media and they lie in full swing about the fact that Ukraine is escalating the situation and attacking separatists in the Donbas. So far, I have been reassured by the opinions of experts who said that a large-scale war is the least likely scenario. But after today and Blinken's speech at the United Nations, I am unfortunately much more skeptical about a peaceful solution to the conflict. I just hope Putin isn't attacking us either.
Novichok  4 | 8737
18 Feb 2022   #9
I would absolutely not mind 60,000. or even 600 thousand

I mind a dozen - a dozen too many. Take care of your own damn problems within the EU and with two nuke powers. Get lost.
pawian  226 | 27817
18 Feb 2022   #10
Don`t you know from history that the USA dropped their isolationist policy over 100 years ago and since then has been engaging actively in the European theatre??? What`s wrong with your history? Coz in almost every post of yours you prove you never studied it seriously.
gumishu  15 | 6228
18 Feb 2022   #11
60,000 US soldiers

the number is actually at least 10 times lower
Novichok  4 | 8737
18 Feb 2022   #12
has been engaging actively in the European theatre???

You mean where stupid people get on stage to clown? How many Americans died while you, Euromorons, were clowning on that stage? Twice.

Coz in almost every post of yours you prove you never studied it seriously.

I don't give a damn about history. I do about the coffins arriving at Dover and the debt our kids will have to pay.

that the USA dropped their isolationist policy

The US didn't drop anything. The greedy US swamp did. Americans were against joining you, idiots, in that "theatre" known as WW2.
BTW, how did you, Poles, enjoy the show?

Now, along with your new WE friends, you have a splendid opportunity to show your Polish bravery just as you did in 1944. Some of your friends have nukes so you don't need us.
Oathbreaker  4 | 347
18 Feb 2022   #13
Americans were against joining you, idiots, in that "theatre" known as WW2.

Americans in general were against tangling in europe up until 1944 due to not wanting help euoropean elites with Imperial ambitions outside of europe (competition and ideological differences to say the least)

Up until then, the main enemy were Japan and to many Americans (to whom BB rightly points out had German ancestry) felt closeness to Germans and were ignorant about European affairs. Especially about German state policies, or somewhat agreed to it. Remembering how Germany was wrongfully demonised during World War I...

Which came as a shock to first American troops liberating concentration camps, one thing is to fight uncultural barbarians who behead prisoners. An other is to find out that those same soldiers you related to earlier were fighting for a demonic like regime, then fear of turning to something resembling it went to a different height.

I have a harder time imagining Americans starting a tradition of decapetating prisoners of war. No matter how many with a criminal background join their armed forces.

You on the other hand Novi have a hard time understanding that, cause you try to copycat what Americans generally don't want to be, or fear of becoming. Cause of history
Novichok  4 | 8737
18 Feb 2022   #14
You on the other hand Novi have a hard time understanding that,

I understand everything. I understand that the only cause worth dying for is defending my family by defending the country where my family is. Period.

All that Euro sophistry and sh*it like this is for the seminars where they serve wine and cheese. And for the US swamp to get more money for more military junk like those 13 aircraft carriers nobody needs.

Which came as a shock to first American troops liberating concentration camps,

Americans had no business liberating Euroholes' concentration camps. Your camps, knock yourself out.

The same thing now... Ukraine, Russia - your neighbors, your problem. Deal with it.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
18 Feb 2022   #15
Apparently the Biden Administration has deployed upwards of 60,000 US soldiers to Poland

Sources please as I only read 6,000.
Are you so desperate to start a propaganda thread that should be merged with one of the other similar threads ?

Are the Polish people in favor of their country being used as a veritable launching pad?

Only while the $$$$$ is being spent in Poland to support the extra 6,000 U.S. troops.
The United States citizens would be ecstatic if 6,000 Polish troops came to the U.S. veritable launching pad to help us defend our southern border.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 948
18 Feb 2022   #16
@johnny reb
You do know that Poland pays for the US to be in Poland don't you? Those that are stationed here anyway. I don't know about the latest moved here for sure, but the full time base personnel are paid for by Poland.
Joker  2 | 2458
18 Feb 2022   #17
She probably just made a typo.. No need to Jimmy her...

Its only 6000 Lenka..

Remember the Polish Missile Base thread that was a hot topic here so many years ago?

Im sure, all the Eurps that were crying about it wish they could change their minds now.

veritable launching pad to help us defend our southern border.

Bidens concern of the Ukrainian border is to deflect from his massive domestic problems. The southern border is just one issue..BIDEN SUCKS!
johnny reb  49 | 8003
18 Feb 2022   #18

You do know that Poland pays for the US to be in Poland don't you?

My gosh PolAm, does the Polish government pay for their beer and entertainment too for 6,000 men ?
And how much does Poland pay each one of these men ?
Oathbreaker  4 | 347
18 Feb 2022   #19
Which post you referring to? Lyzko started this thread, can't see any posts by Lenka here
Joker  2 | 2458
18 Feb 2022   #20
Which post you referring to

It was actually a popular thread on PF many years ago. You would have to ask the mods why they deleted it? It more relevant than ever before.

I know Lyzko would remember it... Ill try and find it, but think its gone.

60,000 US soldiers the number is actually at least 10 times lower

Or are you referring to this....?
Crow  155 | 9722
18 Feb 2022   #21
How does Poland feel about influx of US troops?

What one can feel about it? Svetovid and ancients for sure have seen better days and things. My people, today`s time is era of Charnibog and it was foreseen by our oldest foreseers. Cockroaches and fiends walk over our lands. Morons from evil mother and even worse father with hand in hand lurk in the darkness to attack from behind.

Lenka  5 | 3549
18 Feb 2022   #22
Its only 6000 Lenka..

Wrong poster mentioned. I think you meant Lyzko
Crow  155 | 9722
18 Feb 2022   #23
He obviously subconsciously thinking of you Lenka. What is natural and good if he is really a male and you really a female.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 948
18 Feb 2022   #24
@johnny reb
Poland pays Department of Defense. Poland also paid to build the bases, like they offered to pay for mythical Fort Trump. The personnel are not out partying JR, I have only seen a few in Gdansk and all behaving. 6000 soldiers is not a huge economic impact when most activity takes place on base.
Crow  155 | 9722
18 Feb 2022   #25
Its all business with the devil.
pawian  226 | 27817
18 Feb 2022   #26
American vehicles are too big and too wide for Polish roads.

Also, early detachments of troops weren`t prepared for the Polish winters.

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Novichok  4 | 8737
18 Feb 2022   #27
Do you mean that special Polish snow and ice?
pawian  226 | 27817
18 Feb 2022   #28
Yes, special. And there are also polar bears here, especially in Zakopane region. If you visit in winter and are lucky, you can take a photo with one.
Novichok  4 | 8737
18 Feb 2022   #29
I feel so lucky...Our winters are so mild so no wonder our boys freak out on Polish snow and that slippery thing...What do you guys call it...Oh, "ice"...
pawian  226 | 27817
19 Feb 2022   #30
Our winters are so mild

Tell us, how often can you see your army vehicles driving on public roads in the USA? :):)

Oh, "ice"...

We have crystal clear vodka on ice. Amis have red vodka on mice. Huge difference.

I feel so lucky.

That you are a bear of very little brain??? :):)

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