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Should Poland exit the EU immediately?

Ironside  50 | 12941
14 Sep 2015   #1
Poland should exit EU immediately.

Recent crisis illustrated to us clearly that old colonials powers of Europe dare to treat new members states as their own new colonial dominion. I have been telling it for years but others dazzled by sheeny tokens of material wealth had been deft to reason.

Drain on polish rescuers, market and human material is something that will set Poland back for generations.
Time to end it.
Time to elect and choose those people who will take care of the interest of Polish people.
Time of creatures bought for a price of a good watch should end, their place is behind bars be it in zoo be it in prison or work camps.
InPolska  9 | 1796
14 Sep 2015   #3
Brilliant! Poland shall of course never leave the EU because the EU's soup tastes too good ;)

PS: when you leave, don't forget to reimburse Western taxpayers ;)

@Jeden: Poland is no.1 EU funds recipient and therefore Poland has money. The EU (= taxpayers from Western Europe) has given and gives so much money to Poland that it would be the least decency that Poland helps with refugees. For sure, Germany has made a huge mistake but the EU counts 28 countries and all 28 EU countries shall help and pay for refugees.
jon357  72 | 23482
14 Sep 2015   #4
Given that all polls suggest that the population of Poland is one of the most pro-EU groups in the whole Union, I doubt that would happen any time soon.
jeden  - | 226
14 Sep 2015   #5
The fact that Poland is beneficent of EU funds doesn`t mean that we have to support Your stupid migrant policy. Besides money is no everything and Germany has a big advantages from Poland in EU. What is more we would like to preserve our multicultural society.
InPolska  9 | 1796
14 Sep 2015   #6
@Jon: of course, most Poles are in favor of EU. They are not stupid; they don't want to kill the golden hen On the other side, check in any Western European country and you'll find out that most people want to get out of EU...

Trust me, money talks and when Junker/Merkel are going to offer Poland (and consorts) a few coins to accept migrants, we"ll see plenty of Syrians, Afghans, Ethiopians, etc etc ... in Poland.

I bet! ;)
jon357  72 | 23482
14 Sep 2015   #7
Yes, money talks, and Poland isn't exactly overcrowded.

Plus the infrastructure funding from the EU has changed it massively.
InPolska  9 | 1796
14 Sep 2015   #8
@Jon: Poland has received and is still receiving so much money from the EU that it is normal that Poland shows solidarity in the current crisis. Poland has been also involved in wars.

Personally I don't believe the EU are doing the right thing in this crisis (like in all the rest, anyway) but IF the EU decide on something, like now taking in refugees, ALL 28 countries should be concerned. Germany has for sure made a mistake but Germany shall be the no.1 country in terms of numbers, the 2nd shall be France and the 3rd shall be Spain (the 3 countries shall take in over 50% of all migrants). Considering that a lot of countries shall make efforts (what about Italy and poor Greece getting all the mess?!), I don't see why countries such as Poland and a few others shall do nothing. I heard this pm that countries not accepting refugees shall have to pay to those accepting refugees and I think it is normal.

Nobody is forced to join the EU so when we are in the EU we have to play the rules. If Poland, Hungary, Rumania, Croatia and the like don't want to comply with EU's rules, then they get the hell out.
jon357  72 | 23482
14 Sep 2015   #9
And doubtless there's something in the accession treaty that if they left, the grants would be converted to loans. Though there's no chance at all about them leaving.
OP Ironside  50 | 12941
14 Sep 2015   #10
Brilliant! Poland shall of course never leave the EU because the EU's soup tastes too good ;)

If you are in Poland you definitely are in the wrong circles, post-commies are not representative to Poles! You might be for surprise!

when you leave, don't forget to reimburse Western taxpayers ;)

How about middle finger will that reimburse them enough or should we add a well aimed kick for a good measure? I think open market for over 20 years and billion upon billions E of profit transferred from Poland is enough! If they want they can take that issue with their governments and their own fat cats, bankers and others, nothing to do with Poland.

Given that all polls suggest that the population of Poland is one of the most pro-EU groups in the whole Union, I doubt that would happen any time soon.

About 20% voted nay to union and it was like more than 12 years ago. I think now there will be about 30% people against EU, give them more time and more propaganda form Austria, Germany and France and it will be 60%.

Poland has received and is still receiving so much money fr

You are clearly obsessed with money, don't judge everybody by your example!

Nobody is forced to join the EU so when we are in the EU we have to play the rules. I

What rules? Why don't you point us out to the union law that Poland should ask how high if Germany and France says jump?

I don't see why countries such as Poland and a few others shall do nothing

Maybe think for a while on this or ask somebody who know?
InPolska  9 | 1796
14 Sep 2015   #11
@Jeden: when someone joins a club, they have to respect the club's rules. Suppose for instance you join a football club, do you think you'll be able to play any way you want?

Nobody has forced Poland to enter the EU ....

@Iron: at least 90% of the people I mingle with are ...PO so I doubt they are "communists" and they are all in favor of EU

Yes, I am "obsessed" by money because without it, Poland would be at best at Albania's level and I can assure you that taxpayers in the Western European countries are more than fed up to pay for this.

PS: If money is not that important to Poland, why do you accept it? ;)
jon357  72 | 23482
14 Sep 2015   #12
You forget, Ironside, that CBOS, Pew and the EU itself conduct regular approval ratings. Support for the EU is particularly strong within Poland.

  • image.jpg
OP Ironside  50 | 12941
14 Sep 2015   #13
@Iron: at least 90% of the people I mingle with are ...PO so I doubt they are "communists" and they are all in favor of EU

You are proving my point for me. Those are people who would sold their own mother for an expensive watch or want not. Wrong circles! Nay they are not communist they are post-communists or post-Poles not to be mistaken for Poles.
jon357  72 | 23482
14 Sep 2015   #14
Ironside, are you really saying that 72% of Poles (see above) would "sell their own mother"? Is that why you left and rarely return?
InPolska  9 | 1796
14 Sep 2015   #15
@Jon: of course, they'll never leave. If you look around, everything is financed by the EU. I was at the hospital in August and thanks to EU, they could install water dispensers and fans in most parts of the hospital.

In my opinion, when we depend so heavily on others, we go by their rules. Personally when someone does me a favor, I respect said person and don't do/say anything against them... Pure decency!

@Iron: what are the Poles I should mingle with? The nuts who destroy half of Warsaw every year on No. 11?
landora  - | 194
14 Sep 2015   #16
No, Ironside, the fact that someone votes for PO doesn't mean they are "post-commies" or "post-Poles" (what does it even mean??).

You might not have noticed, but PiS has much more socialist economic views than PO. PiS is a right wing party only by name, and maybe by their social views (abortion etc.). In any other countries parties that want to give people handouts are left parties!

So anyway, no, we wouldn't be better off outside of EU. We'd be outcasts. And yes, we do need EU money. And I don't know how about you, but I enjoy being able to travel and work wherever I want within EU. As do many other Poles. Leaving EU would be the most idiotic move ever.
White Europe  - | 21
14 Sep 2015   #17
when someone joins a club, they have to respect the club's rules. Suppose for instance you join a football club, do you think you'll be able to play any way you want?

When Poland joined the EU was it disclosed that within 15 years they would have to commit racial and cultural genocide against native poles? Also, you can always leave a "club" if you don't like the way it's run.
OP Ironside  50 | 12941
14 Sep 2015   #18
es, I am "obsessed" by money because without it, Poland would be at best at Albania's level

That is a rubbish claim. I strongly disagree!


can assure you that taxpayers in the Western European countries are more than fed up to pay for this.

I'm sure that are more than happy to pay for lavish new yacht for bankers even if in a normal market economy those bankers would be left broke or for yet another villa for a lover of a prominent politician. \

If they choose to believe propaganda and BS that doesn't bode well for them in the future! Wait they have been bribed by a state hands outs called benefits - so as long as they get those they should be quiet or according to your logic they should all give it back if they grumble.

If money is not that important to Poland, why do you accept it? ;)

Not a question to me, I have been and I'm consequently against Poland's EU membership. As I have predicted years past.

You forget, Ironside, that CBOS, Pew and the EU itself conduct regular approval ratings.

Jon, wait for ratio and ratings after this crisis. . I for one I'm glad that gloves are off and every Pole can see in what way their country is being treated in the EU.

ronside, are you really saying that 72% of Poles (see above) would "sell their own mother"? Is that why you left and rarely return?

I have been talking about PO circles not about 72% of P{oles , don't manipulate my words jon, you know that I do not take kindly to that!
jon357  72 | 23482
14 Sep 2015   #19
Ironside, I doubt the figure will fall that much. Most Polish people don't live in the big cities where refugees will come. And the farmers & agribusiness (40% of Polish people of working age are somehow connected to this) absolutely love the EU.

And back among the urban intelligentsia, I think you'll find that most Platforma voters and activists are thoroughly decent people.
OP Ironside  50 | 12941
14 Sep 2015   #20
@Iron: what are the Poles I should mingle with? The nuts who destroy half of Warsaw every year on No. 11?

That up to you, I would never presume to tell you what to do, that would be extremely bad mannered and ignorant behavior, committed by people without class.

f you look around, everything is financed by the EU.

Do you even realize that every object build by the EU found has to be financed by Poland's money at least to 50% of the total cost? Meaning if Poland cut by half all those investment she could easily built other half with her own founds - no need for the EU.

Personally when someone does me a favor, I respect said person and don't do/say anything against them... Pure decency!

I'm sure France remembered it in 1939, and now can tell what is decent and what is not as an expert.

No, Ironside, the fact that someone votes for PO doesn't mean they are "post-commies" or "post-Poles" (what does it even mean??).

If you don't know what that means how can you tell? If I said that all people voting on PO are such and such I do apologize I didn't mean to imply it. Not all that obvious some are simple people and others are misguided.

Leaving EU would be the most idiotic move ever.

As idiotic as voting PO after eight years of their misrule? - I don't think so!

ou might not have noticed, but PiS has much more socialist economic views than PO.

Nowadays there are no classic right or left parties when in comes to economy only young theoreticians and Korwin are clinging to that outdated idea. What PiS has to do with it all? I never said vote PiS, I say do not vote PO.

So anyway, no, we wouldn't be better off outside of EU. We'd be outcasts.

Yeah better to be treated like a slave and push -over, thank you - no! If you push me I will punch you, simple enough! Anyway there is a big open world out there, west is clearly dying form they own poison - a crazy ideology!

And yes, we do need EU money.

Do we? I say we don't! Hey wait a second! You say that PiS is socialist party and you will not vote on them as their are promising hands out to people.

On the other hand you expect handouts from the EU. What that make you? A sociologist or a hypocrite?
InPolska  9 | 1796
14 Sep 2015   #21
@Iron; so just get out of the EU! Sorry, I prefer mingling with my ... PO buddies than with hateful and revisionnist fascists....
Crow  154 | 9531
14 Sep 2015   #22
Should Poland exit the EU immediately?

Yes, but not just immediately. i would say, period of announce and preparations is necessary, for all sorts of reasons. Maybe one or two years, i can`t tell for sure. During the first Duda`s mandate, eventually. In any case, Poland shouldn`t close the door of EU with Her leg. What is today`s EU tomorrow would be, no matter its name, Germanic conglomerate. Maintaining good relations is suggested.

At the moment when Poland entering in phase of gathering countries around project of ​​Miedzymorze, Poland should pledge to publicly (!) demonstrate intention to have good relations equally with western Europe and Russia, with USA and China, including all other major centers of power in the world.
mafketis  38 | 11137
14 Sep 2015   #23
when someone joins a club, they have to respect the club's rules

Since when did joining the EU mean obeying irrational random rules passed down by Angela "I think I'm a Kaiserin" Merkel and an unelected technocrat without any true legislative process?

Wildcat ad hoc proclamations were never supposed to be part of the EU deal.
OP Ironside  50 | 12941
14 Sep 2015   #24
@Iron; so just get out of the EU!

Indeed Poland should get out of the EU!

@Crow - all good points Crow!
InPolska  9 | 1796
14 Sep 2015   #25
@Maf: for sure, Merkel is a dictator but since you want to be in the EU you have to put up with her. If Tusk got his job, it's only because he's Angela's little doggy and I'm sure you did not complain when he was appointed
OP Ironside  50 | 12941
14 Sep 2015   #26
If Tusk got his job, it's only because he's Angela's little doggy and I'm sure you did not complain when he was appointed

I did complain he should stay in the country to face numerous charges.
The only reason PO government agrees to take some of the German guests to Poland even if that means political suicide, is to secure Tusk's job for another two years.
Crow  154 | 9531
14 Sep 2015   #27
@Crow - all good points Crow!

i am here to serve brate
mafketis  38 | 11137
14 Sep 2015   #28
If Tusk got his job, it's only because he's Angela's little doggy and I'm sure you did not complain when he was appointed

I'm not a fan or a hater of Tusk and his appointment has nothing to do with the current mess. Merkel has been acting like a bipolar lunatic on methamphetamines and obeying her wild mood swings is nowhere in the EU charter.

If you want Poland to take hundreds of thousands of refugees who won't integrate (and/or will hop off to Germany as soon as they can) then just say so.
jeden  - | 226
14 Sep 2015   #29
@In polska

Where are you from that you dare call poles fascist? Eu is a club but not state. We are not responsible for stupid German, French and others policy.

If they want to take migrants. Go on. But don't cry for help when the concept appear to a big mistake. Rules are changing. World is changing. And Poland is no more a small player but hungry though guy. Deal with it.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497
14 Sep 2015   #30
You are clearly obsessed with money, don't judge everybody by your example!

Do you live in Poland Ironside? I am here to tell you that Poles under 50 are totally obsessed by only one thing. Quite understandable when you realise the crap that a totalitarian system visited on them - but it ain't pretty nontheless, and relationships suffer because of it.

To deny it means you are blinkered. People judge others on their "wealth" as we in Britain did in the 1930s. I wouldn't use the word "status" because it's subjective, and a sizeable portion of the new upwardly mobile have no books in their homes, so I consider myself to have a higher status:)

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