Define "certain"....
And I never heard of the second you have more info? Or do you mean that?
I repeat, I can say what I want!
PS: I think I know now what you meant:
Here is more about the video...
It was made by some "gospel singer" whose horrified voice can be heard. It was uploaded to his youtube channel by one Heinrich K. aus Eilbek.
....Polizei und Staatsanwaltschaft haben am 20. April eine Razzia bei Heinrich K. durchgeführt. Begründung: Die Veröffentlichung der Bilder des toten Kleinkindes und seiner sterbenden Mutter verstoße gegen die Persönlichkeitsrechte der Opfer. Diese Rechte wirken auch nach dem Tod.
(my translation) "Police and prosecutors office justified the razzia with the personal rights of the dying mother and the baby. These rights are still valid even after their death."
Reminds me abit about that video of that beheaded American a few years back. It was deleted from youtube soon to, many people just find such a video inhuman and impious, disrespecting the can call it censorship if you want. Others would call it decency.
Even mentioning the ethnicity or national origin is frowned up:
I agree, that's stupid. People get only more suspicious...and since 2015 I personally don't feel anymore that the media go to any lengths to avoid the naming. If it's an Ali or an Aishe they say it, if it's an refugee or a migrant they say it.
It would be useless not to anyhow since people have alot ways to inform theirselves. That is a fight they surely lost by now.