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European News and Poland Thread 3

jon357 73 | 22653
22 May 2024 #1081
they will invest some place else

They'll have to. Not that they put any money into the public utilities; they took so much money out it was a net decrease in spending. Fortunately so many of the licences run out over the next two years.

public utilities and infrastructure collapse

It won't.

Social house building has never worked in the past

It has and does work very well in the U.K.

Wishful thinking

We'll see. It went pretty well last time and they've got at least a decade.
Crow 157 | 9201
26 May 2024 #1082
Sad reality of EU

Macron on his knees: "Don't leave France"


oil giant TotalEnergies seeking a listing on the US stock market.

one of largest oil companies in the world and an important representative of French influence. A change in the stock exchange would be a blow to the prestige of Paris as a center of international trade

johnny reb 47 | 7287
29 May 2024 #1083
Here are 17 things Europeans are jealous of Americans of and want.

1. Is America's fresh air
johnny reb 47 | 7287
29 May 2024 #1084
Here are 18 American things Europe can't get enough of;

I found #8 most intriguing: Jazz and Blues
Europe's ears have perked up to the soulful sounds of American jazz and blues. The continent has been snapping its fingers to the beat, with cities from Paris to Warsaw hosting music festivals. Europeans are swinging to the rhythm and loving every second of it.
Alien 22 | 5225
29 May 2024 #1085
Here are 18 American things

that Europe does not want to have.
Rattlesnake plague
Man-eating sharks
Man-eating crocodiles
Gang wars
American cars except Tesla.
Maximum speed 110 km/on the highway.
Wooden houses
American coffee
American pizza.
Madoff pyramid
Gun attacks all year round.
Peanut butter
and so on
johnny reb 47 | 7287
29 May 2024 #1086
You already have many of them

!. Obesity in Europe is ramped
2.Crocodiles only live in Florida with only 30 stupid people killed by them since 1948.
3.Maxiumum speed on Interstates is 121km
4. Wooden houses are much easier to cool in the summer and don't house mold and fungus like cement homes do plus have a healthier circulation of air

5. You crave peanut butter
6. American pizza is the best
7.Two people died from shark attacks last year
8.Our craft beers are just as good as yours
9. and on and on

You better go read those 35 things again that I posted
jon357 73 | 22653
29 May 2024 #1087
What's a 'cement home'?

Why would anyone build a house out of cement?

And every food shop sells that awful peanut butter stuff, and many other nut butters are popular nowadays, especially cashew.

that Europe does not want to have

You forgot to mention their dreadful clothes.
Alien 22 | 5225
29 May 2024 #1088
forgot to mention their dreadful clothes.

because I also wear Levi's and Tommy Hi.
pawian 221 | 24284
21 Jun 2024 #1089
All polls suggest that Tories will be removed from power after the coming elections. British citizens are disappointed with Cons coz Brexit didn`t solve any major problems, only created new ones.
jon357 73 | 22653
21 Jun 2024 #1090
Tories will be removed from power

They'll be slaughtered hopefully. Down to double figures and out of office for 15 or 20 years. The ScotNats are expected to lose seats too due to corruption scandals and poor governance, and good riddance to them as well..


Not really an issue for most people; it hasn't had a noticeable effect. For those who have been affected, for some it's been positive, for some negative. For those with very strong views, some would have a 'harder' Brexit, some would have closer links with the EU including the single market and free movement. It still continues to divide people however it is unlikely to have much impact on the way people vote.

Immigration is an issue for many; the Tories have long been posturing as the anti-immigration policy however it's increased on their watch.

The Tories are being kicked out due to being too capitalistic about public utilities, too much in thrall to the idea of a free market economy and u willing to fund the NHS to the degree that people want.
pawian 221 | 24284
21 Jun 2024 #1091
it hasn't had a noticeable effect.

Of course. :):):) Ukrainska mustard. hahahaha
jon357 73 | 22653
21 Jun 2024 #1092
A weird comment. Perhaps spending your days with a bunch of 10 year olds and your evenings with ethanol is beginning to show.

Have you spent much time there since 2021?
pawian 221 | 24284
21 Jun 2024 #1093

Ukrainska mustard - this is your motto by which we recognise you!!! hahahaha
jon357 73 | 22653
21 Jun 2024 #1094
That comment doesn't add much to the discussion does it.

How much have you had to drink?
Miloslaw 19 | 4949
21 Jun 2024 #1095
British citizens are disappointed with Cons coz Brexit didn`t solve any major problems, only created new ones.

Wrong, as Jon says, Brexit has nothing to do with it, for most Brits, so far Brexit has made little difference,which proves that the EU was not benefiting the UK.The problem is that the Tory British government have moved too slowly to capitalise on Brexit.

The reason the UK is swinging to the left is not because they love, trust or support Keir Starmer and the Labour party it's because they are fed up of 14 years of useless Tory government!
Ironside 50 | 12345
21 Jun 2024 #1096
The problem is that the Tory British government have moved too slowly to capitalise on Brexit.

Have they moved at all? On top of it, they let in all those illegal migrants like it is nothing.
Miloslaw 19 | 4949
21 Jun 2024 #1097
Have they moved at all?

They have, but too little and too late.

On top of it, they let in all those illegal migrants like it is nothing.

That is one of the major reasons why the British have lost confidence in the Tories.

Sadly for the Brits, things will soon become much worse under Labour.
OP Novichok 5 | 7804
21 Jun 2024 #1098
Sadly for the Brits, things will soon become much worse under Labour.

Have a legally binding referendum, vote no to migrants and the problem is solved - Tories or no Tories...I don't see any problem.
jon357 73 | 22653
21 Jun 2024 #1099
That is one of the major reasons why the British have lost confidence in the Tories

Ironically, most Tory votes come from the shires, from villages where cousins marry and newcomers are rare.

Whatever people think about the situation either way, the key thing is that the Tories positioned themselves as being the toughest of all parties on the issue yet under their watch it has grown.

The big issues are cost of living and the NHS.

Sadly for the Brits, things will soon become much worse under Labour.

In fact they'll get a lot better with us running things again rather than Home Counties investors out to make a fast buck for themselves at the expense of others.

Here's the current poll responses to the question of what voters are most concerned with.

TheOther 6 | 3712
21 Jun 2024 #1100
Have a legally binding referendum, vote no to migrants and the problem is solved

They had a referendum and voted for Brexit to control their borders, amongst others. They could've done that without Brexit because they were not part of Schengen, but hey ... here we are.

"EU Exit
Taking back control of our borders, money and laws while protecting our economy, security and Union"

Presented to Parliament by the Prime Minister by Command of Her Majesty, November 2018
jon357 73 | 22653
22 Jun 2024 #1101
Taking back control of our borders, money and laws while protecting our economy, security and Union"

Political waffle and fiction from conservatives.

It's actually made no difference and 4 out of 5 people never think about it.

A bigger issue is that people in their 20s and 30s down south can't get on the property ladder while at the same time, private 'landlords' are exploiting them.
OP Novichok 5 | 7804
22 Jun 2024 #1102
Now I know how leftist morons "win". They post crap so stupid that it leaves smart people speechless. See Posts 1100 and 1101.

Here's the current poll responses to the question of what voters are most concerned with.

A moronic post about moron voters and their moronic opinions. I will explain if you ask.
jon357 73 | 22653
22 Jun 2024 #1103
voted for Brexit

About 38% of voters did, with an emphasis on the elderly, the rural and the less well educated.

One issue with it was that people who felt strongly about withdrawing tended to go out and vote, whereas people who were happy about the status quos and didn't want a referendum at all or think about the issue much were more likely to stay at home.
OP Novichok 5 | 7804
22 Jun 2024 #1104
About 38% of voters did,

No, they didn't.
TheOther 6 | 3712
22 Jun 2024 #1105 leaves smart people speechless.

Well, I see you're still talking...
pawian 221 | 24284
22 Jun 2024 #1106
Brexit has nothing to do with it,

Sure. :):)

too slowly to capitalise on Brexit.

So Brexit is the reason after all. Amassing!!!
Joker 2 | 2229
22 Jun 2024 #1107
So Brexit

FREXIT will be next as the leftard socialists loose their grip on power, as noted in the latest EU Parliamentary elections:)
jon357 73 | 22653
22 Jun 2024 #1108
So Brexit is the reason after all

It isn't. Very few people in the U.K. ever think about the mainland.

FREXIT will be next



The French government is centrist rather than Socialist.
johnny reb 47 | 7287
26 Jun 2024 #1109
Julian Assange is free.
He left Belmarsh maximum security prison on the morning of 24 June, after having spent 1901 days there.
He was granted bail by the High Court in London and was released at Stansted airport during the afternoon, where he boarded a plane and departed the UK back to Australia.
jon357 73 | 22653
26 Jun 2024 #1110
We know. It was in all the newspapers.

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