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European News and Poland Thread 3

pawian 221 | 24284
11 Feb 2024 #841
you should consider euthanasia

Nazio darling, I won`t make you so happy. You will have to put up with me a little longer..... :):):)
Ironside 50 | 12345
11 Feb 2024 #842
I won`t make you so happy.

I don't care that much about CO2-producing old useless plank like you, just wanted to expose your hypocrisy and your fake face of a modern European progressive, you are faking it, you lying monkey.
OP Novichok 5 | 7803
23 Feb 2024 #843

"Ireland is full!" Anti-immigration backlash in Ireland documentary

My question is this...With Sweden as a point of reference, why would Irish citizens want all those migrants? How did they let the Irish government know that this was their wish?

Can somebody please explain this to me? How about you Atch and Barney?
Atch 21 | 4159
23 Feb 2024 #844
Both Barney and I have answered your questions in the past on a variety of issues about which we know much more than you - which is presumably why you asked us. You never listen to us. So, although I will continue to express my opinions when I feel like it, I'm not wasting my time on you. Slán leat agus go raibh míle maith agat.
OP Novichok 5 | 7803
23 Feb 2024 #845
Cut the evasive crap ... In one sentence, why would Irish citizens want all those migrants?
pawian 221 | 24284
24 Feb 2024 #846
why would Irish citizens want all those migrants?

For esthetic diversity. An average Irish citizen has a very pale complexion. Darker skin, reminding us of suntan, looks a lot nicer. Mixing Irish paleness and exotic darkness produces very good results for your eyes.
mafketis 37 | 10789
24 Feb 2024 #847
For esthetic diversity.

I've been saying that forever.... no sane person wants real diversity (which means separate legal systems and group-based rather than individual rights, life outcomes heavily dependent on brith group etc). What some people do want is a nice color coordinated monoculture.

The problem is that people's values don't change with immigration. A person from a low trust clannish culture dominated by religion is not going to give any of that up just because they're in hightrust open Ireland.....

What I notice is the death of the Irish model (a term I created? from things Atch has posted) in which intense back and forth and consultation with the citizenry precedes policy.

The lawmaker in the video (when you take away the diplomatic language) is "tough the EU says we have to do this and we're going to whether the citizenry likes it or not".

I have no idea how anyone deludes themselves into thinking this is remotely sustainable.....
OP Novichok 5 | 7803
24 Feb 2024 #848
I've been saying that forever.... no sane person wants real diversity

...and when they get it anyway, they know - or should know - that that "democracy" of theirs is a lie.

No, Western bootlickers, you live in a soft dictatorship where the ruling self-adoring mob dictates to you no matter who your "democratically elected legal representatives" are.

These actors represent the top 1%, not you, morons...
Ironside 50 | 12345
24 Feb 2024 #849
I have no idea how anyone deludes themselves into thinking this is remotely sustainable...

They were like the French aristocracy before the revolution.
OP Novichok 5 | 7803
24 Feb 2024 #850
the EU says we have to do this and we're going to whether the citizenry likes it or not".

...but the bootlickers like Atch and Barney still call it "democracy" and the Crimean referendum a scam.

Western scum hates that referendum not because of the outcome.

They hate it because it actually took place.
Alien 22 | 5225
25 Feb 2024 #851
Western scum hates that referendum not because of the outcome.

The West does not use the word "hates", the West simply does not recognize this referendum.
OP Novichok 5 | 7803
25 Feb 2024 #852
the West simply does not recognize this referendum.

What kind of referenda does the West recognize?

If you choose to respond, list the terms and conditions a referendum must meet to be recognized by the West.

No adjectives or personal opinions!!!
Atch 21 | 4159
25 Feb 2024 #853
the EU says we have to do this

Well, that's not true. We have an opt-out. Ireland is not bound by EU law in the areas of immigration or asylum, but where the EU makes a legislative proposal in these areas, Ireland has three months to decide whether they wish to opt into discussions. If they do not opt-in, they are deemed to have opted-out, and discussions simply go ahead without them. Any legislation which is adopted then binds the other Member States - but not Ireland.
mafketis 37 | 10789
25 Feb 2024 #854
Well, that's not true. W

Then why was he lying?

How is current Irish migration policy sustainable?
Atch 21 | 4159
25 Feb 2024 #855
Then why was he lying?

I have no idea. You could write to him and ask him. He's not especially 'pro-immigration'.‎

How is current Irish migration policy sustainable?

You mean refugees and asylum seekers I presume, as opposed to the issuing of employment permits for migrant workers? No, it seems to be a shambles and the government has already starting making lame attempts to tighten it up a bit. They'll have to. General election next year.

Don't worry too much though, they have the Ukrainians learning to play Ireland's Call on the fiddle and being forced to do Irish dancing in their droves. We'll make Gaels of them yet.

mafketis 37 | 10789
25 Feb 2024 #856
Don't worry too much though, they have the Ukrainians

Ukrainians are Europeans and of Christian heritage....

What about this charming person?

How was Riad Bouchaker able to obtain Irish citizenship?

He was officially homeless at the time of the attack... Did he ever work?

Let's say you have an Irish small town of 5000 and housing is a bit tight. How many migrants from Africa and the Middle East can/should that town be forced to take?
Atch 21 | 4159
25 Feb 2024 #857
He was officially homeless at the time of the attack... Did he ever work?

People like him really are a tiny minority.

Ukrainians are Europeans and of Christian heritage....

Yes but they're pretty different to the Irish. And the less charming members of their fraternity have already been charged with various offences ranging from hit and run drunk driving resulting in the death of the victim, dangerous driving, assault, smuggling and all kinds of everything. This local man later died of his injuries.

How many migrants from Africa and the Middle East can/should that town be forced to take?

There are small towns in Ireland where literally half the population is now Ukrainian. That concerns me more to tell you the truth.
OP Novichok 5 | 7803
25 Feb 2024 #858
the West simply does not recognize this referendum.

OK, Western Russia-hating bootlickers, why am I still waiting for an answer to the question below...Too shy or too stupid?

What kind of referenda does the West recognize?

If you choose to respond, list the terms and conditions a referendum must meet to be recognized by the West.

No adjectives or personal opinions!!!
mafketis 37 | 10789
25 Feb 2024 #859
why am I still waiting

Cause no one here pays attentions to your infantile demands.... now, here's a rubber ducky. Play with it for a while and leave the adults alone.
OP Novichok 5 | 7803
25 Feb 2024 #860
I am still waiting for a one-sentence explanation of why the citizens of Ireland would ask their government to let any migrants into Ireland...
OP Novichok 5 | 7803
26 Feb 2024 #861

Memo to Poles: Watch this video and be proud.
Memo to Western bootlickers: Watch this video and eat sh*it.
amiga500 4 | 1490
26 Feb 2024 #862
Farmers rioting in Brussels.. wow..
mafketis 37 | 10789
26 Feb 2024 #863
I am still waiting

Baby's going to have to wait a while longer.
OP Novichok 5 | 7803
26 Feb 2024 #864
Farmers rioting in Brussels.. wow..

That's not nice. They should write letters to or call their "democratically elected legal representatives" instead...The Barney and Atch bootlicker way...
The last time I did it, I was even allowed to leave a message at the beep. I love democracy...
Alien 22 | 5225
26 Feb 2024 #865
Farmers rioting

Farmers know no boundaries, also in terms of behavior.
Atch 21 | 4159
26 Feb 2024 #866
They should write letters to or call their "democratically elected legal representatives"

Poor old Novi, all you got in the USA was 'leave a message'.

"Minister of State and Galway East, Anne Rabbitte, was delighted to host a productive public meeting "Working for Rural Ireland" with the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Charlie McConalogue TD on Tuesday May 23 in the Athenry Community Hall.

The meeting was a productive session in which various topics were discussed and concerns of farmers and their families in Galway were addressed by Minister McConalogue and Minister Rabbitte.

The presence of two Ministers was greatly appreciated by the public, who were eager to voice their opinions on issues around farming and other key concerns, such as housing."

Of course sometimes the government asks to meet us in case we're a bit 'unhappy' about something:

Lovely Ireland :)
OP Novichok 5 | 7803
26 Feb 2024 #867
Let me know when you get to a legally binding referendum about migrants.

The presence of two Ministers was greatly appreciated by the public, who were eager to voice their opinions

Wow!!! "Eager"!!! No sh*it...
Try two azholes the ruling mob sent to bs for an hour to make bootlickers happy and feel important...
Crnogorac3 4 | 730
26 Feb 2024 #868
Germany: Catholic Bishops Attack AfD, Say Not Flooding Your Country With Moslems is Anti-Christian

Mind you, these are the same German bishops who support shoving penises, fists, and other objects into the anuses of young boys.

I don't really think we should put too much on what they think about flooding the country with savage brown folk from the southlands.

Deutsche Welle:

Catholic bishops meeting in the city of Augsburg this week strongly condemned the rise of ethnic nationalism and right-wing extremism in German society.

"Right-wing extremist parties and those that run rampant on the fringes of this ideology can therefore not be a place of political activity for Christians and are also not electable," they said in a statement.

On this point, the bishops made an explicit reference to the far-right party Alternative for Germany (AfD). They said the party's beliefs are "incompatible with the Christian image of God and humankind."

The statement is highly unusual because for the past 25 years, the Catholic bishops have been reluctant to offer any assessments of political parties.

The head of the Bishops' Conference, Bishop Georg Bätzing, explained that the more than 60 bishops deliberated at length over making a statement, but agreed it was necessary. He also pointed out that the declaration had been adopted unanimously.

Atch 21 | 4159
26 Feb 2024 #869
azholes the ruling mob sent

They ARE the ruling mob, you big eejit. They were two Ministers of the government. When did you last meet a secretary of state in the USA?
Crnogorac3 4 | 730
26 Feb 2024 #870
Not everyone is crazy in the West

Hungary cannot be blackmailed!

"There is not enough money in the world to force us to accept mass migration and to put our children in the hands of LGBTQ activists."

- Orban

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