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Coal-Powered Poland Refuses to "Go Green". EU Ain't Happy.

TheOther  6 | 3596
20 Jan 2020   #151
scientists that admitted they forged documents and lied about global warming

Yet another crazy conspiracy theory, just like the BS that Europeans "owe" NATO money.
johnny reb  49 | 7888
20 Jan 2020   #152
Twisting facts is the same as lying.
Here is one of my sources to substantiate that fact.

Do you have a source that states otherwise ?
If not, this is how Al Gore became a Billionaire knowing global warming is a hoax.
Always follow the money.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912
20 Jan 2020   #153
I've read it and I googled Hansen but I can't find anything about anything being wrong now....the ice is still melting, the temperatures are rising....and it still doesn't look good when we do nothing.

Can you point out where it's proven that it all isn't true anymore?
Crow  154 | 9525
20 Jan 2020   #154
EU projects are evil and shizofrenic but logical. Western Europe desperately need resources and therefore wants to prevent European countries to use their own resources. So one day western Europe have it.
johnny reb  49 | 7888
20 Jan 2020   #155
Can you point out where it's proven that it all isn't true anymore?

Go back in this thread and you will find the answer to your question.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912
20 Jan 2020   #156
What answer should that be?

It's happening...the arctic ice is melting - raising the sea level - flooding settled lands....the average temperature is raising - burning nature and people - bringing droughts and mass fires....WHAT is your answer? Not doing anything? It's all a hoax??? WHAT?
gumishu  15 | 6228
20 Jan 2020   #157
raising the sea level

how much did the oceans swell - 15cm? - I haven't seen any floodings because of rising ocean levels
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
20 Jan 2020   #158
how much did the oceans swell - 15cm?

When I called the Port of Miami about a year ago with the same question, they told me that the ocean level didn't change in the last 30 years. I did the same in November except this time I called the county where Key West is located. Some woman told me that the level did go up. OK, can you send me the link? Sure.

It never came.
johnny reb  49 | 7888
20 Jan 2020   #159
What answer should that be?

Go to the "Poland blocks any action on climate change" thread and you will find your answer.
Your question has been re - hashed over and over and over.
I am tired of repeating it.
It's really a moot point if you aren't going to accept our answers.

I haven't seen any floodings because of rising ocean levels

Remember obama's speech where he said that certain areas would be under water in just a few years and then three years later he bought a $15 million dollar home that sits smack dead center in one of these areas.

What does that tell ? Does the word 'HOAX' come to mind ?
Have you ever considered that all the smog that we are creating will eventually block out the sun light which will cause another ice age ? ;-)
Ironside  50 | 12928
20 Jan 2020   #160
Well Germany is building yet another a coal powered plant. How green of them and how lovely it looks shifting focus from Germany to Poland. Well played.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
20 Jan 2020   #161
Don't forget China and India with their exemptions for eternity.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912
20 Jan 2020   #162
I haven't seen any floodings because of rising ocean levels

Because you can't see it it isn't happening? Are you kidding me???

OK, can you send me the link? Sure.

Maybe that one....

Your question has been re - hashed over and over and over.

It isn't a question...or a matter of belief!

Or maybe someone should write a book about and ask yo to just believe it...maybe it would be easier for you then...

Well Germany is building yet another a coal powered plant.

Yeah...and we will also still have to buy dirty energy from others...I'm sooo sorry not all is already perfect and the transition to fully clean energy is not yet totally done...SO SORRY!!!!
Ironside  50 | 12928
20 Jan 2020   #163

That is not a point \I was making. My point was F off from Poland,
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912
20 Jan 2020   #164
It's not all that bad....

gumishu  15 | 6228
20 Jan 2020   #165
Because you can't see it it isn't happening? Are you kidding me???

you must be kidding yourself and everyone else - if there were a flooding because of the rising sea levels it would be in all news all the time - alarmist scientists would be constantly howling and forecasting catastrophic dooms - I happen to read a lot of the internet and nothing like that happened - so yeah kid yourself some more
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912
20 Jan 2020   #166
if there were a flooding because of the rising sea levels it would be in all news all the time

It IS in the news all the time, why don't you google it for once...

gumishu  15 | 6228
20 Jan 2020   #167
It IS in the news all the time, why don't you google it for once...

man you're beyond pale - you don't even read the diagrams you post - I feel free not to look up your other links because of that
gumishu  15 | 6228
20 Jan 2020   #169
you post some basic google search for "rising sea levels" and you expect me to believe it's all over the news - I asked a serious question how much did the sea level rise - about 15 cm? more? and there were voice from other forums users who reported their own findings - but talk to the brainwashed

for all who read this and who are not bothered to look up the diagrams Bratwurst posted - they say nothing about how much sea levels rose - only how much they are predicted to rise based on certain assumptions or in a very long perspective
Atch  22 | 4299
20 Jan 2020   #170
According to National Geographic average sea levels have risen 23cm since 1880. Anyway, apparently it means that as well as flooding
you get storms pushing further inland. I can definitely say that in Ireland, being a small island with an Atlantic coastline, we have seen changes in our weather, much more flooding and more extreme storms over the last five years.
gumishu  15 | 6228
20 Jan 2020   #171
much more flooding

you mention things that are not obviouse direct outcomes of the rising sea levels (more flooding, more extreme weather) - also I asked for recent data say covering the time since year 2000 -

I am not a climate change denier - but we should be precise with data or otherwise it is just fear mongering - maybe there are other factors in play than man-emitted CO2 in the climate change btw - a couple of years ago I quoted in one of debates here a source in NOAA (i guess you know what NOAA is) that stated that we still don't have perfect models for predicting cloud forming - just think for a moment how much difference cloud cover makes on a summer day
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912
20 Jan 2020   #172
otherwise it is just fear mongerin

I'm not sure where you live but even here in Berlin we can "see" the changes...the summer are hotter than ever...the rivers are drying up now regularly...the forests are burning now regularly...the winter right now is the warmest snow...not even freezing temperatures...they already warn about a drought next summer...threatening the harvest.

That warming makes the so important masses of ice at the poles melt...that rising of sea levels is the logical consequence of that....that in turn is threatening all coastal settlements...making warm countries unbearable hot....drowning whole islands...making soon millions of people to climate refugees...that all is no rocket science...and yes, the news are full about it, every day!

We have now tornados in Germany fffs. TORNADOS! We never had them!!!

WHAT exactly are you doubting? Do you really belief it's just a mass hallucination??? Made up by some mad scientist to...yeah, what for actually?
gumishu  15 | 6228
20 Jan 2020   #173
.that in turn is threatening all coastal settlements..

you couldn't even say what impact the warming of the climate has so far on the sea levels -

as I said I am not a climate change denier - and I understand that the obvious culprit seems to be humankind's emmission of CO2 - but there are other possible factors at play - there's for example much more water vapour in the air than c02 which is also creating a greenhouse efffect - we don't know the average cloud cover in the past for the most part which highly influences albedo especially during summers

as for the poles - the talk is about melting of ice cover in the arctic during notrh hemisphere summers - the point is that this is not where most of frozen water there is on Earth as exemplified by no obvious marking in the rising of sea levels
20 Jan 2020   #174
I'm not sure where you live but even here in Berlin we can "see" the changes...the summer are hotter than ever...

Hotter summers, milder winters, less water in lakes and rivers in the summer - sounds familiar, I see it myself. :( I watched an interview with Marcin Popkiewicz (a nuclear physicist and climatologist) who said that according to long-term research and data analysis, the climate in Mazovia today is comparable to that of Great Hungarian Plain in the 19th century. It's as if Poland moved several hundred kilometres south in the last 150 years or so!

I hear the same thing from farmers and hunters all over Poland. One has to be blind not to see it... and even if someone chooses to close his eyes and plug his ears, that won't make the problem disappear.
gumishu  15 | 6228
20 Jan 2020   #175
I hear the same thing from farmers and hunters all over Poland. One has to be blind not to see it...

I am not denying this - the point is maybe we look for the reason where it is not - just look at the year 2010: -20 celsius and 40cm of snow in late November and a pretty long and snowy winter altogther
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
20 Jan 2020   #176
I am not a climate change denier

Nobody is. Not a single person denies that climate is changing.

What I would like to deny is access to the American taxpayers' checkbooks by the world's free-riding deadbeats annoyed by the fact that Trump gave them his middle finger instead of the trillions they were licking their chops for.

Memo to the global warmers: Go see China.
20 Jan 2020   #177
I am not denying this - the point is maybe we look for the reason where it is not

Perhaps other factors are at play as well, as you said, but the speed of changes (unheard of before) would seem to suggest that human factor is probably the most important one.

Check this out...

... the guy looks like he knows what he's talking about.
TheOther  6 | 3596
20 Jan 2020   #178
if there were a flooding because of the rising sea levels it would be in all news

There is flooding and it was (and is) in the news plenty of times. Just google it. Parts of the American Gulf Coast, islands in the Pacific, low-lying coastal areas in Bangladesh and elsewhere - they are all affected already by flooding, erosion and saltwater intrusion.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912
20 Jan 2020   #179
Memo to the global warmers.

You really think "global warmers" is something like a party? That we have a choice? A leftist conspiracy?

China is the #1 country which will suffer the rising sea levels...they WILL pay for their mistakes with people, cities and whole regions...they WILL have to act.
gumishu  15 | 6228
20 Jan 2020   #180
. the guy looks like he knows what he's talking about.

as I said there are no complementary researches so far on global cloud cover - just think of how much different is a cloudy day during the summer compared to a cloudless one

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