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Chechen Congress in Poland, Russia frowns

pawian  226 | 27453
15 Sep 2010   #1
Russia concerned over Chechen congress in Poland

Russia has conveyed its unease at the Chechen Nation World Congress to be staged in Poland on 16-18 September.
The Russian ambassador to Poland Aleksander Alekseyev warned suspected terrorists would be taking part.
"Russia has an extremely negative attitude towards such events," said Alekseyev adding that Ahmed Zakayev, head of the Chechen government-in-exile and who is accused by Russians of terrorism, will participate at the congress.

The Russian ambassador also confirmed that President Dmitry Medvedev will pay an official visit to Poland this year. Alekseyev said that Russia hopes the talks to be "very substantial."


Polish authorities seem to be intent on avoiding Russian anger.....

Polish arrest warning for top Chechen rebel Zakayev
Leading Chechen rebel Akhmed Zakayev has been warned by Poland that he faces arrest on a Russian warrant if he visits the country this week.

Mr Zakayev, who has been living in the UK since receiving political asylum in 2003, says he means to attend a Chechen congress opening in Poland on Thursday.

Russia regards him as a terrorist and has an international warrant lodged against him through Interpol.
Poland has been among the fiercest critics of Russian policy in Chechnya.
But relations between Warsaw and Moscow improved this year after Russia's sensitive handling of the Polish air disaster on [...]
Ironside  50 | 12941
15 Sep 2010   #2
Russia regards him as a terrorist and has an international warrant lodged against him through Interpol.

Good get him arrested and sent to Russia, bid deal, eh?
grubas  12 | 1382
15 Sep 2010   #3
Round up all Chechen scum and deport to Russia.
Marek11111  9 | 807
16 Sep 2010   #4
Chechen are after their independence and nothing more, they are fighting oppressing power
The way they are going about it I do not agree but they are not first ones to use terror to fight for their independence.

Poland needs to give comfort to the oppress but not to terrorists
jonni  16 | 2475
16 Sep 2010   #5
Chechen are after their independence and nothing more, they are fighting oppressing power

Yes. There are only about a million left, after being systematically terrorised for centuries by the Russians.
grubas  12 | 1382
16 Sep 2010   #6
Chechen are after their independence and nothing more, they are fighting oppressing power

I don't care what they are after but they need to stay OUT of Poland.Round them all up and ship to Putin as a gesture of good will.Hopefully now since Kaczor is dead Poland will do it.
Polonius3  980 | 12275
16 Sep 2010   #7
Kraków has for years played host to a Chechen Information Centre and most Poles have sympathised with the plight of hte subjugated Chechen people. When will the Rooskies finally give up their tsarist-soviet conquests and puppet regimes and set these people free? The West abandoned colonialism in the first decades after World War Two, so maybe it's time for the Kacapy to catch up with the human race.
Marek11111  9 | 807
16 Sep 2010   #8
Grubas people like you need to get a brain and some compassion for other human being
Nathan  18 | 1349
16 Sep 2010   #9
Round up all Chechen scum and deport to Russia.

Well, scum like you should be sent to the North pole where rates of decomposition are slower.

so maybe it's time for the Kacapy to catch up with the human race.

Will they ever?!
jonni  16 | 2475
16 Sep 2010   #10
but they need to stay OUT of Poland

grubas  12 | 1382
16 Sep 2010   #11
This is why
Phucking barbarians.

When will the Rooskies finally give up their tsarist-soviet conquests and puppet regimes and set these people free?

I hope the Russians take the gloves off and bomb these barbarians back to 5th century where they belong.
jonni  16 | 2475
16 Sep 2010   #12
This is why

Your film doesn't say much about Poland.

I hope the Russians take the gloves off and bomb these barbarians back to 5th century where they belong.

They've been shelling, gassing, rounding up and shooting the men, women and children of Chechenya for hundreds of years and haven't broken them. The Russians should call it a day before their co-religionists step in and teach the Russians a lesson once and for all.
grubas  12 | 1382
16 Sep 2010   #13
Your film doesn't say much about Poland.

It says a lot about Chechens though.
jonni  16 | 2475
16 Sep 2010   #14
Very little really, and a dodgy film to boot. Though if Poland were to decide which nationality could visit on the grounds of things that people have done in their name, the airport would be pretty quiet. No Germans since WW2, no Americans since Vietnam, no Belgians since the colonial era and no French since the 1950s.
Nathan  18 | 1349
16 Sep 2010   #15
This is why

:))))))))))))) Wow, some words from the movie: "Media presents the Chechens as peaceful and righteous people. But is this true?" The very beginning of the video is a generalizing statement about the whole nation which is wrong to do, because each one of us is different as you might suspect. Next: "A Chechen is sentenced to 2 years for beating his wives and kids" - Haven't we seen a Pole or any other national beating or even killing his wife and kids and being imprisoned? Here are some articles about most famous wife-beater in Poland Krzysztof Bartoszuk, incestuous father, sentenced to 10 years for beating his wife and daughter while having two kids from the latter! -jail-a198521

Should all representatives of your nation be called scum just because of this dude or hundred more who might be living still non-caught in Poland?

Next: "58 Chechens caught with different types of weapon: knives, castets, telescopic sticks, guns. The next day all, but 4 were released" - It says about something, doesn't it. People are not released like that from custody if they are accused or suspected in wrong-doing. Next article is just a repetition.

Here is some additional onfo for you and food to think:,Silesian_arms_gang_arrested,id,417669.htm

1st says about Polish gang involved in selling arms. 2nd tells the Polish mafia boss who sold Polish slaves to the UK underground world for 12-hour long labor literally like slaves, living in slums and getting nothing but spit on. Should I consider, based on your way of thinking, that all Poles are scum and be immediately deported from the UK to Poland "as a gesture of good will"?
Ironside  50 | 12941
16 Sep 2010   #16
Haven't we seen a Pole

grubas lives in US


sounds Ukrainian

Round up all Chechen scum and deport to Russia.

gee....plenty of a powerless little Stalin's......
grubas  12 | 1382
16 Sep 2010   #17
The very beginning of the video is a generalizing statement about the whole nation which is wrong to do, because each one of us is different as you might suspect.

I understand that.The thing is that 95% of Chechens are crimminals indeed.And they are muslims.If you understand Polish you can read on what Poles who where forced (by the goverment) to live with Chechen creatures in £omża say about them.Or you can even go there and see for yourself.

Next: "58 Chechens caught with different types of weapon: knives, castets, telescopic sticks, guns. The next day all, but 4 were released" - It says about something, doesn't it. People are not released like that from custody if they are accused or suspected in wrong-doing.

Polish law is a joke.

1st says about Polish gang involved in selling arms. 2nd tells the Polish mafia boss who sold Polish slaves to the UK underground world for 12-hour long labor literally like slaves, living in slums and getting nothing but spit on. Should I consider, based on your way of thinking, that all Poles are scum and be immediately deported from the UK to Poland "as a gesture of good will"?

That means there is already way too many Polish crimminals and there is absolutelly no need to import new ones.
Crow  154 | 9531
16 Sep 2010   #18
yes we all know for Russian/Polish love for Chechens

Čeèenski kongres u Poljskoj? u jebo te ovaj svet je lud
OP pawian  226 | 27453
16 Sep 2010   #19
The way they are going about it I do not agree but they are not first ones to use terror to fight for their independence.

Piłsudski, considered a hero, a creator of independent Poland, was a pure terrorist for some time:
In the fall of 1904, Piłsudski formed a paramilitary unit (the Combat Organization of the Polish Socialist Party, or bojówki) aiming to create an armed resistance movement against the Russian authorities.[43] The PPS organized an increasing numbers of demonstrations, mainly in Warsaw; on 28 October 1904, Russian Cossack cavalry attacked a demonstration, and in reprisal, during a demonstration on 13 November Piłsudski's paramilitary opened fire on Russian police and military.[43][45] Initially concentrating their attention on spies and informers, in March 1905 the paramilitary began using bombs to assassinate selected Russian police officers.
Marek11111  9 | 807
16 Sep 2010   #20
Piłsudski's paramilitary opened fire on Russian police and military.[43][45] Initially concentrating their attention on spies and informers, in March 1905 the paramilitary began using bombs to assassinate selected Russian police officers.

I do not see anything wrong with shooting the police or army officers as they are the military force and I do not consider it to be a terrorist acts

Terrorist acts are against civilian population like a bombing a wedding reception from a drone, capturing people on street and shooting them,
Using military hardware as helicopters and planes to destroy hospitals, or firing rockets into a civilian population.
Pawian with your thinking Polish home army were terrorists as they kill german soldiers, you are wrong.
OP pawian  226 | 27453
16 Sep 2010   #21
Luckily, the government seems sensible...

Akhmed Khalidovich Zakayev has arrived in Warsaw to attend the Chechen Nation World Congress near the capital but will not face extradition to Russia, reports the PAP news agency.

Earlier today the Attorney General's office said that if the Chechen leader, who is wanted by Russian on terrorism charges, steps foot in Poland then they would be compelled to arrest him.

Interpol also has an warrant out for the arrest of Zakayev - who has lived in London for some years - which would force Poland to consider an extradition request from Russia.

But an anonymous source close to the government in Warsaw told the PAP news agency that the chances of Zakayev being handed over to the Russians "were zero".

In 1904 Piłsudski took part in anti-Russian terrorist attacks, fighting for Polish independence.
In 1905 he went to Japan.

If the Japanese had handed him over to Russians then, today we would consider it an extremely unfair treatment of the Polish fighter.

Pawian with your thinking Polish home army were terrorists as they kill german soldiers, you are wrong.

Of course, they were Polnische Banditen, weren`t they? :):):)

Ok, you are partly right. :):):)
Seanus  15 | 19666
16 Sep 2010   #22, I feel so sorry for those soldiers that got caught up in this. Putin's imperialistic drive cost them their lives.

Chechens wanted their independence but I'm not actually sure of the legal status behind it. Whatever it is, nobody deserves to die like that.

Russia can frown all it wants, this is Polish territory. They have pretty much handled Smoleńsk all by themselves on the basis of territorial jurisdiction so they can be fair now and let Poland handle things on their own turf.

Poland is not a Russian satellite.
Marek11111  9 | 807
17 Sep 2010   #23
Zakayev, in Poland for a Chechen people's congress, was detained in Warsaw earlier on Friday and taken to a district prosecutor's office.

Here we go, he is responsible for terrorist acts then he needs to be send to Russia and then die, there is no excuse for killing innocent civilians
OP pawian  226 | 27453
17 Sep 2010   #24
I agree on one condition - all Russian military criminals who comitted war crimes in Chechenya, including levelling Chechen villages by carpet bombing, will be sent to independent European courts in Hague and handled in a proper way.

There is no excuse for killing innocent civilians - these are your own words which are correct.

Only then I can agree to Zakajev`s extradition and trial in Moscow.

Velund  1 | 490
17 Sep 2010   #25
Here we go, he is responsible for terrorist acts then he needs to be send to Russia and then die, there is no excuse for killing innocent civilians

I hope well documented personal participation of Zakayev in murder of two orthodox priests in 1996 (definitely, not armed forces) is enough to start thinking that something is wrong?

Only then I can agree to Zakajev`s extradition and trial in Moscow.

I think nobody will ask your approval. ;)
OP pawian  226 | 27453
17 Sep 2010   #26
I think nobody will ask your approval. ;)

I was talking to Marek and this is the matter between us. Haven`t you noticed? :):):)

If you want to join our discussion let me ask you: What do you think about the idea of tracking down and trying Russian war criminals? :):):) So that there is nice balance in nature, i.e. not only Chechens are put on trial?
Velund  1 | 490
17 Sep 2010   #27
this is the matter between us

Private message is correct place for something personal. You replied in public forum instead, so be prepared for comments.

What do you think about the idea of tracking down and trying Russian war criminals?

If there is criminals, can you give an examples of their crimes? Not the common words, but places and dates. I can look what is available in Russian speaking sources in Internet about this. But a bit later - leaving home tomorrow for a 3 week business trip and have no time right now.
OP pawian  226 | 27453
17 Sep 2010   #28
I hope well documented personal participation of Zakayev in murder of two orthodox priests in 1996 (definitely, not armed forces) is enough to start thinking that something is wrong?

Who documented it? Russian special services?

Read this:
Yes, this is my testimony.'

'Did you testify that Mr. Zakayev ordered to kidnap the two priests?'

'I did.'

'Is that true?'

'No, that is not.'

'Why did you make this testimony?'

'I was forced to.'

Velund  1 | 490
17 Sep 2010   #29
In relation to chechens, I easily believe that someone whispered them "you have a chance to survive if you will say that you was forced to sign this, but definitely no chances if you will confirm this"...

And, of course, most "crimes against chechens" have a very similar level of documentation. They often solve their inter-clan problems by killing someone, and then show the photos of dead body to the world and say "look what russians do..." One shot, two bunnies hunted...
OP pawian  226 | 27453
17 Sep 2010   #30
If there is criminals, can you give an examples of their crimes? Not the common words, but places and dates. I can see what is available in Russian speaking sources in Internet about this. But a bit later - leaving home tomorrow for a 3 week business trip and have no time right now.

Really amusing you can`t spare 5 seconds to type Russian war crimes in Chechenyaand receive a dozen of entries.
Check this:

You can read there about Russian and Chechen crimes, as well as European courts` rulings on Russian crimes.

And, of course, most "crimes against chechens" have a very similar level of documentation. They often solve their inter-clan problems by killing someone, and then show the photos of dead body to the world and say "look what russians do..." One shot, two bunnies hunted...


An excerpt from the entry:
* On December 3, 1999, at least 40 people fleeing the besieged Grozny were shot and killed by Russian troops, leaving only seven wounded survivors.

* In early December 1999, Russian troops under command of general Vladimir Shamanov killed up to 41 civilians during two-week drunken rampage in the village of Alkhan-Yurt, near Grozny.

* In several incidents during December 1999 and January 2000 in the Staropromyslovski district of Grozny, Russian troops killed at least 50 unarmed civilians, mostly elderly men and women.

And European court ruling:

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