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How will Poland be affected by WW3 which has now started

amiga500  5 | 1501
2 Feb 2024   #181
We'll have to look beyond the west.

I hang out with a lot of eastern africans, to a T, they support Russia. They don't like NATO, UK and USA. reasons colonialism, Iraq, Syria, Libia etc etc.

Also the memory of USSR support over many decades supporting African independence/rebels against western imperialism.

Of course this is a specific subset of countries in East Africa.

Watching some of the AFCON jon?
jon357  72 | 23490
2 Feb 2024   #182
eastern africans

Probably not the way forward in terms of sentiment or resources. Sooner or later Nigeria is going to be a thing. Their pollution will overtake the US in a few decades. Libya may surprise; they're not as anti-west as you'd expect. Generally anti-France though due to Macron pointlessly binning them, and oil rich part of the country suffered terribly due to russian interference. I was in Benghazi on business for a few days in 2022 and the remains of the city centre (which looks like Mariupol) was the saddest thing I've ever seen.

Watching some of the AFCON

Yes. A few surprises. Less popular in Africa than you'd think. Most of Africa north of roughly Congo is crazy for either Real or Barca or for Man U (yuk) or Liverpool.
mafketis  38 | 11165
2 Feb 2024   #183
Nigeria is going to be a thing. Their pollution will overtake the US in a few decades

Send Greta!!!! NOW!!!!!!
jon357  72 | 23490
2 Feb 2024   #184
Send Greta

And preferably keep her there. Maybe suggest she goes swimming with crocodiles or maybe that she should try to get friendly with wild hippos. The single tooth they have in their palates could punch through her thorax in one go.

It was a typo of course. Population not pollution.
amiga500  5 | 1501
2 Feb 2024   #185
Most of Africa

Africans always love the under dog., and that's coba verde. because of my history i'm super eagles always.

Less popular in Africa than you'd think.

Not what i've heard from my mates in Ghana and Nigeria. As every AFCON it's all party party.

But yeah i agree, the south sudanese etc are like, well.. we're support congo, nearest country etc. . my nigerian mate in ghana saw it, the ghanians were in shock. you out chum.
amiga500  5 | 1501
2 Feb 2024   #186
@jon That's it Chum, You're out of it. 2:08-2:16
jon357  72 | 23490
2 Feb 2024   #187
my mates in Ghana and Nigeria. As every AFCON it's

Down there they're well into it. Further north it's all Spain.

south sudanese

When I was in Sudan I liked the people from the south, though I'd not want to spend time there post independence. Apparently the police are permanently drugged up (not in itself a bad thing) and more likely to rob you in broad daylight than the robbers. Sudan proper is a country the west ought to court rather than demonise. They've got a pretty handy Red Sea port as well. The older generation follow cricket due to the days of empire.

In Mauritania (fvck, I miss that place) they're jumping with joy since they win one match, a very rare occurrence for them. They nearly beat Cape Verde (almost a local derby for them) too.

You're out of it

City for ever.
amiga500  5 | 1501
2 Feb 2024   #188
City for ever.

hold up guv? which city you mean? your answer means a lot, it might be like ma baker, your money or your life.
Tacitus  2 | 1255
2 Feb 2024   #189
look beyond the west.

To whom though? Most of the mayor Non-Western powers that come to mind: Brazil, India maybe South Africa have taken a neutral position at best, if they are not outright aiding Russia.

blocked another country for supplying Ukraine

I think you know the context of why this happened. This was within the first hours of war, when everyone assumed that Ukraine would fall in a matter of days. Berlin believes that it could do more for Ukraine if it helped broker another peace summit. A mistaken belief, but the intention was genuine.

Since then Germany has become the largest European supporter for Ukraine. Personally I am not happy about Scholz cautious approach, but leaving aside that his main priority as chancellor of Germany must be Germany, it also succeeded in getting the German people behind him. Support for military aid to Ukraine remains high, despite the pacifist inclinations of our people, and the high burden particulary the Ukrainian refugees pose for our ailing economy. That has not been the case in all countries who initially greatly supported Ukraine. And who knows who else will abandon Ukraine if the war (which seems likely) drags on for another few years.


Schroeder has not been in power 18+ years. Putin managed to buy a lot of former politicians and journalists and "experts"(something he did in many countries, including the UK) but which active politician has spied for him?


I'd wish too France would do more in bilateral military aid, but he seems to be playing a very important role diplomatically. In large parts thanks to him Ukraine will finally receive the 50bn from the EU.
amiga500  5 | 1501
2 Feb 2024   #190
Since then Germany has become the largest European supporter for Ukraine

hahhahahhha, don't be silly, u krauts are using orban as your foil. sure everyone coming round slowly, but don't think u germans are pure., never was. never will be. u playing ure own game. the worst thing is, the germans are to proud that it took marowiecki to go to berlin and literally kick their ass verbally to spring them into action. too proud, lolzo, he went beyond diplomatic bounds, oh of course these idiots to the east, why would dumb polaks know better?
amiga500  5 | 1501
2 Feb 2024   #191
Let's remind ourselves of what leaders of v3 + baltic countries actually took a train and visited zelenzky at the start of the war? under the threat of being bombed by the ruskis? it wasin't the german cowards that's for sure. All your precious EU said they were bemused and did not approve of leaders visiting Ukraine.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11922
2 Feb 2024   #192
hahhahahhha, don't be silly, u krauts are using orban as your foil.

How so?

You don't like Germans....okay....but some more direct clear allegation would be nice!

It's just hard to discuss or counter a "You Germans are ****!"....*shrug*
Torq  8 | 1041
2 Feb 2024   #193
Guys... don't you see what's happening?

The EU has just decided to give Ukraine 50 billion euro... in four years. Of course, to do this Orban had to be bribed but that's a detail. Anyways, 50 billion euro in 4 years is about 0.08% of the combined EU GDP. Yes, it's not a typo, 0.08%. 15 times more was spent on coronavirus recovery fund. :D One day of war, by the way, costs Ukraine about $100 million.

So, there are two possibilities:

a) the EU are complete and utter retards for whom their safety and pushing Russia further away from their borders is worth 0.08% of their budget;

b) the EU wants Ukraine to lose the war but has to keep up minimal appearances.

I think we can safely say that the EU are not retards (well, not technically anyway). We are left then with b).

When Ukraine falls, it will be the Baltics' and Poland's turn. We can expect the EU to be similarly generous then. What are the conclusions, therefore, that Poland should draw?
amiga500  5 | 1501
2 Feb 2024   #194
You don't like Germans....okay...

Why would i like germans idiot? You genocided about 2-4 million of our people quite recently.
are u an idiot? u want me to play black eyed peas where is the love?
jon357  72 | 23490
2 Feb 2024   #195
assumed that Ukraine would fall in a matter of days

No. It went on for much longer. Why did the German government use legalistic contractual clauses to prevent another country from aiding Ukraine as they saw fit?

Putin managed to buy a lot of former politicians and journalists and "experts

Especially in Germany, including a former chancellor and key army figures. There are spy trials going on right now and even elected politicians in parliament openly sympathetic to russian economic interests..

Not however in the U.K. where russia's political influence has been at best negligible. We had one very minor and obscure backbencher in parliament who favoured increased trade and cultural links; he is currently suspended and is likely to be deselected completely before this year's election.

I'd wish too France would do more in bilateral military aid

Bilateral? Be careful about what you wish for. If Micron supported Ukraine they may as well hoist a russian flag in Kyiv.
Torq  8 | 1041
2 Feb 2024   #196
What are the conclusions, therefore, that Poland should draw?

... also, Russia - in their current war-time production mode - can manufacture 2 million artillery shells a year. The EU promised Ukraine 1 million shells; however, it is now apparent that they will get no more than 600 thousand, with a bit of luck. Also, after much debate, the EU gives Ukraine 0.08% of their GDP in aid over four years.

Again: what conclusions should Ukraine, and then Poland, draw? What actions should Ukraine, and then Poland, take?

I would be interested to know your opinion, guys. What should Ukraine and Poland do, now that the US is likely to withdraw from Europe and the EU wants Ukraine to lose (but is trying to keep up some minimal appearances with some peanuts money). Please, tell me.
OP johnny reb  49 | 7954
2 Feb 2024   #197
now that the US is likely to withdraw from Europe

Now it's Europe's turn to pay back the US and put some war ships in the Pacific for the upcoming war with China vs the U.S.

Subs are in demand if you guys could spare a few.
Torq  8 | 1041
2 Feb 2024   #198
Subs are in demand if you guys could spare a few.

No problem.

What sauce would you like with it, wariacie?
OP johnny reb  49 | 7954
2 Feb 2024   #199
We call those "Hoagies" here in the U.S.
I thought you Eurps call them a "Wedge" or a "Spuckie".
Shows you what I know.
And a sub is short for submarine which shows you what you didn't know.
Ironside  50 | 12952
2 Feb 2024   #200
EU are not retards

Whatever they are they need to go, their agricultural policy and green policy are from outer space, totally not good for any EU country farmers.

On top of it French both their government and their farmers are acting out, they need to be taught the lesson arrogant little pansies! Fait chier!

Va te faire enculer!


I honestly can't tell if Tacvistus is clueless sometimes or if he is trying to gaslight us!

If Micron supported Ukraine

S'en foutre about that little queutard!

Now that the US is likely to withdraw from Europe

I'm telling you that the US won't withdraw from Europe, it might limit support for Ukraine but even that is not that certain. I think that Trump won't do what everybody is saying he will do in this case. Nevertheless, Poland should make all necessary arrangements not to bleed out for Ukrinian s it is but to secure our interests assuming that Ukraine will lose.

That is aside from internal reforms, and policies of cooperation with the Nordic countries like Sweden and Finland.
Torq  8 | 1041
2 Feb 2024   #201
green policy

The green fascism, at first glance, is just blunt doctrinarism, especially when the rest of the world outside the EU doesn't give a flying f*ck about CO2 emission limits, but with the coming war, when we need industry and economy in general at full revs, it's pure idiotism.

Fait chier! Va te faire enculer! S'en foutre

Sorry, Iron. I'm not very much into useless, exotic languages. I knew a little bit from school but luckily I already forgot. Especially after spending some time on Passion-histoire forum long time ago (that's when I decided to forget French completely).

Poland should make all necessary arrangements not to bleed out for Ukrinian s

Well, I'm not an optimist - remember how all the countries in Europe did everything to divert Hitler's first strike from themselves and direct it at somebody else? All the countries except Poland. Bring it on b*tches and "two weeks in Berlin" was the general attitude. Not to mention "nie oddamy ani guzika". When Ukraine falls, the Baltics won't last a week (even with their cute new Maginot line *rolls eyes*) and guess which is Putin's next most obvious target. I'll give you a hint: it starts with "Pol" and ends with "ska". That's why it's vital for Ukraine to survive, but in the US there's internal bickering and the EU has just decided to aid Ukraine with 0.08% of European GDP over the next four years. Brilliant, kurwa, brilliant.
Ironside  50 | 12952
2 Feb 2024   #202
Brilliant, k

Is not their neck on the chopping board next, is it? So rather than worry about this or that little scurring queutards, we should go with Finland and Sweden into close bilateral cooperation and alliances.

Forget Ukrinie and focus on Poland, there are internal that we can do now. Ukrinaie is helped as much as we can and we can't do anything more, they should help themself there are still a lot of resources and money that go into feeding their corruption, let them warry about it. If they rather make money, F them!
Torq  8 | 1041
2 Feb 2024   #203
go with Finland and Sweden into close bilateral cooperation and alliances

Sure. Finns are tough bastards and maybe Swedes are still not 100% pussified, who knows. Good idea.

they should help themself

That's true. Why there hasn't been a full mobilisation in Ukraine yet is beyond me. This whole war is strange as f*ck.
Novichok  4 | 8538
2 Feb 2024   #204
maybe Swedes are still not 100% pussified,

You can tell an unpussified Swede from a pussified one very easily... Unpussified Swedes are black.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126
3 Feb 2024   #205
maybe Swedes are

Swedes were offered shares in Oil offshore platforms in return for shares in Volvo. They refused, I wouldn't bet on Swedish arrogance... It's worse then Germans. Finns are safer bet
jon357  72 | 23490
3 Feb 2024   #206
the Baltics won't last a week

24 hours at best and then the Estonians will assemble in a choir and sing. The Lithuanians will light candles and sniff religious pictures. The Latvians will get drunk.
mafketis  38 | 11165
3 Feb 2024   #207
We call those "Hoagies" here in the U.S.

Many different names for a long sandwich in different parts of the US

sub(marine), hero, Cuban, hoagie, grinder etc

Where do ou think the name Subway comes from?
amiga500  5 | 1501
3 Feb 2024   #208
You can tell an unpussified Swede from a pussified one very easily... Unpussified Swedes are black.

Don't forget there's lots of viking blood left.
Ironside  50 | 12952
3 Feb 2024   #209
Viking blood left.
@ amiga500

Vikings are not an ethnicity, geez. /If you mean nordic blood there is plenty of it going around the baltic sea.
Torq  8 | 1041
3 Feb 2024   #210
Meanwhile, Duda causes outrage in Ukraine...,nId,7309846

... use your favourite online translator. :)

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