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How will Poland be affected by WW3 which has now started

jon357  72 | 23490
27 Jan 2024   #121
David Irving

That crank?

Is he out of jail yet?
Poloniusz  5 | 969
27 Jan 2024   #122
That crank?

You proved he was absolutely correct when you fled multiculti Ingerland for homogenous Poland.

But don't worry, you are certainly not alone in demonstrating leftist hypocrisy.

jon357  72 | 23490
27 Jan 2024   #123
homogenous Poland.

Looks like you've not been to Warsaw much.

And there are big chunks of Britain far more homogenous than Mazowsze.

Stick to things you know about, like incelism.

absolutely correct

Irving's never been 'correct' in his life. The judge was correct though when she locked him up.

Sad to see people quoting fascists here, especially ones obsessed with the third reich.
Novichok  4 | 8538
27 Jan 2024   #124
"If the British soldiers on the beaches of Normandy in 1944 could look forward to the end of the century

It's sad to look at that picture...Good people turning into suicidal morons...
Poloniusz  5 | 969
27 Jan 2024   #125
Looks like you've not been to Warsaw much.

Not the low rent parts you are forced to dwell in. And this should teach you a lesson that there was no point in you running away from multiculti Ingerland since diversity will always follow you no matter how far you travel to avoid it.

As far as Warsaw goes, it doesn't represent all of Poland anyway.

And there are big chunks of Britain far more homogenous than Mazowsze.

I guess you would know by preferring to retreat to these homogenous parts rather than go to the areas now oozing with diversity.

Irving's never been 'correct' in his life.

Like I said, you proved he was correct by admitting that you are willing to travel to other timezones in a desperate attempt to find "sundown towns" you can afford and still shelter you from diversity.

The judge was correct though when she locked him up.

Austrian Judge Peter Liebetreu who presided over the David Irving trial and imposed the jail term is a she? Really?

It may have well as been a female judge given the obvious lack of impartiality.

After all,

"Irving's lawyer Elmar Kresbach immediately announced he would appeal the sentence. "I consider the verdict a little too stringent. I would say it's a bit of a message trial"."

Sad to see people quoting fascists here, especially ones obsessed with the third reich.

Now, now, not every woman is a Cancel Culture Karen like you.

"Deborah Lipstadt [Jewish-American historian and diplomat], upon hearing of Irving's sentence to three years' imprisonment, said, "I am not happy when censorship wins, and I don't believe in winning battles via censorship."

It's sad to look at that picture...Good people turning into suicidal morons...

They fought for their country never once thinking their political leaders who called them to war were also the enemy.
Novichok  4 | 8538
27 Jan 2024   #126
their political leaders who called them to war were also the enemy.

Not alone...I can't name another country that did more damage to the US than the US government.
In some sick sense, it's good to be as old as I am. That ride down to hell is very unpleasant...
Miloslaw  20 | 5124
27 Jan 2024   #127
]I can't name another country that did more damage to the US than the US governmen

That is one hell of a statement!

Not sure that I agree with it, without further evidence.
OP johnny reb  49 | 7954
27 Jan 2024   #128
That ride down to hell is very unpleasant...

And when you get there, it is even more unpleasant, and the worst part is that it for eternity.
Chew on that.
OP johnny reb  49 | 7954
28 Jan 2024   #129
Nobody has suggested a return to national service

Do you follow the news at all ?
Many of us were surprised when the head of the Army advocated conscription in the face of the Russian danger. Less surprised that the Prime Minister quickly dismissed the idea - it would certainly frighten the pre-election horses.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11922
28 Jan 2024   #130
Fits somehow...

jon357  72 | 23490
28 Jan 2024   #131
been a female judge given the obvious lack of impartiality.

There you go again.

Irving is nazi-obsessed pondlife. He appeals to bitter losers.

Do you follow the news at all ?

Behave Jim.
Novichok  4 | 8538
28 Jan 2024   #132
That is one hell of a statement!


30 million undeportable illegals, 34 trillion of unpayable debt, 1.6 trillion annual deficit, constant wars, crime-ridden cities, San Francisco a ghost town, homeless drug addicts we trip over, kids who don't how to read and write,...33% identifying as LGBTs, girls having their breasts removed to look like boys,...

Want more?

Somebody once said that if another country forced the US to have the schools we have, it would be an act of war.
OP johnny reb  49 | 7954
28 Jan 2024   #133
Behave Jim.

I will do my best but toxic commie pricks that bad mouth their guest country is vomit inducing.
If they are so unhappy then go the F back to where you came from. Simple

Want more?

Here is another one for you to rant about.
jon357  72 | 23490
28 Jan 2024   #134
guest country

Ironside  50 | 12952
28 Jan 2024   #135
That is unrelated to the promise of stationing troops there.

I'm sure it is. Nothing but a pure innocent coincidence and one has nothing to do with the other.

Realistically, Ilif Poland can not be motivated to defend its' neighbor, other countries won't send additional troops either.

Of course, Poland will help the Baltic states, at its discretion and according to the NATO general plan. Sure like hell won't be stationing their ground troops or rushing to fill a gap left by German empty promises.
Tacitus  2 | 1255
29 Jan 2024   #136
Nothing but a pure innocent coincidence and one has nothing to do with the other.

Indeed. Most European countries if given the choice have picked German tanks and anti-aircraft systems since the war in Ukraine broke out. Particulary the Iris-T system is shaping up to become a real export hit.

left by German empty promises.

We shall see. Hopefully Poland won't just resort to verbal grand-standing if war breaks out. Will be interesting to see if the new Polish government recommits to aiding Ukraine.
Ironside  50 | 12952
29 Jan 2024   #137
Hopefully Poland won't just resort to verbal grand-standing

Isn't that German forté nowadays as they proved to be masters of verbal grand-standing with issues concerning aid to Ukraine?
Indeed if Germany continues to undercut Poland economically there may be no standing at all as we would be able to field a proper army, would Germany step in? lol!
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11922
29 Jan 2024   #138
....yeah....our chancellor loves verbal grandstanding, but still...I would like you to acknowledge now and then that Germany DOES actually help alot, with military and humanitarian aid....outside of the US and the EU we are the biggest "helper"....just only to be fair!

And what do you mean with "undercut Poland economically"? Germany isn't Polands enemy, hasn't been for a long time!
Tacitus  2 | 1255
29 Jan 2024   #139
as they proved to be masters of verbal grand-standing with issues concerning aid to Ukraine?

There are a lot of things to complain about Scholz, but he can hardly be said to have made empty promises or raised false hopes regarding Ukraine. At the beginning many critics said that he was too pessimistic when he said that Ukraine must not lose and Russia must not win, instead of speaking of an outright victory. Scholz may have had a better grasp at the limits of Ukrainian capabilities and the the willingness to help from other countries. Scholz started slow, but has steadily ramped up help, with Germany now becoming the largest European supporter of Ukraine and pledging the most support for 2024.

Contrast that with all the great promises of various leaders at the beginning and later. I remember e.g. how Finish leaders initially said that they would be open to deliver Leopard tanks to Ukraine. Then they said that they could only do so after joining NATO. They did, still no Leopards.

And then there is Poland. All the pledges of brotherhood with Ukraine, only to stop sending new weapons mid-war and even obstructing other deliveries by Polish farmers.

Only France has shown a larger discrepancy between words and deeds.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126
29 Jan 2024   #140
what do you mean with

One important thing to learn about Poles is that Poles love to argue :)

Another thing is that Old Polish grandpas are Grumblers. Imagine old longbeards from Warhammer fantasy to Get the picture.

Best portrayed in «Gran Torino» with a Polish American «Grumbler»
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11922
29 Jan 2024   #141
....well....I like a good 'ol grumble myself now and then....wait....whom do you call OLD!!!!
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126
29 Jan 2024   #142
@Bratwurst Boy
No need to know ;p
Ironside  50 | 12952
29 Jan 2024   #143
There are a lot

Oho, you exploded with your writing here, what a contrast to your usual terse response it means I must have the nerve here.
We both know that the German government shows on its charts promises not have an accurate record of equipment and help already sent to Ukraine.

Let's start with the beginning like 10 000 helmets sent by Germany and 230 tanks sent by Poland.
So let's dispense with propaganda and have the real talk, if Germany aspires to be a leading power in the EU it should step up, leading costs money, effort, and investment. Trying to take for the ride The US, your neighbors, and Poland is not the way to do it.


How Finish leaders initially

Finland is a border country, and it will face the forces of the Russians if anything goes wrong. Why do you expect them to disarm their army just to send it to Ukraine? Whilst Germany can do it safely you are not a border country and you have a huge presence of the US troops on your soil. You can take that risk and somehow you don't.

only to stop sending new weapons

Don't listen to your German propaganda Poland didn't stop, I wish they would stop for a few reasons we don't have enough stuff to support our army, and like Findlan we are a border country that if anything goes wrong will face Russia as one of the first. So shut it if you don't know anything.

As for farmers, there is no reason for Poland to let Ukrainian agrarian import kill our farmers, and not only Polish, farmers all over the EU face the same issues cast by the unrestricted opening of the RU borders to agricultural produce from Ukirniae.

Why even your German farmer got ebiough t of it and is on strike!

"undercut Poland economically"?

In stiffing Polish development ( I can give you examples if you ask for it) and as you see by voting to open the EU borders to products from Ukriniae, that is harmful to Gemrna farmers too.

Your liberal government working with your big businesses and media have policies of their own and they don't hesitate to hurt their people in the process do you think they would care about Poland?
Bobko  27 | 2099
29 Jan 2024   #144
Why do you expect them to disarm their army just to send it to Ukraine?

Why did you do it?
Ironside  50 | 12952
29 Jan 2024   #145
We have some crazy MOFOS as politicians, can you believe it one dude from Poland said that the Polish effort to stop all that grain undercutting Polish framers caused bleeding out of the Ukrainian economy. What a cheek, first of all, there is not Ukrainian economy most of that is aid or stealing, and second of all how those big funds and oligarchs are the Ukrainian economy. They must have paid him handsomely/

By the way, you are F, I heard Girkin goes to prison.
Bobko  27 | 2099
29 Jan 2024   #146
By the way, you are F, I heard Girkin goes to prison.

We will somehow survive without his genius advice.

I can also be Girkin, look:

1) We need 2M men mobilized tomorrow!
2) We need 10,000 more tanks, planes, mlrs, afvs!
3) People are dying, do you idiots not see?!

How is my Girkin impression?
Bobko  27 | 2099
29 Jan 2024   #147
Bottom line: Girkin calls everybody idiots, but now he is in jail.
Alien  25 | 6424
29 Jan 2024   #148

Do I need to know who Girkin is? 🤔
mafketis  38 | 11165
29 Jan 2024   #149
He's the one who led the russian invasion of Donbas in 2014.... now in jail for criticizing the tsar.
Bobko  27 | 2099
29 Jan 2024   #150
He's the one who led the russian invasion of Donbas in 2014

As an officer of the FSB, sure.

now in jail for criticizing the tsar.

He's a monarchist that supports the actual tsar (including the Whites during the Civil War). Also, an avid historical reenactor.

So your jokes are inappropriate Mister Maf.

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