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How will Poland be affected by WW3 which has now started

Korvinus  3 | 610
17 Aug 2024   #541
By attacking Russia, official Poland practically openly declared war to Serbia.

lol. Poles and Russians hated each other long before us joining the NATO. We've been fighting since the early 16th century. Even when Russians finally subjugated us we fought stubbornly to free ourselves from their autocratic grasp. If there is any tradition between our nations, it's one of mutual hostility.

Nothing is above Sarmatia ie Slavia.

I know it may be incomprehensible to a Serb, but no one, no matter the blood and race, is obligated to love Russians.

Love, friendship and loyalty needs to be earned by deeds and Russians never did anything to earn it, always obsessed with grabbing more land and subjugating their neighbours.
Novichok  4 | 8538
17 Aug 2024   #542
Even when Russians finally subjugated us we fought stubbornly to free ourselves from their autocratic grasp.

When was that?
Korvinus  3 | 610
17 Aug 2024   #543
Miloslaw  20 | 5124
30 Aug 2024   #545
Poles and Russians hated each other long before us joining the NATO.

This mutual hatred has been going on for centuries and ain't gonna change anytime soon.

no one, no matter the blood and race, is obligated to love Russians.

Agreed 100%.Serbs are weird and very submissive in this respect.

Love, friendship and loyalty needs to be earned by deeds and Russians never did anything to earn it

Never a truer word spoken.

When was that?

Please wake up and pay attention Rich.
Novichok  4 | 8538
31 Aug 2024   #546
When was that?

When I ask such a question, I expect dates and places - not links - from the guy who said:

Even when Russians finally subjugated us we fought stubbornly to free ourselves from their autocratic grasp.

OP johnny reb  49 | 7954
14 Sep 2024   #547
Who would have ever thought the Bully would start WW3 by invading Ukraine.
Remember that three-mile-long Russian military convoy with outdated equipment that he first sent into Ukraine when he invaded claiming Ukraine would surrender within a couple of weeks ?
That threat sure backfired on him as Ukraine now has the capability of striking deep into Russian territory.
That has not officially been announced yet hoping Russia will surrender first.
(I can't wait until Ukraine totally collapses that damn bridge)
Once this gets coordinated and Russian citizens start dying, just maybe his own Russian people will wise up and remove him from his failed efforts.
Unfortunately, he has bullied his own people into thinking that he is invincible.
Thats what Bin Laden thought too.
Crow  154 | 9548
14 Sep 2024   #548
lol. Poles and Russians hated each other long before us joining the NATO.

Please. Be reasonable. You may hate Russians as much as you want but what that has with business? With Serbian business?

If Serbia achieved privileged status in getting to Russia`s resources and if thanks to that Serbian economy blossom and in return our army strengthen, it means that we have chance to consolidate Slavic South. Then also we extending our hand to Poland so Poland via Serbia can also get to Russia`s resources in a privileged way. We also extending hand to other Slavs and to non-Slavs that aren`t hostile on Slavs. Like Hungarians.

And why now Poland wants to ruin this? To ruin Serbia? To ruin itself in attempt to deprive Serbia, other Slavs and countries like Hungary from getting to Russia`s resources????? WHY BRATE????? WHY DO YOU DOING THIS????? ARE YOU IMBECILES?????

To war for whom? To die for Rome? USA? Western Europe? Brate, Poles are only good joke for them. Good for nothing else. Why then?

And Poland doing this in the name of Kashubs, Silesians, Lenki, Lusatians, etc? In the name of all these our brethren that we Balkan Serbs always encouraged to be loyal to Poland?

You thank to us brate in this way?

Get the fu*k out from the conflict with Russia. Its not your place to ruin business to Slavs. Not just to Russians. To all Slavs and friendly non Slavs.

I know it may be incomprehensible to a Serb, but no one, no matter the blood and race, is obligated to love Russians.

I hope you now understand.
Novichok  4 | 8538
14 Sep 2024   #549
Who would have ever thought the Bully would start WW3 by invading Ukraine.

When NATO crawls up to the bully's front door, bully reacts the way the US reacted when that bully tried to move rockets too close to America's ass.
Novichok  4 | 8538
14 Sep 2024   #550
Unfortunately, he has bullied his own people into thinking that he is invincible.

...and that's why 80% voted for him. It's amazing how FSB's guns can affect voting in Russia.

Many don't like Putin because they are irritated that it takes a lot longer than it should. That's what happens when you try to preserve buildings and humans.

BTW, to date, after 2 and a half years of this war, civilian casualties are about 12,000. How many civilians died in Iraq while we were sniffing for those imaginary WMDs?
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
14 Sep 2024   #551
How many civilians died in Iraq while we were sniffing for those imaginary WMDs?

Novi, Novi, Novi... asking such questions on PF and expecting an honest answer (not to mention drawing conclusions from the answer) is a bit naive; but hey - we should keep faith in humanity, shouldn't we?
pawian  226 | 27546
14 Sep 2024   #552
Novi, Novi, Novi.

Yes, repeat that nick to him so that he doesn`t forget it due to acute dementia....
Crow  154 | 9548
14 Sep 2024   #553
I was never that popular here. Non called me Crowie, Crowie, Crowie. Not even when I dedicated thread to the raping of Lech Walesa on London airport. Where I mistaking
pawian  226 | 27546
14 Sep 2024   #554
Non called me Crowie, Crowie, Crowie

Coz nobody suspects you of dementia. Yet. ::):):):)
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
14 Sep 2024   #555
Non called me Crowie

BB calls you Crowie all the time! Accept it - PF loves you :)
Crow  154 | 9548
14 Sep 2024   #556
Trump is also loved and what he have from it
Joker  2 | 2382
15 Sep 2024   #557
Trump is also loved and what he have from it

They will start WWIII before they let Trump get elected.
Crow  154 | 9548
15 Sep 2024   #558

They will start WWIII before they let Trump get elected.

Critical period is until the USA elections. If we don`t have major war until then it is possible to postpone it until start of the USA-China conflict and until Ukraine is completely spent.

I actually believe that USA and western European military-industrial complex would push for postponed major conflict, giving more time to Germany (and its satellites on Balkan), other EU countries and Southern Korea to prepare. What that can be? Can`t be sure. But, let`s say on span from 2-3 to 10 years.
Korvinus  3 | 610
20 Sep 2024   #559
This is the situation of Europe at moment :

Home / News / How will Poland be affected by WW3 which has now started

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