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How will Poland be affected by WW3 which has now started

mafketis  38 | 11165
25 Mar 2024   #361

As an insult that doesn't work with Americans.... it's more a joke word than something that makes them mad.

Try again...
jon357  72 | 23490
25 Mar 2024   #362
It went over Poland territory so obviously it WAS aimed at Poland.

It wasn't. It was aimed at Ukraine and barely strayed over the border. It's far from the first.

I read that they put some birds in the air

They scrambled jets as is normal however there was little they could practically do. The objects were gone as soon as they appeared.

As an insult that doesn't work with Americans.

I've heard that the "c word" is less acceptable there than in the UK or AUS and tend to use it sparingly around Americans (while watching their discomfort when others use it).

I suspect many people from over there would be shocked to see old ladies in northern England with bibles in hand walking to church saying to each other "eeh, Ah've 'ad a cvnt of a week".
mafketis  38 | 11165
25 Mar 2024   #363
the "c word" is less acceptable there than in the UK or AUS

I'm not sure now, but it used to be a nuclear level insult in US (if you call a man that.... get ready for a fight....) I think the P word might have similar strength now
OP johnny reb  49 | 7954
25 Mar 2024   #364
would be shocked to see old ladies in northern England with bibles in hand walking to church saying to each other "eeh, Ah've 'ad a cvnt of a week".

Not really, we would just consider the denomination of the church that they were heading to.
Can you guess which one ?
jon357  72 | 23490
25 Mar 2024   #365
Can you guess which one ?

Methodist, Baptist, Congregationalist and Salvation Army are the main candidates in traditional factory towns.
OP johnny reb  49 | 7954
26 Mar 2024   #366
Methodist, Baptist, Congregationalist and Salvation Army a

jon my boy, I highly doubt you would hear any of those people use the word cvnt.
I suggest you are full of beans if you suggest otherwise.
Now lets get back On-Topic jon357.
OP johnny reb  49 | 7954
26 Mar 2024   #367
Poland vows to take action against Ru$$ia for disregarding Poland's air space with a cruise missile.
(Tuff talk with no results)
jon357  72 | 23490
26 Mar 2024   #368
I highly doubt you would hear any of those people use the word cvnt.

Have you ever been to a factory town in northern England?


Since WW3 hasn't "now started" there is no topic.
OP johnny reb  49 | 7954
26 Mar 2024   #369
Have you ever been to a factory town in northern England?

While using the cvnt word is not a sin it really has no connection with factory working ladies carrying a bible.
What has the bible got to do with it ?

Since WW3 hasn't "now started"

Pull your head out of the sand, jon357.
Is it going to take that first nuke to wipe out London before you accept the fact that it sure has.
jon357  72 | 23490
26 Mar 2024   #370

Don't try to obfuscate; it's boring.


War has not been declared and the example you gave, London, is an interesting one since like France, the UK has nuclear weapons; it would be a terminal mistake to use them against either country.
OP johnny reb  49 | 7954
26 Mar 2024   #371
Don't try to obfuscate;

Then don't be a bible basher by throwing the bible into a debate when it is irrelevant to the post, jon357

War has not been declared

The topic says that "it has now started".
You are the one insinuating that I stated that it was "declared."
Try not to obfuscate to twist things for an argument.
At least you are staying on topic for a change, thank you.
jon357  72 | 23490
26 Mar 2024   #372
bible basher

Don't be obtuse. And check out the term 'bible basher'.

The topic says that "it has now started".

Is incorrect.
OP johnny reb  49 | 7954
26 Mar 2024   #373
And check out the term 'bible basher'.


Is incorrect.

Correct, you are incorrect
jon357  72 | 23490
26 Mar 2024   #374

No, I'm correct. And here's a definition of the term you used incorrectly. It has the opposite meaning.

Now go and wipe the egg that's running down your fat face.
mafketis  38 | 11165
26 Mar 2024   #375
While using the cvnt word i... has no connection with factory working ladies ...What has the bible got to do with it ?

The context was that the cvnt word isnt' nearly as strong in the UK as it is in the US so even elderly ladies walking with their bibles to church might use it in some contexts.

This is completely unremarkable. Languages spoken in very different places tend to palce different values on different words and a strong insult in one (like wanker in the UK) might not have much force in another (like the US).
OP johnny reb  49 | 7954
26 Mar 2024   #376
No, I'm correct.

No, I am correct.
You would never hear a lady use that word where I am from.
Now get back on topic you rude wanker.

Languages spoken in very different places

Thanks maf. that makes total sense to me.
jon357 just gets a kick out of posting Off Topic to troll.
OP johnny reb  49 | 7954
26 Mar 2024   #377
Poland is considering whether to shoot down any Russian missiles that go close to its borders, the country's deputy foreign minister has said.
Warsaw has demanded an answer from Moscow about how a Russian missile, which was traveling around 500 miles an hour per hour at 1,200 feet altitude, came into Poland's airspace for 39 seconds at 4.30 a.m. Sunday near the town of Oserdow.

Polish Armed Forces Operational Command (RSZ) said its air defenses had been activated and that the missile would have been shot down had there been any sign it was heading towards a target in Poland.

Andrzej Szejna told Polish radio station RMF FM the incident was a test of the strength of the defense and vigilance of the Polish Armed Forces.
jon357  72 | 23490
26 Mar 2024   #378
No, I am correct.
You would never hear a lady use that word where I am from.

Where you're from is quite different. They dislike the word cvnt and as far as I know rarely use the word cvnting.

rude wanker

One of my favourite words. We like it in the U.K. since it is often used affectionately.
OP johnny reb  49 | 7954
27 Mar 2024   #379
What does any of your trolling Off-Topic have to do with the topic of this thread jon357 ?
jon357  72 | 23490
27 Mar 2024   #380
There's no topic since WW3 hasn't started.

All probability says it will sometime, current events suggest this decade or at the latest next.

However it's not started yet so let's party like it's 1939 (or 1914 when they wore nicer clothes and had better music).
Ironside  50 | 12952
27 Mar 2024   #381
There's no topic since WW3 hasn't started.

I'm not so sure, I mean there was the coldwar and there was a long period of peace at least in Europe and the west but it is all now in the past, and a new struggle is ahead. I think the WWIII already started but it will be a tad different than previous wears.
jon357  72 | 23490
27 Mar 2024   #382
is all now in the past, and a new struggle is ahead

As Churchill called his book about the Thirties, it's the Gathering Storm.
OP johnny reb  49 | 7954
27 Mar 2024   #383
There's no topic since WW3 hasn't started.

jon357, you are just being an obstinate nitpicker.
It's either your trolling side or your feminine side insisting on arguing.
We have already debated this, see:

WW3 has started, it just has not been officially declared yet.
We good now ? 😴
jon357  72 | 23490
27 Mar 2024   #384
your feminine side

If you find it, tell me. I've often wonders if I've got one. I could have a tidy house and do multitasking.

WW3 has started

It hasn't.
OP johnny reb  49 | 7954
27 Mar 2024   #385
If you find it, tell me.

Oh jon357, your recipe's give yourself away.

It hasn't.

OP johnny reb  49 | 7954
16 Apr 2024   #386
Hopefully the stock market will bounce back today. 🥴

It did not.
Iran will take the worlds economy down with them.
The next two years are going to be very tuff for a lot of people because of Iran.
And we all knew Vlad was going to help them do it even though the US says it won't shoot down drones over Ukraine, despite doing the same to protect Israel

These are the starting days of WW3
Alien  25 | 6424
16 Apr 2024   #387
These are the starting days of WW3

Let's hope you're wrong.
mafketis  38 | 11165
16 Apr 2024   #388
When did WWII begin?
mafketis  38 | 11165
16 Apr 2024   #390
Phillip Bobbit apparently thinks of everything from WWI to the end of the Cold War as a single conflict the goal of which was to determine which socio-economic system was supeior, communism (actually socialism), fascism or capitalism.

Capitalism easily won.

The current challenge to the constitutional order is about the ideology that will be used to justify the coming order (fluid no borders capital and intense bio-surveillance of individuals).

the US, UK, russia and China all agree about the basics and mostly disagree about a few specifics....

The challenge is to support (as much as possible) countries that are trying to hold on to some version of the nation state like Poland and Ukraine...

Home / News / How will Poland be affected by WW3 which has now started

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