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Poland has accepted over a million Ukrainian refugees. Why does the EU keep telling propaganda about Poland?

mafketis  38 | 11137
24 May 2018   #181
Serbians wants normal relations between Poland and Russia

Not gonna happen unless Russia starts being a normal country rather than a kleptocratic dictatorship that's intent on looting its neighbors. If the Russian state is "Slavic" then decent honest people will want nothing to do with "Slavdom" (a topic of vanishing little interest to most Poles anyway).

The real problem is that Serbia refuses normal relations with Turkey, Balkan brati united by a former empire, if Serbia just allied with Turkey then it would serve Polish interests!
gregy741  5 | 1226
24 May 2018   #182
We Serbians wants normal relations between Poland and Russia

unfortunately polacks are to stupid for that.
best story is with nord stream pipeline and lng gas terminal in Poland.hahahah.
so Poland first refused Russian proposal to build additional pipelines through Poland,only to whine later that pipeline is being build around it.hahahaha
and thats not the end of the story.
so Poland build LNG terminal in Swinoujscie-to diversificate gas import. i remind you ,than LNG terminals are for US gas import.
now that many LNG terminals are build across Europe..US is threatening to sanction countries who buy cheap Russian gas. hahaha
instead US is now threatening Europe and forcing to buy expensive US gas.
thats how you do business on stupid people.funny,that Poland pay for those terminals with their own money..rather than allow Russian to build and pay for pipelines with cheap gas.

this is this stupid polish mentality..they would rather chop his hand off and pay for it , than see hes neighbor prosper. we call em this mafketis guy.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
24 May 2018   #183
stupid polish mentality..they would rather chop his hand off

I would rather do that than leave the door open to the soviets to control and hold us hostage over a strategic resource, we are done with their meddling and control in Poland.
gregy741  5 | 1226
24 May 2018   #184
hostage over a strategic resource,

cant cure stupid...i tried.
you dont understand ,that Poland will now have to buy Russian gas from
mafketis  38 | 11137
24 May 2018   #185
polacks are to stupid for that.

skazal muzhik putina.... (said Putin's bvttboy)
Miloslaw  20 | 5108
24 May 2018   #186

If you trust The Russians it is you that are the stupid one here Putin's lover.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
24 May 2018   #187
Poland will now have to buy Russian gas from

And Germany is a far bigger importer of gas than Poland therefore Poland can piggy back their bulk purchase discounts and take advantage of germany's diverse supply chain.
Crow  154 | 9463
24 May 2018   #188
I will underline. Normal Polish-Russian relations are must. We Serbians can`t work in full potential without normal Polish-Russian relations.
Miloslaw  20 | 5108
24 May 2018   #189
But Crow,Poland has never had "Normal" relations with Russia.
So don't hold your breath waiting for that to happen.
mafketis  38 | 11137
24 May 2018   #190
Poland has never had "Normal" relations with Russia.

Russia has never had 'normal' relations with any country.
Crow  154 | 9463
24 May 2018   #191
It would be alright with Poland and Russia. Normality is good for all. We don`t need extreme situations.
spiritus  69 | 643
24 May 2018   #192
really got to me while walking in Radom back in September to see Deutsche Bank somewhere on Zeromskiego.

How old are you ? Ten ??

It's the name of the bank and doesn't really have any significance beyond that, much like BP (British Petroleum etc)
gregy741  5 | 1226
24 May 2018   #193
I will mope the floor with you by exposing the

you have only managed to expose your faulty brain so far
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
24 May 2018   #194
this is this stupid polish mentality..they would rather chop his hand off and pay for it , than see hes neighbor prosper. we call em this mafketis guy.

Couldn't put it any better.

As far as trust, never trust anybody. Trusting is for losers and the desperate without options.

The rest is a matter of mutually benefitial contracts and agreements with plan B if things go wrong.

Distrusting Russia is OK if it is not a pathological mental disorder and based on hate for what happened in the past. Other than Katyn, what is it that Russia, or even the USSR did to Poland, that is so awful compared to Germany, or the US at Yalta or wherever they sold Poland out.

BTW, if Russia in fact treated a traitor - the one that split to UK and wouldn't shut up - to a little polonium for all to see what happens to such people, good for Russia. I wish the US started doing something like that. How many people would be alive and money saved if we offed a couple of bad hombres in the past. Like Castro.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
24 May 2018   #195
what is it that Russia, or even the USSR did to Poland, that is so awful

For someone who allegedly lived during Stalinism in Poland, you seem rather eager to whitewash what happened then. I wonder why?

How old are you ? Ten ??

He's just a typical Russian shrill pretending to be Polish. Look at his other posts - he doesn't speak Polish and refuses to answer simple questions that any Polish speaker would be able to answer.
gregy741  5 | 1226
24 May 2018   #196
Other than Katyn

stop bitching about Katyn,will you?
few years back polacks and their friends murdered half of million Iraqi civilians,,for no fkin reason!just hoping poland gets some petrodollars.and when they rebelled against our criminal occupation,we murdered 500 of iraqis patriots in karbala..and we still keep murdering people in middle east today..our f-16 fly over syria and bomb fok know what...against international law.

and now,ask polacks ,they are proud of this.
dumb hypocrites you are.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
24 May 2018   #197
It would be alright with Poland and Russia. Normality is good for all. We don`t need extreme situations.

I couldn't agree more.

Unless I am misinformed, Poland officially, or at least many Poles, still blames Russia for the Smolensk accident notwithstanding the fact that the tower told the pilot to go to another airport because the fog was too dense. As is the Polish tradition, respect (szacunek) for the president won and the pilot, instead following the tower directives, obediently did what he was told by a guy who never flew a kite. Telling the prez to sit down and shut the f*** up was not an option so the pilot chose death. F****** brilliant. Unfortunately for the Russians, Katyn is close to Smolensk, so the Russians did it again, obviously.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
24 May 2018   #198
Ah yes, more blatant Russian disinformation being spread here.

Poland officially, or at least many Poles, still blames Russia

No, Poland officially does no such thing. The official report places some blame on the Russian controller, but the bulk of the blame is officially assigned to the pilots. As for "many Poles", less than 20% believe in such a thing. The tower also never told the pilot to go anywhere else, they simply informed the plane that there were "no conditions for landing".

the pilot, instead following the tower directives, obediently did what he was told

He wasn't told to do anything by the President. Another attempt at blaming the President of Poland rather than the facts, I see.

the pilot chose death.

He didn't choose death. He made a mistake.

One can only wonder why you seem so keen on making Poland look bad while whitewashing the Russian role in things.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
24 May 2018   #199
stop bitching about Katyn,will you?

Take it easy. I mentioned Katyn only to suggest that what the Russians did there can serve to explain the historical animosity Poles can feel towards Russia. That's it.

On the scale of world crimes, Katyn does not even register.
Crow  154 | 9463
24 May 2018   #200
stop bitching about Katyn,will you?

let`s not, dobri brate, mix issue of Katyn and Iraq (with all due respect on Iraq). Katyn was very sad internal Slavic thing. Reason for historical dispute between Poles and Russians. One of those things that set Poland on direction of servitude to western Europe, because Poland was hit hard from the East and forced to turn to West. See, Katyn is issue that hostile non-Slavs heavily exploit. Whenever Poland show some initiative, they remind Poles of Katyn and then anti-Russian feelings get wings. I think Russia should show more empathy for Katyn victims.

Sure, I know, Russians aren`t same as Soviets. Communism itself was by western Europe planted in Russia. Stalin wasn`t Russian but biggest murderer of Russians. True, all true.

But, in sense of statehood, Russia claim continuity with Soviet Union, so Russia also must claim responsibility. And after all, some ethnic Russians did took part in events in Katyn no matter that communist leader who ordered massacre wasn`t Russian.

I mentioned Katyn only to suggest that what the Russians did there can serve to explain the historical animosity Poles can feel towards Russia.

You are quite right here.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
24 May 2018   #201
few years back polacks and their friends murdered half of million Iraqi civilians

I will shock you: I wholeheartedly agree with you. Iraq war was a crime against the Iraqi people and based on "faulty" intelligence. Cute. The intelligence delivered by that abomination we call the CIA, which got the US into more wars, conflicts, than any other organization, was simply declared later as faulty, "which everybody believed". Still, the CIA are the good guys, but KGB is bad. And that terrible Putin. Yeah.

The tower also never told the pilot to go anywhere else, they simply informed the plane that there were "no conditions for landing".

And you, of course, will be able to explain the difference. I am all eyes.

Once he is told that, proceeding is choosing death. I didn't say "wishing for".
Ironside  50 | 12916
24 May 2018   #202
you have only managed to expose your faulty brain so far

Boo ho! lol! You're a liar and you know it. Do you think you'll distract me with name calling?

so Poland first refused Russian proposal to build additional pipelines through Poland,

Really? Maybe Poland refused outrageous terms Russia offered. Anyhow there is nothing wrong with the existing pipeline.

"To whine later that pipeline is being build around it"
By all means Russia can build millions pipelines around... that is that the point, the point is Germany collaboration with Russia. It is not in the interest of Poland, especially the way that pipeline had been build. Nothing whiny about it. You choose the funny word, using the meaning YOU attached to this word - Russia is whining all the time about something, not to mention all the conspiracy theories it spew breaded in an unhealthy doze of paranoia. Look who is talking!

" Poland build LNG terminal in Swinoujscie-to diversificate gas import. i remind you ,than LNG terminals are for US gas import"
Not only for US gas but any other, terminals are not really THAT specific - any gas will do.

"US is threatening to sanction countries who buy cheap Russian gas. hahaha"
Very good! After deceds Russia used their gas as a pollical tool mainly.. someone turned the table on them - oh my God all that whining and lamination coming form Russia. lol!

"instead US is now threatening Europe and forcing to buy expensive US gas."
Doesn't have to be from the USA as long as it is not from Russia. Anyway Russian gas for Poland wasn't that cheap. Maybe Germany has a cause to complain about the price but for Poland is not that much of a difference.

"at Poland pay for those terminals with their own money..rather than allow Russian to build and pay for pipelines with cheap gas."
Sure and have an exterritorial patch of land around it, plus no fee for transporting the gas across Poland's territory, plus being depended on a extremely pricy Russian gas. You know what, beware of Russians bearing gifts. It is a good saying.

I would rather Poles pay for terminals. It simply a better deal.

Russia can go back to whiny name calling and stamp their feet in an imponent range. All you can do is trash talk Poles - you double L. (stand for a looser and a liar)
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
24 May 2018   #203
For someone who allegedly lived during Stalinism in Poland, you seem rather eager to whitewash what happened then. I wonder why?

Help me. So what happened in Poland because Russia had 300,000 troops in Legnica?

What specifically did the Russians do to Poland? Your turn.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
24 May 2018   #204
I see we're into the "deny Russians did anything in Poland" phase now of the trolling.
gregy741  5 | 1226
24 May 2018   #205
deny Russians did anything in Poland"

nothing more that we didnt do to them or even less.Poland in 16-17 century caused 30% population loss in Russia..and burned all major cities

and polacks are proud of this...funny
Ironside  50 | 12916
24 May 2018   #206
Poland in 16-17 century caused 30% population loss in Russia

How would you know? History in Russia had been always to put it mildly - unreliable. In a simple term - a propaganda tool for a state.
gregy741  5 | 1226
24 May 2018   #207
i think your brain is not reliable.
its estimates,base on population income tax change ,size of export change ect. historians have their own methods.its not Russia historians come up with this number ffs

its not the point. damage was enormous..nothing compare in Polands history to this catastrophe we made. its called smuta in Russia..or "time of trouble."

same we did in Prussia.when we fought gustaf adolfus..Koniecpolski(polish general) starved prussia in order to starve swedish army..countless dead from famine.

and polish always cry about partition and how Prussia was bad..but never mention what Koniecpolski did there.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
24 May 2018   #208
Russians burned their own xities. Thats been part of their military doctrine for centuries. It was the same with poland, later Napoleon and later hitler. Russians are proud of the fact that they torched their cities instead of letting them fall to their enemies. Personally I'd do the same thing. If someone wanted to steal my home or car id rather torch it. If i can't have it people who are trying to steal it from me sure as hell wont either.

And the war with polamd was just one part of the time of troubles - an old dynasty ending and a new one consolidating power, famine, tons of bogus claimants, etc

Oh and of course the murder of 2k representatives of the commonwealth in Moscow had nothing to do with poland avenging their dead...
cms neuf  1 | 1846
24 May 2018   #209
Katyn was only the end of a campaign which started with Russia allying itself withh the Nazis and proceeded in the typical way with rapes, murders, deportations and wanton destruction of Eastern Poland

. You apparantly grew up in 1959s Poland so you knw the ffects of that because you said that you wished ti emigrate. But in acrual fact you grew uo in Russia, hearing tales of the Great Patriotic war (stories which conveninetly left out the rapes and the invaion of smaller neighbors like POland and Finland).
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
24 May 2018   #210
I see we're into the "deny Russians did anything in Poland" phase now of the trolling.

Mine was not a denial. It was a question: What specifically did the Russians do to Poland?

Home / News / Poland has accepted over a million Ukrainian refugees. Why does the EU keep telling propaganda about Poland?

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