Rich Mazur 4 | 2894
23 May 2018 #151
A country and its citizens have a say in what happens within their boundaries.
I would suggest a small correction to the above sentence:
A country and its citizens should have the final and legally binding say in what happens within their boundaries on matters as critical to the nation's survival.
The hardest thing to explain to those born in the West is that their "democracies" are an illusion and that they are just useful tools, with some, like a typical liberal American voter, being just useful idiots. They are unable and unwilling to accept the idea that they just as powerless to have a say in the most critical decisions as we were under the Soviets.
Like who comes. Admittedly, the commies controlled also who goes and kept us at the lowest standard of living short of causing riots like in 1970. And that's about it.
A quick test: If all Germans want x and the top 10,000 with their fuhrer Merkel want y - y being open borders to the scum nobody wants, what would be the outcome?
BTW, my apologies to Hitler for comparing him with Merkel. He was the worst sob ever walking but at least he was a patriot not a globalist moron like his current replacement.