constantly beat their breasts and apologise for being white
I can understand the post-colonial guilt feelings of some European elites, and Germany's Merkel is still trying to live down the Hitler legacy. But declared homos defending the Muslim intruders when sexual deviates would be at the head of the decapitation queue if Shariah law ever took hold. That made no sense whatsoever.
Unless one looks at the Frankfurt School, a group of Jewish scholars that fled Germany in the 1930s in the nick of time and emigrated to the USA, mainly California. One of their notions was that minorities are always right and must be defended, whilst majorities are quite the opposite and must be opposed. As European intellectuals, they easily slipped into American academia where they and their ilk have ruled the roost for decades, indoctrinating students to hate patriotism and their cultural heritage. To that general Zeitgeist one can trace rock'n'roll, the civil rights and anti-war movements, homo-promotion, feminism, political correctness and the overall counterculture that started in the 1960s. Those and similar developments have brought about what is often referred to as "the decline of Western culture" or "the decay of Western civilisation". Fortunately, there are now increasing indications that the many-decades-long stranglehold of what has been called "cultural marxism" is now in decline. Brexit, Trump, Kaczyński, Orbán and patriotic revivals in France, Germany, Austria, Italy, Denmark and other countries, the growing number of young people interested in their nation's history, heritage, historical re-enactments and military reserve units, "Żołnierze Wyklęci" and the AK's Polska Walcząca anchor symbol on T-shirts instead of Hendrix and Che Guevara - all seem to be pointing in that direction.