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Abortion still under control in Poland

gumishu  15 | 6227
17 Oct 2023   #2761
The law regarding something as serious as this should be concise and not open to misinterpretation

and you think it isn't?

as far as I know the main piece of regulation on the subject is as simple and concise as follows:

article 4a of the Family planning, protection of human foetus and conditions on which aboriton is allowed Act (translation mine)

Przerwanie ciąży może być dokonane wyłącznie przez lekarza, w przypadku gdy:
1) ciąża stanowi zagrożenie dla życia lub zdrowia kobiety ciężarnej,

Termination of pregnancy can be performed exclusively by a doctor in these cases:

1. the pregnancy poses a threat to the life OR health of the pregnant woman

there were 3 other cases in the original act (the act was passed in 1993) of which (after the two separate Consitutional Court rulings only one of which was recent) only 1 other remains namely: when there is a valid suspicion that the pregnancy is a result of a prohibited act

I actually should have said 'ignorance of the law' instead of 'misinterpretation of the law' in my previous post - I know many people raised the issue of the recent Constitutional Court ruling on abortion law having a 'chilling' effect on doctors but in my personal view it's just ignorance on their part - ignorance, cowardice and disregard for human life (yeah I know these are strong words)
gumishu  15 | 6227
17 Oct 2023   #2762

well ok, in my personal opinion perceived threats to the mental health of the mother should not be a possible reason for abortion but the Polish law just states 'threat to health' as a legal reason for abortion (and I'm pretty sure the term health is not defined in the Polish law anywhere)
Miloslaw  20 | 5108
17 Oct 2023   #2763
Right now a few decent posters are debunking your silly demagoguery here.

I am not sure that is true about Novichock, but it's certainly true about you....
pawian  224 | 27236
17 Oct 2023   #2764

Simply Mission Impossible. hahahaha
17 Oct 2023   #2765
Polish law just states 'threat to health' as a legal reason for abortion

Clearly it's not working though:

"The public prosecutor's office has brought charges against three doctors who did not terminate a 30-year-old patient's defective pregnancy for fear of breaching the country's strict abortion laws, which resulted in her death."
Novichok  4 | 8748
18 Oct 2023   #2766

You are full of crap. Quoting:

The first fetus died in the womb on 23 December, but doctors refused to remove it, quoting the current abortion legislation, and Agnieszka's family claim "her state quickly deteriorated".

This woman died because the doctors were morons, not because of the Polish abortion laws. Now pay attention: when the "fetus" is dead, removing a dead tissue is NOT ABORTION!!!!

Those idiot doctors were free to proceed. They didn't because they are MORONS!!! NOTHING TO DO WITH THE LAW!!!

I will not bother with the rest since you were dishonest by bringing this case into the conversation.

who did not terminate a 30-year-old patient's defective pregnancy

BS again. A woman with a dead "fetus" inside is no longer pregnant. Therefore, removing it is not terminating pregnancy. The prosecutors were correct in charging those doctors for being morons and causing her death.
pawian  224 | 27236
18 Oct 2023   #2767

Stop yelling. This hystery is useless. Decen t people know those poor women died because of the PIS law. It is going to be changed by the new Parliament. First partly, then completely. You can thank rightists for that.
gumishu  15 | 6227
18 Oct 2023   #2768
for fear of breaching the country's strict abortion laws

have you read the law - it's plain and simple they just didn't apply it - again ignorance, cowardice (or at least lack of civil courage) and disregard for human life - oh yeah, and if you read up on the exact case actual neglect
Lenka  5 | 3531
18 Oct 2023   #2769
cowardice (or at least lack of civil courage)

Performing life saving procedure shouldn't require civil courage!
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126
18 Oct 2023   #2770
Then for anyone disliking it, should take a moment or two and contact school boards and universities that doesn't seem to teach it.
Lenka  5 | 3531
18 Oct 2023   #2771
Read my post again as your response is...only vaguely connected to it.
gumishu  15 | 6227
18 Oct 2023   #2772
Performing life saving procedure shouldn't require civil courage!

yeah - you need to get some courage to overcome unfounded fears, too
Novichok  4 | 8748
18 Oct 2023   #2773
Decent people know those poor women died because of the PIS law.

How many died last year because of the Polish abortion laws? Do not include morons making moronic decisions.
pawian  224 | 27236
18 Oct 2023   #2774
How many died

Even one was too many. Simple.
Novichok  4 | 8748
18 Oct 2023   #2775
How many Polish women died last year because of the Polish abortion laws?
pawian  224 | 27236
19 Oct 2023   #2776
Even one was too many. Simple. Remember your own principle.
Novichok  4 | 8748
19 Oct 2023   #2777
How many Polish women died last year because of the Polish abortion laws?
pawian  224 | 27236
19 Oct 2023   #2778
Remember your own principle which you propagated a few times in the forum: even one was too many.
Novichok  4 | 8748
19 Oct 2023   #2779
What changes in the Polish abortion laws do you propose to prevent that one death too many?
If you give me anything but a good-faith answer, you and I are done.
pawian  224 | 27236
19 Oct 2023   #2780
What changes in the Polish abortion laws do you propose to prevent that one death too many

No 1 change - decriminalize those who provide or assist an abortion for a woman who requests it.

No 2 change - each hospital has to employ doctors who agree to perform abortions. Conscience clause doctors who refuse to can stay, of course.

No 3 change - Harassment of doctors or clinics that perform abortions must be severely punished by law. Right now rabid hysterical protesters gather in front of the facilities and make a lot of noise .Fine them 5.000 PLN and there will be none within 1 week.

No 4 change - full return to the compromise law which had existed before misogynist PiS changed it.

This article may come in handy

Cases that Human Rights Watch documented offer evidence that Polish law enforcement authorities have increased their pursuit of women, girls, and healthcare providers since the politically compromised Constitutional Tribunal issued a decision in October 2020 that virtually eliminated legal abortion in Poland. .

you and I are done.

Until we are undone again. hahahaha buhahahaha Like a few times before. :):):)
pawian  224 | 27236
19 Oct 2023   #2781
full return to the compromise law which had existed before misogynist PiS changed it.

The change which was one of the main factors contributing to their demise in the recent elections. Now they are making big eyes in utter bewilderment - How is it possible we were voted out????? they ask.

This proves they are complete idiots.
It also means Poland has been ruled by complete idiots for the last 8 years. Amassing!
Novichok  4 | 8748
20 Oct 2023   #2782
A question for the pro-choice progressives:

What changes in the Polish abortion laws do you want?
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
20 Oct 2023   #2783
All I care mothers life should be number one priority.Also mother should have 70% say and father also should have 30% say with zero govt say.
Novichok  4 | 8748
20 Oct 2023   #2784
To have one or not is binary. How does 70/30 fit here? She says no, he says yes...or the other way around. What now?

All I care mothers life

Do you mean physical life? There is also mental life and social life.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
20 Oct 2023   #2785
What now?

The majority wins:) Its her say,Easy lol

Do you mean physical life?

Yes,in case of mental and social fu.cki it,its about bringing a life in the world.
Novichok  4 | 8748
20 Oct 2023   #2786
Can somebody here finally tell me what changes in the Polish abortion laws you want?
Lenka  5 | 3531
20 Oct 2023   #2787
Already did. Not my fault you are senile.
Novichok  4 | 8748
20 Oct 2023   #2788
Fu*ck off. It would take you less effort to post the link, moron...
Lenka  5 | 3531
20 Oct 2023   #2789
And even less time for you if you didn't repeat yourself in the hope everyone is so tired of you that they won't respond and you can claim 'win'
Novichok  4 | 8748
20 Oct 2023   #2790
You and the other a-hole don't answer my questions because, as stupid as you are, you know damn well that I never ask questions not leading to my win.

That's why the a-hole played his evasive games.
I never asked how many Polish women died because of the Polish abortion laws. Every ugly feminazi in Poland knows the answer. Somehow, you and the a-hole don't. Sure...

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