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Abortion still under control in Poland

pawian  224 | 27236
29 Jan 2023   #2731

Stick to the topic of the thread.
pawian  224 | 27236
9 Mar 2023   #2732
Amassing hypocrisy of PiS. Can you imagine they rejected the bill banning the promotion of abortion????

Parliament has rejected a bill that would have introduced jail terms for "publicly promoting or calling for abortion" or providing information about how women can obtain abortions in Poland or abroad.

All the main centre-right, centrist and left-wing opposition parties voted against the bill, as did 100 members of the Law and Justice (PiS) caucus representing Poland's national-conservative ruling coalition. Among them was PiS chairman Jarosław Kaczyński).


It is obvious PIS rightists don`t care about aborted babies. They vote according to the popularity ratings in the election year. They realised they had better not pyss women off even more with stricter laws coz that might end with a disaster at the ballot.
Alien  25 | 6353
9 Mar 2023   #2733
PIS rightists

They should change the abortion law.
pawian  224 | 27236
11 Mar 2023   #2734
Another protest of mothers of disabled children in the Parliament. They demand higher benefits while PiS tricksters refuse to assign them coz they consider disabled families as too unimportant voting group.

A group of disabled adults and their carers have this week begun a sit-in protest in parliament to demand that their welfare allowance be raised to the level of the minimum wage. Similar protests took place in 2014 and 2018, lasting for weeks.

On Tuesday, the group also submitted a bill, supported by nearly 200,000 public signatures, that would enact the rise in their allowance that they are demanding.

The protesters have already spent two nights in the corridors of the lower house of the Polish parliament, the Sejm. At night they sleep on mattresses spread out along the walls, although have reportedly seen their sleep disrupted by hourly checks by parliamentary guards.

Is it surprising now that the birth rate has dropped to its lowest record recently?

Thank you, PiS gangsters.
jon357  72 | 23361
11 Mar 2023   #2735
They demand higher benefits

They should certainly receive that.
pawian  224 | 27236
14 Oct 2023   #2736
How will Polish women vote in tomorrow`s ballot?????????????

I don`t want to die of pregnancy vs Abortion is murder

Stay tuned for further updates!!!!!

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  • KajaGodekznowchce.jpg
gumishu  15 | 6227
15 Oct 2023   #2737
How will Polish women vote in tomorrow`s ballot

according to IPSOS exit poll roughly the same percentage of men and women voted for PiS - FYI
Novichok  4 | 8748
15 Oct 2023   #2738
I don`t want to die of pregnancy

One outlier per million should never be the reason why abortions should be allowed. It goes under tough sh*it.
We did in 1973, 60 million lives were terminated and that's why we now have 30 million illegals to replace the missing Americans who were killed before they were born.

I wanted to have my left leg amputated but they refused. Unfair...

Did you know that pregnancy is not a disease?
gumishu  15 | 6227
15 Oct 2023   #2739
One outlier per million should never be the reason why abortions should be allowed.

I hope you do believe in reincarnation, though
Novichok  4 | 8748
16 Oct 2023   #2740
I don't believe in anything. I either know or I don't.
How does your question connect with abortion?
gumishu  15 | 6227
16 Oct 2023   #2741
my question connects more with your tough-luck outlier cases
Novichok  4 | 8748
16 Oct 2023   #2742
It's actually very simple if your task is to design a society. If your job is to make every sobbing woman happy, then you are not capable of that task.

Specifically: How many Polish women died in any given recent year because of the Polish abortion laws?

Please don't insult me with "even one is too many". If you do, the conversation is over.

Exclude doctors' mistakes and failure to apply the abortion laws properly.
gumishu  15 | 6227
16 Oct 2023   #2743
Please don't insult me with "even one is too many".

you don't understand the perspective (especially female perspective) of those who don't believe in life after death (especially those who don't believe in reincarnation)
mafketis  38 | 11137
16 Oct 2023   #2744
Changing the abortion laws was a massive own goal for PiS alienating most women and a large majority of the young.

The old laws were unpopular but people had found a way to live with them, changing them was just.... dumb.

It wasn't necessary and they did it....
gumishu  15 | 6227
16 Oct 2023   #2745
It wasn't necessary and they did it....

I actually agree
Novichok  4 | 8748
16 Oct 2023   #2746
you don't understand the perspective (especially female perspective) of those who don't believe in life after death

Is that you, Lyzko, or are you trying to impersonate him?
Let's try again...

How many Polish women died in any given recent year because of the Polish abortion laws?
pawian  224 | 27236
16 Oct 2023   #2747
even one is too many

Exactly. That is your own attitude when you talk about crimes by legal or illegal immigrants in the US. So, don`t forbid us saying it coz you do exactly the same thing. Ha!!!

It seems you have a problem with establishing your point of view. Or you wanna stick to our fave balance in nature - one is too many in case of immigrants and one isn`t too many in case of women.

I caught you again. Am I clever like you now??? hahahaha
Novichok  4 | 8748
16 Oct 2023   #2748

BS. One case is not a reason to kill 10,000 human beings.

You do know that inside a pregnant woman is a human being...Before you say something really moronic, look up "human" and "being".


How many Polish women died in any given recent year because of the Polish abortion laws?
pawian  224 | 27236
17 Oct 2023   #2749
One case is not a reason to

You say it in case of women. However, in case of immigrants you claim that one case of their crime IS a reason to stop them.

And I, following your reasoning which you promoted many times, say that one case of death among women IS a reason to change the law.

You are my teacher, sort of. Feel proud. :)):)):

How many Polish women

Even one is too many. Remember these golden words forever. Ha!
Atch  22 | 4299
17 Oct 2023   #2750
How many Polish women died in any given recent year because of the Polish abortion laws?

You often ask for specific figures. So supply one yourself on this occasion. What's an acceptable number of dead women/mothers - bearing in mind that the life of the unborn child is frequently lost on these occasions too.
gumishu  15 | 6227
17 Oct 2023   #2751
What's an acceptable number of dead women/mothers - bearing in mind that the life of the unborn child is frequently lost on these occasions too.

if you believe in reincarnation no lives are lost in the incidents - I am not saying we should not strive to protect the physical lives of pregnant women and I am all for terminating pregnancies which endanger the life (or are a singificant threat to the physical health) of the woman (which is btw covered by the Polish abortion law - it should just be actively and consciously followed sometimes at the risk of erring on the side of protecting the mother's life and health)
gumishu  15 | 6227
17 Oct 2023   #2752
How many Polish women died in any given recent year because of the Polish abortion laws?

the opposition media would like you to think that there were at least two such cases - and both have been discussed here I believe - in my private opinion they were cases of misinterpreting the law, lack of civil courage and even downright neglect (I don't know the details about the latest one but I read quite a deal on the former)
Atch  22 | 4299
17 Oct 2023   #2753
they were cases of misinterpreting the law,

The law regarding something as serious as this should be concise and not open to misinterpretation. That in itself is a massive failure. There have actually been at least three cases and at least one of them mirrors what happened in Ireland a few years ago when the mother died of sepsis.
Novichok  4 | 8748
17 Oct 2023   #2754
they were cases of misinterpreting the law, lack of civil courage and even downright neglect

Thank you for not being an a-hole like pawian and Atch.

The abortion logic is simple: No woman died in Poland because of the law. Hence, no need to change it.
The burden of proof that the law should be changed is on the proponents. They can't justify it so all they can do is march and scream.

Here, they can post moronic one-liners like "even one is too many" without explaining how the current abortion laws in Poland would cause that one case.

No, rape is not a good reason to kill an innocent human being. The last time I checked, persons conceived in violence are just as capable of graduating, getting married, and having kids of their own.

Nobody here can be 100% sure how they were started. Which begs the question:

If you (editorial) were told that your mother was raped, would you commit suicide because of it? If not, then STFU about rape as a reason to change anything about abortion laws.

Bottom line: Laws are passed on the basis of statistics and greater social good, not individual sob stories.
Novichok  4 | 8748
17 Oct 2023   #2755
The red flags to look for to see if you are dealing with a low-IQ, one-liner-loving bootlicking moron:

Even one is too many...
Whatever it takes...
Freedom and democracy...
Our legal representatives...
The US owes us...
EU freedom of expression...
Peaceful Muslims...
Undocumented immigrants...
Intelligent leftist...
Evil Russia...
Abortion rights...
Women's rights...
LGBT rights...
Poles and Jews...

Be extremely careful when you spot any of the above.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126
17 Oct 2023   #2756
Problem with abortion is that even one is too many, whatever it takes, steps need to be done as to knock out crime to an minimum. To be able to preserve freedom and democracy, able living bodies and not a huge amount of minuscule carcasses is what it will take after all!

Our legal representatives only care for votes and the backing for power!

The US owes us the possibility of having a safe and secure society! With healthy born citizens!

Peaceful Muslims are but, a pipe dream having the Middle East in disarray! Especially in the form of undocumented migrants! Who are to control our borders from them if lives cannot even pass out of a womb?!

We are not able to or capable to trust the leftist intelligentsia to take care of the safety and future of our country!

Mainly because of... Evil Russia... The left has been fully infiltrated and brainwashed to think that abortian rights, women's rights and LGBT rights is far more important then other issues!

Not to mention the conflict between Poles and Jews that media so interestingly focus on also takes away the attention from the travesty that is abortion!

One has to be alert and careful of the world and brainwashing media!
Novichok  4 | 8748
17 Oct 2023   #2757
Problem with abortion is that even one is too many, ...

Nothing comes without "the other hand". If "even one is too many" must be prevented, the question is at what cost? This, the screamers and demagogues never want to discuss without more screaming and more demagoguery.
17 Oct 2023   #2758
No woman died in Poland because of the law.

These women died as a consequence of the change in Poland's abortion laws. What I'm sure we'll see more of is headlines like this:

Doctors are putting women's lives at risk because they're fearful of prosecution.

No doubt you'll ignore this post as you did my last one when you demanded evidence of racist attacks in Poland and I gave you examples.

BTW, you didn't answer this either:

What's an acceptable number of dead women/mothers -

they were cases of misinterpreting the law, lack of civil courage and even downright neglect (

From the euractiv link above. "The public prosecutor's office has brought charges against three doctors who did not terminate a 30-year-old patient's defective pregnancy for fear of breaching the country's strict abortion laws, which resulted in her death."
pawian  224 | 27236
17 Oct 2023   #2759
the screamers and demagogues

Stop azholing. Right now a few decent posters are debunking your silly demagoguery here.
17 Oct 2023   #2760
What I'm sure we'll see more of is headlines like this:

Unless the laws are changed of course.


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