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Abortion still under control in Poland

RussianAntiPutin  6 | 209
1 Jun 2022   #2461
Full term abortion is just murder. Biologically, at full term it's a baby, not a foetus. They're different. If full term "abortion" is legal in the USA , it's a very barbaric country.
1 Jun 2022   #2462
Tell that to @jon357, he reckons the authorities in these states 'carefully weighed up their decision using logic rather than emotion'. It's not all states in USA btw, some have very strict laws on this matter.
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
1 Jun 2022   #2463
for your personal anti_women- views.

Where that comes from? Debating you opponent rather than a subject we talk about? Stop being filty personal and don't bring your imagination into the issue. If you don't have arguments to support your stance simply quit.

Killing unborn humans is the subject. Being a woman doesn't give you the right of life and dead over a human being. Unless you want revert to middle ages.


Laws are there to be questioned. Laws can and should be changed if science discovers new facts.
Novichok  4 | 8748
1 Jun 2022   #2464
Killing unborn humans is the subject. Being a woman doesn't give you the right of life and death over a human being.

That was briliant, Cojest.
I own a townhouse. It's my townhouse but I am not allowed to set it on fire because it might have a negative impact on others. The same with abortion. These are our rules. Don't like them? Buy an island, declare that island Abortionland and abort all day long until you bleed to death.
Alien  25 | 6353
1 Jun 2022   #2465
You don't need an island. There are vessels for abortion.
Novichok  4 | 8748
1 Jun 2022   #2466
One more time...
"Fetus" is human. It's alive. Case closed.
What we allow doctors to do to it is another matter. Nothing to do with "rights".

There are vessels for abortion.

Right next to Love and ER boats?
Any woman can abort her "fetus" at any time. I can kill myself at any time but I can't demand the system to assist me just because...The same with pregnant women. You are free to jump, abort, or drink poison. Just don't expect the rest of us to help you.
johnny reb  49 | 7974
1 Jun 2022   #2467
One more time..."Fetus" is human. It's alive. Case closed.

You would think so however their are those who are tone deaf to that FACT.
​Is a foetus conscious?
Is a foetus alive and living ? Yes
Religious, in a post-religious world and look what a mess it is in and getting worse every day because of the Socialist propaganda that people spew on the internet.

Before the internet abortion was not an issue that it has turned into.
Without the Liberals promoting killing the defenseless as the new 'norm' (for convenience) with their propaganda to destroy religion as religion stands right smack in the way of Satan and his children biggest lies.

There is no logic to killing a defenseless life to justify avoiding accountability for your actions.
"Accountability and responsibility" do not exist in uncivilized societies where there is no regard for human life.
The moral majority gets beat down by the immoral minority's media lies.
The Fetus/embryo is the beginning of a live human life. (Stage one)
Don't fall for their lies with their mixing of words to justify killing the unborn.
Novichok  4 | 8748
1 Jun 2022   #2468
What I really like is the rule that if a women wants to claim rape as a reason, she must report it literally within hours and cooperate with the investigation.

"I was raped by my boyfriend five months ago and I "slept" with him after he raped me - boo hoo - because I love him" is not a good enough reason to kill the kid. If you can "love" your rapist boyfriend, you can love your child even more. Go away.
jon357  72 | 23361
1 Jun 2022   #2469
Laws can and should be changed if science discovers new facts.

They haven't. One reason a one many that most developed countries permit a woman to decide whether or not she wishes to continue with a pregnancy.
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
1 Jun 2022   #2470
They haven't.

They will. Reason one:
people don't undersand science or it implication
reason two they are lied to by their elites who have vested interest in supporting those laws, either political, monetary, or idological.
once people will grasp implication of the science on that issue, most will support change to laws. Seems to me that is happening in the USA right now.
jon357  72 | 23361
1 Jun 2022   #2471
people don't undersand science or it implication

In developed countries, there are plenty of people with a good level of intelligence and critical thinking. One reason for women being legally allowed to end a pregnancy.

lied to by their elites

So you think it's a conspiracy when views other than yours form the basis for legislation? Interesting..

happening in the USA

There, they have crudely bipartisan politicus and still have a relatively a high degree of religious observance, especially in the 'red states' which have a lower level of education.
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
1 Jun 2022   #2472
So you think it's a conspiracy

Claim that someone lies is a conspiracy according to you. That is very interesting.

One reason

So women killing their babies are good for a level of intelligence and critical thinking?
Novichok  4 | 8748
1 Jun 2022   #2473
a woman to decide whether or not she wishes to continue with a pregnancy.

If she wishes to continue or blow her head off, it is her decision. We have no moral or legal obligation to help her.
I don't wish to keep my legs. Now what?

especially in the 'red states' which have a lower level of education.

That's not how you spell "indoctrination".
Lyzko  44 | 9745
1 Jun 2022   #2474
@Rich, as usual, you're merrily comparing apples and oranges here!
If either couple is earning only $15 per hr. at a McDonald's, Walmart (same difference) nowadays, how in heck can they afford kids??

Typicallly robotic US-thinking! Y'all sure likes messin' up, but y'all ain't so hot on cleanin' up yer mess:-))
Novichok  4 | 8748
1 Jun 2022   #2475
If either couple is earning only $15 per hr. at a McDonald's, or Walmart (same difference) nowadays, how in heck can they afford kids??

I finally got it. They can't afford kids so the one to pop in 4 months has to die. So simple...Why didn't I think about it...

I can't afford a yacht so don't go to yacht shows. Translation: don't fvck, use contraceptives or the morning-after pill if you can't support that fetus when it becomes an unkillable baby.

BTW, for a professor, your English sucks. It should be how the heck.

Also, "either couple" means four people. What four people? Also, a couple would be earning $30 per hour. You know, 2 x 15 = 30.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
1 Jun 2022   #2476
If either couple is earning only $15 per hr. at a McDonald's, Walmart (same difference)

Then they shouldn't have kids in the first place... there's already enough bums living off the government, we don't need more.
Lyzko  44 | 9745
1 Jun 2022   #2477
And by your illlogic, you'd punish a young couple, guilty of nothing other than the poor judgement of callow youth?! What have you solved other than to turn a presumably non-felon into a criminal but criminalizing their errors instead of allowing them to learn from them?
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
1 Jun 2022   #2478
And by your illlogic, you'd punish a young couple, guilty of nothing other than the poor judgement of callow youth?!

It's not like condoms or other contraceptives are unaffordable and inaccessible. Imo, there's no excuse to have an abortion simply because one doesn't want kids. The only excuse is stupidity and laziness.

Nonetheless, like I said, it's a necessary evil. If we didn't have abortion we'd have far more crime, far more people living off government, etc. since the people who have abortions in USA at least belong to certain cohorts.
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
1 Jun 2022   #2479
ike I said, it's a necessary evil.

I guess you would support free abortion for all black and hispanic people? You should have said it openly.
Alien  25 | 6353
2 Jun 2022   #2480
Many opponents of abortion on this forum support the war in Ukraine. That is a bit strange. Is the life of unborn children more important than that of soldiers and civilians in the war.
Novichok  4 | 8748
2 Jun 2022   #2481
Many opponents of abortion on this forum support the war in Ukraine.

It's actually very simple. Nobody is in favor of death. But, if it's inevitable, we have our preferences as to who should die first and how many.

This connects well with:

I guess you would support free abortion for all black and hispanic people?

I am against killing babies. But if I can't prevent it, my preferences are according to the crime rates by the racial groups. A black fetus is 17 times more likely to murder than a white one when they reach the 20 to 25 bracket. Hence, the idea of free abortions for the criminally inclined warrants a deeper thought.

In fact, someone here did say that the US crime rates went down after Roe.
Alien  25 | 6353
2 Jun 2022   #2482
Your logic is painful at times but logical.
jon357  72 | 23361
2 Jun 2022   #2483
unborn children


Less so.
johnny reb  49 | 7974
2 Jun 2022   #2484
Can you imagine if Poland had such a reproduction rate as China ?
If the population of China walked past you, in single file, the line would never end because of the rate of reproduction.
jon357  72 | 23361
2 Jun 2022   #2485
Poland has a higher birth rate than China.
johnny reb  49 | 7974
2 Jun 2022   #2486
Yet China has over 18 million births a year while Poland doesn't even have 500,000.
2 Jun 2022   #2487
@jon357, ok for the last time, I will ask, at what point does an embryo become a baby?

@Alien, for me it comes down to resisting people who attempt to play God.
jon357  72 | 23361
2 Jun 2022   #2488
who attempt to play God.

By that should doctors treat patients or leave in on the hands of a deity?

In less developed parts of the world, medical treatment is largely prayer as it once was in Europe.
Novichok  4 | 8748
2 Jun 2022   #2489
ok for the last time, I will ask, at what point does an embryo become a baby?

A very good question we should be asking once a day till hell freezes over.

PF baby killers, with all their education and wisdom, are strangely silent because they know the process is a step-free continuum, and the labels we place on "stages" are a matter of convenience, arbitrary, and have nothing to do with these two biological facts:

1. An embryo is human because it's not a cat.
2. An embryo is alive because it's not dead.

Hence, alive human. Unfortunately, unable to say: Fu*ck off, a-holes! Leave me alone! Just makes sure she doesn't snort or get drunk every day.
Atch  22 | 4299
2 Jun 2022   #2490
Eve was still the first one to get duped by the snake.

You do realise that Eve is a character in a story? It's an allegory, not an account of actual events.

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