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Abortion still under control in Poland

AntV  3 | 670
24 May 2022   #2251
Do you live in Poland?

No, I don't. All I can say is I've spent an aggregate of about three years there over the past 20 years. My wife is Polish and her entire family lives there.

And one for the pregnant woman to decide about.

I say this seriously, I greatly appreciate your candidness. Typically pro-abortionists never stop talking in abstract terms. You have enough honesty to admit this us a decision to end a human life-not some claptrap about women's health or whatever bs slogan is dreamed up. The pity is you knowingly advocate the taking of another human life because you deem the will of another greater than the life which is taken.

but you won't.

You got a belly laugh out of me on that one! Not only will I not know, she won't either.
jon357  72 | 23361
24 May 2022   #2252
the will of another greater than the life which is taken

Its true. A woman's choice trumps a cluster of cells without a functioning brain.
Novichok  4 | 8748
24 May 2022   #2253
I tried many methods. The worst are prolonged low-key arguments that cut to the bone and create a wound that may never heal. The best: STFU!

a cluster of cells without a functioning brain.

Are we talking about abortions or leftists?
jon357  72 | 23361
24 May 2022   #2254
Are we talking abou

AntV  3 | 670
24 May 2022   #2255
a cluster of cells without a functioning brain.

The nanosecond I finished reading this phrase, my 5 year old came into my office and said "daddy.....". It is inexpressible how nescient and void of wisdom her presence made that phrase.

Oh, and that one time cluster of human cells with a developing nervous system, now gives great hugs and has the sweetest winsome smile known to mankind.
RussianAntiPutin  6 | 209
24 May 2022   #2256
Any subject? Really? Even Newton on physics? Plato on philosophy? And even foeteses are smarter than leftists, even if they haven't developed brains yet. (Not meant to offend leftists).

@jon 357
Definition? Having many sexual relationships. 'Many' is more than three or four.
Because there are more important things in life.
Novichok  4 | 8748
24 May 2022   #2257
There is a reason why the Mengele scum never shows how abortions are done.
Open heart surgery? No problem. On TV and in living colors. Colonoscopy? Great!

Abortion - NEVER!!!!!!!!!!!

They go apeshit at the suggestion that women should see what's inside before the cutting and removal of body parts begins.

Oops...sorry...I meant clumps of cells.
johnny reb  49 | 7974
24 May 2022   #2258
A woman's choice trumps a cluster of cells without a functioning brain.

NO ! It's not anybody's choice to KILL an innocent HUMAN BEING that can't fend for itself.
Those cluster of cells are LIVING !

Are we talking about abortions or leftists?

I think we may be talking about the poster child for "Why Abortion Should Be Legal".
RussianAntiPutin  6 | 209
24 May 2022   #2259
Why shouldn't the woman see an image of the foetus before she may decide on an abortion? It's part of an informed decision, isn't it?
Novichok  4 | 8748
24 May 2022   #2260
It's part of an informed decision, isn't it?

Why are you asking me? Ask feminazis.
AntV  3 | 670
24 May 2022   #2261
Not meant to offend leftists).

Yes it is, but don't fret, they loooove being offended. It's as if they've monopolized the being offended market.
RussianAntiPutin  6 | 209
24 May 2022   #2262
I hate feminazis with all my soul. Especially when they act like men or claim Swan Lake shouldn't be danced or Romeo and Juliet shouldn't be acted because they're "misogynistic" . Pathetic wussy women putting on an aggressive front aren't the centre of the universe.

Lefties who can't take a harmless joke are probably the most annoying people on earth. I honestly prefer talking to Putin supporters.
Lyzko  44 | 9745
24 May 2022   #2263
It'll sure be interesting how abortion rights in Poland will play out if, heaven forbid, Roe v. Wade is somehow overturned. Poland, as with much of Europe, does tend to mimic the United States, if not in all respects such as privatized medicine or Social Security.
jon357  72 | 23361
24 May 2022   #2264
cluster of human cells with a developing nervous system, now gives great hugs and has the sweetest winsome smile

Emotion. Something that any woman who terminates can deal with for herself. And has to. It happens thousands of times a year, including in Poland.

abortion rights in Poland will play out if, heaven forbid, Roe v. Wade is somehow overturned

That's irrelevant. It's a different continent and court cases in one place rarely have influence elsewhere, Europe leads rather than follows.
Lyzko  44 | 9745
24 May 2022   #2265
That's becoming more true nowadays, jon. Yet Duda, for instance, admires the US and was painted by our press as fairly hotsy-totsy with Trump:-)
AntV  3 | 670
24 May 2022   #2266

Reality! That once cluster of human cells with a developing nervous system EXISTS and can smile and hug!

any woman who terminates can deal with for herself.

And more times than not she will and she won't find any help from those who supported "her right to choose." She will find emotional and psychological help, if she desires, from those who stood in opposition to that "right. "
Lenka  5 | 3531
24 May 2022   #2267
That once cluster of human cells with a developing nervous system EXISTS and can smile and hug!

Or not. Conception isn't guaranteed to lead to birth. Abortions or not.

Because there are more important things in life.

It's much more important than balet, that's for sure.
AntV  3 | 670
24 May 2022   #2268
Conception isn't guaranteed to lead to birth

Of course not, but there is a significant difference between a natural cause and willful termination, as there is a difference between a 70 year old dying from an aneurysm and being shot dead. We call the former death by natural causes and the latter homicide.
Lenka  5 | 3531
24 May 2022   #2269
While I understand your logic I can't say I agree with it. Especially when we talk about morning after pill for example. Could those cells turn into human into future? Yes. But that is distant possibility.
AntV  3 | 670
24 May 2022   #2270
Lenka, those cells are never not human. The ovum is a human cell, the sperm is a human cell, when they meet they create human cells that belong to a unique human being. All the DNA that human being ever needs is there at the moment of conception. There is not a possibility but an absolute certainty, no, put even better, an actuality of humanness of those cells.
Paulina  17 | 4465
24 May 2022   #2271
Ballet is pure art

What about ars amandi? :)))

sex is simply animalistic and disgusting.

Depends. There are different types of sex. Sex can be beautiful - for example, when it's called "making love" :) And it's an important part of a romantic relationship (unless the couple is asexual).

It's much more important than balet, that's for sure.

I think it depends... When ballet is your whole life... Or music... Or art... Artists often have a great need to create, for some it's like eating, sex and all other basic things... Being able to create becomes part of you. If they can't paint for some reason, they may get depressed. I imagine it can be the same for professional dancers...
Alien  25 | 6353
24 May 2022   #2272
In Germany, termination of pregnancy up to 3 months is allowed. This is a very elegant solution, for all sides.
Lenka  5 | 3531
24 May 2022   #2273
Artists often have a great need to create, for some it's like eating, sex and all other basic things...

Oh I get that. I meant more the whole humanity :)
AntV  3 | 670
24 May 2022   #2274
It's still the termination of a human being, that's not what I call elegance for any side. It's more in the line of obfuscation and sloganeering, IMO.
jon357  72 | 23361
24 May 2022   #2275
EXISTS and can smile and hug!

Now, due to w woman carrying to term. A cluster of cells has no mouth to smile wot( and no central nervous system.

As I say, emotion.

And more times than not she will and she won't find any help from those who supported "her right to choose." She

That is an irrelevant issue. The NHS do offer pretty good aftercare though.

In any case, where it's illegal, women do it anyway, with strong pennyroyal tea, with ergot or with knitting needles. If she's lucky, a visit for money to a 'private' doctor. How much "help" does a woman in that wretched situation get?

termination of pregnancy up to 3 months is allowed. This is a very elegant solution

That works. I think it's a bit more (24 weeks?) in the U.K. however a few years ago we lowered the limit. There are of course exceptions if there are medical reasons.
AntV  3 | 670
24 May 2022   #2276
That is an irrelevant issue.

Says you who will not have the opportunity to decide.

In any case, where it's illegal, women do it anyway

And where it's illegal extant people kill (soon to be non) extant people. May as well follow that logic and decriminalize and protect the right to murder.
jon357  72 | 23361
24 May 2022   #2277
the opportunity to decide.

The opportunity to decide what? Aftercare and emotional support after a termination?

And where it's illegal extant people kill (soon to be non) extant people

As you know, a cluster of cells with no brain, no central nervous system is nor "people"

decriminalize and protect the right to murder.

Some primitive countries even have judicial murder.
AntV  3 | 670
24 May 2022   #2278
To decide to abort a human being.

As you know, a cluster of cells with no brain, no central nervous system is nor "people"

No, that is a human being. The moment of personhood can be debated, but regardless it's still about a stage of development, the person (or potential person) always is from conception a human being.

Some primitive countries even have judicial murder.

I'll take that as a typical Euro swipe at American capital punishment, which is not germane to this discussion because capital punishment is about a form of justice-punishment of a murderer- not an innocent human being, such as a human child in the womb.

But, do you advocate judicial killing?
Lyzko  44 | 9745
24 May 2022   #2279
Women should nonetheless have a choice over their own bodies, Rich!
Schumer's right when he stated that anything other than freedom of PERSONAL choice is downright un-American.

The debate is not whether abortion is right or wrong, but whether it is the woman's choice.
Cf. this with the erstwhile debate almost one-hundred years ago, in 1924, when a court in Tennessee ruled that evolution couldn't be taught in US schools. The right to teach wasn't on trial, rather, as pointed out years later, the right to THINK.
Novichok  4 | 8748
24 May 2022   #2280
In-clinic or surgical abortion costs range anywhere from $450 - $750 for pregnancies in the first trimester.
I have a question for the leftists here...

Would you vote for a bill that would make black abortions cost nothing and whites pay twice that 450-750?

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