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Polish Parliamentary Elections 2023

amiga500  5 | 1505
26 Jul 2023   #91
The ones at the altitude at which the plane is flying don't work

If the first detail of a story is false then with absolute certainty the rest of the story is total BS.. As native indians say baboon speak with forked tongue! time to cut it out!
Crnogorac3  3 | 659
26 Jul 2023   #92
50.79% of men 18-39 support Konfederacja

23.8% of young women support Konfederacja
Alien  25 | 6353
26 Jul 2023   #93
50.79% of men

russians are again interfering in the elections in Poland.
pawian  224 | 27236
26 Jul 2023   #94
russians are again interfering in the elections

The best option for them would be the decisive victory of Konfederacja which is the most proRussian party in the Polish parliament right now.
johnny reb  49 | 7974
1 Aug 2023   #95
Poland's Confederation alliance will become the third-largest political force in this fall's parliamentary election.
The new star on Poland's political stage is Slawomir Mentzen and just 36 years old.
His political program, which he calls the "Constitution of Freedom," is very simple:
One tax rate (12%) for all, tax relief for private entrepreneurs, the abolition of obligatory pension contributions and health insurance, and fierce criticism of the European Union.
Ironside  50 | 12916
1 Aug 2023   #97
German origin, nothing new in Poland.
pawian  224 | 27236
1 Aug 2023   #98
His political program, which he calls the "Constitution of Freedom,"

It is a paradox they opt for economic freedom and at the same time they vote for limiting women`s rights. Quite schizophrenic.
Ironside  50 | 12916
1 Aug 2023   #99
there no women rights just leftie idological woke BS!
johnny reb  49 | 7974
1 Aug 2023   #100
Spot on I.S.

they vote for limiting women`s rights.

They may have seen what happened to America when we gave women the right to smoke and vote.
Now look at the mess we have and I am serious about that.
Poland's party Constitution of Freedom is very smart for limiting women's rights as much as you may disagree.
Korvinus  4 | 600
1 Aug 2023   #101
which is the most proRussian party

Before 2014 PO was a pro-Russian party and you know it.
Not because they love Russia, but because they always follow mainstream EU line. And at that time, western Europe thought Russia was just a gas station with no serious imperial ambitions. Polish libs will always follow the mainstream, even if it means being naive about Russia. This includes Sikorski who suggested that russophobes are "high on pain killers".

Say what you will about Kaczafi, PiS never had any illusions about the kremlin manlet. It's one of their very few redeeming qualities.
pawian  224 | 27236
1 Aug 2023   #102
Before 2014 PO was a pro

It is a lie. All European govs did business with Russia, PO and PiS too. So don`t call it pro-Russian. Business is business. But it was Konfederacja guys who still remained friendly on Putin and Russia after 2014!!! And that`s what I was talking about when I wrote about their pro Russian sentiments. Ha!

PiS never had any illusions about the kremlin manlet.

It is another falsity. And who bought fuels from Russians during all those years from 2015 to 2022??? Aliens in the gov?? No, it was PiS who sponsored Russian preparations for invasion with billions of $..
Korvinus  4 | 600
1 Aug 2023   #103
It is a lie.

putin and tusk
pawian  224 | 27236
1 Aug 2023   #104
It is very low of you to exploit this photo of the meeting of grieving Tusk with Putin who is comforting him after the 2010 air crash in which not only PIS but also PO politicians died.

You are using it to prove your falsity?? My reaction to your azholing can be only one: Tfu, kanalia!
You know you fully deserve it. Blame yourself.
Korvinus  4 | 600
1 Aug 2023   #105
Putin who is comforting

I see two enemies of Poland.
pawian  224 | 27236
1 Aug 2023   #106
Yes, you are going blind. Register for an eye operation at last. :) Do it today, coz under PiS rule, such operation will be performed in 2 years` time.
Luke1410  - | 146
2 Aug 2023   #107
It's one of their very few redeeming qualities

A fairly big one though, yeah? Given how things have played out...
jon357  72 | 23361
2 Aug 2023   #108
Before 2014 PO was a pro-Russian party

They were never pro-Russia.

In Poland, it tends to be the right wing that looks east to Ciemnogrod.
amiga500  5 | 1505
2 Aug 2023   #109
In Poland, it tends to be the right wing that looks east to Ciemnogrod.

Still with these thatcher era definitions of ideology eh? o.k let's play, PiS is not right wing and PO is not leftwing/centrist economically, and to me (and the working class) economic impacts are more important than cultural/identity issues.

I've updated my brain about these political labels and now prefer to think of it in these terms

- I'm so confused by what left and right means these days that I get lost on the roundabout. All i know is that the pigeon outside my window needs two wings to fly.

But if you want to press the point, why did Sikorski boast to Olejnik that it was Poland who was first with the 'reset' towards Russia, 6-12 months before the USA?
jon357  72 | 23361
2 Aug 2023   #110
Still with these thatcher era definitions of ideology eh? o.k let's play, PiS is not right wing

Read my words carefully.

Anyway, though some of PiS policies are economically left (left/right aren't 'Thatcher era terms'; they arose over 200 years before she was born and are still current now she's burning in hell).

The Polish ultra-traditional right, from Dmowski's day until now have always looked east in some pan-savic fantasy of Ciemnogrod, whereas more forward-looking politicians have looked west, south, north or indeed anywhere except russia.

And those politicians in Poland who are best disposed to russia (we all know who they are) ar on th right rather than the left.

- I'm so confused by what left and right means

The right wing want their chums to make more money from your labour than you do and don't care if you die from lack of money. The left wing want us and those around us to enjoy the full fruits of our labour.
Korvinus  4 | 600
2 Aug 2023   #111
The left wing want us and those around us to enjoy the full fruits of our labour.

So, do you mean, in your book PiS is left wing?
For me left wing means rights for perverts, gender nonsense, and all around woke bullshit. The exact reason I am against PO, even if it means supporting PiS- clearly being the lesser of two evils.
Ironside  50 | 12916
2 Aug 2023   #112
Read my words carefully.

I did. Apart from the anti-PiS propaganda which I don't care about you are uttering a total tripe. Nothing is factual and nothing is true.

You know next to nothing about Dmowski and his views. To put it midly. You are repeating that old political propaganda before the WWII by sanacja regime, added to by commies during PRL and stoked by Gazeta Wyborcza with totalitarain Commie Michink in charge and his cabal.

Same BS is used by PiS against Konfederacja in a political rhetoric.
Using lies and horse S for political gains is not commendable but possible, I can understand it.
However if you are telling lies about facts just becouse you can or becures you have some idological issues you disagree with, it is whole new level wrong and evil.

It tell us at the same time they your views and your ideology and your stance has no credance, value and is not attractive at all IF you can't sell it without telling lies and disorting facts.

In other world it screams - we have nothing of value to offer and we are full of S - so we have to lie about our opponet and it values and stance.

Unless you can't get rid of your uk analogies, I would agree that tories in the uk are a nasty bunch, but that has little to do with Poland>/
pawian  224 | 27236
2 Aug 2023   #113
You know next to nothing about Dmowski and his views.

Bs. Jon knows a lot about history of Poland.
But even if he didn`t, it wouldn`t matter coz Dmowski`s views have been turned into mockery by his today`s followers - they pick what they want, blowing it out of all decent proportions, especially hatred of Jews and minorities. Can you deny it that Dmowski was antisemitic and rejected other minorities? No, you can`t. Can you deny that his modern followers are antisemitic and against minorities? No, you can`t. You are the best example.

So, who is lying and twisting? Not jon, but you.

we have nothing of value to offer and we are full of S

Yes, that`s your nationalist motto.
Ironside  50 | 12916
2 Aug 2023   #114

go and play with your toys kid! Your 'arguments' straight from a pram! "D
johnny reb  49 | 7974
2 Aug 2023   #115
- I'm so confused by what left and right means these days

The Right pay most of the taxes that support the government and welfare systems.
The Right supports the Left with jobs and welfare alike.
The Left over all pay very little if anything in taxes to support the government but are the first ones to belly up to the public trough and want government to support them with "free" stuff.

The Left Leaches love to spend other people's money.
Poland is no different than any other democracy.
Alien  25 | 6353
2 Aug 2023   #116
The Right

"The Right" wants to make everyone rich, which succeeds, however, only in a few cases and only through the exploitation of "The Left".

The Left

"The Left" wants to make everyone poor, which it succeeds in many cases, but not all, because there are always a few rich people who stay on the side of "The Right".
Ironside  50 | 12916
2 Aug 2023   #117
The Right

There is a new divide.
- no woman has a right to murder her own child just because she want to.
- LGBTQ are only a made up political group. It doesn't represent L nor G nor anyone and putting those togather make no sense as they don't have a common goal or there is no election. Those are impostors pushing BS on people.

- feminism - a movement that ended up killing a concept of a woman by embrancing trans, which doesn't even make sense, fringe left loons on a loose, used by all kind of corporation and bad people to make money, and push their crazy agendas.

- greens - eco-terror groups used by people producing electric cars, other useslss crap that doesn't do anything but make those people rich,
- climat change cult! Why has to be a moron or a part of a cult to buy into this human made climat change, What to do - fart less you fool!

- a far right nazi/racist white men lurking - a lefie conspiracy theory, they are not embarassed to talk openly about,
jon357  72 | 23361
2 Aug 2023   #118
your book PiS is left wing?

Did anyone say that? They are right wing on most issues.

For me left wing means

For the rest of the earth's population however, it relates to economics and equality.

You know next to nothing about

Far more than you think. Your post however shows you have a very jaundiced take on those times.

Some real spite, bile and hatred here, all of it from people who identify here as right wing. Says a lot, doesn't it. And meanwhile, no matter how hard they work, whether they want to or not, there are people (who don't care if they live or die) making more from their jobs than they themselves are earning.
amiga500  5 | 1505
2 Aug 2023   #119
Using the analogy of the armed forces as society, the left is the scouting division, charting new frontiers of undiscovered territory, the right is the supply lines regiment. The scouts always want the army to move forward as they have seen the glorious future, the logistics regiment is worried about what happens if the army moves forward too fast, as they are responsible for the nuts and bolts. The scout soldiers propose radical solutions, sometimes they mess up bad and the army ends up sinking in quicksand, the supply line soldiers are naturally conservative and when they mess up, the army stays in one spot aimlessly.

But like the pigeon needs both wings to fly, so does the army need both the scouts and the supply lines to function and evolve.
jon357  72 | 23361
2 Aug 2023   #120
But like the pigeon needs both wings to fly

I don't much like the scouts and supply line analogy however this sentence is a good one.

Most developed societies are relativistic rather than absolutist. Even in a fair society where the people control the means of production and where extremes of wealth and poverty are rare there is still private business.

Regulated of course, however only a fool or a sociopath would want all business and finance to be unregulated.

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