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Polish Parliamentary Elections 2023

GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
21 May 2023   #1
This Autumn Poles will elect members of the Sejm and Senate. The elections will be very important for the future of our country as they will decide whether Poland will move towards greater integration with European structures (in case of the current opposition's victory) or towards Orbanism/Lukashenkism quasi-dictatorial system (if - God forbids - PiS wins the elections again).

In my beloved Gdańsk and Pomorze PiS never won any elections, which - I admit - gives me certain measure of pride and satisfaction...

... hopefully in Autumn more cities and regions will follow our lead. Let's keep our fingers crossed.

I predict:

1. Victory of the opposition parties.
2. Forming of KO-PSL-P2050 ruling coalition.
3. Considerable amount of butthurt among PiS supporters.
AntV  3 | 670
22 May 2023   #2
Everytime I take a peek at Polish politics there seems to be 3 or 4 new parties formed by offcast members of piS or PO. KO and P2050 are new? What parties are campaigning this cycle?
OP GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
22 May 2023   #3
KO is PO plus a couple of smaller parties and P2050 is Hołownia's party (in coalition with PSL).

Apart from that there is PiS, Lewica and Konfederacja. Any other party is nothing more than political plankton.
AntV  3 | 670
22 May 2023   #4
Thanks for the clarification.

Has KO gone all socially degenerate?
OP GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
22 May 2023   #5
They are trying to find some sort of balance between their conservative and liberal supporters but failing rather miserably. They alienate their conservative voter base by supporting abortion on demand up to the 12th week of pregnancy and at the same time alienate the economic liberals by trying to outbid PiS in social benefits promises (800+ starting from June, babciowe etc.).

The only reason they stand a good chance of winning is that people are getting tired of the arrogance and nepotism in PiS, as well as of constant conflict with the EU that is costing Poland billions of euro, and want things to change. The exorbitant inflation is not helping PiS either.
AntV  3 | 670
22 May 2023   #6
Hołownia--I hear this guy's name a lot. What's he about?

arrogance and nepotism in PiS

It's amazing how often these characteristics lead to a revolt against a ruling party.

PiS in social benefits promises (800+ starting from June, babciowe etc.).

I never quite understood PiS's economic platform. It always seemed unsteady and contradictory, although it looked good on paper as the economy continued to grow.
Bobko  27 | 2098
22 May 2023   #7
An important graph, if one is to understand PiS' Ukrainian grain ban - and why the pro-animal welfare proposals in 2020 backfired so spectacularly:

  • PolandRural.png
OP GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
22 May 2023   #8
Hołownia--I hear this guy's name a lot. What's he about?

Nobody really knows. The guy looks emotionally unstable and still refuses to reveal the sources of funds for his presidential campaign. I think he's the Catholic Church's man in case opposition wins the election.
AntV  3 | 670
22 May 2023   #9
I think he's the Catholic Church's man in case opposition wins the election.

Oh gawd! I wish they'd just stay out of politics and simply play their proper role of being the arbiter of the moral paradigm. But that's an entirely different argument.
amiga500  5 | 1501
23 May 2023   #10
In my beloved Gdańsk

The centre of the post communist mafia in Poland. A lot of underage girls forced into prostitution there, a sh*thole really.

3. Considerable amount of butthurt among PiS supporters.

Are you willing to put your money where your big mouth is, like PAK did in 2019 and wager 50 usd/210 złoty on the outcome?
amiga500  5 | 1501
23 May 2023   #11
Actually let's make it interesting, because of the rampant inflation I raise the wager to 250 usd. That's only your 500+ for two months, easily done.
OP GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
23 May 2023   #12
The centre of the post communist mafia in Poland.


PiStard hatred - it's really sweet... mmmmmmmm... soooo sweet. The only sweeter thing will be your tears of defeat in Autumn. Can't wait.

Are you willing to put your money

I don't gamble as a rule. It's one of many admirable traits of my righteous character. But EVEN IF I were a gambler, then still - gambling about the future of my country with some random Australian would be below my dignity.

3. Considerable amount of butthurt among PiS supporters.

What a brilliant prediction it was - already coming true as we can see. :D
amiga500  5 | 1501
23 May 2023   #13

Laughing about sexual slavery of children in Gdansk. Disgusting!

. I think he's the Catholic Church's man

haha, do u also believe the pope is the antichrist like the other evangelical weirdos?
OP GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
23 May 2023   #14

You really have to control your sick PiStard fantasies. And don't drag the thread off-topic - it's about the coming Polish parliamentary elections which will allow Poland to free herself from Orbanist/Lukashenkist quasi-dictatorship.
jon357  72 | 23490
23 May 2023   #15
about sexual slavery of children in Gdansk

Was that appalling clergyman there connected with PiS? Jankowski was his name as I remember. The one connected to all the sex and vodka/amphetamine scandals.
23 May 2023   #16
@amiga500, PiS need to go, marrying altar and throne was a mistake, politics is an ugly, ugly business, the Church shouldn't dirty itself with it. The Godless left cannot be stopped, unless there is a mass rejection of social media in the not too distant future. They absolutely thrive on these platforms, like bacteria on decaying catshit.
amiga500  5 | 1501
23 May 2023   #17
PiS need to go, marrying altar and throne was a mistake,

I believe they have learnt their lesson in implementing religious fatwas. (sunday trading, abortion law) Who knows Kukiz might convince them to introduce legal recognition/civil unions for LG next term.
jon357  72 | 23490
23 May 2023   #18
introduce legal recognition/civil unions for LG next term.

Very likely, or at the least recognise those that take place elsewhere.

Godless left

You should worry more about the godless right who trumpet loudly about religious values yet consistently go against them in everything they do.
Crnogorac3  3 | 659
23 May 2023   #19
Polish parliamentary elections which will allow Poland to free herself from Orbanist/Lukashenkist quasi-dictatorship.

So if you're against Viktor Orban - one of the truly greatest European leaders of our time, it means you are in favour of that what is described in this video below from the recent CPAC conference in Hungary.

CPAC Hungary 2023 - Terry Schilling
OP GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
24 May 2023   #20
CPAC Hungary 2023 - Terry Schilling

"We don't want your brain chips!" :D What a nutjob.

As for Orban, he's a greedy, power-hungry opportunist, who plays on people's fears and insecurities just to stay in power. PiS has cured me efficiently from any sympathy towards this kind of politicians: hypocrites pretending to be Christian while doing all kinds of iniquities and still remaining self-righteous and full of hatred and contempt. Give me an openly godless leftist anytime before those two-faced hypocrites; at least an openly godless leftist is an enemy who approaches me face-to-face while those "godly" villains are quite happy to lie, cheat and backstab. And one thing that I will never forgive PiS is how they prostituted the Church with taxpayers' money. Completely and utterly despicable. They have succeeded where the communists have failed: they managed to push millions of Poles away from the Church.

As I said - give me an openly godless, rainbow-colours-wearing, dick-on-parade-waving, transsexual lesbian leftist anytime, he (she?) is not a threat to me at all. On the other hand, the wolves pretending to be sheep, while destroying the Church and the country from the inside for their own greed and lust for power - they are truly dangerous and THEY are the worst enemy.
Kashub1410  6 | 580
24 May 2023   #21
A weapon wether preferred to be sheathed or not is still just as dangerous when actually used.

PiS is not responsible for any individuals soul nor is PO, KO, PSL or Konfederacja.

If so many people decide to abandon the church because of "politics" then their greed seems to come before God.

PiS members got their burden to carry and things to work on, but please don't write here about such preferences. It's like reading: "Prefer P00 over P!$$"

Well buhuu, none of them are lovely. Wake up

It makes it easier for sure
Paulina  19 | 4473
24 May 2023   #22
I think he's the Catholic Church's man in case opposition wins the election.

What do you mean by that?
Anyway, I got disappointed with Hołownia:

I even toyed with the idea of voting for his party, as a centrist alternative to PO, but I changed my mind... The most important thing is removing PiS from power and so I'll vote for the party that has the biggest chance of winning and that means PO according to the polls. I just wish the opposition would come together - they would have a bigger chance of winning then :/

If so many people decide to abandon the church because of "politics" then their greed seems to come before God.

What an utterly ignorant/stupid thing to say. What has "greed" to do with leaving the Church? Greed is one of the main sins of the Polish Catholic Church these days! :(
Paulina  19 | 4473
24 May 2023   #23
According to the newest poll PiS would win the elections, but wouldn't have a majority in the Parliament, probably even if it formed a coalition with Konfederacja:
OP GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
24 May 2023   #24
PiS would win the elections, but wouldn't have a majority in the Parliament, probably even if it formed a coalition with Konfederacja:

That's what I've just told BB. We will have a democratic coalition government in Autumn. Can't wait :)

What do you mean by that?

Exactly what I said. Church needs to have "their man" in the government, in case PiS loses (and they will), so Hołownia is their choice. It will become evident at one point or another. You can quote me on that.
Kashub1410  6 | 580
24 May 2023   #25
I could understand leaving the church due to lack of faith, but due to political engagement? Seems like lack of knowledge and misunderstanding of the church's mission in earth.

Body and soul Paulina, not only body or only soul.
Paulina  19 | 4473
24 May 2023   #26
@Kashub1410, there are various reasons for which people leave the Catholic Church. But I've never heard of "greed" being one of them. So, where did you get such a strange idea? Do you think people are getting paid money for leaving the Church? lol

misunderstanding of the church's mission in earth.

If the Church is doing bad at fulfilling that mission, religious people who didn't lose their faith may leave the Church as a sign of protest or become part of another Christian denomination. So, it's not only people who lost their faith that may be leaving the Catholic Church, imho.

Body and soul Paulina, not only body or only soul.

jon357  72 | 23490
24 May 2023   #27
leaving the church due to lack of faith, but due to political engagement

The RCC is not the only part of the earthly Church. It is one denomination among many.

And when that denomination publicly aligns itself in a particular country with one political party among others? Well, there are lots of denominations to choose from, as well as a healthy agnosticism.
Kashub1410  6 | 580
24 May 2023   #28
I rather let myself get killed then leave the church, it would to the same thing anyway even considering it. If I stop being a member, then everything I work for and live for become meaningless to me.

For you or others it can be some quasi-bs issue involved but, from my perspective you are trying to persuade me to attempt suicide so back off before I get infuriated
Lyzko  44 | 9717
24 May 2023   #29
Is the Church as powerful a political force in Poland as it is here in the US?
I'd imagine so, then again, it's been ever so long since last in Europe that perhaps things have changed some.
Lenka  5 | 3535
24 May 2023   #30
you are trying to persuade me to attempt suicide

She is not trying to persuadeyou to do anything. She is explaining other ppls perspective co chill

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