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New "Polish memorial" in Berlin

Tacitus  2 | 1264
18 Feb 2021   #271
Possibly some extensive economic cooperation with Eastern European countries?

Don't we have that already? Poland just became Germany's 5th biggest trading partner, and in return Germany has become the biggest trading partner of all the East European countries.
Poloniusz  5 | 970
18 Feb 2021   #272
the vatican kilked way more people like burning witches at the stake like burning witches at the stake

Nah, brah.

That was the protestants' modus operandi both in Britain and Colonial America.

The RCC was actually opposed to even declaring anyone a witch going all the way back to Middle Ages.
Crow  154 | 9463
18 Feb 2021   #273
Sins of the Rome and Vatican are famous... genocide, crucifixions of people, inquisition, the inspiration of Teutonic and Germanic genocide on Slavs, Nazi genocide on Slavs, heavy brain manipulation like inventions of wonders, pedophilia, collaboration with Turks, collaboration with communist international, etc.

Yes, Protestant elitism contributed to Nazism, too.

And I don't say Constantinople doesn't have its sins. It has. Ignorance and servitude to the Greeks, for example.
Novichok  4 | 8748
18 Feb 2021   #274
it was stalin who killed his people or those he perceived as enemy not russia.

Spot on, man. They want to have it both ways. If bad s**t happens because of Germans, it's Nazi Germany like there was another Germany next to them.

If bad stuff happens in Russia, it's simply Russia, not Communist Russia or Stalin.

plus the US does the same

In large numbers and call it "fighting for our freedoms" to justify the body bags and the hundreds of thousands of the "enemy" that did us no wrong.

A piece of advice...Please capitalize "the US". If you write "us", it is hard to notice.
Vlad1234  16 | 883
18 Feb 2021   #275
Some were stabbed and others buried alive, it is reported.
Another case:

Russian investigators have opened a genocide case on the murder of more than 200 disabled children in southern Russia
Spike31  3 | 1485
18 Feb 2021   #276
the vatican kilked way more people like burning witches

Another bull...that is another unconfirmed 'fact' from @Strzelec35. It is widely known that the protestant countries burned witches en masse, not the Catholic ones.

For example, In Germany ~300 000 'witches' perished, and in the UK ~70 000 of them. Poland on the other hand was known as "the country without stakes," *

The simple truth is that Poles were always much more normal than Western Europeans.
jon357  72 | 23361
18 Feb 2021   #277
not the Catholic ones.

Though the feared Inquisition was far from inactive in the Catholic parts of Europe...
Novichok  4 | 8748
18 Feb 2021   #278

Vlad, thanks for bringing this up.

I never experienced their barbarism but as a grandpa of four girls, my hate for those who hurt kids has no upper limit. The children of Lidice being just one example.

Off the subject: I would actually pay to be allowed to execute a child murderer.

Back to the subject. The problem here is that every atrocity is always colored by the emotions of the observer. And that is why there is no way to have a reasonable discussion with Poles when Katyn is mentioned. To them, it's equal to Auschwitz, Treblinka, and Majdanek combined. When I said that the Katyn numbers are not even close to the other WW2 numbers, and they would kill me if they could.
Vlad1234  16 | 883
18 Feb 2021   #279
Vlad, thanks for bringing this up.

Sorry, which country are you from?
Novichok  4 | 8748
18 Feb 2021   #280
Born in Poland. Living in the US since 1967.
Vlad1234  16 | 883
19 Feb 2021   #281
Thank you. How presently Poles are perceived in US? How many Americans know that it is not Eastern European, but Central European country, etc?
Strzelec35  19 | 830
19 Feb 2021   #282
it is ewstern europe tho. I am a proud ewstern europewn. i listen to disco polo wewr wdidas gewr with a chwin and soak in the entire eastern europewn culture and existence poland is known for. i also like to show off ky newfound wewlth or cspitalism and drive wround csrs too expensive for what I can afford.
Vlad1234  16 | 883
19 Feb 2021   #283
i listen to disco polo wewr wdidas gewr with a chwin and soak

Sorry, but what sort of cannabis do you smoke?
GefreiterKania  31 | 1430
19 Feb 2021   #284
Sins of the Rome and Vatican

I noticed, Crow, that you are not particularly fond of the Roman Catholic Church.

You will be happy to know that at the moment RCC in Poland is doing everything to alienate themselves from a large part of Polish society. The paedophile scandals taught them absolutely nothing (look at the recent case of late "father" Dymer as one of countless examples), they are sleazily servile towards the current government, and they are involved in horrid sacramental prostitution* ("kurewstwo sakramentalne" as many people here call it).

So, the influence of RCC on Poles is something that you should slowly stop worrying about. They are performing a spectacular seppuku in Poland at the moment.

*I would gladly tell you more about it, but I don't want to go too much off-topic (can PM you with details if you want).
Crow  154 | 9463
19 Feb 2021   #285
you are not particularly fond of the Roman Catholic Church.... RCC in Poland

Well, I`m doing fine actually, considering everything. I blame Vatican, that indeed is in the genesis after all.

I hope RCC become PCC, Polish Catholic Church and how things globally develop best would be that we Slavs have Slavic Christian Church.

can PM you with details if you want

I want.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126
19 Feb 2021   #286
Can't you blame your own misfortune on yourself? Are you so powerless that you blame the church given to us all by Jesus Christ? Who is stopping you? Live your life! Don't destroy the life of others
Crow  154 | 9463
19 Feb 2021   #287
Can't you blame your own misfortune on yourself?

But I blame us on the first place. We lost this war to the Rome > The Great Illyrian Revolt - Rome's Forgotten War DOCUMENTARY >

Rome used more then 40 legions (the biggest force Rome ever moved) against us but still, the core of Sarmatia had to endure. That is when, backbone of people of Shtokavian (Serbian) speaking dialect (by linguistic science) of Sarmatians ie Slavs, was broken.

But we recuperated. And our backbone was broken again by the Turks. And we raised. Then AH broke our backbone. And we raised. Then Nazis did its deed. Then Soviets. And we raised again and we stand now. We stand. We are just a shadow of our ancestors but, we would try. Prepare yourself Poland to answer to the call!
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126
19 Feb 2021   #288
And THAT Rome was defeated. There are no Roman emperors today and the very essence of Rome was brute violence. Very animalistic, that was defeated. There is Italy, not Rome, there is the Vatican in Rome (capitol of Italy) but not Rome itself. The one of the ancient times was defeated (thankfully), other states tried to copy-cat it. With failure
Strzelec35  19 | 830
19 Feb 2021   #289
more about American blood on their hands:

" That was the protestants' modus operandi both in Britain and Colonial America."

so you wre saying the in didnt exist? also what about those spanish slaying millions of natives of the Americas or so called savages? theybwere very catholic.
Strzelec35  19 | 830
19 Feb 2021   #290
It is sort of funny how Polish people alwqys want to act like the victims and point fingers at Russia or other countries in europe for being colonists or having salves (america) but they dont realize they couldnt do any of those things. they were in no position to and were mostly vassals of other countries or so inconsequencial they had no power but if they did theyd be doing all that stuff too like russia and everyone else.mlike the white debil did to natives arkund the world. thats what polisha re like the white devil or whitey too. they would call these countries there snd the inhabitants savages than enslave them rape their women and pillage their lands. the fact is polish people in usa or polonia supports trump and the narcissism white supremacy entails shows me they are just another group of the white degil ready to enslave so called savages if they eevr had the chance.
Lyzko  44 | 9745
19 Feb 2021   #291
EVERY nation has been a "victim" sometime in their history.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126
19 Feb 2021   #292
Basically yes,
With a hunter mentality it's either pray or hunter (wolf vs sheep)

One forgets tho there is a combined mentality of a shepherds dog. Both prey AND hunter.

Poland has had both, one more then the other lately.
jon357  72 | 23361
19 Feb 2021   #293
a combined mentality of a shepherds dog. Both prey AND hunter.

A healthier approach than being one or the other.

Healthiest of all is friendship and trust with neighbours. Russia isn't ready for that right now (and won't be for a long time). Germany is though.
Strzelec35  19 | 830
19 Feb 2021   #294
how would you expect russia or any nation to act when natio is trying to sandwitch them and enroach them on all parts of their border?
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126
19 Feb 2021   #295
What I expect from Russia, and what I wish they had done/do are two separate things.

I expect them to continue their policy of conquest, or in current situation re-conquest of past Soviet states. Then Warsaw Pact members, as they felt cheated during the 90's

What I would hope for them to is, build up economically. Strengthen their military and build ties with all the slavic states while, counter-acting U.S.A and China schemes.

So far they have only been taking the bait and creating division among Slavs (Ukraine) and forcing central-eastern Europe in to seeking non-slavic alliances.
Novichok  4 | 8748
19 Feb 2021   #296
forcing central-eastern Europe into seeking non-Slavic alliances.

A non-Slavic alliance would be an alliance with Germany alone. When pigs fly.
Poland's non-Slavic alliance is with the only force that still counts - the US. The rest, just as in Iraq, are useless metoos.
Vlad1234  16 | 883
19 Feb 2021   #297
discussion with Poles when Katyn is mentioned

Katyn was a meaningless crime.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126
19 Feb 2021   #298
What other states did you think I was thinking about? Clearly I was thinking about NATO-allies, which yes. Also includes Germany and the U.S.A

How trustworthy allies they are, is a different matter. Time will tell the next months

You surprise me (in a positive manner)
Novichok  4 | 8748
19 Feb 2021   #299
Katyn was a meaningless crime.

Not as far as I see it. It was a deliberate move to kill off the Polish elite military who would interfere with the future formation of a pro-Soviet puppet government run by the Polish collaborators. In that sense, it was not "meaningless". Crime - yes. Meaningless - no.

What I find strange is where Poles place Katyn on the atrocity scale. 20,000 vs 5,000,000 is not even remotely close. If you (editorial) hit the end of that scale at 20 thousand, how do you react to 5 million?
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
19 Feb 2021   #300
It was a deliberate move to kill off the Polish elite

Exactly , I assumed everyone knew that.

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