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Local elections - anyone care to comment?

Ironside  50 | 12333
6 Jul 2024   #61
Trzaskowski built a crossing over the river for 154 million, while a proper bridge cost about 45 million.
Alien  23 | 5539
6 Jul 2024   #62
for 154 million, while a proper bridge cost about 45 million.

Wants to earn something? 🤔
Ironside  50 | 12333
7 Jul 2024   #63
Somebys sure 'earned' something from the taxpayer's money.
pawian  219 | 24792
7 Jul 2024   #64
while a proper bridge cost

Another manipulation by a useless nationalist emigrant. Provide the length of the bridges for comparison.
Miloslaw  21 | 5027
7 Jul 2024   #65
Don`t panick

Are you really sure that you are an English teacher?????

Your English get's worse when you have had too much to drink.........
TheOther  6 | 3596
8 Jul 2024   #66
Your English get's worse when you have had too much to drink.

Whose doesn't? :)
Ironside  50 | 12333
8 Jul 2024   #67
Another manipulation by a useless nationalist emigrant. Provide the length of the bridges for comparison.
@ pawian

Don't panic pawian. It is clear lol! You are ridiculous.
pawian  219 | 24792
8 Jul 2024   #68
Don't panic

I don`t panick. :):):)I only point to another example of your lies and manipulation. Now, stop lying and tell us why one bridge has to be 3 times more expensive than another one. .
Ironside  50 | 12333
8 Jul 2024   #69
why does one bridge has to be 3 times more expensive than another one. .

The more expensive one is the pedestrian crossing over the river in Warsaw and friends of Trzaskwoski made a lot of money on this construction paid by the Polish in this case Warsaw taxpayers.
The other is a full-fledged bridge north of Warsaw which indicates to anyone even mildly familiar with geography that the river is the same and is not less widers but at least the same or wider than down south.
This tells us that under PO and Trzaskowski's management, about 100 million zlotych had been stolen quite brazenly. So stop defending thievery and if you do stop claiming to be decent because that sounds hollow in the context.
pawian  219 | 24792
8 Jul 2024   #70
the river is the same

You know nothing about Polish geography, you pathetic emigrant.

to be decent

Yes, I am while you are a dirty liar coz the bridge in Warsaw is three times longer and a lot more steel was used to construct it. That is why you are peddling false info, you nationalist murderer.
Ironside  50 | 12333
8 Jul 2024   #71
ou pathetic emigrant.

How Am I an emigrant in my own country and what does it have to do with anything? Your 'insults' do not make much sense as well as your reasoning.
If Anything I could claim that you are a foreign body in Poland as a soviet leftover. lol!
The bridge in Warsaw is three times longer and a lot more steel was used to construct it.

Is it? Why is a pedestrian crossing in Warsaw bigger than a bridge ON WHICH all the traffic including trucks can safely cross while in Warsaw you can barely use a bicycle.#
Somehow I doubt your claim, as to the steel used, it was so-called invisible steel. It cost a lot of money but nobody saw it before or after.
pawian  219 | 24792
8 Jul 2024   #72
How Am I an emigrant in my own country

You are a pathetic emigrant who takes voice about Polish geography without knowing it so you lie on purpose.

It cost a lot of money but nobody saw it before or after.

You talk a lot about various business scams. Did you do them a lot in emigration ?
Ironside  50 | 12333
8 Jul 2024   #73
You are a pathetic

You are pathetic you have not been able to refute a single claim I made or present a single argument, All you do is a personal attack and some lame excuses. You can't be treated seriously.
pawian  219 | 24792
8 Jul 2024   #74
to refute a single claim

Your blatant lies aren`t claims so they don`t need to be refuted - it is enough to call you out on it.

treated seriously.

Goddess forbid! hahaha
Miloslaw  21 | 5027
8 Jul 2024   #75
I don`t panick.

Would you trust this moron to teach your child English?

I could claim that you are a foreign body in Poland as a soviet leftover. lol!

Without question!He is a Soviet interloper...... he preferred life under Soviet/Russian occupation.

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