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Polish Lithuanian Diplomatic War? At last.

OP pawian  223 | 27176
28 Feb 2022   #481
In these troubled times...

Darling, that`s because I first thought of writing time and then changed into times. :):)
OP pawian  223 | 27176
23 Jun 2022   #482
The refusal to acknowledge the Polish spelling of Polish minority`s surnames and names of streets and settlements.

This problem was solved in May when the Lithuanian parliament adopted the law on the spelling of non-Lithuanian surnames, including Polish ones, in Lithuanian identity documents. So far, non-Lithuanian names and surnames in identity documents were written in Lithuanian form. Currently, it is possible to write non-Lithuanian surnames in the Latin alphabet, that is, use the Latin letters "w", "q" and "x", which are not in the Lithuanian alphabet. The Lithuanian wording of non-Lithuanian surnames has also been abandoned, which means that it is possible to use double characters, for example "cz" or "rz", or the correct spelling of the name "Anna", which is spelled in the Lithuanian version as "Ana".

Well, now we need to focus on a much bigger problem, namely aggressive RuSSia which is threatening Lithuania and other Baltics. Hey, Russists, I hope you realise any attack on the Baltics will trigger NATO involvement, including Poland`s.
Bobko  27 | 2143
23 Jun 2022   #483
adopted the law on the spelling of non-Lithuanian surnames, including Polish ones, in Lithuanian identity documents

Good! Now Gregoris Bzhecicikevichas can again be Grzegorz Brzęczyszczykiewicz!
Crow  154 | 9507
25 Jun 2022   #484
I nicely said here Poland should liberate Lithuania. Its late now. Russia will.
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
25 Jun 2022   #485
This problem was solved in May

I'm not sure. What about other issues? They need to be watched.
OP pawian  223 | 27176
25 Jun 2022   #486
Russia will.

I hope that mad RuSSists try to mess up with a NATO country one day. Then NATO tears them into pieces. And then the disintegration of RuSSia as we know it follows. Lovely scenario. :):):)

What about other issues?

Wow, you do present a sound point of view sometimes. Yes, that is a good question. We can only hope that Lithuanians listen to our requests concerning the Polish minority there and will try to introduce more changes. When they said A with Polish surnames, now it will be easier to say B with other things.
Crow  154 | 9507
25 Jun 2022   #487
Lovely scenario. :):):)

Yea. It would be romantic nuclear dust all around.
OP pawian  223 | 27176
25 Jun 2022   #488
nuclear dust

Then we shall evaporate together, with RuSSists. Raz maty rodila..... hahahaha
Crow  154 | 9507
25 Jun 2022   #489
People, Lithuania still isn`t lost to Poland. Parts of Lithuania remain, same as Galicia and Eastern Germany, one of ways for Poland`s expansion in post WW3 world.

Russia seams to be only interested in Baltic coast and that way land connection with Kaliningrad. It will only take Estonia and Latvia and only partially Lithuania. Like controlling Black sea to the Moldova and Danube, to the Pridnestrovie.


I hope God have better plan for humanity.
OP pawian  223 | 27176
25 Jun 2022   #490
Russia seams to be only interested in Baltic coast

RuSSia is interested in becoming the modern Soviet Union.
Alas, those are futile dreams.
RuSSists will evaporate first than regain anything which today is happily connected with the EU and NATO.
Crow  154 | 9507
26 Jun 2022   #491
You non Poles here think that Poland said its last here? Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. Before this is over, Poland will fight NATO side by side with Russia, Hungary, rest of the Visegrad and Serbia. If NATO live long enough.
OP pawian  223 | 27176
26 Jun 2022   #492
side by side with Russia

Side by side with Mongols? Are you crazy??? :):):)
Crow  154 | 9507
26 Jun 2022   #493
Poles are not stupid. Russia is far to be perfect but if Russia collapse the day after that Poland is no more. That much is Poland loved by Germany, France, Britain, USA and Vatican. They would take Russia`s resources and then grab Poland to conclude Drang Nach Osten. In a 10 years after Russia is no more, you would hardly find any Polish speaking person.
OP pawian  223 | 27176
26 Jun 2022   #494
In a 10 years after Russia is no more,

I can`t wait. Down with Mongol savages! I am going to donate a huge sum to our local church for that to happen. hahahaha
OP pawian  223 | 27176
25 Jul 2022   #495
United again......
Poland and Lithuania have supported Ukraine from the very beginning and oppose the tyranny and imperialism of the Kremlin; We discuss and consult with President Gitanas Nauseda all our most important joint activities,President Andrzej Duda emphasized on Monday.

  • FYg8ve3X0AIkCdd.jpg
OP pawian  223 | 27176
28 Dec 2023   #496
1. The refusal to acknowledge the Polish spelling of Polish minority`s surnames and names of streets and settlements.

13 years after the OP`s post and after nearly 30 years of Lithuanian Poles and Polesses` struggle for their rights, the Lithuanian Supreme Court decreed that Polish spelling doesn`t breach the Constitution.

Better late than never.

But isn`t it too late to have the relations improved before Russia attacks? There is very little time and Poles and Polesses might not make it ......
Poloniusz  5 | 970
29 Dec 2023   #497
But isn`t it too late to have the relations improved before Russia attacks? There is very little time and Poles and Polesses might not make it ......

It will never happen.

Your personal lord and savior had all the time in the world during his decades-long career and in different influential political roles to do something but didn't.

Brussels' reinstalled viceroy in Poland doesn't even have a record of genuinely caring for Poles in Poland let alone anywhere else.

But don't take my word for it, take his!

"Mr. Tusk has sometimes alienated potential voters, particularly more traditional-minded ones in small rural towns and villages. Mr. Tusk offended millions of Poles in 2005 by dismissing conservatives as a "mohair coalition" - a reference to the berets many older women wear to church. Mr. Tusk apologized but struggled for years to shake off an image of haughty contempt."

Not only that but he has publicly stated that he regards himself as a Kashubian minority member living in Poland rather than Polish.

So what makes you think he will care now about the fate of the Polish diaspora in Lithuania?

Answer: He won't.
Novichok  5 | 8914
29 Dec 2023   #498
...pawian reads only the first sentence. Just so you know...
OP pawian  223 | 27176
29 Dec 2023   #499
It will never happen.

That is a pessimistic view. Do you suggest Poles and Polesses will bear a grudge for that Lithuanian discrimination on spelling and other things??
Ironside  50 | 12910
29 Dec 2023   #500
Poland's gov. tells Poles in Lithuania to keep their heads down, instead of defending their rights.
Also the Baltic states depend on Poland military (NATO) to defend them from Russia. Still they do not help Poland in its rumbble with the EU. How lame is that. Polish politicians are underclass of morons.

Given our hand in cards Vilno should dance to our music.
Poloniusz  5 | 970
29 Dec 2023   #501
...pawian reads only the first sentence. Just so you know...

Yes, he has autistically berated me many times in the past to let me know that his attention span is limited to one line of text.

Par for the course when someone is educated by communist slogans.

It doesn't matter. Some people don't want to be confronted with the truth and complexities of life anyway so avoid having substantive discussions.

Do you suggest Poles and Polesses will bear a grudge for that Lithuanian discrimination on spelling and other things??

The matter was resolved back in 2022 (pre-Tusk).

Lithuanian justice minister changes to Polish spelling of name under new law - May 25, 2022

That is a pessimistic view.

It is a realistic view.

Like I explained already, EU's viceroy Tusk doesn't care about Poles and his priorities are globohomo.

"Tusk said Poland would be a loyal ally of the United States and a committed member of NATO, and signaled his determination to mend Warsaw's ties with Brussels after years of feuding over issues ranging from judicial independence to LGBT rights."
OP pawian  223 | 27176
29 Dec 2023   #502

Tusk is a great patriot, opposite to rightist bolsheviks he ousted from power. Coz they are ready to set fire and destroy Poland in order to still keep their snouts in the trough.

The matter was resolved back in 2022

No, it wasn`t. It turned out Ministry`s decision was their private initiative. Some angered Lithuanian politicians and MPs took the case to the Supreme Court.

According to the MPs who petitioned the court, the parliament ignored the opinion of the language watchdog, the State Commission of the Lithuanian Language (VLKK), when it passed the law. The petition was filed by 30 MPs, mostly members of the opposition Lithuanian Farmers and Greens Union (LVŽS).
amiga500  5 | 1520
29 Dec 2023   #503
Tusk is a great patriot

Yes you are correct. Tusk is a great patriot, to Germany. Didin't you see that clip of him 20 years ago saying poland is a grey boring place and he essentially hates it?

One way or the other this traitor is going back to Berlin or Brussels.
OP pawian  223 | 27176
29 Dec 2023   #504
is going back to Berlin or Brussels.

I don`t mind as long as he cleans the swamp first. It seems he will. :):):)
Novichok  5 | 8914
29 Dec 2023   #505
Some people don't want to be confronted with the truth and complexities of life anyway so avoid having substantive discussions.

In my opinion, the best way to deal with such characters is by switching from a conversation mode to cross-examination by a single question per post. They will not answer but that is obvious to others. A win by default...

Like: How many faggots can a tribe have and still be viable?
OP pawian  223 | 27176
29 Dec 2023   #506
The best way of dealing with such characters

I thought you prefered Ignore option. You advise one thing but do a different one. :):):)
Poloniusz  5 | 970
29 Dec 2023   #507
Tusk is a great patriot

Only unrepentant communists use such language.

No, it wasn`t.

Yes, it was!

Again, pre-Tusk!

"On July 5, 2023, the Lithuanian Constitutional Court ruled that legislation permitting the use of original-name spellings for certain Lithuanian citizens in documents using Latin-based characters, which do not exist in the Lithuanian language, is in accordance with the Constitution of Lithuania...Previously, the use of non-Lithuanian characters was allowed only by court order in a procedure similar to that for legally changing a name. Most of the time, members of the Polish minority in Lithuania were required to change their names or adjust their spelling to ensure conformity with the Lithuanian alphabet.",with%20the%20Constitution%20of%20Lithuania.
OP pawian  223 | 27176
5 Mar 2024   #508
My prophetic words from 2010 aka 14 years ago are still reverberating in Lithuanian ears and minds today:

But, in the worst case, if Lithuanians don`t want to have anything in common with Poland, let them be Russian, instead. I won`t move my finger/ass when they become a Russian republic once again.

Will the Polish army really come to help Lithuania?
The Lithuanian Prime Minister expressed fear that Poland would not send troops to defend her country in the event of an attack by Russia. Donald Tusk assured Polish solidarity in Vilnius, but he did not dispel all the Lithuanians' doubts.

Alien  25 | 6363
5 Mar 2024   #509
Will the Polish army really come to help Lithuania?

Yes, together with NATO.
OP pawian  223 | 27176
7 Mar 2024   #510
Before NATO moves a finger, it will take days. While the defence of Lithuania will have to take hours to be successful. Poland is the closest to provide such quick reaction to Russian hostilities. .

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