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Lech Walesa urged to "reduce Russia" to 50 million people

Crow  154 | 9535
10 Jul 2022   #1
an article

Lech Walesa urged to "reduce Russia" to 50 million people



ex-president Poland and the founder of the Solidarity party, Lech Walesa, proposed to "reduce Russia» to 50 million people, reports Le Figaro.

gregy741  5 | 1226
11 Jul 2022   #2
disgusting , he accurately represent view of most poles here. shame
only proves that Russia was right to invade Ukraine, to defend Russian people.
Velund  1 | 490
11 Jul 2022   #3

We have a joke going around that the dead, the Anglo-Saxons and the Poles have no shame. ;)
Paulina  19 | 4458
11 Jul 2022   #4
@Velund, you must be talking about Putinists :/

In case someone didn't read the whole article and thought that Lech Wałęsa suddenly turned into an advocate of mass murder - this is what the article reports he said:

'at present it is necessary to change the Russian political system or even "organize an uprising of the peoples" in Russia. Walesa expressed the opinion that "global security" can only be ensured by "the dismemberment of today's Russia.'


It isn't anymore disgusting than what Russia is doing to Ukraine. So, gregy741, when Kali steals someone's cow then it's OK, but when someone steals Kali's cow then it's "disgusting"? lol

I am not advocating for this, btw, but from moral standpoint Russia totally deserves getting "dismembered", not only because of what it did and is doing to Ukraine, but also because of what Russia has done in the past to other countries. What's worse, Russia hasn't been only "dismembering" other countries, but it's been also stealing their lands and even people.

he accurately represent view of most poles here.

How do you know that? Did you make a poll?

only proves that Russia was right to invade Ukraine, to defend Russian people.

Firstly, his words are a reaction to the invasion of Ukraine, you dumbass:


'Even if Ukraine wins this war, in five years we will have the same thing, and in ten years we will see the emergence of another Putin. If changing the country's political system is impossible, only the dismemberment of today's Russia will ensure world security," Walesa said.'

Secondly, even if he said that (and he didn't) before the invasion, how on Earth views of a former Polish president, who's famous for talking before thinking, would justify invading Ukraine? Gregy741, do you have no shame, no brain, no nothing??

I'd like to add that some members of this forum - Russians, Serbs and even one neo-Nazi Pole, I think, proposed Poland to join in Russia in the "dismemberment of today's Ukraine". I hope you find it "disgusting" too, gregy741? :)
gregy741  5 | 1226
11 Jul 2022   #5
r Polish president, who's famous for talking before thinking, would justify invading Ukraine?

its not only words of this ub collaborator. morawiecki expresses similar attitude. how was is?" russian world must be destroyed" ?
but mostly,its the attitude of nato towards russia,and russians. 14k russian ethnic people in donbas ,were slaughtered by nato armed and trained nazi scumbags.

and before that ,afganistan, Chechenia , nato trained mujahedins in caucasus and afganistan.

dismemberment of today's Ukraine". I hope you find it "disgusting" too, gregy741? :)

it is.poland dismembering ukraine would be awful thing to do.
the thing is, donbas is not ukraine. nazi junta from kiev dismembered Ukraine by its behavior. for good
Kashub1410  6 | 580
11 Jul 2022   #6
It's Russian propaganda - Donbass were shelled by Russian army. There are accounts of Russian soldier admitting it (which is why he left the army.

They are taking orders from a KGB agent, remember?
Velund  1 | 490
11 Jul 2022   #7
because of what Russia has done in the past to other countries.

I think this would be the second thing someone super-powerful should do. Right after sterilizing the British islands and the wilderness between Mexico and Canada with nukes for all the things that have been done to defenseless people around the world for centuries (the Spanish and Germans strain to pray that they are not reminded of their antics in the past and to put to third and fourth place in the list, so they have few extra days of life). ;) ;)
gregy741  5 | 1226
11 Jul 2022   #8
, who's famous for talking before thinking, would justify invading Ukraine?

i remember you quoting zhirinowskis people . didnt you?zhirinowskis - didnt stop you to associate all russian people with this madman words
Velund  1 | 490
11 Jul 2022   #9
Donbass were shelled by Russian army.

Yes, yes. And jews was exterminated in Polish concentration camps. Everyone know this.
Paulina  19 | 4458
11 Jul 2022   #10
how was is?" russian world must be destroyed" ?

No, he didn't say that. He meant the "Russkij mir" ("Russian world") ideology:

"»Russkij Mir« is a cancer that should be rooted out". The prime minister about the criminal Putin's ideology:,%C2%BBRusskij-Mir%C2%AB-to-rak-trzeba-go-wykorzenic-Premier-o-zbrodniczej-ideologii-Rosji-Putina

About the concept of "Russkij mir" in Wikipedia:

Quotes by Morawiecki:

"Criminals must be judged, and the Russian World ideology must be defeated and eliminated," assessed the Prime Minister.

"Russia's world is a cancer that poses a deadly threat to the whole of Europe. Therefore, it is not enough to support Ukraine in its military struggle with Russia. We must completely eradicate this monstrous new ideology," he said.

And just like in case of Wałęsa, Morawiecki's words were a reaction to Russia's invasion of Ukraine and to what happened in Bucha, Irpin, etc. It's because Russia justifies invading and dismembering other countries with this "Russkij mir" ("Russian world") ideology:

poland dismembering ukraine would be awful thing to do.

You're such a stupid hypocrite, gregy741 :D

i remember you quoting zhirinowskis people . didnt you?zhirinowskis - didnt stop you to associate all russian people with this madman words

I didn't associate that guy with all Russian people. I was showing his "performance" as an example of what's going on on Russian state TV - how far gone it is.
gregy741  5 | 1226
11 Jul 2022   #11
You're such a stupid hypocrite, gregy741 :D

where is this hypocrisy?
carving Ukraine by Poland would be an act of greed and opportunistic treachery. just like Poland occupying Iraq.
carving donbas out of ukraine, is act of defense of russian people from vicious murders and criminals.
donbas and crimea were never ukrainian territory in the first place. its not ukraine historically nor ethnically.
and ukraine proved that it doesnt deserve it. by prosecuting its inhabitants ,by conducting terrorism,mass genocide, ethnic clenching ect.
carving donbas out of ukraine its an act of justice and protection of people who dwell there.

dismembering other countries with this "Russkij mir" ("Russian world") ideology

muahahahaha spare yourself this idiocy. long time i havent read anything so stupid ."russian cultural world must be destroyed,cus russia use its culture to dismember other countries" ahahahahahahahaha

its like listening Hitler talking about jews.
you sure you didnt get that from mein kampf but mixed nations?
Kashub1410  6 | 580
11 Jul 2022   #12
We will see if you write the same in 20 years, Mark my words
Paulina  19 | 4458
11 Jul 2022   #13
@gregy741, don't be an idiot, or don't pretend to be one. Noone said that "russian cultural world must be destroyed". Morawiecki said that "Russkij mir" ideology should be rooted out through de-Putinization of Russia. It's all in that first Polish article I linked to. Just read it.

A quote from that article (from Morawiecki):

"Putin's 'Russkij Mir' ideology is an analogue of the 20th century communism and Nazism. It's an ideology with which Russia is justifying imaginary rights and privileges for it's country. It's also the basis for the story of a 'special historic mission' of the Russian nation. In the name of this ideology Mariupol and tens of Ukrainian cities have been razed to the ground"

its like listening Hitler talking about jews.

You mean listening to that Russian guy on Russian state TV, surely? You know, that one who said that 2 mln Ukrainians should be killed?

carving donbas out of ukraine, is act of defense of russian people from vicious murders and criminals.

Lies, lies. Noone needed to be protected, defended in Crimea, etc. I'd like to remind you, again, that it all started with Crimea - Russia invaded Crimea in February 2014. Why? Was something bad happening to people in Crimea? No. But it's a strategic territory and that's why Putin wanted it.

where is this hypocrisy?

Because part of Ukraine is historical Polish lands. Of course, majority of Poles were deported from there by Soviets or were either massacred or fled UPA's ethnic cleansing. So, you could say that there's no reason for Poland to take those lands, since few Poles live there nowadays. But Russia is also invading lands where majority of people don't want their forced version of "Russkij mir". Russia tried to take Kyiv. Russian army is occupying, for example, Kherson, where many people were protesting against the Russian invasion and were waving Ukrainian flags. So why are they taking lands where they are not wanted? Who are they "saving" there?

And how did Russia "save" Mariupol by razing it to the ground and by killing it's people? Could you explain this to me, gregy741? The lives of people in Mariupol are somehow less important than of those living in Donetsk and Luhansk republics?

And Russian language wasn't banned in Ukraine. Stop lying, gregy741.
gregy741  5 | 1226
11 Jul 2022   #14
It's an ideology with whichRussia is justifying imaginary rights and privileges for it's country.

lol its getting better. lol
if there is any country on this planet ,that commit wars and atrocities out of idea of some exceptionalism,and assumption of being above the law and rules,and some sort of mission -its USA and NATO

dress your nazi s.hit in silk-you not fooling anyone here
mafketis  38 | 11142
11 Jul 2022   #15
Russian language wasn't banned in Ukraine.

russians suffer from collective narcisisstic wound exacerbated by putin for 20 years, their whole world view is built upon how superior they are to everyone else who's jealous of them and when the world refuses to play along they lose their sh\t....

Ukrain has done anything but enact normal national language promotion measures (as has happened in very many european countries at some time or other) since this means less status for russian in ukraine the collective narcissistic wound perceives it as a russian language "ban"...

anything but non-stop idolization drives them collectively into deranged hatred....

and gregy has obviously fallen victim to the gru psyop/hybrid warfare

this site has a lot of info behind russia's invasion (which was planned for.... many years)
Paulina  19 | 4458
11 Jul 2022   #16
that commit wars and atrocities out of idea of some exceptionalism,and assumption of being above the law and rules,and some sort of mission

You seem to forget how much death and persecution the Soviet Union and it's communism unleashed upon this planet. But, yes, there are some similarities in Russian and American outlook which is why the US is hated in some parts of the world. So don't be surprised that Russia is hated in some parts of the world too.

dress your nazi s.hit in silk-you not fooling anyone here

Are you talking to Morawiecki or to me? You do realise that it's a quote from Morawiecki, right? lol

Ukrain has done anything but enact normal national language promotion measures (as has happened in very many european countries at some time or other)

Yeah, and even though in Russia there are, in theory, other official languages in various republics, the reality is that the education is mainly taking place in Russian. A quote from Wikipedia:

"Every year the Russian Ministry of Education and Science publishes statistics on the languages used in schools. In 2014/2015 the absolute majority (13.1 million or 96%) of 13.7 million Russian students used Russian as a medium of education."

And in Karelia (a historical province of Finland) the only official language is Russian.
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
11 Jul 2022   #17
And jews was exterminated in Polish concentration camps. Everyone know this.

Good point. Russia should think twice before messing with Poland.
Kashub1410  6 | 580
11 Jul 2022   #18
russians suffer from collective narcisisstic wound exacerbated by putin for 20 years

Only things Russian Federation is superior in anything is it's landmass. (Largest state on the globe, so if any state is to be re-sized and downgraded it's Russian federation)

Gas production and alcohol production&trafitions.

If Russians think they feel superior like after Napoleonic wars or ww2... Surprise!!! Their losing to Ukraine.

Russia acts like that teenager girl drama queen who lost her following and attention and screams like crazy around her and points fingers at the newer popular girl, which only makes herself look worse.

Behaving same way as when she had more power and influence (which still was despicable but could get away with it)

Rabbit is out of the hat
gregy741  5 | 1226
11 Jul 2022   #19
If Russians think they feel superior like after Napoleonic wars or ww2.

its not russian feeling superior, its some pseudo intellectual dribble by some mafketis. who trying to make hes idiotic rusophobia sound somehow reasonable . just like paulina
Kashub1410  6 | 580
11 Jul 2022   #20
Rusophobia would be if they were arguing for the destruction of Russia due to it being a threat to the state of Panama.

No matter what you call what Russian military is doing in Ukraine... It's not phobia

It's very real and rational, not irrational
Paulina  19 | 4458
11 Jul 2022   #21
@gregy741, I'm not writing any "pseudo intellectual dribble" or "idiotic rusophobia". I'm presenting facts to you.

I presented to you and others what Wałęsa and Morawiecki really said.

I also debunked your lie that Russian was banned in Ukraine or that Russia is "saving" Russians in Ukraine.

Which reminds me - gregy741, could you answer this question?:

And how did Russia "save" Mariupol by razing it to the ground and by killing it's people?

Are the lives of people in Mariupol somehow less valuable to Russia than of those living in Donetsk and Luhansk republics?

It's very real and rational, not irrational

gregy741  5 | 1226
11 Jul 2022   #22
Are the lives of people in Mariupol somehow less valuable to Russia than of those living in Donetsk and Luhansk republics?

nope. Russian only fault was that they didnt size it in 2014 and they should. then no one would die in mariupol. people did die ,cus nazi scum made "breslau fortress " out of mariupol..hiding behind civilians and killed those who tried to escape.
Paulina  19 | 4458
11 Jul 2022   #23
its not russian feeling superior

My observation is that his feeling of superiority and having more rights than other countries is flowing out of pro-Putin Russians on this forum and out of those pro-Putin Russians I and other Poles discussed with over the years. Plus lack of moral values, empathy, respect for human life, etc. When you combine all of this you get what you can see happening in Ukraine...

then no one would die in mariupol.

Noone would die in Mariupol if Russia didn't attack it. Noone would die in Ukraine if Russia didn't invade it. This is a simple fact. This is the reality that you are in denial of. You don't save your people by killing them. Russia claims it invaded Ukraine to save Russian speaking people, but as result... many more Russian speaking people are dying daily. Where is logic in this?

hiding behind civilians and killed those who tried to escape.

Lies, lies, lies.

And countries have the right to defend themselves from an invasion, ffs. The blood of people of Mariupol is on Russia's hands.

*this feeling of superiority
gregy741  5 | 1226
11 Jul 2022   #24
many more Russian speaking people are dying daily. Where is logic in this?

to stop what been happening in donbas for the past 8 years.
omg this is so stupid. its like saying ,where was logic to fight hitler, many more people died from fighting hitler. paulina. ram your head at wall,see if helps
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
11 Jul 2022   #25
Russian only fault was that they didnt size

Russian fault is being corrupt, inefficinet outdated bullky moron that thinks he MNA fighter, then takes on a passerby and hardlly can hold his own against him.

Then starts balming spectators and those who cheer his opponet and generally have mood swings claiming to be a victim on one moment to proudly talk about imminent victory and crying like a little b'tch that everybody are against him.

Well, if you are an MNA figher you should stick to rules and have no problem with some passerby, if you can't do it. You should relize you are not MNA fighter but bulky strong half-witted thug that have no place in the MNA fighing competition and shouldn't beat up people on the street or else!

happening in donbas for the past 8 years.

that line is russian propaganda one on one - you should add they have been sheeling donbas for 8 years.
Well, they weren't shelling it when russians weren't there ..on ukrainian territory.
Paulina  19 | 4458
11 Jul 2022   #26
omg this is so stupid. its like saying ,where was logic to fight hitler

Poland didn't invade Germany to "save" Poles living there. Nazi Germany invaded Poland giving the same reasons that Putin gave for invading Ukraine. Poland was reacting to a German invasion, it was defending it's territory, just like Ukraine is.

And Ukraine isn't invading Russia.

Also, that's some really bad/stupid comparison with Hitler - if he wasn't defeated many more people would die, actually - not only Jews, but also Slavs. A completely different situation than with Zelensky and Ukraine. If Russia pulled out of Ukraine - the killing would stop. So, perhaps it's you who should ram your head against a wall (I doubt it will help though).

to stop what been happening in donbas for the past 8 years.

Russia started it in the first place!

Well, they weren't shelling it when russians weren't there ..on ukrainian territory.

PolAmKrakow  2 | 871
11 Jul 2022   #27
Gregy741 also believes that Trump won the last election. Stop the steal. LMFAO The steal is happening in Ukraine, where Russia is stealing Ukraine land, lives, and crops. The good news is that Ukraine now is going to mobilize about one million men to attack the Russian forces occupying Ukraine. They will have 20 MLRS on their side now and now the soviet era weapons they have been using. Using and killing tens of thousands of Russians. Now with modern weapons, we will see just how much death Russia can stomach.
mafketis  38 | 11142
11 Jul 2022   #28
What russia has become (or always been.....)

presumably the putin cheerleaders are on board with this....
Velund  1 | 490
11 Jul 2022   #29
Russia belongs to Poland.

How much Poland paid for Russia?

As here said - easy come, easy go.. ;)
PolAmKrakow  2 | 871
11 Jul 2022   #30
Congratulations, you just posted meaningless history. Because the USSR gave up on Estonia and Latvia when the USSR ceased to exist. More idiotic theory and history revision by a Russian. Good luck trying to get Alaska back. LMFAO The citizens there have more guns and ammo than any Army you could send over. Stay where you are, isolate yourself from the rest of the world, and eventually the rest of the world will carve Russia into little pieces that can govern themselves.

Home / News / Lech Walesa urged to "reduce Russia" to 50 million people

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