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Israel opposing potential new Polish law to criminalise term 'Polish death camps'

WielkiPolak  54 | 988
27 Jan 2018   #1
It might look like I'm a bit Jew obsessed today, but it isn't my fault that it's all happening.

You may have heard the Polish government is looking to bring in a law making the use of the term 'Polish death camp' punishable with prison.

Well it seems Israel, the supposed great friend of Poland with whom relations are improving, is very much against this, even though the term 'Polish death camps' is factually inaccurate.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanhayu, has called the law baseless and told the Israeli ambassador in Poland to meet with the Polish PM and express his opposition to the law.

An even more furious reaction was shown by the leader of the Israeli Yesh Atid party, Yair Lapid, who defiantly stated that there were Polish death camps and that no law would ever change that. He got in to a mini argument with the Pol embassy in Israel over it [screenshot attached].

The intriguing thing is why Israel would be against such a law. It wouldn't be a law that punishes people for suggesting that some Polish people might have part-taken in the atrocities, it would simply not allow for the term 'Polish death camps,' which is an incorrect statement, to be used.

In my view, if Poland doesn't go through with the law after this negative reaction in Israel, it will only increase the belief in Poland that PiS just do whatever Israel instructs them to do.

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delphiandomine  86 | 17823
27 Jan 2018   #2
It certainly would be very strange if they did. Are you familiar with Jonny Daniels, WP?
OP WielkiPolak  54 | 988
27 Jan 2018   #3
Yes, am familiar - not a fan.
Lyzko  44 | 9723
27 Jan 2018   #4
In fact, they were GERMAN death camps which happened to be located on present-day Polish soil, at that time occupied by the German Reich.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
27 Jan 2018   #5
Yes, am familiar - not a fan.

There's a lot of people questioning his role in Poland, and I've seen a lot of comments saying that he's almost certainly a Mossad agent. The way that he rose out of absolutely nowhere to advise senior Israeli politicians, and now that he's constantly at the side of Morawiecki... it's just strange. I don't blame you for not being a fan of his, I also don't like him and I want to know what he's really doing here.

If, as you say, PiS drop this new law in the face of Israeli opposition, then hard questions need to be asked.
G (undercover)
27 Jan 2018   #6
If Morawiecki meets this dude, I'm not sure If I will support these folks any longer. They should send a cleaning lady to meet with him.
27 Jan 2018   #7
Where is Jon? I'm sure hell be defending the Jews in this case as well!
Wulkan  - | 3136
27 Jan 2018   #8
In fact, they were GERMAN death camps which happened to be located on present-day Polish soil, at that time occupied by the German Reich.

Probably the smartest sentence written by Lyzko on this forum.
Ironside  51 | 13083
27 Jan 2018   #9
what a cheek. Is there are a line of countries and people which would like to to tell Poland what laws should introduce on its soil and what shouldn't?

I say no business with Israel until they wise up.
Also they cannot be trusted they sold rockets to Georgia and codes for them sold to Russia when they attacked it.
RubasznyRumcajs  5 | 495
27 Jan 2018   #10
as someone has already written: Auschwitz-Birkenau isn't a Polish name, "Arbait Macht Frai" isn't a saying in Polish.
OP WielkiPolak  54 | 988
27 Jan 2018   #11
The way that he rose out of absolutely nowhere to advise senior Israeli politicians, and now that he's constantly at the side of Morawiecki... it's just strange.

Yep we pretty much agree on this. He's gone from a complete nobody in Poland, to suddenly, in a short space of time, being all over the Polish media and constantly with or around PiS politicians. It's obvious he isn't in this because of some new found love of Poland.

Of course the difference between me and you on this, is that you would love for the right to split and many PiS supporter to turn on them. It only gives the opposition an opportunity to strengthen and you would hope it's enough to prevent PiS from being re-elected. I on the other hand, still believe that PiS is the best thing for Poland at this time, much better than PO was for 8 years + there is practically no serious opposition right now. Having said that, I've never claimed that they were perfect, and this cosiness with Israeli representatives is concerning for sure. It will be interesting to see what happens with this. If PiS stick to their guns then their voters will be happy. If they wobble on this, it could lose them supporters.

Is there are a line of countries and people which would like to to tell Poland what laws should introduce on its soil and what shouldn't?

It seems so, and right now it appears to be Israeli. This new found 'friendship' with people connected to the Israeli government has so far been followed by

1] PiS getting criticised for reacting too slowly to the handful or anti-Semitic and xenophobic slogans in the Polish Independence Day march.
2] Demands for the delegalisation of ONR
3] And now anger at a law they wish to bring in to tackle the 'Polish death camps' myth.

Why are people from other countries even getting involved? What on earth does a new law being looked at in Poland have to do with Lapid or Netanyahu? It would simply be a law defending the good name of Poland and preventing lies about supposed Polish death camps being repeated - why does it bother them?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
28 Jan 2018   #12
He's gone from a complete nobody in Poland, to suddenly, in a short space of time, being all over the Polish media and constantly with or around PiS politicians.

It's just very very strange. PiS gave some ridiculous amount of money for some Jewish graveyard in Warsaw, and even Rydzyk is now suddenly pro-Israel. The only thing I can think of is that he's acting as some sort of go-between with America while masquerading as an "Israeli" (he's clearly not, he's a Brit), and that he's acting as a sort of ambassador for American interests. Either way, it's rotten and I don't like it - probably for the only time in my life, I agree with Polish nationalists that there's something very wrong with this situation.

Of course the difference between me and you on this, is that you would love for the right to split and many PiS supporter to turn on them.

Of course, but at the same time, I don't want Jonny Daniels around any government in Poland regardless of their political stance. If PiS start forming policy according to Israel, then...what can we say? I don't hate Israel as a country, but I don't want to be involved with their games.

I still can't work out why Israel is so hysterical about this thing. I read some more after you posted, and they really are angry, even to the point where some idiot has said that Polish death camps did exist in WW2.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
28 Jan 2018   #13
even to the point where some idiot has said that Polish death camps did exist in WW2.

That was the Israeli Minister of Finance.

I agree, it is all very strange. There have been quite a number of Jewish people from Israel or from the US on Polish TV or in the Polish press who over the last years strongly supported the Polish protests against using the term "Polish death camps". And now just as if out of nowhere you have the "official" Israel saying something to the contrary.

as someone has already written: Auschwitz-Birkenau isn't a Polish name, "Arbait Macht Frai" isn't a saying in Polish.

That was Prime Minister Morawiecki himself on Twitter. Btw, the correct spelling is ARBEIT MACHT FREI.
OP WielkiPolak  54 | 988
28 Jan 2018   #14
they really are angry, even to the point where some idiot has said that Polish death camps did exist

Yes I attached images of tweets by Yair Lapid saying there were Polish death camps in my original post. Didn't you see them?
G (undercover)
28 Jan 2018   #15
Amazing. Being a UN security council member now, we should address the issue of Israeli xenophobia and Holocaust exploitation. + of course freeze immediately any public contracts with Jew owned corporations. Enough of that ****.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
28 Jan 2018   #16
And now just as if out of nowhere you have the "official" Israel saying something to the contrary.

I'm really trying to figure it out, and I can't. If the issue was that the law is badly written and can be used to whitewash Polish history - then it's still not a problem, because there's no way that Israel is deporting anyone to Poland based on breaking this law.

Maybe there's some sort of Israeli-Polish agreement that was made behind closed doors, and this is seen as breaking it?
SigSauer  4 | 377
28 Jan 2018   #17
This gets funnier as the same day Israel announces it's going to allow citizens (vigilantes) to arrest the African migrants they were trying to pay $3,500 a piece to leave the country voluntarily or face prison time. So it could very well be a deflection for this very REAL violation of human rights.
G (undercover)
28 Jan 2018   #18
LOL ! But don't forget we're talking about the chosen people.
OP WielkiPolak  54 | 988
28 Jan 2018   #19
Looking at the Polish PM's response to this, as well as the reactions of some of the other PiS politicians, I get the impression they have no intention of putting the breaks on this law, something I'm happy to see.

Again, this isn't a law preventing more research in to the Holocaust or even criticising some Polish citizens for their actions during the Holocaust. It's simply a law preventing the a lie that has been repeated and published far too often many times now, that there were 'Polish death camps.'
Bieganski  17 | 888
28 Jan 2018   #20
I also enthusiastically applaud this law.

Most encouraging of all is the universal reach of its application:

The new law would apply to both Polish citizens and foreigners "regardless of the rules in force in the location where the act was committed,"....anyone who publicly ascribes blame or joint blame to the Polish nation or state for crimes committed by Nazi Germany or for war crimes or other crimes against humanity would be liable to penalties.


This law is long overdue. It finally addresses a very important issue which some of us have been taking brazen Poland-haters to task over right here on PF.

I also want to thank Admin and the PF team for maintaining an archive of posts on here. It's a preservation of evidence which I'm sure Poland's Prokurator Generalny would be most interested in once this law is enacted.
RubasznyRumcajs  5 | 495
28 Jan 2018   #21
That was Prime Minister Morawiecki himself on Twitter. Btw, the correct spelling is ARBEIT MACHT FREI.

thanks, by bad.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
28 Jan 2018   #22
It's a preservation of evidence which I'm sure Poland's Prokurator Generalny would be most interested in once this law is enacted.

Indeed. I'm sure it will make fascinating evidence in a Polish courtroom when Jewish citizens of Poland demand your prosecution for your repeated Holocaust denials. Having read the law in Polish, it's clear that it can be used to punish people like yourself, such is the vagueness and badly written nature of the law. With Poland's PM being advised by a Jewish advisor who takes a strong stand against the ONR and so on, it's obvious that Canadian citizens such as yourself have nowhere to hide.
Bieganski  17 | 888
28 Jan 2018   #23
LOL! Look who is the first one to get all defensive with the prospects of this pending law!

I never denied the Holocaust. I have resolutely supported the position that Poland was not in any way complicit in the Holocaust.

So your claim that I have repeatedly denied the Holocaust is fictitious and therefore a lie. You have published a libel. But thanks for posting it on here so the Polish courtroom can use it to take your complete lack of credibility into account.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
28 Jan 2018   #24
I do wonder why some people here and it appears Israel itself appears to be anti Polish and promoting historic negatives .

The fact is not many poles under 60 have had any if much contact with Jewish people, Polish law protects the Jewish minority here who live in relative peace and freedom.

But I do wonder this attitude serves individuals and the Israeli government in dis wading Jews from returning to the relative safety of Poland, no terrorism , not surrounded by hostile people and nations. I do wonder if it's just a case of keeping a large population of Jews in Israel by sowing seeds of fear.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
28 Jan 2018   #25
But thanks for posting it on here so the Polish courtroom can use it to take your complete lack of credibility into account.

Your unfamiliarity with the Polish legal system is hilarious.
Bieganski  17 | 888
28 Jan 2018   #26

Israel is a rabidly racist ethno-theocratic monoculture. So yes it wants as many Ashkenazi Jews to move to Israel as possible while slamming its doors to African refugees, sterilizing African Jews, and giving Arab Jewish children up for adoption.

The other aspect is that the chronic agitation of Holocaust blame is an attempt by Zionists to dupe Poles into making a false admission of culpability and therefore pay reparations.

It's worked before for the Zionists with cuckold countries like France and Germany diverting investments away from their own current and future generations in order to give it to Israel and other Zionist protection rackets.

Poland is simply the next rich seam they want to extract from.

Your unfamiliarity with the Polish legal system is hilarious.

Here we go again with your Harryesque fantasy that you can make a charge against someone and then simply sit back while a Polish court accepts what you claim at face value.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
28 Jan 2018   #27
Poland is simply the next rich seam they want to extract from.

That,s never going to happen is it, I could counterclaim for what happened to my family in the east and the involvement of Jewish Russian partisans.

Best let old dogs lie, those trully responsible for all this were the germans and russians let them pay.
28 Jan 2018   #28
You might have a point there. Israel has got to be an expensive place to live with economic pressures cause by immigration, I wonder how many Israeli's have the right of Polish citizenship?
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
28 Jan 2018   #29
The more the better, they would be a positive economical migration stream for Poland.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
28 Jan 2018   #30
Israel is a rabidly racist ethno-theocratic monoculture

Obviously, you've never been there, otherwise you wouldn't make such statements.

It will be a pleasure to see your Holocaust denying self in court. I'm sure I can find several witnesses living in Poland that will attest to it, while you'll be left begging people on PF to come to Poland to testify on your behalf that you did no such thing.

Mind you, you'll need your parents permission before you can take anyone to court.

Home / News / Israel opposing potential new Polish law to criminalise term 'Polish death camps'

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