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Grzegorz Braun extinguishes Hanukkah candles in Polish Parliament

Paulina  19 | 4464
13 Dec 2023   #91
To him it was a theological no go, he no longer wished to tolerate. Before he might have been less certain and more suspicious

No, I doubt that it had anything to do with him being suddenly "certain", but everything to do with all eyes being on Poland now and on the Polish Parliament.

I think he is now 100% certain that all to the left of PiS are legitimate targets.

What on Earth are you talking about?

I see this as first step to a possible civil war if Holownia sucessfully kicks out Konfederacja over this.

I see you're pretty detached from reality... o_O Also, what do you mean about Hołownia "kicking out Konfederacja"? He can't kick out a whole party from the Parliament lol
Paulina  19 | 4464
13 Dec 2023   #92
You should.

No, I shouldn't, because we're discussing Poland and Polish politics here.

Now that Poland is the 51st state

No, it isn't.

you should replace Polish with English, including your definitions.


Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126
13 Dec 2023   #93
He has stated to TV that he will work on that possibility

Welcome to Oligarchia
Paulina  19 | 4464
13 Dec 2023   #94
He has stated to TV that he will work on that possibility

No, he didn't. You clearly don't know what you're talking about.

Welcome to Oligarchia

You don't even know what this word means, do you... *sigh*
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126
13 Dec 2023   #95
I know perfectly well what it means, if the ruling elite will start deciding who is going to be in parliament and not the citizens at large. It will turn to a Oligarchy!

Holownia about this...
jon357  72 | 23483
13 Dec 2023   #96
if the ruling elite will start deciding who is going to be in parliament

Ther are strict rules, set by law, about parliamentary blocs and which posts or committee roles they're entitled to. It isn't about which party has the bloc or which is in office. It's simply the rules.
Paulina  19 | 4464
13 Dec 2023   #97

Holownia about this...

As I wrote - you don't seem to know what you're talking about. Hołownia isn't talking about "kicking out Konfederacja from the Parliament". He simply has no right to do that. He's talking about kicking out Konfederacja's Krzysztof Bosak from Prezydium Sejmu:

That would mean that Bosak wouldn't be the vice-marshal of the Sejm (the Parliament) anymore, that's all, and not that he would be kicked out from the Parliament lol:
Alien  25 | 6408
13 Dec 2023   #98
removed Christmas tree and gifts that owner of local floral business installed near entry of kindergarten in Germany "because other confessions may be saddened by this religious symbol"?

Our German company has Christmas trees and gifts everywhere and no one cares.
mafketis  38 | 11150
13 Dec 2023   #99
a theological no go, he no longer wished to tolerate

Then he could use words, not a fire extinguisher....

He chose action. Choices have consequences.

Is anyone defending him apart from the usual russtards here?
amiga500  5 | 1492
13 Dec 2023   #100
it's aaa+ trolling the jews for the clicks. respect.
Paulina  19 | 4464
13 Dec 2023   #101
Is anyone defending him apart from the usual russtards here?

It looks like amiga500 does:


amiga500  5 | 1492
13 Dec 2023   #102
As a media stunt it was brilliant.
jon357  72 | 23483
13 Dec 2023   #103
It certainly got worldwide headlines.

In Poland, I only see contempt for the twat.
amiga500  5 | 1492
13 Dec 2023   #104
In Poland, I only see contempt for the twat.

I don't care, I'm definetly going to troll my jewish mates with this one ;)
jon357  72 | 23483
13 Dec 2023   #105
I was found at a friend's last night. He's Jewish and referred to Braun as a "debil". Then we got drunk and forgot about him.
Bobko  27 | 2081
13 Dec 2023   #106

Poles have this word as well?
jon357  72 | 23483
13 Dec 2023   #107

And use it often.
Bobko  27 | 2081
13 Dec 2023   #108
Происходит от лат. debilis «слабый», из de «из, от», из праиндоевр. *de- + habilis «управляемый, послушный, удобный». Русск. дебил заимств. через франц. débile.


Originates from Latin debilis, from de meaning "of/from", and proto-Indo European de* + habilis "domesticated, tame, comfortable". Russian "debil" is borrowed through French débile.

I wonder - did Poles borrow it from Russians by a roundabout way, or also got it from the French?

Why is there no debil in English?
Paulina  19 | 4464
13 Dec 2023   #109
I wonder - did Poles borrow it from Russians by a roundabout way, or also got it from the French?

According to an old dictionary that I have ("Słownik wyrazów obcych i zwrotów obcojęzycznych" by Władysław Kopaliński) it seems to come directly from Latin. In Wikipedia it says that in the Polish language it came from German:

(1.1) niem. debiler Mensch < łac. debilis = 'ułomny, słaby'"
Paulina  19 | 4464
13 Dec 2023   #110
("Słownik wyrazów obcych i zwrotów obcojęzycznych" by Władysław Kopaliński)

Władysław Kopaliński was a Polish Jew, btw.
OP Torq  8 | 1027
13 Dec 2023   #111
niem. debiler Mensch

Polish language contains a lot of germanisms. There's about 2500 German loanwords in Polish listed in the dictionary below...,68423480,p.html

... and here's a list at the Oldenburg University site...

There's surprisingly many of them, considering the fact that the languages are so different and the peoples were not exactly friendly towards each other throughout history.
Paulina  19 | 4464
13 Dec 2023   #112
Polish language contains a lot of germanisms.

Yes, we were taught about various loanwords at school :) For example, Polish word '"rynek" comes from German (came to Poland through the Czech language probably) and apparently from Polish it spread to Eastern Slavic languages already during the Middle Ages:
Bobko  27 | 2081
13 Dec 2023   #113
it says that in the Polish language it came from German

How does that happen? Why does Russia get debil from the French, and you get it from the Germans?

It must be a mistake in the Russian dictionary.

Russian is up to its ears in Germanisms. Here's a list of some more modern ones:

der Bruderschaft - Брудершафт
der Schlagbaum - Шлагбаум
der Büstenhalter - Бюстгалтер
die Spritze - Шприц
das Zifferblatt - Циферблат
die Wanne - Ванна
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
13 Dec 2023   #114
....imagine we weren't "mute", there would be even more! :)
Paulina  19 | 4464
13 Dec 2023   #115
How does that happen? Why does Russia get debil from the French, and you get it from the Germans?

I'm guessing it's because Poles have been neighbours with Germans and Czechs for centuries... At one point the French language was the lingua franca, so that's probably why this word comes from French in Russian. I don't see anything surprising here, tbh.

die Wanne - Ванна

The same in Polish.

der Büstenhalter - Бюстгалтер

"Biustonosz" in Polish :)

die Spritze - Шприц

It's "strzykawka" in Polish, but we also have a word "szpryca":

...and "szprycować":;2527101.html
Novichok  4 | 8508
13 Dec 2023   #116
You know what they say - "where logic ends, Poland starts"...

So crime did he commit?
Being anti-anything is not a crime, so don't go there, touchy-feely pussies...
Bobko  27 | 2081
13 Dec 2023   #117
@Bratwurst Boy

I'm reading someone's manuscript right now regarding Germanisms in Russian.

The number one category is "military" - with 123 words. Starting with the word soldat.

Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
13 Dec 2023   #118
Starting with the word soldat.

...and we got that from the Italians....which had been probably latin before....hach ja, Europe in a nutshell! :)
Lyzko  44 | 9713
13 Dec 2023   #119
@Paulina, I do indeed know the difference
between the government and the Sejm, as I'm aware of
the difference between your president vs. your premiere!

That doesn't change the simple fact that Braun believes he's
acting in the interests of his country which is a pretty pathetic
commentary on Poland.
Paulina  19 | 4464
13 Dec 2023   #120
That doesn't change the simple fact that Braun believes he's
acting in the interests of his country which is a pretty pathetic
commentary on Poland.

On Poland as a whole? Sorry, but I disagree. Braun is a leader of a far-right party, which is part of a far-right coalition that got only 7.16% of votes in this year's elections to the Parliament. So, he doesn't represent a vast majority of the Polish people.

Home / News / Grzegorz Braun extinguishes Hanukkah candles in Polish Parliament

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