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Degenerate "rainbow" eyesore to disappear from Saviour Square (Plac Zbawiciela) in Warsaw

Polsyr  6 | 758
20 Aug 2015   #61
like a fish & chips take-away in front of Westminster Abbey!

What a brilliant idea! I shall see to it! ;)
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
20 Aug 2015   #62
brilliant idea

Seems some people's sense of aethetics is as deep in the same gutter as their morality!
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
21 Aug 2015   #63
Yes, it really brightens that square up.

Am I mistaken, or isn't there a wonderfully downmarket Vietnamese restaurant on that square too?
jon357  72 | 23270
21 Aug 2015   #64
A first floor one, on the right of that photo? If it's still there.I haven't been. What there is, is Corso, very much part of the Old Warsaw and good that it's still going when so many similar ones have gone

It does brighten the place up a lot and fits well to the centre of hipster Warsaw.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
21 Aug 2015   #65
It does brighten

If you've got an obsession about "brightening things us" then be aware of the fact that nothing brightesn up freshly fallen snow like a fresh load of puke! Quite an apt analogy in this particular case!
Lolek222  - | 79
22 Aug 2015   #66
Good, riddance of old rubbish.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
27 Aug 2015   #67
Good riddance

Today, 27 August 2015, in the wee hours the eyesore rainbow in Saviour Square was dismantled and carted away. Anyone know how many taxpayer złotys the Gronkowiec wasted on its manufacture, assembly, 6 successive renovations and its final dismantling and trasnport?
Polsyr  6 | 758
27 Aug 2015   #68
taxpayer złotys

Which should be promptly paid by the criminals that burned it down and anyone that supports them verbally or otherwise.
27 Aug 2015   #69
Today, 27 August 2015, in the wee hours the eyesore rainbow in Saviour Square was dismantled and carted away.

What about the invisible non-existent attack dogs and the invisible riot police which reportedly guarded it round the clock? Are they still there?
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
27 Aug 2015   #70
invisible non-existent

The info was not untrue but perhaps imprecise. Over the past three years there were occasions when the square was patrolled by police accompanied by police dogs (pictures prove it). Not everyone knew that EU police dogs are so stupid or improperly trained as to be unable to attack and incapacitate a human target. Apparently they only bark, growl, scratch themselves and urinate. It was never stated that for three solid years the site has been patrolled, but it has been under regular municpal guard surveillance.

InPolska  9 | 1796
27 Aug 2015   #71
I don't have time to go and check for myself today. Has the rainbow finally been removed and if so where is it now?

PS: where are the cops and the dogs now???? ;)
27 Aug 2015   #72
The info was not untrue but perhaps imprecise.

The exact claim was "Despite heavy police patrols ... The square is patrolled round the clock by riot police with attack dogs." That claim is a blatant lie.

Pl. Zbawiciela has never been patrolled round the clock by riot police.
Pl. Zbawiciela has never been patrolled round the clock by any police.
Pl. Zbawiciela has never been patrolled round the clock by riot police with attack dogs.
Pl. Zbawiciela has never been patrolled round the clock by any police with attack dogs.
The Polish riot police do not even have attack dogs.
The Polish police do not even have attack dogs.
No government agencies in Poland even have attack dogs.
Pl. Zbawiciela has never had heavy riot police patrols.
Pl. Zbawiciela has never had any heavy police patrols.

Over the past three years there were occasions when the square was patrolled by police accompanied by police dogs (pictures prove it).

The claim was not that over the past three years there were occasions when pl. Zbawiciela was patrolled by police accompanied by police dogs. The claim was "Despite heavy police patrols ... The square is patrolled round the clock by riot police with attack dogs." That claim is a blatant lie.

Not everyone knew that EU police dogs are so stupid or improperly trained as to be unable to attack and incapacitate a human target. Apparently they only bark, growl, scratch themselves and urinate.

Perhaps people should limit themselves to reporting what they know and what they can prove? That is what journalists do.

It was never stated that for three solid years the site has been patrolled, but it has been under regular municpal guard surveillance.

The claim made no mention of municipal guards; the claim very specifically stated "riot police with attack dogs". But then the claim was entirely untrue.

Obsessively nit-picking Harry is always on the prowl for minute trivia which he can latch onto and ride to death. Suggests a deep-seated personality disorder. He might do well to see a shrink!

Always good to see you throwing out the insults: it shows that you know that once again you have been exposed as what you are.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
27 Aug 2015   #73
riot police

For glimpses of police in full riot gear andnad a water canon at the ready check out this link.
For the benefit of non-Polish-speaking expats, let me translate:

Saviour Square like a fortress under siege. The Rainbow is protected by hundreds of functionaries.
Plac Zbawiciela jak oblężona twierdza. Tęcza chroniona przez setki funkcjonariuszy.

Hundreds of armed-to-the-teeth police and riot police* functionaries, water canon and over a dozen police patrolcars as well as municipal guardsmen - such is the line-up of the rainbow defenders in Saviour Square. (...) It appears that for the city authorities the 6-colour construction has become a National Treasure, and so it was that throngs of police functionaries were despatched to Saviour Square to protect the symbol of the homosexual lobby.

*In PRL riot police were called ZOMO, now they are called OPP (Oddziały Prewencji Policji or prewencja for short).

Dumb EU police dog at Saviour Square waiting for chow time and not trained to subdue feeling criminals,tecza-na-placu-zbawiciela-znow-podpalona-sprawca-byl-pijany.html

Has the rainbow finally been removed

Yes, thank goodness, it has. No more tawdry, kitschy eyesore desecrating a cosy little corner of central Warsaw. Hopefully the pervert café will also move away.
Roger5  1 | 1432
27 Aug 2015   #74
Dumb EU police dog

Don't you mean Polish police dog? If the dogs are dumb, as in stupid, can you account for that? After all, dogs are dogs, the world over. Perhaps you are suggesting that the Polish police are too stupid to train them in a way that would satisfy you.

The publication Harry refers to (one I believe you are familiar with) states that riot police with attack dogs guarded the rainbow 24/7. You have been selective in referring to an unusual incident to illustrate the presence of riot police. It's a good thing you are not a journalist. You'd be forever twisting the facts!
27 Aug 2015   #75

Sorry, but I don't see the bit in that article where it claims that "The square is patrolled round the clock by riot police with attack dogs." Perhaps you could be so kind as to point out that part of the article?

Dumb EU police dog at Saviour Square waiting for chow time and not trained to subdue feeling criminals

There is no EU police, so there are no EU police dogs. But the police dogs in Poland most certainly are trained to detain criminals. I know that in your country the police might attack people and so have attack dogs to go with their SWAT teams and armoured assault vehicles that even some county sheriffs now have, but our country is in Europe and we do things differently here.

By the way, I like the building in the background of that photo. Given that you claim pl. Zbawiciela "miraculously escaped wartime destruction" perhaps you could advise as to whether that building is from the 1920s or 1930s?

a cosy little corner

Oh dear, are you back to going on about 'cosy corners' again?
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
27 Aug 2015   #76
attack dogs

I have already explained but not everything catches on the first 12 or 15 ctimes, so here goes again. I use attack dog and police dog interchangeably, assuming that the purpose of a police dog is to attack and subdue a fleeing criminal on command. Since you claim EU police dogs are not trained to do so, then I don't really see why they have them in the first place - as a decoraiton?

On the days when trouble erupted the square was patrolled round the clock. It had been discreetly observed by plainclothes police and municipal guards on a regular basis with monitoring cameras closely watched at police HQ. Again to repeat -- no-one ever said it has been guarded by riot police for three solid years.
jon357  72 | 23270
27 Aug 2015   #77
I have already explained

Or just lied and blustered.

Anyway, the rainbow is now happily installed in its new home, also in central Warsaw.
InPolska  9 | 1796
27 Aug 2015   #78
@Pol3: what pervert café?

@Jon: where in Central Warsaw?
27 Aug 2015   #79
I use attack dog and police dog interchangeably, assuming that the purpose of a police dog is to attack and subdue a fleeing criminal on command.

In our country the police do not attack people; it would be illegal for them to attack people. I know that things might very well be different in your country.

Since you claim EU police dogs are not trained to do so, then I don't really see why they have them in the first place - as a decoraiton?

Police dogs in Poland are trained to detain people. They do not attack people. The claim about attack dogs in pl. Zbawiciela was entirely untrue.

On the days when trouble erupted the square was patrolled round the clock.

No it was not, as these videos make very clear.

OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
27 Aug 2015   #80
in Europe and we do things differently

Indeed, the Old Continet has alwqys been on the backward side. Poland would do well to pattern itself more on the good ol' USA - the world leader. In fact that's one reason for supporting PiS - they favour closer ties with Ameirca rather than being on the Brussels leash.
27 Aug 2015   #81
the Old Continet has alwqys been on the backward side.

How interesting that you consider your host country to be backward. As our guest here you are more than welcome to go home if you don't like the way we do things. Given the way that you don't like our art installations (such as a much loved rainbow on pl. Zbawiciela) and you don't understand our architecture (you think that the socialist realist architecture on pl. Zbawiciela is pre-war!) and you don't like the way our police do things (for example not having dogs to attack people), you might be happier at home.
jon357  72 | 23270
27 Aug 2015   #82
pervert café

You mean that rather nice cafe that's open to everyone? Perhaps you've been there yourself.
27 Aug 2015   #83
You mean that rather nice cafe that's open to everyone?

It serves some of the best crepes in the city. Although I did prefer it before it re-invented itself as an evening time champagne bar.

And of course one can sit outside it and enjoy one's crepes while drinking in the sight of all of pl. Zbawiciela's socialist-realist architecture which miraculously escaped destruction during WWII.
gumishu  15 | 6229
27 Aug 2015   #84
Zbawiciela's socialist-realist architecture which miraculously escaped destruction during WWII.

you sure know about history Harry :P - I mean you know s h i t about history
27 Aug 2015   #85
But haven't you heard that pl. Zbawiciela is "the only such square [in Warsaw] that miraculously escaped wartime destruction"? Doesn't that mean that all of that socialist-realist architecture which dominates pl. Zbawiciela must be from before WWII?
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
27 Aug 2015   #86
you've been there

Nope - I avoid places with a shady and suspct reputation.

miraculously escaped wartime destruction

"It (the rainbow) does not fit this place which is climatic. It was one of the few that survived the Second World War," was a comment found in the link below. I'm not sure if that's the one I got it from but it is one of hundreds of bits of inforamtion and opinions one encounters daily in the media and on the web without psychotically agonising over each one.

Only a mega-pedantic stickler and obsessive nitpicker has nothing better to do with his time than to trace down ever minor bit of trivia in his manical quest ot be a knoww-all. Any psychiatrist will tell you that is always the sign of a deep-seated inferiority complrex.,news,pisal-o-pedalskiej-teczy-tlumaczy-slowa-nie-byly-wulgarne-a-dosadne,105569.html
28 Aug 2015   #87
"It (the rainbow) does not fit this place which is climatic.

So you found an opinion voiced by a person who has very clearly never been to pl. Zbawiciela and you decided to repeat it. Why would you do that? Anybody who has ever set foot in pl. Zbawiciela can see that it is dominated by socialist-realist architecture that clearly dates from the 1950s.

And what does this tell us about your claims to often go to the church that's located on pl. Zbawiciela? Are you not telling the truth about going there or are you too visually impaired to notice any of the other buildings there? Such a visual impairment would certainly explain how you managed to see round-the-clock patrols by riot police which never existed and how you managed to see those riot police patrols which never existed being accompanied by attack dogs which also don't exist.

Any psychiatrist will tell you that is always the sign of a deep-seated inferiority complrex.

I do love it when you start trying to insult me: it tells us all that you know that once again the facts have been brought to light and you have been again shown to be what you are; no wonder that makes you angry!

People, please stay on topic - and no personal remarks. Thanks.
Polsyr  6 | 758
28 Aug 2015   #88
Anyone else heard the rumor that a rainbow (even bigger than the old one) will be erected in Pl. Wilsona? It is supposed to be huge, crossing over from one corner to the opposite corner, so it is basically right in front of you when you exit the metro station.

I hope they install rainbows on every intersection :) they brighten up the day.
jon357  72 | 23270
28 Aug 2015   #89
Yes. It's a nod to the Kino Tęcza and a solution to the longstanding problem of what do do with the square in the middle of plac Komuny itself which has no pedestrian access.

An excellent idea.
28 Aug 2015   #90
Anyone else heard the rumor that a rainbow (even bigger than the old one) will be erected in Pl. Wilsona?

I've not heard that but it's excellent news!


Home / News / Degenerate "rainbow" eyesore to disappear from Saviour Square (Plac Zbawiciela) in Warsaw
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