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Polish constitution supersede the EU treaties and regulations

Spike31  3 | 1485
10 Oct 2021   #1
Poland's constitutional tribunal has ruled that some EU law is unconstitutional.

French presidential candidate Eric Zemmour supports Poland and urges France to do the same.
Novichok  4 | 8748
10 Oct 2021   #2
Poland's constitutional tribunal has ruled that some EU law is unconstitutional.

No impact on me but it still feels good.
jon357  72 | 23361
10 Oct 2021   #3
French presidential candidate Eric Zemmour

The most extreme 'candidate'.

supports Poland

No he doesn't.
OP Spike31  3 | 1485
10 Oct 2021   #4
No he doesn't.
jon357  72 | 23361
10 Oct 2021   #5

Just as I said, he doesn't 'support' Poland at all.

He claims to 'support' one political tendency within Poland. Which of course is nothing at all to do with Poland and everything to do with grandstanding and dog-whistling to his own rancid supporters in France.
OP Spike31  3 | 1485
10 Oct 2021   #6
Every word and act that supports the sovereignty of Poland, like in the case of a legal battle between the Polish constitution vs EU regulations, is the voice that supports the best interest of Poland.
jon357  72 | 23361
10 Oct 2021   #7
In your personal opinion.

Evidently not in the opinion of the 100,000 who turned out today in Zamkowy.
Novichok  4 | 8748
10 Oct 2021   #8
In your personal opinion.

In your personal opinion, in a conflict between the Polish constitution and the EU rules, whose side are you on to start with?
pawian  224 | 27236
10 Oct 2021   #9
Poland's constitutional tribunal

Stop lying. Not Poland`s but PiS`s. Simple.

that supports the best interest of Poland.

Another lie. You do support the best interest but the Kremlin`s, not Poland`s. Such guys like you and PIS are New Targowica - descendants of those elites who once sold Poland to Russia in 18th century and enthusiastically contributed to partitions.

Today history repeats itself.
jon357  72 | 23361
10 Oct 2021   #10


The strength of feeling against them is huge here. It looks like PiS have scored another own goal.
OP Spike31  3 | 1485
10 Oct 2021   #11
Evidently not in the opinion of the 100,00

Yes, that's like 0.25% of total population and I support their right to a political protest.

Not to mention that this gathering is another blow to an official "pandemic" narrative. More crowded mass gatherings like this and soon the flu paranoia will be over and no one will take it seriously.
Novichok  4 | 8748
10 Oct 2021   #12
Not Poland`s but PiS`s.

So PiS is a dictatorship. How could this happen in a "democracy"?
Or are democracies democracies only when they abandon their national self-interests and join internationalists?
jon357  72 | 23361
10 Oct 2021   #13
like 0.25% of the population


And it is an amazing turn out given the short notice and the cold weather.

We can expect more of the same, on a much larger scale,
Novichok  4 | 8748
10 Oct 2021   #14
this gathering is another blow to an official "pandemic" narrative

They were all vaccinated, wore triple masks, took only every other breath, and didn't utter a word.
Crow  154 | 9463
10 Oct 2021   #15
Serbs will fo* EU because of EU`s violence on Poland.
OP Spike31  3 | 1485
10 Oct 2021   #16
They were all vaccinated, wore triple masks, took only every other breath, and did utter a word.

And somehow none of them wore a t-shirt or held a banner with the word "Konstytucja" written on it just like a few short years ago ;-)
Ironside  50 | 12916
10 Oct 2021   #17
Yeh, they were defending Conststions a few years back and now they are standing against Constitucions.
It is clear that they do not care about Conststions and never were, nor about 'rule of the law'. They are political scum that takes money from Germany but they told them they won't get much if they are not in charge in Poland. So that could sell out everything for some small change.

That is what sort of scum they are.
jon357  72 | 23361
10 Oct 2021   #18
Conststions a few years back and now they are standing against Constitucions.

It's actually the (arguably illegitimate and highly politicised) Constitutional Tribunal, rather than the constitution itself that is the issue.

You knew that, but hoped people reading this wouldn't.
Ironside  50 | 12916
10 Oct 2021   #19
It's the (arguably illegitimate and highly politicised) Constitutional Tribunal,

Nope, it is about the claim made by the EU that the European Constitution supersede the Polish constitution.
jon357  72 | 23361
10 Oct 2021   #20
Thanks for showing us that you've misunderstood the issue.
Ironside  50 | 12916
10 Oct 2021   #21
Thanks for showing us you are out of the loop.
pawian  224 | 27236
10 Oct 2021   #22
that takes money from Germany

No, they don`t. It is your beloved nazionalist guys who take money from the Kremlin to carry out Polexit. Tfu, you traitors!
Ironside  50 | 12916
10 Oct 2021   #23
No, they don`t.

yes, they do, they did in the past and there is no reason to believe they don't at the present.
jon357  72 | 23361
10 Oct 2021   #24
take money from the Kremlin to carry out Polexit.

I suspect there will be a lot more focus on that over coming months. Have you ever heard anyone in real life (aside from weirdos on PF) every say anything positive about Macierewicz?

Thanks for showing us you are out of the loop.

More in it than you. How many times have you visited Poland in the last 20 years?
Novichok  4 | 8748
11 Oct 2021   #25
Tfu, you traitors!

Hey, pawian, cut the crap, drop the adjectives and slogans, and state clearly if PiS is a party that was elected democratically and according to the Polish laws. A yes or no will do fine first. After that, you can editorialize all you want.
OP Spike31  3 | 1485
11 Oct 2021   #26
it is about the claim made by the EU that the European Constitution supersede the Polish constitution.

you've misunderstood the issue.

Nope, it's you that misunderstood the issue.

It is a fundamental legal battle over the future of the EU and Europe as a whole. Whether it becomes a European Federation ruled by unelected, mostly left-leaning, beaurocrats from Brussels (steered by Germany, and to some extend by France) or remains a union of sovereign states who cultivate their own values and cooperate with each other economically and, to a certain level agreed by member states, politically.
pawian  224 | 27236
11 Oct 2021   #27
PiS is a party that was elected democratically and according to the Polish laws.

Yes, just like Nazis before in 1930s.
Novichok  4 | 8748
11 Oct 2021   #28

OK. Then they are legitimate and according to the Polish laws. Glad to know.
jon357  72 | 23361
11 Oct 2021   #29
Polish constitution supersede the EU treaties and regulations


  • Screenshot2021101.jpg
OP Spike31  3 | 1485
11 Oct 2021   #30
Polish Constitution, article 8


"The Constitution shall be the supreme law of the Republic of Poland."


"The provisions of the Constitution shall apply directly unless the Constitution
provides otherwise."

Evidently not in the opinion of the 100,000 who turned out today in Zamkowy.

Unfortunately, another lie coming from a "total opposition". Plac Zamkowy has a maximum capacity of 25 000 persons (10 000 square meters in total).

So those half-wits are trying to convince people that they squeezed over 70 000 protesters into narrow backstreets surrounding Plac Zamkowy. Probably they didn't even imagine that some people won't take their words for granted and would count the numbers...

Not that it really matters, cause in a democracy the only thing that matters for politicians is how many votes they get in general elections. It just shows how desperate Tusk and his anti-constitutional clique are.

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