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Polish coal will be back

gumishu  16 | 6182
2 Jun 2024   #31
which tech?

have you heard of any recent (last couple of years) breakthrough in photovoltaics?
jon357  73 | 22695
3 Jun 2024   #32
Given that solar power is improving all the time, you don't have to worry, or Google terms like photovoltaics.

As are other renewables. There are some amazing projects right now.

There's no reason whatsoever for Poland or Germany to extract coal as the corrupt and primitive PiS regime wanted.
johnny reb  46 | 7425
3 Jun 2024   #33
There's no reason whatsoever for Poland or Germany to extract coal

That is your personal opinion.
It would put a lot of people back to work, it would create an affordable heating source for the less fortunate and it would create a tax base for Poland.
jon357  73 | 22695
3 Jun 2024   #34
That is your personal opinion

And that of millions.

It would put a lot of people back to work

Unemployment is low, mines find it hard to recruit and most Polish cities have district heating schemes.
johnny reb  46 | 7425
3 Jun 2024   #35
And that of millions.

And that of millions who disagree with you.

most Polish cities have district heating schemes.

Only 27% of the Polish population live within the cities.
Please elaborate and don't forget about the Polish that live outside Polish cities that have no access to renewable resources.
Coal is a mainstay for those people for years to come.
jon357  73 | 22695
3 Jun 2024   #36
And that of millions who disagree with you.

There is broad consensus about the dangers of oal.

no access to renewable resources

Time to change that; every other civilised society is.
johnny reb  46 | 7425
3 Jun 2024   #37
Time to change that;

Until they do and make other affordable sources available lets get them coal mines back open again.
Bobko  26 | 2067
3 Jun 2024   #38
The only thread you need to read about Polish coal was the one Jon and I participated in several years back.

Why is this thread not being merged?
jon357  73 | 22695
3 Jun 2024   #39
lets get them coal mines back open again.

At a far higher financial and environmental cost than most other options and with a lack of skilled mining engineers. No.

The only thread you need to read about Polish coal was the one Jon and I participated in several years back.

johnny reb  46 | 7425
4 Jun 2024   #40
At a far higher financial and environmental cost than most other options

Until "the other options" are available, you will just have to learn to live with it.
jon357  73 | 22695
4 Jun 2024   #41
They're all very available; one reason that Europe is moving away from dirty energy like coal.
johnny reb  46 | 7425
4 Jun 2024   #42
They're all very available;

Are they available outside the cities of Poland and affordable ?

one reason that Europe is moving away from dirty energy like coal.

America has for years now and that is one of the first things Europeans notice when they come to the Great U.S.A., 'the clean air' compared to Europe's.
jon357  73 | 22695
4 Jun 2024   #43
outside the cities of Poland and affordable

Of course; and growing.

has for years now

Which is why Poland, one of the dirtiest and most polluted places in Europe, needs fewer coal fired heating systems.
Fortunately, cleaner tech is becoming more and more popular, to the annoyance of PiS who like the coal lobby.

Where I'm from, once the world centre of coal mining, it is very clean now and reducing coal use has made a real difference.
johnny reb  46 | 7425
4 Jun 2024   #44
Which is why Poland, one of the dirtiest and most polluted places in Europe,

Hopefully they will take Americas lead like Britain did.
China and India are the real culprits though.
johnny reb  46 | 7425
4 Jun 2024   #45
They're all very available;

Are they available outside the cities of Poland and affordable ?

Of course

Do you have any sources to back up your claim ?
jon357  73 | 22695
4 Jun 2024   #46
Real life.

Have you spent much time in Poland?
johnny reb  46 | 7425
4 Jun 2024   #47
Do you have any sources to back up your claim ?

Real life.

So your answer is NO and your claim was merely your personal bias opinion. Got it.
jon357  73 | 22695
4 Jun 2024   #48
Or in fact it's reality.

Have you spent much time in Poland?
johnny reb  46 | 7425
4 Jun 2024   #49
Or in fact it's reality.

As I said, you have no sources other than your personal bias opinion.
jon357  73 | 22695
4 Jun 2024   #50
Real life.

How much time have you spent in Poland?
johnny reb  46 | 7425
4 Jun 2024   #51
Real life.

That is your personal bias source then ?
No documented government sources jon ?
jon357  73 | 22695
4 Jun 2024   #52
documented government sources

This isn't some sort of creepy 'debating club' with cretins demanding 'sources'. In any case, you don't have the intellect or the education to handle such a thing in the Polish language..

So, how much time have you spent in Poland.
johnny reb  46 | 7425
4 Jun 2024   #53
This isn't some sort of creepy 'debating club'

You better hope not, we just get tired of you making such foolish remarks and then not being able to back them up with a source even if it is Wiki.

You just double down repeating yourself with a redirect.
We got your number Big Shot. 🙄
jon357  73 | 22695
4 Jun 2024   #54
So how much time have you spent in Poland?
johnny reb  46 | 7425
4 Jun 2024   #55
You just double down repeating yourself with a redirect.

I think you may have caught Harry's OCD from sharing the same beer. 🍺
jon357  73 | 22695
4 Jun 2024   #56
So how much time have you spent in Poland?
johnny reb  46 | 7425
4 Jun 2024   #57
I think you may have caught Harry's OCD (Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder) from sharing the same beer. 🍺
Ask me again and I will tell you the same. 🤪
jon357  73 | 22695
4 Jun 2024   #58
So how much time have you spent in Poland?

I'll answer it for you.

None. You've never been to Europe and never will.
johnny reb  46 | 7425
4 Jun 2024   #59
So what does that have to do with you not having any sources to back up your personal bias opinion ?
Let me answer that for you.
NONE ! 😲
Lenka  5 | 3458
4 Jun 2024   #60
Polish cities have district heating schemes

That covers 40%.

All coal and wood products dropped.

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