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Polish coal will be back

johnny reb 46 | 7365
6 Jun 2024 #91
Poland only sports 40 sunny days per year so good luck with heating and cooling with solar.
Coal produces electricity for heating and cooling.
jon357 73 | 22477
6 Jun 2024 #92
Yet plenty of people use it, and there are productive and profitable solar farms in places with a less sunny climate than Poland.
jon357 73 | 22477
8 Jun 2024 #96
You don't 'think' at all. You just try to argue pointlessly about things of which you know nothing.

Why not Google it if you're still pretending to be interested.

There are commercial solar farms in places with duller weather than PL.
OP wslipach 8 | 110
8 Jun 2024 #97
Yet plenty of people use it, and there are productive and profitable solar farms in places with a less sunny climate than Poland.
@ jon357

What places? For some productive means 1 dollar for others 1 million dollars, you just used beautiful words with no meaning to post something meanigless again. Before you came along I was ready to vote for greens and embrace solar panels - I had no idea what it was abt but sounded beautiful, and then everyhing came down to **** with every one of your posts. Greens thank this loser for exposing the green bullshit and preventing me from making a big mistake.
jon357 73 | 22477
8 Jun 2024 #98
you just used beautiful words

I always do.

I was ready to vote for greens

I wouldn't touch them. Anyway, the main decent parties all support cleaner energy.

Sustainable energy is a good thing though. Microgeneration is a nice earner for farmers, and doesn't leave kids coughing their guts up from the coal smoke.
pawian 220 | 24664
8 Jun 2024 #99
Poland only sports 40 sunny days per year

This means we have already used up the limit coz there have already been 40 sunny days so far. From now on, it will be only cloudy and dull. Summer will be horrible. :(:(:(:(
jon357 73 | 22477
9 Jun 2024 #101
there have already been 40 sunny days so far

It look like a hot year all round.
Alien 22 | 5397
9 Jun 2024 #102
there have already been 40 sunny days so far.

Not here, it was mostly raining here.
johnny reb 46 | 7365
9 Jun 2024 #103
It look like a hot year all round.

Hopefully it will stay cloudy so the suns rays don't make it any hotter.
pawian 220 | 24664
9 Jun 2024 #104
Not here, it was mostly raining here.

Since 1st Jan to 08 June as we are talking?
johnny reb 46 | 7365
9 Jun 2024 #105
Bottom line Pawian is that Poland is not a top candidate for solar panels because of the lack of sun in the average year, especially the drab winter months.
mafketis 38 | 10775
9 Jun 2024 #106
Poland is not a top candidate for solar panels

Good! It's crap technology makes buildings uglier, have a limited lifespan and create waste when they have to be changed (or thrown out).
jon357 73 | 22477
9 Jun 2024 #107
makes buildings uglier

A plastic panel on a plastic roof.

What do you think of microgeneration, especially by farmers?
OP wslipach 8 | 110
9 Jun 2024 #108
So coal is bad , but plastic is good? Plastic has to be produced so energy has to be spent , what energy source will be used for that? Coal doesn't need to be produced , just extracted form a mine. Plastic is toxic.
jon357 73 | 22477
9 Jun 2024 #109
but plastic is good

I don't think the merits or downsides of plastics have been mentioned. Sometimes it's about finding the lesser evil.

Coal doesn't need to be produced

Plastic comes from oil, and a very little oil makes a lot of plastic. It only comes from one fraction in the refining process and the rest of the fractions are sold on. Providing it's recycled, it's good.

The coal industry does use a lot (really a lot) of steel, and that is not recycles, unlike the steel used in refining which is reused.

We all like a coal fire, however the smoke from domestic coal burning poisons the air; even commercial coal burning with the newest and cleanest chimneys isn't great.
pawian 220 | 24664
9 Jun 2024 #110
Poland only sports 40 sunny days per year

In Poland, there are on average about 66 sunny days a year, of which the largest number, as much as 70%, falls in the period from April to September.

Here is the map showing the differences according to the region - southern eastern Poland is the sunniest. Good! Next year I am going to eat my first home grown bananas. hahahaha

johnny reb 46 | 7365
9 Jun 2024 #111
Poland only averages 41 sunny days per year (not even one day a week).
Most of these sunny days are in September.
Poland also averages 206 cloudy day with the most in November.
This is why Poland has such a high alcoholic rate because of depression of drab days.
Poland IS NOT a high candidate for solar power.
Class dismissed
pawian 220 | 24664
9 Jun 2024 #112
Poland IS NOT a high candidate for solar power.

Solar power in Poland is growing steadily and won`t stop.

Within a year, the photovoltaic capacity in Poland doubled and at the end of May it exceeded 10.2 GW. The share of photovoltaic panels in energy supplies already exceeded 7% in May. The Polish Energy Policy adopted by the government a year ago assumed that we would achieve such power... in 20 years.
Ironside 50 | 12345
9 Jun 2024 #113
Solar power in Poland is growing steadily and won`t stop.

Indeed all thanks to you not only do you provide the necessary wind but also photovoltaic energy can be produced because the sun shines from your arse!
johnny reb 46 | 7365
9 Jun 2024 #114
Solar power in Poland is growing steadily and won`t stop.

No argument their as there are a lot of people making a lot of money off the indoctrinated bootlickers.
When will you be getting your solar panels Pawian ?
You know that one day of the week with sun might be enough to run your refrigerator and a light bulb.
Let us know what your initial investment is for it.
jon357 73 | 22477
9 Jun 2024 #115
a lot of people making a lot of money

So that's a bad thing?

Solar power in Poland is growing steadily and won`t stop

It gets bigger all the time and is a nice earner for people who've got the right land in the right place.
johnny reb 46 | 7365
9 Jun 2024 #116
there are a lot of people making a lot of money off the indoctrinated bootlickers.

So that's a bad thing?

No jon, the billionaires like Al Gore need more money for promoting this nonsense to a country that only averages 41 days of sun per year.

Now if you lived in Yuma Arizona that gets 310 days of sunlight per year then it might be practical.
jon357 73 | 22477
10 Jun 2024 #117
Al Gore

Doesn't live in Poland. And Europeans can decide for themselves what sort of technology they want; hence the growing sustainable sector in Poland.

it might be practical

It's practical enough in Poland for people to be making money from it right now.
gumishu 14 | 6219
10 Jun 2024 #118
So that's a bad thing?

yes, it's called exploiting the naive
jon357 73 | 22477
10 Jun 2024 #119
it's called exploiting the naive

So small farmers and individual householders making some money is called "exploiting the naive" in your mind.

johnny reb 46 | 7365
10 Jun 2024 #120
small farmers and individual householders making some money
Just think how many people would be making money if the coal mines opened back up. 😶

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