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Another Polish city honors President Reagan

PennBoy  76 | 2429
7 Jun 2011   #1
A roundabout in the Sławinek residential district of Lublin, eastern Poland, has been named after former US president Ronald Reagan.

The idea of honouring the late statesman, seven years after his death, came from city councilor Marcin Nowak of the conservative Law and Justice party and the KoLiber Association of young Polish conservative professionals.

According to Nowak, Ronald Reagan was one of the greatest personalities in the history of the 20th century, whose servives for the overthrow of the communist system cannot be overestimated.

Reagan's two terms of office, from 1981 to 1989, coincided with the crumbling of the Soviet empire, the Solidarity revolution in Poland and the imposition of martial law. In 1981, several months after the formation of Solidarity, the Reagan administration warned Moscow and the Warsaw regime against anti-Solidarity actions. After the imposition of martial law in December 1981, President Reagan supported the Polish cause.

In a special address he said: "Poland is not East or West. Poland is at the centre of European civilization. It has contributed mightily to this civilization. It is doing so today by being magnificently unreconciled to oppression."

In addition to this Reagan roundabout in Lublin, there are Rondo Ronalda Reagana (Ronald Reagan Circle), Tarnow, Poland; Ronald Reagan Square, Krakow, Poland; Ronald Reagan Statue, Warsaw; Ronald Reagan Park, Gdansk, Poland; Ronald Reagan Roundabout, Wroclaw, Poland; Ronald Reagan Monument, Wroclaw, Poland.

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delphiandomine  86 | 17823
7 Jun 2011   #2
conservative Law and Justice party


Grrrrrrr. This really drives me nuts - Law and Justice are Catholic Socialists, nothing else!
OP PennBoy  76 | 2429
7 Jun 2011   #3
Law and Justice are Catholic Socialists

They see themselves and are seen abroad as conservatives:
PlasticPole  7 | 2641
7 Jun 2011   #4
Just them being catholic is enough to qualify them as conservatives. Usually.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
7 Jun 2011   #5
They see themselves and are seen abroad as conservatives

Morons. They're socially conservative, but economically, they couldn't be further from the truth. They're pro trade union, pro welfare, pro public ownership - everything that conservatives aren't.
OP PennBoy  76 | 2429
7 Jun 2011   #6
They're socially conservative

That's probably what they meant. Are the communists in China no longer communists because they chose a capitalist free market economy?
PlasticPole  7 | 2641
7 Jun 2011   #7
Morons. They're socially conservative, but economically, they couldn't be further from the truth. They're pro trade union, pro welfare, pro public ownership - everything that conservatives aren't.

Catholic clergy tend to be anti capitalism, so that's no surprise. They see capitalism as promoting poverty and exploiting the weak.
Wroclaw  44 | 5359
7 Jun 2011   #8
feel free to post your thoughts on this: Another Polish city honors President Reagan
Marynka11  3 | 639
7 Jun 2011   #9
That' going to be hard to pronounce: Rondo Regana.
7 Jun 2011   #10
feel free to post your thoughts on this: Another Polish city honors President Reagan

Politicians who are too stupid to know whether they are conservative or not are too stupid to know that it generally isn't a good idea to honour scum, as has now been repeatedly proved in Poland.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641
7 Jun 2011   #11
I like Ronald Reagan for what he did to end the Soviet Block but I dislike some of what he did over here. He's neutral in my book, but good for him for helping Poland.
Daisy  3 | 1211
7 Jun 2011   #12
I like Ronald Reagan for what he did to end the Soviet Block

What did he do exactly? I'm sure it wasn't for humanitarian reasons. I would imagine there are a few Libyan rebels think Cameron, Sarkozy and Obama are wonderful.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641
7 Jun 2011   #13
What did he do exactly?

He supported Poland. He could have supported Russia, but he did not. When you think about it, it makes sense to support Russia because they are bigger and have more weapons. He stood up to the mighty bear.
Seanus  15 | 19666
7 Jun 2011   #14
They are conservative in attitude, delph. You should know, being Scottish, that the term has a broader ambit than one meaning. Some gits are looking for publicity here, methinks. Yes, Reagan had his plus points but why raise them now? Why not back then in 2004 when he died? Political opportunism :( :(
isthatu2  4 | 2692
7 Jun 2011   #15
He used Poland as one weapon in his bag of dirty tricks against the Soviet Union,no more,no less.
He sold weapons to Iran to support murder squads that killed catholic priests and nuns across latin America ( with papa karols help)
Supported Saddam Hussian.
Invaded a british dependency
used europe as a buffer zone for the US
destroyed social cohesion in america
yeah,great fella,shame he gave up acting.
Seanus  15 | 19666
7 Jun 2011   #16
It was all a big act! He was a politician so what did you expect? Roses, carnations and hugs? ;)
pawian  226 | 27509
7 Jun 2011   #17
He used Poland as one weapon in his bag of dirty tricks against the Soviet Union,no more,no less.

That is why we love him so much. Because he used us facking effectively and contributed greatly to the collapse of Soviet Union. We will never forget it. Thank you, Ron.

Ronald Reagan Square, Krakow, Poland;

There should me more of that in Poland.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641
7 Jun 2011   #18
so what did you expect? Roses, carnations and hugs?

No.Just plenty of statues ;)
Seanus  15 | 19666
7 Jun 2011   #19
They are called people here, PP. They neither move nor smile ;)

Reagan had his skeletons in the closet, his clothes too.
isthatu2  4 | 2692
7 Jun 2011   #20
That is why we love him so much. Because he used us facking effectively and contributed greatly to the collapse of Soviet Union. We will never forget it. Thank you, Ron.

He did,but,he didnt "do it for Poland" . :)
I ,with hindsight do admire some of his qualities,his handling of the Soviets was,for the most part (skipping over 85 when the senile old cowboy took us closer to nuclear armagedon than any spat in cuba ever did) note perfect. Meeting Gorby(wrapped in big coat and Ushanka) in his indoor suit at reikjavik was pure class :)
pawian  226 | 27509
7 Jun 2011   #21
Meeting Gorby(wrapped in big coat and Ushanka) in his indoor suit at reikjavik was pure class :)

As well as his joke about the imminent nuclear attack on the SU that was broadcast live.

I love him because he is my man.
NomadatNet  1 | 457
8 Jun 2011   #22
Another Polish city honors President Reagan

Reagan was a movie actor. Same role in his works of collapsing Soviet.
There are movie editor, maker, and so on.
Most of Russians too, especially those in top level seats were involved in collapsing Soviet.
All countries in former Soviets need to honor Stalin who started the damage and gave the biggest damage to the socialism.
PolskiMoc  4 | 323
8 Jun 2011   #23
Of course most Poles like Ronald Reagan. Reagan used Brzezinski's plan for the Afghan Soviet war which indebted the Soviet Union to collapse.
NomadatNet  1 | 457
8 Jun 2011   #24
Reagan used Brzezinski's plan for the Afghan Soviet war which indebted the Soviet Union to collapse.

So, Poles need to be thankful to Afgans too as Afghans were at front against Soviet forces there. But, Polish forces are in Afghanistan now and they together with Nato are fighting against Afghans who had battled against Russian forces 30 years ago. Well, Russians too are collobrating with Nato now in Afghanistan against Afghans. Afghans helped Soviets to collapse and they are being paid by their lives now while Reagan-like movie actors are being honored.
OP PennBoy  76 | 2429
8 Jun 2011   #25
So, Poles need to be thankful to Afgans too as Afghans were at front against Soviet forces there.

Probably one of the main reasons the Soviets didn't invade Poland in 1981, they didn't want a second Afghanistan with a new guerrilla war.

Don't say Reagan"used" Poland, that sounds like he didn't care about the people and their well being. Sure he wanted the Solidarity movement to help him topple the Soviet Union and end the Cold War but he didn't want many Poles to die in the process.
isthatu2  4 | 2692
8 Jun 2011   #26
As well as his joke about the imminent nuclear attack on the SU that was broadcast live.

we can laugh about that the time I lived in a primary target triangle,3 major power stations two large cities and a nuclear bomber base and I was in the middle of it .....4 minutes aint long to run home from school if the sirens went off :(
wildrover  98 | 4430
8 Jun 2011   #27
As well as his joke about the imminent nuclear attack on the SU that was broadcast live.

Ha....might not have been so funny if the Soviets had believed it....???

But yes , he was a president with a sense of humour , he even managed to make a joke after being shot....
Polonius3  980 | 12275
8 Jun 2011   #28
Know of any other streets (I think there is one in Warsaw), squares, circles, roundabouts, etc. in Poland bearing Reagan's name?
Antek_Stalich  5 | 997
8 Jun 2011   #29
Those mentioned by OP. Google Maps show no more names than mentioned by OP.

Ah, Ronald Reagan Roundabout in Częstochowa.
16 Jun 2011   #30
he was a president with a sense of humour

Anyone old enough remember his election campaign joke on Russia Poland relations?

"Poland tell me they have bought 100,000 septic tanks and once they figure out how to operate them will use them to invade Russia"

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