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Another Polish city honors President Reagan

OP PennBoy  76 | 2429
21 Nov 2011   #31
Former Polish president and anti-communist leader Lech Walesa unveiled a statue of Ronald Reagan on an elegant Warsaw street on Monday, honoring the late U.S. president for inspiring Poland's toppling of communism.
beckski  12 | 1609
22 Nov 2011   #32
Lech Walesa unveiled a statue of Ronald Reagan on an elegant Warsaw street on Monday

The statue should be interesting to see, next time I visit Warsaw.
southern  73 | 7059
22 Nov 2011   #33
Lech Walesa unveiled a statue of Ronald Reagan

He probably liked his movies.
pawian  224 | 27129
20 Jul 2022   #34
unveiled a statue of Ronald Reagan on an elegant Warsaw street on Monday,

Wow, quite bulky.

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Alien  25 | 6332
21 Jul 2022   #35
What's on his back, is that some kind of coat?
jon357  72 | 23350
22 Jul 2022   #36
What's on his back,

The fires of hell are melting him.
pawian  224 | 27129
22 Jul 2022   #37
The fires of hell

Nope, look closely, those are angelic Wings of Freedom.
jon357  72 | 23350
22 Jul 2022   #38
Wings of Freedom.

To symbolise the deaths caused by private 'healthcare' during his terms of office.

To be fair, he was better than his successors in the same party. He'd not get nominated nowadays due to not being extreme enough.
pawian  224 | 27129
22 Jul 2022   #39
deaths caused by private 'healthcare'

I hardly believe any Pole, except pro historians, know such details. The monument was erected to commemorate his contribution to the collapse of communism, not for his merits or failures in US internal politics. :):)
jon357  72 | 23350
22 Jul 2022   #40
not for his merits or failures in US internal politic

I do see people in Warsaw begging on the streets to buy medicine.

Perhaps a better memorial to him would be a food bank.
pawian  224 | 27129
22 Jul 2022   #41
a food bank.

Communists claimed that Reagan`s sanctions on the Polish regime killed the production of chicken meat after the US had banned the export of chicken feed to Poland.
jon357  72 | 23350
22 Jul 2022   #42
banned the export of chicken feed to Poland.

Given that the industrialised American model of chicken raising is both extremely cruel and produces very low quality meat, the less of their chicken feed the better.
pawian  224 | 27129
22 Jul 2022   #43
chicken raising is both extremely cruel

No, I was talking about the ban on special food for chickens raised industrially in Poland .Corn etc.
jon357  72 | 23350
22 Jul 2022   #44
raised industrially in Poland

On the American model, sadly.

Corn etc.

Better to give them what you produce domestically and let them run free in a farmyard before necking them yourself rather than a wretched life in a hot dark factory before having both legs broken while still alive.
pawian  224 | 27129
22 Jul 2022   #45
Better to give them what you produce domestically

Of course. But small farmers withdraw from such raising and if they do, it is only for family and close friends` needs.

do with a city honoring Reagan

Darling, if you knew history, you would be aware of certain acts by Reagan which had a great impact on communist Poland in 1980s.
jon357  72 | 23350
22 Jul 2022   #46
such raising

Yes. It's better to ban it however the processed chicken lobby is so huge (as is the demand for cheap and tasteless meat protein) that I just don't see that happening. Though it should.

certain acts by Reagan

Which of course is why he and the Grantham Sow are liked here. At least her name has a Th at its start which nicely deters right-wing councils here from naming streets after her.
Novichok  4 | 8640
22 Jul 2022   #47
ban on special food for chickens

Now I see the connection between "special food for chickens" and Reagan. Thanks.
pawian  224 | 27129
22 Jul 2022   #48
Now I see the connection

Good! You are a smart student after all.
So, I will only add that after the Polish regime introduced the martial law in Dec 1981, Western countries imposed various sanctions on Poland. One of them was suspending 100 million $ loan for the purchase of US feed grain for Polish chicken industry. That seriously hampered the production of chicken meat here. I still remember listening to communists whine about it on TV or radio. They hated Reagan and presented him as a crazy trigger happy cowboy.

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pawian  224 | 27129
5 Aug 2022   #49
during his terms of office.

Even Amis appreciated his merits and named one of their air carriers after the President.

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