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Achievements of the Tusk's Polish government

gumishu  15 | 6228
18 May 2011   #211
"We are also continuing with the teacher salary increase programme. The draft budget anticipates a 3.8 per cent raise in September 2012",

and the inflation is what - this year it will probably be higher than 4 per cent - then again they have been cutting the number of teachers in many schools so they haven't actually increased spendings on education

education needs a long-term strategy and a lot of rethinking - the percentages of young unemployed people give a hint that our education system prepares people badly to the challenges of modern economy including such things as setting up own business (over 50 per cent of all unemployed are people below 35)

sending six year old children to school won't help - if you think it can please explain your point of view
THE HITMAN  - | 236
18 May 2011   #212
if you think it can please explain your point of view

Pawian is now researching the www for information so that he can create another post with pretty pictures.
gumishu  15 | 6228
18 May 2011   #213
yeah, I noticed he's really into impressing people visually ;) - while I appreciate it when the pictures are taken by himself this thread makes him a bloody propagandist
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
18 May 2011   #214
you are an English teacher, so it is NOT that difficult, actually it is easy to make decent money in Poland. I do the same, so I know. It is not a rocket science, especially when one is a half decent worker lol

You know, I'd make even more money if I could do something physical - I noticed recently that the rates for a decent, reliable physical worker are going through the roof. It seems that by virtue of not drinking on the job and being able to do something to a deadline = $$$.

So how long have you been in Poland? Still haven't answered my question.

Oh, nearly 3 years.

you forgot about one very important point - corruption- and it's cost on the tax payer - I wouldn't be surprised it is as much a burden to the system as those who just don't want to work and live off the tax payer

Well, I'm content with the current system where people are afraid to take bribes. It's not perfect, but no country really is when it comes to high level corruption. For what it's worth - have you ever paid a bribe? I've never even been asked for one here.

but tell me why Polish troops are in Afghanistan

Mystery to me. Most PO voters I know are dead against it - and is another genuine failing of the Tusk administration to keep troops there. PiS support it, so shouldn't that be a logical political decision to pull out?

education needs a long-term strategy and a lot of rethinking - the percentages of young unemployed people give a hint that our education system prepares people badly to the challenges of modern economy including such things as setting up own business (over 50 per cent of all unemployed are people below 35)

The problem, I think - is that many people involved in education are basically dinosaurs. For every progressive thinker, there's a counterpart who is content to keep the same old system with the same old methods for years. It doesn't matter about political origin - there are just far too many dinosaurs in the system.

I'm not afraid to bash PO heavily for their strategy on education - until they get rid of the system where most professors are there because of personal connections rather than talent, nothing will change. It's the same old nomeklatura system all over again.

One small example, and a reform that should be made - PE shouldn't be graded in schools. It does nothing to encourage children to exercise, instead - all it does is create resentment. Would be a trivial reform to make, yet it hasn't been done. As I said countless times - many PO measures are good, but they've failed on education.
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427
18 May 2011   #215
It seems that by virtue of not drinking on the job and being able to do something to a deadline = $$$.

That's what I was saying;)
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
18 May 2011   #216
Definitely so.

I mean, fair enough - there's not much opportunity in a small village in the middle of nowhere, but anyone living in a decent sized town or city really has no excuse not to better themselves. The black economy is strong here, no-one is particularly bothered if some work is done without an invoice - just so long as the job is done on time and properly.

My balcony door was broken - I called some guy, he came exactly on time and fixed it in a few minutes. I had no issue at all with giving him 30zl for the job - heck, it was a five minute job, but he did it properly - and didn't come smelling of booze.
pawian  226 | 27817
18 May 2011   #217
Pawian is now researching the www for information so that he can create another post with pretty pictures.

Not now. At the moment I am at school, having a break. But I remember I have to finish my presentation. As I told you, about 15 more successes are pending to be discussed here.

I would be glad if you did the same, i.e. research the Net for information, instead of searching for it in your brainless uneducated skull. :):):):):)

yeah, I noticed he's really into impressing people visually ;) - while I appreciate it when the pictures are taken by himself this thread makes him a bloody propagandist

Your responses suggest that my presentation is effective and fullfils the requirements set by the creator of this thread. :):):):)

Thank you.

hague1cmaeron: You are so economically illiterate

My employer would disagree.

Is your employer, by any chance, Mr Kaczyński? :):):):)

Hey, I know! You are famous worldwide-known cat of Kaczyński! Together you make a think tank whose analyses shatter the Polish public opinion!
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
18 May 2011   #218
As I told you, about 15 more successes are pending to be discussed here.

And I notice that instead of talking about them, people are just attacking Tusk instead. Funnily enough, when the SLD started behaving like an opposition party, they saw their poll ratings go up and up. But the same old PiS supporters just cannot bear to actually behave like an opposition party.

And *that*, ladies and gentlemen, is why PO will romp to another victory.
gumishu  15 | 6228
18 May 2011   #219
And *that*, ladies and gentlemen, is why PO will romp to another victory.

until it succumbs to their own misdeeds and inaction after the next 4 years (and their policies will finally yield some clearly visible fruit that no 'charming' on the side of the media can obscure) - at that moment PO can vanish altogether (like once Unia Wolności did) as no values or ideals keep it together (but only the drive for power and money)
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
18 May 2011   #220
Funnily enough, I was reading an article about this a while ago - and PO is (apart from the core of the SLD) the first time in Poland since 1991 that there's actually been a party set up like a party, rather than a loose coalition of people. You just need to look at the way that no-one appears to speak in PO without Tusk's approval to see that - party discipline is far stronger (especially now that Palikot's gone) within PO than in PiS, for instance.

What's more likely, at least from my point of view, is that the SLD will make a stunning comeback in 2015 - either that, or a renewed PiS (without the Kaczynski maniacs) will win. I can certainly see a new era for PiS coming - they desperately need to get rid of Kaczynski et al and start focusing on their key strength - the Catholic-Socialism.

Truth be it, right now, PO have absolutely no opposition. Until PiS get that part sorted, PO will dominate Polish politics for years to come.
THE HITMAN  - | 236
18 May 2011   #221
I would be glad if you did the same, i.e. research the Net for information, instead of searching for it in your brainless uneducated skull.

You don,t find wisdom on the net, neither in books .... " All in all you're just another brick in the wall. "

Not now. At the moment I am at school, having a break.

Must be paranoid about " The Hitman " on Polish forums. I could think of better ways to spend a break.
My advice, see a shrink before it,s too late. lol
pawian  226 | 27817
18 May 2011   #222
You don,t find wisdom on the net, neither in books .... " All in all you're just another brick in the wall. "

Your pessimism is getting me down. :):) I will need to joke and play even more tricks to keep me floating on the surface.

Must be paranoid about " The Hitman " on Polish forums. I could think of better ways to spend a break.
My advice, see a shrink before it,s too late. lol

Hey, I discover some deep-rooted inferiority complex in you. First, you display a hidden desire to draw people`s attention to yourself. And when it happens, you reject it because you feel you don`t really deserve it.

I have come across hundreds of guys like you in different forums before. They certainly needed therapy. :):):)

So who should see a shrink? :):):):):):):)

What the government actually did to point it out as its success ? Please provide the facts.

I have done it in my second presentational post and it seems it is wasted on you because you withdrew from discussion. OK, I am sorry for everything what I said or did wrong, just come back to us, please.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
18 May 2011   #223
You don,t find wisdom on the net, neither in books .... " All in all you're just another brick in the wall. "

So, where do you find wisdom?

Or is it the case (as is usual with your type) that the only acceptable wisdom is the kind of wisdom that you agree with?
THE HITMAN  - | 236
18 May 2011   #224
Your pessimism is getting me down

Ignore me then. It,s the little icon with a person in a circle with a diagonal line going through it.

a hidden desire to draw people`s attention to yourself.

Well you,re about the only one drawn to me. Must be the exuberant wisdom that projects from my posts.

I have come across hundreds of guys like you in different forums before.

Go back to one of those forums, I,m sure you won,t be missed. BTW, sounds like you have an illness from visiting so many forums.

Hey, I know! You are famous worldwide-known cat of Kaczyński! Together you make a think tank whose analyses shatter the Polish public opinion!

And what are you ? Ah, I know ! Tusks lap dog.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
18 May 2011   #225
And what are you ? Ah, I know ! Tusks lap dog.

Funny thing is - you're making the usual PiS mistake of assuming that anyone who opposes you is automatically a PO voter.
THE HITMAN  - | 236
18 May 2011   #226
Sorry one of two. Your partner delph just joined the club.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
18 May 2011   #227
That's fine - we enjoy showing the world why Tusk is going to win easily.
pawian  226 | 27817
18 May 2011   #228
Ignore me then. It,s the little icon with a person in a circle with a diagonal line going through it.

Ok, Ok, I am really sorry if I were too offensive. It is just my silly style of joking, don`t mind it. I didn`t mean any malice, in fact. I will try to behave myself from now on.

Just cheer up, please.

I will start a new thread for you and Grzegorz, OK?
THE HITMAN  - | 236
18 May 2011   #229
Funny thing is - you're making the usual PiS mistake of assuming that anyone who opposes you is automatically a PO voter.

Where did you dream that statement from ? I think you,re losing it too. Now you,re playing to an audience (

we enjoy showing the world

Just showed what a right pair of wallies you are. Get a life !
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
19 May 2011   #230
Another success of the Tusk government - Poland-Wages-grow-faster-than-inflation-show-new-stats. Of course, the usual suspects will accuse GUS of lying.
frd  7 | 1379
19 May 2011   #231
or a renewed PiS (without the Kaczynski maniacs) will win.

I'd say a PIS comeback would be possible, if some kind of a big disaster hit Poland. That's the only chance for Kaczynski to get more votes, by preying on people who are in distress. And any gov that raigns during the time of distress is automatically getting a thumb down from the hoi polloi.
OP Grzegorz_  51 | 6138
19 May 2011   #232
The first that comes to my mind: 3 years ago Russia lifted the embargo on Polish products like meat, fruit and vegetables introduced in 2005 during PiS regime`s rule. Also, Russia started cooperation over Katyn Massacre, e.g., by opening the Soviet archives.

But I am losing time because you are going to turn it down as worthless, aren`t you? :):):)

I wouldn't call It worthless, rather... extremely minimalistic... Anyway, I didn't really start this thread to discuss If something is worthless or not, I didn't bring up PiS etc. here, I am genuinely interested what are the achievements of this government according to PO voters. I find it fascinating that so far no polical party has won the elections twice in a row (some totally collapsed like AWS or SLD) but PO is still leading after almost 4 years despite being the worst of them.

Yes, provide me with respected links where I can read what you said: Poland is heavily criticized by EU for huge deficit and lack of reforms. The ratings are under huge pressure. :):):):)

OK :):):):)

I see you have started to learn.

In January you commited this thread:
Poland is going bankrupt

Not bad. Keep up good work.

I feel sorry for you If you really don't understand the difference between economic growth and the situation of public finances.

In general, Tusk's achievement has been to promote Poland as an island of stability - a kind of Germany-lite if you will. You can see this from the endless foreign commentaries about Poland - the country is seen as stable and somewhat reliable. That has helped Poland no end

How did that help Poland ?

I noticed recently that the rates for a decent, reliable physical worker are going through the roof.

Yep, something like 7-10 PLN/h.

Uh, the current Government is actually doing quite a good job of it.

Of what ? In case of corruption or conditions for business we are behind many African countries and nothing has been improved.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
19 May 2011   #233
I find it fascinating that so far no polical party has won the elections twice in a row (some totally collapsed like AWS or SLD) but PO is still leading after almost 4 years despite being the worst of them.

They can't be the worst if they're on course to be the first Government to be re-elected, can they?

How did that help Poland ?

By encouraging people not to run away with the capital the second the crisis hit. Look at what happened in Latvia, Ukraine, Greece, etc - investors got scared. Poland managed to stay stable throughout all of it - and enjoyed the confidence of investors as a result.

Yep, something like 7-10 PLN/h.

You must be kidding. Perhaps to get someone who likes drinking during work and so on, but to get a reliable physical worker who doesn't drink/slack off, you're looking at almost double that in the cities.

Of what ? In case of corruption or conditions for business we are behind many African countries and nothing has been improved.

Behind many African countries? Care to name some?
pawian  226 | 27817
20 May 2011   #234
How did that help Poland ?

Stop asking silly questions. You are not your boss who interrogates you about your performance at work.

I wouldn't call It worthless, rather... extremely minimalistic...

Wow. Certainly, it is a great progress.

Of what ? In case of corruption or conditions for business we are behind many African countries and nothing has been improved.

100 years behind negroes was a slogan used in communist Poland. It seems you are still stuck in those times.
Varsovian  91 | 634
20 May 2011   #235
Why are there 9 pages on Tusk's achievements? Seems excessive :)
z_darius  14 | 3960
20 May 2011   #236
Of what ? In case of corruption or conditions for business we are behind many African countries and nothing has been improved.

Behind many African countries? Care to name some?

I guess it will depend on what "many" means:

32 Botswana
43 Tunisia
46 South Africa
47 Namibia
70 Egypt
70 Poland
70 Burkina Faso
70 Syria
70 Lesotho
Varsovian  91 | 634
20 May 2011   #237
Point of information:
Burkina Faso means "Land of Incorruptible Souls" - everything else is up for sale
z_darius  14 | 3960
20 May 2011   #238
ddidn't know that
OP Grzegorz_  51 | 6138
22 May 2011   #239
They can't be the worst if they're on course to be the first Government to be re-elected, can they?

You seem to believe that democracy is a kind of perfect market. When a political party is re-elected It must by good by definition then. I think you could find many examples of bad government being elected or re-elected around the world.

Look at what happened in Latvia, Ukraine, Greece, etc - investors got scared.

All of these countries had huge structural problems before the crisis, when Poland had healthy growth. Besides, Poland went down from +5-7% before the crisis to + 1-3% during the crisis, not that much different than from +2-3% to -2-3%, which was typical for EU countries.

You must be kidding.

No, I don't. You say that physical workers make 3500-4000 a month "in the cities" ?

Behind many African countries? Care to name some?

z_darius did that, I agree with him that It depends on what one means by "many" but there use to be at least a few of them in such rankings, what's more important is Poland's position among EU member states. Usually It's either the lasty one or a few places ahead of Bulgaria or Romania. The bottom line is, Poland is no a total shi*t hole not thanks to the government but despite the government.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
22 May 2011   #240
You seem to believe that democracy is a kind of perfect market. When a political party is re-elected It must by good by definition then. I think you could find many examples of bad government being elected or re-elected around the world.

Bad governments tend to get kicked out. Good governments tend to get re-elected.

That's how it works in most developed countries. Poland is no exception.

what's more important is Poland's position among EU member states. Usually It's either the lasty one or a few places ahead of Bulgaria or Romania. The bottom line is, Poland is no a total shi*t hole not thanks to the government but despite the government.

Poland is pretty much equal with the rest of the EU-8 countries, except Slovenia - and that's because Slovenia started from a much better position with no debts, along with being smaller and therefore easier to manage. The 7 countries I'm referring to (Estonia, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Lithuania, Latvia and Poland) are all catching up rapidly with Greece and Portugal - so Poland is doing just fine.

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