Hmm I'm not sure If I understand your reasoning...
You probably need some rest.
OK, guys, time for relax. Get off your comps for a while and do some exercises.
And doing so, take a look at the beauty of Szczawnica:

After a relaxing break, let`s go on.
however I was asking for facts. Let's take a look at your list.
I provided you facts based on my personal observances. I believe what I wrote is true, just like many Poles do. If you can`t accept it as factual, it is your problem.
Points 3-5 are irrevelant, you could as well write about Tusk's successes in playing football.
Pathetic rhetorics. In that way no government will be ever able to gain positive reviews, nowhere in the world. Please, ease up on them your so strict requirements! :):):)
Point 6. The foreign policy of Tusk is the one of smiles and shake hands, which itself isn't generating any value added for the citizens of Poland. What did we get out of it ?
Hey, why do you want to count everything into money? Don`t be such a Jew! :):):)
We gained better atmosphere which helps to create favourable conditions for cooperation and investment. Is it so difficult to understand? You are really surprising me now.
"Under Tusk rule, Poland is making a good use of European funds". In quantitive terms we spend a lot but often just to spend it without much thinking about the quality of these projects,
Catching at a straw? :):) Are all projects of bad quality? Facts, please!! :):):):)
I tend to listen to experts and they, such as people from ZDG TOR, a respected think-tank focused on transport, are saying this: railways = disaster, roads = at best average.
Again, catching at a straw. I thought you expected posters to write about 5-10 achievements, not failures. Why are you going back on your words now? :):):) You may write about disastrous railway system after you start a thread called Failures.
The army is not professional. We don't have draft anymore but itself It didn't make the army professional.
Of course, not yet. What do you expect? Overnight miraculous change? But the first step was taken.
2.In result, Poland has good ratings and enjoys the trust of foreign investors.
Not at all. Facts say something much different. Poland is heavily criticized by EU for huge deficit and lack of reforms. The ratings are under huge pressure. Read this one, you can find tonnes of similar stuff, It's not PiS conspiracy.
Hey, can you read Polish at all? If you can, do you understand what you read in Polish? Did you read that article you provided? Could you read it again, with greater understanding? Then you should find out there is nothing about
heavily,are under huge pressure,
lack of reforms, or
huge deficit.
You press me for facts while what are you doing at the same time? Providing bullshit! :):):):) That is not fair!
What the government actually did to point it out as its success ? Please provide the facts. It seems to be a government success as much as nice weather during summer would be. Please provide supporting facts If you don't agree with that.
Catching at a straw again. It doesn`t matter - Poland has been doing well in the crisis and it happened under Tusk government. That is enough for me and millions of PO intelligent voters. If PIS ruled at the time, (God forbid), I would be able to agree that their government did a good job. :):):)
But for you to agree is out of question. :):):)
All in all, I appreciate the effort you made, however most of the points are PR slogans spread by the government, not the facts I was expecting.
I disagree, of course, and it will stay so, I am afraid. Why? Read below:
Interesting read pawian. The problem is you won't change anyone's mind. And to have a sensible conversation with somebody who's a tenacious pis voter is a no can do.
Exactly. I am perfectly aware of it.
But I don`t do it for Grzegorz or gumishu. I know I won`t be able to influence them into acknowledging Tusk`s successes. Look, I listed 10 successes and each was rejected. :):):):) Not even one item was commented positively. Funny, isn`t it?
It means Tusk bashers are too hardened to accept the truth. Incorrigibles! :):):)
What I am doing here is for other normal people so that they are able to form their own opinion, by reading mine or Grzegorz`s and others` posts. The side they choose doesn`t concern me so much. I have done my duty and you will judge and decide.
I wonder where are the roots of this hatred Poles tend to guide towards each other.
There is no hatred on my or other PO supporters`s side. That is only a deep division. PiS is mainly supported by uneducated men from the country and towns who are frustrated by their failures in the market economy and expect PiS to provide them with good jobs, cheap flats, low prices, high salaries and pensions etc.
PO voters are educated, intelligent, dynamic, active in their private life and careers.
You will agree that it is quite difficult for these two groups to get together, won`t you?
I used to serve in the army and am quite familar with this issue.
Hmm, really? I can see some contradictory statements in your post about the army.
Furthermore, no structural changes were made (and there are no even plans for that),
It is not true. It was planned to make 4000 officers redundant till 2012.
Read what Petelicki, Skrzypczak, Hypki and all independent experts are talking about the situation in the army, they all agree that Klich is the worst person in charge of MOD in the history of the 3rd RP.
The problem is that generals and Klich ran into a conflict over those dismissals! Skrzypczak and other officers want to keep the status quo, namely this:
In result the ratio of privates to officers is ~1.6 to 1 when a helthy one would be 5 to 1.