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Achievements of the Tusk's Polish government

ShortHairThug  - | 1101
13 May 2011   #61
He’s doing his best of actually keeping the promise of Poland being like Ireland. If it wasn’t for all those unruly Poles seeking their own fortunes elsewhere he might have even reach that goal way ahead of Ireland. Who would have thought the man has the gift of Nostradamus.

This reminds me of the joke all of you probably heard already.
Dlaczego rząd zakazał wycieczek do Egiptu? ………………… LOL
SeanBM  34 | 5781
13 May 2011   #62
Dlaczego rząd zakazał wycieczek do Egiptu?

Nie wiem, dlaczego?

English only, please.
pawian  226 | 27817
13 May 2011   #63
The list of successes and failures is here:

On the pages of Chancellery of Prime Minister has been placed a report with the achievements and plans for the implementation of the government's promises delivered by Prime Minister Donald Tusk during Parliamentary statement on November 23, 2007. The report is presented in tabular form and contains the columns: the promise, execution divided into: made, during execution, not performed, and a comment. In the commentary, we can read detailed solution or the reasons of failure to perform the promise and in the case of unfinished task, execution status.

From combined 95 promises Donald Tusk and the government have qualified 48 of them as realized, 17 unrealized, and 30 as in progress. Many of the changes and the promises made in the exposé is taken by the Poles as a positive change. But many of them raises a number of controversies, and is the cause and the argument of the opposition against the government of Tusk. The most controversial are: foreign policy, the fight against corruption and reform of the public sector.
OP Grzegorz_  51 | 6138
13 May 2011   #64
The list of successes and failures is here:

Isn't it what Tusk says ? I was asking about personal opinions of PF members.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
14 May 2011   #65
Isn't it what Tusk says ?

Anyone who isn't a PO/PiS supporter would agree that the list is pretty fair.
gumishu  15 | 6228
14 May 2011   #66
Can anyone actually show some of his manifesto pledges?

he promised everything to every possible person in his expose (first Sejm speech afer forming the vovernment) = he actually broke all records for such speeches - his last over 3 hours - guess it;s the same league as Fidel Castro
Seanus  15 | 19666
14 May 2011   #67
This is the ultimate measure. Policies should be well-thought out/through so doing a U-turn should require more accountability or a damn good explanation. For example, I don't think that Tusk has explained putting the missile shield on the back burner well enough at all. It was a done deal but somehow it is insignificant now.
grubas  12 | 1382
14 May 2011   #68
Bottom line is, ryża kurwa has to go.What Poland needs is a Polish Ron Paul.Grubas?
Koala  1 | 332
14 May 2011   #69
For example, I don't think that Tusk has explained putting the missile shield on the back burner well enough at all. It was a done deal but somehow it is insignificant now.

It's Americans who withdrew from the deal. All for the better though. We don't want American troops on our soil, Russia could easily overwhelm that shield, the threat of attack from Middle East is far fetched and nonexistent, the only thing that shield did was introducing tensions between Russia and Poland.
Seanus  15 | 19666
14 May 2011   #70
Yes, that's true. However, where have the efforts been to press them on it? When one side doesn't fulfil their part of the contractual bargain, it is standard practice to question them on it. You can be sure that if Poland turned a blind eye to their obligations then America would have sth to say about it.
Koala  1 | 332
14 May 2011   #71
What could he do? Put embargo on American products?
Seanus  15 | 19666
14 May 2011   #72
I didn't mean that he had to take a political decision such as that. A simple phone call by Sikorski to Obama asking about the status of it would suffice.
Koala  1 | 332
14 May 2011   #73
Are you sure there were no phone calls?
Seanus  15 | 19666
14 May 2011   #74
Computer says no..... ;0

Then the public haven't been informed and that's the point.
Koala  1 | 332
14 May 2011   #75
Really? I found it after first search on google, the very first link.

First official decision, then comments

Let's wait for the official decision of the United States and the reasons for it - said after the meeting with the American delegation Chief of Foreign Affairs Ministry. Radoslaw Sikorski appealed to the journalists to abstention from comment on the shield, because the American decision may be different than most of is expecting.

In the afternoon, Radoslaw Sikorski contacted by telephone with US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Moments later, Prime Minister Donald Tusk had talks with US President Barack Obama.,nId,123569
Seanus  15 | 19666
14 May 2011   #76
For such a major undertaking, it wasn't on the mainstream news that they had shelved the plans and for what reason.
Koala  1 | 332
14 May 2011   #77
Yes, but that was for Americans to say. Besides, both sides could resign from the deal without any consequences.
Seanus  15 | 19666
14 May 2011   #78
It's not the consequences that I'm focussing on. It's more that it was put together on the premise that safety was a priority issue and then they changed the arrangements having already signed the documents. The new security arrangements seem to be workable but it was like they cheaply abandoned the deal.
OP Grzegorz_  51 | 6138
14 May 2011   #79
Anyone who isn't a PO/PiS supporter would agree that the list is pretty fair.

What do you base that opinion on ? Any respected PF members voting SLD/PSL/PJN/UPR ?

I'm still not getting what I was asking for. The list of 5-10 biggest achievements of the current government.
Seanus  15 | 19666
14 May 2011   #80
To be honest, Greg, that's quite a hard task given how quietly he has crept along. I don't know what he has done in the area of prescriptions, pupil numbers and all manner of other things. I have to say that they are not as vocal as British governments when they feel that they have succeeded in sth.
Ironside  51 | 13124
14 May 2011   #81
So what is it about the specific reforms that you don't like, what changes or otherwsie woud you be in support of or against?

I don't like reforms for the sake of the reforms and anyway the thread is about something entirely different.

Of course, all Tusk bashers will say it wasn`t his merit,

Of course it wasn't his merit - he just did nothing.
You wanna talk economic tell me why Polish debt is growing 100 millions a day?

Question is about his achievements not his plans for the future.Knowing his efficiency those plans are only stunts to get more money for his voters, the universities freaks supported him - nothing more.
OP Grzegorz_  51 | 6138
14 May 2011   #82
You wanna talk economic tell me why Polish debt is growing 100 millions a day?

Isn't it actually +300 million a day ?
THE HITMAN  - | 236
14 May 2011   #83
You wanna talk economic tell me why Polish debt is growing 100 millions a day?

You,ll be waiting a long time. Pawians never got any answers.

Here,s an interesting article for anyone who can read Polish ......,18543,4303416,1,prasa-detal
pawian  226 | 27817
15 May 2011   #84
Here,s an interesting article for anyone who can read Polish ......

I can. But it doesn`t matter. What matters is why you are putting it here.

Simply speaking, how would you comment on it?
Crow  155 | 9736
15 May 2011   #85
Achievements of the Tusk's government.

to put cross on myself, fast and several times
pawian  226 | 27817
15 May 2011   #86
You wanna talk economic tell me why Polish debt is growing 100 millions a day?

Isn't it actually +300 million a day ?

It is really incredible. I cannot understand how people who have learnt to speak and write decent English (which requires some intelligence, after all) can be such imbeciles.

By imbeciles I mean all those who critisize Tusk`s government for increasing the national debt and budget deficit but at the same time complain about low salaries, cuts in state spendings, no pay and pension rises, high taxes, etc etc.

Guys, wake up and start working for this country, for fack`s sake! When you work faking hard at last, the debt will diminish.


Chinese workers in Poland

Polish workers in Poland

Is it Tusk`s fault?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
15 May 2011   #87
What do you base that opinion on ? Any respected PF members voting SLD/PSL/PJN/UPR ?

Torq is most definitely a voter of neither PO and PiS. Gumishu as well - both are real right wingers, not faux conservatives like PiS and PO.

Heck, I even voted for the My Poznaniacy candidates last time round - not PO.
OP Grzegorz_  51 | 6138
15 May 2011   #88
It is really incredible. I cannot understand how people who have learnt to speak and write decent English (which requires some intelligence, after all) can be such imbeciles.

Fascinating post. Looks like you aren't intellectually capable to comprehend that economy is not a zero-sum game. You don't have to raise tax rates to generate more income for a public sector, creating better opportunities for business (making law simple, reducing bureaucracy, reducing corporativism, fighting corruption, adjusting education system to the market's requirements etc.) you can achieve the same without additional costs for taxpayers. The same with reduction in spending. It doesn't mean that pensioners must be starved to death. Public sector in Poland is very ineffective thus very expensive. It would be possible to significantly reduce the costs without much problems for the individuals. Individuals can spend their money one way or another. One person invest 1000PLN in foreign language classes, another one waste it on alcohol or lose it in casino. It's the same with governments. Government here is a huge waster and nothing is being done about it, maybe except thousands of additional bureaucrats being hired.

Guys, wake up and start working for this country, for fack`s sake!

You think we don't ? What do you base that opinion on ? Please tell.


Moving from "It's all Kaczynski's fault" to "It's all lazy Polish bastards' fault" ? It seems to be a common trend in some circles.

Is it Tusk`s fault?

What ? Thst some workers took a break ?
pawian  226 | 27817
15 May 2011   #89
I was asking about personal opinions of PF members.

Will you ever odczepić się? :):):)

Here you are:

Successes of Tusk and his men according to Pawian

Pawianbonobo Agency
15 May 2011   #90
10. No more compulsory military service The army is professional now.

Yip - so we have an army which has more officers than privates today, and which is composed
of elder staff fatties and administrative workers, with a couple of batallions being used for foreign
missions. That's why the main deterring factor of Polish army - a couple of million trained reservists,
will soon cease to exist and a 38 million country in the centre of Europe will be left with an army
of 100 thousand, which would be able to defend 90 kilometres of front line, or 2-3 big cities.
Of course, WOULD BE is a key expression here as they would be able to do that, IF there weren't more
ageing officers than privates in its ranks.

So, practically, we don't have an army anymore. More like an expeditionary corps, fit only to serve
their American masters whenever it's ordered to do so. There is no compulsory military service (which
means no trained reservists in the future) and no significant territorial defence formations. In military
categories, we are no more than an open steppe.

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