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Polish Women Versus Your Local Women ?

21 Jan 2008   #61
UK women.

Add over inflated sense of their own importance.

Spot on, plus look at teenage pregancy/divorce rates.
EraAtlantia  2 | 106
7 Sep 2008   #62
i spend quite a lot of time in female polish company and they are so insidious at times, just the ********, mood swings, spoiled nature of them is a bit of a pile of **** really, i've been told they always talk about men but i wonder how many walk around with knives in their back, i'm pretty sure the most popular used word in polish is "stupid", they simply do not know how to have a good time without being manipulative, sneaky and underhanded. at the heart of it they are just throwing their toys out of the cot and crying....
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522
7 Sep 2008   #63
What if my local women are also polish women :D??
jbman  - | 26
7 Sep 2008   #64
tend to remain single because of 'i'm too good' mentality and/or love to get divorced.

for real, u also forgot abt their drinking and smoking habits..
krysia  23 | 3058
7 Sep 2008   #65
Maybe they became that way because they were screwed by men
shopgirl  6 | 928
7 Sep 2008   #66
Why are there so many frickin threads about women!!!!
What about men for crying out loud?
You think they are all sunshine and roses?
7 Sep 2008   #67
Maybe they became that way because they were screwed by men

the more you've been screwed, the biggest b!tch you become...

sorry, i don't know what's this thread just came to my mind... ;)
Poor Edward  10 | 154
7 Sep 2008   #68
Cos women have boobs and men dont :)
7 Sep 2008   #69
men have sometimes bigger and more natural looking boobs then
shopgirl  6 | 928
7 Sep 2008   #70
But the threads here aren't solely about boobs.
And they tend to be on the disparaging side, especially toward English girls. Who's writing this stuff?

Wanna hear about all the faults typical of American men (no I didn't think so). I bet I could get a really long thread going on that one!
Poor Edward  10 | 154
7 Sep 2008   #71
men have sometimes bigger and more natural looking boobs then

Well if I know if I had I wouldnt be bothered about being single. hehe ;)
krysia  23 | 3058
7 Sep 2008   #72
men have sometimes bigger and more natural looking boobs then

lol. Hairy ones. Right next to their long nose....hehehe
jbman  - | 26
7 Sep 2008   #73
What about men for crying out loud?

there is nothing to compare btn polish men and our local ones. here they are either obese or gym freaks
7 Sep 2008   #74
all the faults typical of American men

i don't know what's wrong with American guys, but they want to introduce you to their mom and dad on a second date.... run pgt, run!

Poor Edward  10 | 154
7 Sep 2008   #75
run pgtx, run!

I can hardly stand to be in the same room as my mam and dad so youll be alright with me PG. Ill even buy you daisies, honest ;)
shopgirl  6 | 928
7 Sep 2008   #76
i don't know what's wrong with American guys,

The biggest, most important flaw to watch out for is SELFISHNESS.
The "black hole" kind that knows no bounds....

If you can find an American male who is free of this disease, you are already way ahead of the rest. Everything else pales compared to this.
krysia  23 | 3058
7 Sep 2008   #77
If you can find an American male who is free of this disease,

I heard they were giving shots for that. But still not approved by the goverment. So far tested on rats with unbelievable results.
shopgirl  6 | 928
7 Sep 2008   #78
I heard they were giving shots for that.

Then I would like to buy some stock in that pharmaceutical! :)
I have a feeling it's value is gonna soar!
7 Sep 2008   #79
Why are there so many frickin threads about women!!!!

it is hard to say why. It is just another post.
Patrycja19  61 | 2679
7 Sep 2008   #80
I have a feeling it's value is gonna soar!

hopefully it doesnt come with the constipation side affects called Full of Sh*t

:0) lol
ShelleyS  14 | 2883
8 Sep 2008   #81
for real, u also forgot abt their drinking and smoking habits..

Can you explain why you feel the need to slag off British women? Is your mum English? Do you have any sisters?
Equator  - | 33
8 Sep 2008   #82
Very, very, very good point.......... I take it jbman that you are going to revise your list....better not let your female family members see it!
Oscypek  - | 107
8 Sep 2008   #83
Wanna hear about all the faults typical of American men (no I didn't think so). I bet I could get a really long thread going on that one!

Please start another thread if you want to do this -- it's not appropriate for this one. And, keep in mind that this is the PL forums, not the USA Forums. Thx.
jbman  - | 26
8 Sep 2008   #85
better not let your female family members see it!

dont know and no. i was raised up by parents who slagged off women and b4 u ask yes they r of the same gender. one of them donated at the ivf clinic and they were neva told who the host was.

x-- only 1 point was frm me on that list
southern  73 | 7059
8 Sep 2008   #86
Basically polish women seem to make an effort to catch and keep the guy which is unnatural for local women who prefer the guy to do all the work.

Let's suppose a polish,an ukrainian and a czech woman travel to a rich country.They are all young and beautiful.
The Polish will marry the plumber.
The Czech will marry the actor.
The Ukrainian will marry the businessman.
This is how they view the situation in my opinion.
masks98  27 | 289
8 Sep 2008   #87
I'm from New York and the women there come in all shapes and sizes, are plentiful, and super flirty, easy, especially on the nightlife scene it's ridiculous. So most guys there think they're set and don't need to go foreign since NY is basically the UN. same thing during my time in Geneva...

But then there I was one night at this club called room service, bumped in to this Polish girl - now I'm in Poland!
8 Sep 2008   #88
The Polish will marry the plumber.

So Southern is buying some wrenches and overalls.
ShelleyS  14 | 2883
9 Sep 2008   #89
Lets not forget the briefcase and a copy of Stage...that way he has all bases covered :)

x-- only 1 point was frm me on that list

Yeah, obviously don't know a great deal about surregacy because it's not a simple case of some bloke popping to a ivf clinic and depositing some sperm and it's also derogatory to refer to your birth mother a "host" And by the way, gay men don't spend their lives slagging off women!

Actually you wrote:

for real, u also forgot abt their drinking and smoking habits..

Which means you agreed with all of what was written.
jbman  - | 26
9 Sep 2008   #90
better not let your female family members see it!

hi! well tried to see how my family will react and they didnt mind until they saw ur posts, now they wont stop being leary to me unless i post an apology n show em well all uk women on pf my APOLOGIES. Would agree that some women in uk are very complicated when it comes to relationships and lifestyles.

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