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Do Polish Women age well?

rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
18 Apr 2011   #121
I agree with your post #100

ahhh I knew you would Zimmy..;) xxx
ZIMMY  6 | 1601
18 Apr 2011   #122
Aging is a particularly sensitive subject to many women. To get through life women have depended on 'beauty' while men have depended on 'ability' and despite all the phony talk about "equality', that still seems to be nature's pattern.

Despite my posts tweaking some posters here, I truly sympathize with the good women who attempt to live up to society's beauty standards. Of course much of this burden is self-induced and is probably evolutionary. In primitive times, females wanted to look good when their men came back from hunting and foraging (and inventing things) because they depended on men for their survival and needed help in taking care of any offspring. Mother Nature is tough.

The modern era continues this emphasis on beauty with cosmetics and clothes. It is women who put pressure on themselves as is evidenced by the advertising industry and the ubiquitous womens magazines which constantly harp on this subject (women's magazines almost always feature attractive women on their covers). The amount of beauty advertising in these mags is staggering.

The amount of money women spend to make themselves appealing is flabbergasting when compared to the relatively minuscule amount men spend. Can women accept their natural looks and spend less? Can men accept women au natural? (I exclude Muslims at this point who seem to). A society where women forsaked make-up and clothing (creams, high heels, nylons, etc) would indeed be an interesting one.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
18 Apr 2011   #123
society where women forsaked make-up and clothing (creams, high heels, nylons, etc) would indeed be an interesting one

forsaked make up... and CLOTHING ....would put u off your dinner Zimmy..;)
Seriously have you thought about moving to Germany..where its rare to see a woman (except prostitutes) staggering about in high heels or with her face covered with make up, to me this is refreshing, although I have heard nasty comments about this from other women such as "unfeminine", "lesbian" etc etc.
18 Apr 2011   #124
It is a men`s world which pushes women to pay so much attention to beauty . Why would woman wear high heels and nylons if it was not for a man , for masochistic reasons ? Do you know how hard and exhausting it is to be on high heels for all day long with perfect make- up and hair done . We have to spend lots of money for clothing and cosmetics ( for whom may I ask ? not for our vanity ,thats for sure ) . That`s why men work harder, in general , to compensate our sacrifices , this is quite fair I guess .

This statement may be seen to be funny by some men , but I think it is honest in some way , feminine way .
southern  73 | 7059
18 Apr 2011   #125
That`s why men work harder, in general , to compensate our sacrifices , this is quite fair I guess .

Men do not view it exactly this way.Western women also claim that they upgrade esthetically just for themselves to feel better not to seek any male attention.
chichimera  1 | 185
18 Apr 2011   #126
not for our vanity

That's a lie

not to seek any male attention.

That's a lieWe do that because we feel better with it. We feel better when we get the attention. We need the attention because we are vain...
18 Apr 2011   #127
We need the attention

Attention from other women ? It works this way , but only if you are a lesbian .

women also claim that they upgrade esthetically just for themselves

Don`t believe them , they do it for other men if not for you , women always want to get attention from men .

I think that men should be happy by receiving so much attention from women who spend half of their lifes thinking how they look .

But there is a double bottom of such behaviour . Take my words as an advice , if your g-f spends too much ( in your opinion ) on herself and wants you to pay bills for it , just think twice, maybe she wants you temporarily, but on a long run she wants to attract someone else .

Men do get involved with wrong women so frequently and rarely get a lesson .
chichimera  1 | 185
18 Apr 2011   #128
Attention from other women

No, I meant the attention of men. But the attention of women is also a target, just in a different way.

Men do get involved with wrong women so frequently and rarely get a lesson

The same applies to women. If they don't get the lesson - maybe they simply enjoy the complications of life :)
southern  73 | 7059
18 Apr 2011   #129
on`t believe them , they do it for other men if not for you , women always want to get attention from men .

Now you are in for a serious slapping by the english Amathyst.

, if your g-f spends too much ( in your opinion ) on herself and wants you to pay bills for it , just think twice, maybe she wants you temporarily, but on a long run she wants to attract someone else .

This has a basis.Lately my Polka appeared with new fashionable trousers and very sexy underwear.She told me that her bf-sponsor gave the money for them and I was the first for presentation.
Patrycja19  61 | 2679
18 Apr 2011   #130
Attention from other women ? It works this way , but only if you are a lesbian .

not necessarily. if you go shopping with your friends and she buys something that looks really nice
And you admire how it looks on her, you might be inclined to go buy it too. People model fashionable
clothing and they are women and it doesnt mean they are lesbians.

The amount of beauty advertising in these mags is staggering.

I agree with this, its very staggering, but again as

We do that because we feel better with it.

I agree with her statment as well, People have to work, look professional, and when you are in
a certain group have to look a certain way.. men have to keep their fashion up too, and there are
more gay men then women that are very fashionable..

Despite my posts tweaking some posters here, I truly sympathize with the good women who attempt to live up to society's beauty standards

maybe your finally getting it? and I just respond zimmy, dont worry, your posts dont interupt my
schedule. and I dont think about it on a daily basis, you **** people off for the moment thats it.

I have to many things going to worry about what some sob from a forum is thinking next.. :)

no disrespect intended, but thats just me.
southern  73 | 7059
18 Apr 2011   #131
For sure slavic women fashion tends to create a delight for male population.
Leopejo  4 | 120
18 Apr 2011   #132
A "crude" comic, but much truth. Men prefer the real person, not the makeup, clothes, shoes. And it's not men who watch Miss Polska or read fashion magazines.
rybnik  18 | 1444
19 Apr 2011   #133
But the attention of women is also a target, just in a different way.

Agreed! I submit that women dress-up as much for other women, maybe even more so, than they do for men. The competition amongst women is fierce.
southern  73 | 7059
19 Apr 2011   #134
It is true that men pay much less attention to bras and shoes that women think we do.On the other hand women tend to judge other women by their shoes.
Lukies mum
4 Apr 2012   #136
As a 35 year old female born and bread in Poland, I have a theory on why so many women in Poland do not age so gracefully. I don't believe it has anything to do with their genetic makeup, but has everything to do with economics. My mother, and many like her, have made many personal sacrifices in order to ensure that their children have a decent future. I remember that she was for years using inexpensive beauty products, got simple haircuts and often wore second hand clothes. She hoped that her shoes won't fall apart too soon because she needed them to last several seasons. At the same time, I was having private tuition, holidays, and decent clothes to wear. My mum would always put herself last and there was never enough money to cover all our needs , although both parents worked full time. These days, she looks after herself a lot more, not having children to support.

Now that I am mother too, I look after myself. I am fit and healthy and most people think I am well under 30. So, my prediction is that with growing standard of living in Poland, there will more great looking middle aged women around in the future.

Also, make sure you don't compare celebrities to an average Polish woman. That's not fair! By the way, Polish actresses are hot too- check out Malgorzata Foremniak (45) or Danuta Stenka (51).

pip  10 | 1658
4 Apr 2012   #137
I disagree. I think the factors you mentioned contribute but I also think smoking, sunbathing, botox and a general "worry about it when it happens" attitude is what ages women.
rybnik  18 | 1444
5 Apr 2012   #138

the biggest cause of skin damage.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641
5 Apr 2012   #139
smoking, sunbathing, botox and a general "worry about it when it happens" attitude is what ages women.

Alcohol consumption and "partying" can age someone as well.
EM_Wave  9 | 310
5 Apr 2012   #140
From what I've seen, most Polish women older than 35 are not too attractive.
sa11y  5 | 331
5 Apr 2012   #141
You are with wrong crowd... Or maybe the ones you think are 30 are in fact in their 40's ;-P
peterweg  37 | 2305
5 Apr 2012   #142
You are with wrong crowd...

He's not the person whose opinion you should ask.
14 Sep 2015   #143
No, they age horrible. And much earlier than 40 as well. I know some gorgeous ones who are in their 20's and early 30's, but by the time they reach about the age of 34 they start looking hagged and unattractive. Shame.
terri  1 | 1661
15 Sep 2015   #144
Beauty fades.
If a woman is only measured/assessed by others on how she looks - then there is no hope for women over 50 or 60 or even 70.

Generally, in Western countries women tend to look after themselves a bit better now. They have labour-saving devices (washing machines, dishwashers, showers) and in effect more time for themselves. Their independence (or not) of having to go out to work and mix with people has influenced them too.

If a woman sat at home with 6 children under 10 and slaved away hand-washing their clothes, preparing meals for all, she had no time and money to do anything anyway. There is still an attitude in Poland that children should come first, and women are made to feel guilty if their child walks around in 2nd hand/used clothing while they spend their money on hairdressers, botox, manicures or beauty products.

One jar of some latest cream would feed a family of 4 for a week. Obviously the woman would choose the beauty cream and let her family go hungry for a week. NOT.
johnny reb  49 | 7974
3 Jul 2019   #145
by the time they reach about the age of 34 they start looking hagged and unattractive. Shame.

That is the age it seems most Polish women lose their perkiness and start packing the pounds on.
They lose their smile and cop a nasty attitude for some reason at that age.
Not all but most.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
3 Jul 2019   #146
Not that guys are any better with their beer bellies and double chins.
johnny reb  49 | 7974
3 Jul 2019   #147
Guess it just shows us that God has a sense of humor in our aging process dunnit.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
5 Jul 2019   #148
While on the process of aging, why do humans spend big bucks to accelerate it?
Tanya  - | 3
1 Jun 2020   #149
I am 47 and many people think I am in my mid 30's. I always say us Polish women are like a bottle of fine wine, we get better with age. I see people who are salads (have 3 or more nationalities in them) and age is not friendly to them. I don't even have crows feet around my eyes, still tight skin. I attribute this to my genes and being a vegetarian and also I do my best to not get upset over things I cannot control. I have that "f-k it" attitude...I won't let others upset me so easily. I am quick to throw back the insults....I guess I have "thick skin".
pawian  224 | 27236
23 Jun 2020   #150
They lose their smile and cop a nasty attitude for some reason at that age.

Yes, mostly when they realise their lousy male partners will never learn how to make a woman reach the climax at last.

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