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Why do so many Polish girls dye their hair BLACK?

26 Oct 2010   #1
I just moved to Poland recently and have been living here for 2 months and I realize that most of the Polish girls are dying their hair to black. Is this some kind of trend or are there any other reasons? Do they love black hair? What's your experience of this?
asik  2 | 220
26 Oct 2010   #2
What planet are you from??????

Black is trendy these days!
Some time ago it was red colour, probably it would return .
It's happening not only in Poland but in every country where the trendy clothes, haircut or hair-colouring is followed.
OP Johnsson
26 Oct 2010   #3
asik, but do you think polish girls like guys with black hair? or do they prefer some other kind of colour when it comes to guys? Just wondering, haven't been here for so long time =)
guesswho  4 | 1272
26 Oct 2010   #4
Why do so many Polish girls dying their hair to BLACK?

True. Maybe because of the "blond" jokes?
26 Oct 2010   #5
Are you sure that black isn't their natural color actually?
asik  2 | 220
26 Oct 2010   #6
asik, but do you think polish girls like guys with black hair? or do they prefer some other kind of colour when it comes to guys? Just wondering, haven't been here for so long time =)

Some like some don't, it depends on what she prefers.
I don't think a hair colour is very important when a girl is choosing a boy. Your whole image is important I would say.
A J  4 | 1075
26 Oct 2010   #7
It's happening not only in Poland but in every country where the trendy clothes, haircut or hair-colouring is followed.

What? Are they trying to make my life impossible? So how do I find a blonde now??

asik  2 | 220
26 Oct 2010   #8
Simply impossible! Wait for the trend to change :)
"Życie to nie je bajka" these days :)
A J  4 | 1075
26 Oct 2010   #9
Simply impossible! Wait for the trend to change :)

You mean, until they're all gone with the wind??

"Życie to nie je bajka"


26 Oct 2010   #10
I don't think this is a Polish thing. Women always want a hair color they can't have or a hair type they don't have.

Remember 80's USA? Everyone wanted blond hair. Not only blond, but [i]crimped[i] blond hair. Oh, and HUGE bangs.

Girls that have straight hair want curly hair. Girls that have curly hair complain about it all the time when it rains and gets frizzy and say they wish they had straight hair.

Look at black women and all the things they do to their hair. They straighten it, wear weaves, dye their hair all sorts of colors when it's obvious it's not their natural hair color.

I hear what you're saying about Polish girls dying their hair black recently, but it's simply nothing unique to Poland. I'd say it's more like you are simply observing people more often and more closely because you're new to a foreign country.
MissSnake  - | 2
26 Oct 2010   #11
They are dyeing their hair to black because black colour suits them
southern  73 | 7059
26 Oct 2010   #12
Slavic girls dye their hair black or bleach blonde.It is the same fashion in Ukraine etc.When they are a bit older they prefer deep red colour.Western girls avoid these dyes because they think they will make them look cheap and lose this masculine end.
POLENGGGs  2 | 150
26 Oct 2010   #13
Are you thick, can't you see that just like words on a forum... same goes for a face, contrast....
pale face and dark hair - you can see the facial feauteres , they more pronounced .... it screams of sex.
southern  73 | 7059
26 Oct 2010   #14
it screams of sex.

Yes,slavic makeup is very sexy.It is like they are all one minute before orgasm.
Natasa  1 | 572
26 Oct 2010   #15
It is like they are all one minute before orgasm.

Are they? I mean one minute and job is done?
pgtx  29 | 3094
26 Oct 2010   #16
the Polish girls are dying their hair to black. Is this some kind of trend or are there any other reasons?

artificial intelligence...
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427
26 Oct 2010   #17
I would say so. Some look good but most don't.
Wroclaw  44 | 5359
26 Oct 2010   #18
I realize that most of the Polish girls are dying their hair to black

i wouldn't say most.

there are those that follow one fashion or another. some go for black hair. they are usually the ones with skinny jeans/ treggings, boots and painted nails with stars and such like.

those with black hair wear it long. those with red hair wear it short.
PennBoy  76 | 2429
26 Oct 2010   #19
Why do so many Polish girls dying their hair to BLACK?

my sister is one of them lol, because blond was popular in the 90's, now it's brown or black hair
Paulina  19 | 4558
26 Oct 2010   #20
I just moved to Poland recently and have been living here for 2 months and I realize that most of the Polish girls are dying their hair to black.

Um... Definitely not "most" lol At least not in my city :) I see mostly all shades of brown, dark blond and blond and some black.

some go for black hair. they are usually the ones with skinny jeans/ treggings, boots and painted nails with stars and such like.

Yup, quite often, I guess.
26 Oct 2010   #21
Why do so many Polish girls dying their hair to BLACK?

to look more intelligent? ;DDD

Is this some kind of trend or are there any other reasons?

actually I didn't noticed that. In fashion is red or reddish brown now.

asik, but do you think polish girls like guys with black hair? or do they prefer some other kind of colour when it comes to guys? Just wondering, haven't been here for so long time =)

it's not important what hair color have men. Matter of individual taste I would say.
Teffle  22 | 1318
26 Oct 2010   #22
it's not important what hair color have men.

Good to know.

What about if they basically't have hair ?

: )
26 Oct 2010   #23
What about if they basically't have hair ?

Then it means they have more testosterone...
FlaglessPole  4 | 649
26 Oct 2010   #24
Which gives them a very advantageous prospect of having their extra strong pubes transplanted onto their head. How could a girl say no to such a sturdy afro...
Bolle  1 | 144
27 Oct 2010   #25
I just moved to Poland recently and have been living here for 2 months and I realize that most of the Polish girls are dying their hair to black. Is this some kind of trend or are there any other reasons? Do they love black hair? What's your experience of this?

Darker Caucasian women look good in dark hair.

Most polish women IMO do not look good with black hair, especially naturally blond Polki.

I think polish women are trying to look more mediterranean in appearance because many men say they like that look. I hate to say it, but it's not working out for most of them very well.

Women in poland should just stick to their natural colors.

Blond hair + light complexion > dark hair + light complexion

This is just another example of Poles being obsessed with foreign sh!t.
guesswho  4 | 1272
27 Oct 2010   #26
Then it means they have more testosterone...

or they're skinheads. This is what I thought about them when I first came to Poland. Then I found out it's a fashion in Poland.
maicoss  - | 8
27 Oct 2010   #27
polish girls prefer black guys than poles guys
A J  4 | 1075
27 Oct 2010   #28
Some do, most don't.

Teffle  22 | 1318
27 Oct 2010   #29
Then I found out it's a fashion in Poland.

Fairly common everywhere for the "follically chellenged" I would have thought - just get rid of it and forget about it.
southern  73 | 7059
27 Oct 2010   #30
Brunetky or blondynky it is always interesting to search for the true colour.Here usually older women blacken their hair to avoid the grey effect.Polki by doing this leave very small room to the older generation.Viva Polska.

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