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Do Polish date Spanish people

yellow94eg6  1 | 6
7 Mar 2008   #1
i was woundering if many Polish girls date Spanish people ?
LondonChick  31 | 1133
7 Mar 2008   #2
No... never.... it just never happens. Spaniards who attempt to date a Polish girl spontaneously combust. This phenomena has been puzzling scientists for years.
jones101  1 | 349
7 Mar 2008   #3
Once you tell them you are Spanish rather than an Arab or other dark skinned black haired undesirable (if you are even dark skinned and black haired...Spain has variety I know)...then you should be OK.

It is what it is in Poland...
OP yellow94eg6  1 | 6
7 Mar 2008   #4
lol when i said spanish i forgot to say i was from the dominican republic. am light brown skin like halle berry or just a little lighter than her. nice straight hair brown eyes. and polish girls do date londonchick cuz my ex is polsih am just having trouble finding another polish girlfriend. i dont know why but i love white girls. before i was into american white girls but polish 1 know how to have more fun and threat people better. i think
tornado2007  11 | 2270
7 Mar 2008   #5

dosen't matter what you are, i can't believe you created such a stupid topic, does one female (from whatever country) date Male (from whatever country) JESUS anybody can date anybody regardless of nationality!!!!!!!!!!!
bajka  - | 71
7 Mar 2008   #6
Damn fool, you shouldn't have let her go then heh ! You've had your chance move on....try Russian.
plk123  8 | 4119
7 Mar 2008   #7
yeah, i dated a girl of hispanic persuasion and she was a lot of fun. :)
tico378  1 | 4
7 Mar 2008   #8
"undesirable" ? O_O
jones101  1 | 349
7 Mar 2008   #9
It was a jab of the pervasive racism in Poland that most Poles are not willing to admit exists.
Davey  13 | 388
7 Mar 2008   #10
It's actually illegal in Poland to date people of Hispanic origin
LondonChick  31 | 1133
8 Mar 2008   #11
polish girls do date londonchick

I didn't know that I was a lesbian...
panienka  1 | 205
10 Mar 2008   #12
i would date handsome spanish man because i like dark eyes, hair and tanned skin ;)) but only if he had not spanish attitude to girls.
LondonChick  31 | 1133
10 Mar 2008   #13
spanish attitude to girls.

Que? Like all Spanish men are the same...?
panienka  1 | 205
10 Mar 2008   #14
do you know all spanish men?
LondonChick  31 | 1133
10 Mar 2008   #15
Of course I do LOL!

Nah, what I was getting at was "Spanish attitude". It's no different to some of the saddos on here who say that "all Polish girls are gorgeous". I never let my nationality (Scottish) define me, that's all....
panienka  1 | 205
10 Mar 2008   #16
ok, but when i'm saying "Spanish attutide" everyone know what i'm talking about, because many Spanish men are similar in their behaviour.
tornado2007  11 | 2270
10 Mar 2008   #17
yeah i know what you mean by that, the spanish have a big macho thing going on with their attitude :)
plk123  8 | 4119
10 Mar 2008   #18
must be a greek thing too then, eh?
Filios1  8 | 1336
10 Mar 2008   #19
greek thing

plk123  8 | 4119
10 Mar 2008   #20
no? so where the hell do you get your attitude from then? it can't be polish so it must be greek. hehe
OP yellow94eg6  1 | 6
12 Mar 2008   #21

i would date handsome spanish man because i like dark eyes, hair and tanned skin ;)) but only if he had not spanish attitude to girls.

panienka i agree with you am spanish but i think you right some spanish people thing girls are property but it all depends on where you grew up. i grew up here in new york so am not the macho type since i grew up with all type of people around me blacks , white, spanish , ect ect new york is all mix. most of my friends say am not dominican because of the way i act or what i eat. only thing i got from a dominican is the looks. light caramel skin, dark brown eyes , really dark hair 5'10" height 175 pounds
espana  17 | 951
12 Mar 2008   #22
i agree with you am spanish

you are not spanish mate, ,,,you are hispanico , a big difference!!!!
szarlotka  8 | 2205
12 Mar 2008   #23
you are not spanish mate

Hi Espana - you sound more and more like you really come from Sarf London innit
tornado2007  11 | 2270
12 Mar 2008   #24
i would date handsome spanish man because i like dark eyes, hair and tanned skin ;)) but only if he had not spanish attitude to girls.

OK that's Panienka's advert for what she would date in a spanish guy :) ok so you think yeah nothing wrong about that fair play. she don't want no attitude though, THEN OUT OF THE BLUE

light caramel skin, dark brown eyes , really dark hair 5'10" height 175 pounds

Mr dream date :) answering Panienka's advert but disguising it as an explanation, lol. THs Spanish guy is desperate for a bit of Polish you know what, hahahahahaha. It's so lame its funny :)
panienka  1 | 205
12 Mar 2008   #25
Panienka's advert for what she would date in a spanish guy :)

absolutely!!! ;)
MareGaea  29 | 2751
12 Mar 2008   #26
polish girls date spanish people

No, because they don't understand each other as they speak different languages, you see.

M-G (still in a funny mood)
tornado2007  11 | 2270
12 Mar 2008   #27
absolutely!!! ;)

good for you, however wait for all the creepy messages from the guys, lol :)
lacherifa  - | 1
11 Apr 2008   #28
i would date handsome spanish man because i like dark eyes, hair and tanned skin ;))

I just wonder how many Spanish guys has this girl dated... because I'm Spanish and I can swear I have dated many more than her and I still wouldn't be able to describe that typical "Spanish attitude". No, not everybody knows what you mean with that.

And by the way, if we just follow the prejudices against nationalities, everybody would know that Polish girls are crazy about hunting guys to marry them...

southern  73 | 7059
11 Apr 2008   #29
Polish girls distrust italian guys and maybe spanish ones.I do not know why.They are relieved when you tell them I am not italian.
JustysiaS  13 | 2235
11 Apr 2008   #30
well in Poland there is a phrase "włoskie małżeństwo" - Italian marriage, and we use it to describe couples who are very fiery and argue a lot, but also make up very quickly. Polish people find Spanish and Italian people very temperamental, probably because of all the soap operas and The Godfather ha ha.

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