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Are all beautiful Polish girls as crazy as this?

zahi  1 | 17
18 Mar 2011   #211
she wants to control every aspect of my life; she is extremely distrusting and jealous; she is very temperamental; and, most frustratingly of all, she is NEVER wrong, and EVERYTHING is always my fault.

we must meet

she actually hit me.

WHATTTTTTTTTTTTTT :( no this is different
18 Mar 2011   #212
C'mon, you gotta be kidding me !!!
I'm with a polish girl almost a year now, and never experienced such a behavior.
It seems that you guys have simply met messed-up kind of a women and it got nothing to with a nationality.
Red Shewolf  - | 3
22 Mar 2011   #213
I have to protest ! I'm polish girl and I'm not violent.Positively craz- yes, but no psycho. It's like you said I'm dating English guy and he is psycho :-Pare all like this ???.
Crow  155 | 9700
22 Mar 2011   #214
beautiful Polish girls

few days ago i heard for the heart braking story about Serbian horseman (Racow) in medieval Poland who was in love with some beautiful Polish peasant girl. She and her family, complete village was then raped and massacred by Teutons. Serbian boy pursued them with his band and finally founded them and revenged his love. i`ll try to found link on it.
southern  73 | 7059
22 Mar 2011   #215
Serbian boy pursued them with his band and finally founded them and revenged his love.

What did he do to them?
sascha  1 | 824
25 Mar 2011   #216
He just used his hands. ;)
ZIMMY  6 | 1601
30 Mar 2011   #217
I'm not violent.

The 'privileged' modern-day female:
Misia  - | 31
31 Mar 2011   #218
Wow, someone's having a bad day and can't control their feelings ...

rtz  - | 46
31 Mar 2011   #219
/Agreed with the OP same story here
Knight rider
26 Jan 2013   #220
Listen playa.....all really pretty girls have some kind of psychological issue and think they can treat us guys however they like. Trust me, I have met, dated and ****** more pretty girls than you would even begin to believe. The key to life is simple. You **** the pretty ones and marry the mediocre ones. The average looking girls wont give you stress and headache and will appreciate your nice personality, smile, and respect you for who you are. You shouldnt generalise with Polish girls as some of them are very nice. Its an issue with all really pretty girls who feel they can always get something better because they get a lot of attention. My advise to you is shag the Polish girl a few times and then get rid of her. A dirty shag might be best to end it with then she will know she shouldnt hit guys. Hope that helps matey.
Mary Perry
27 Jan 2013   #221
she seems almost to enjoy conflict; she wants to control every aspect of my life; she is extremely distrusting and jealous; she is very temperamental; and, most frustratingly of all, she is NEVER wrong, and EVERYTHING is always my fault.

Well, most polish girls are like that. I feel sorry for all the guys who put up with such behaviours...
sa11y  5 | 331
27 Jan 2013   #222
Knight rider - you sound like a song...
'If you wanna be happy for thr rest of your life
Never make pretty woman your wife
From the personal point of view
Get an ugly girl to marry you...'
wagg88  1 | 3
17 Feb 2013   #223
Yes but but there are other good things to appreciate.
6 Oct 2013   #224
I would agree that Polish women are more grounded than Western girls. I would also agree that Polish women tend to have more controlling Type A personalities in general....A Polish girl

will not put up with you being a couch potato for long...They will expect you to work around the house fixing this or that, making improvements, etc. - an example set by their father.

But submissive Polish girls also exist as in any culture...the secret is to date the youngest sibling and not the oldest. Oldest siblings tend to be Type A because they were bossing their brothers and

sisters around all their life.

I still want to find a Polish girl - but won't make the mistake of dating Type A personality.
rybnik  18 | 1444
6 Oct 2013   #225
the secret is to date the youngest sibling and not the oldest. Oldest siblings tend to be Type A because they were bossing their brothers and

my Polish ex-wife was the baby of the family.
She also was a monster.
local_fela  17 | 172
6 Oct 2013   #226
same thing here... but I came to know that actually they are more horny than anyone elsse on the planet.. so dont expect a virgin even if she is 20... Polish prn.. give you a good knowlgdge.. and on top
pawian  226 | 27817
23 Feb 2020   #227
Are all beautiful Polish girls as crazy as this?
No, not all. Only about 75%. The remaining 25% are normal but you need to possess high standard qualities to win them. Or at least , your smell must be pleasant to them.

Read how to do it:

[...] So, men who believe that their 'macho', sweaty body-odour is attractive to women are deluding themselves, unless they are constantly producing fresh sweat and either naked or changing their clothes every 20 minutes to remove any trace of the oxidised sweat. Generally, the female-repelling androstenone is the more prominent male body odour, as the fresh-sweat odour of androstenol disappears very quickly.[....]
25 Jan 2022   #228
I dated a beautiful Polish woman and thought she was an amazing human being then I saw her true colours she was in fact a psychopath once they lose their temper they will not let you speak and scream over the top of you and you're right they are never wrong they wear a metaphorical crown on their head and think they are a princess and that every man in the world loves them and they are the most beautiful women on earth in fact Polish women are very angry and have terrible bad tempers I came close to getting serious with such a woman but once i saw her true colours her outter Beauty was false and fake keep away from Polish women they love themselves and they are attention seekers please take this advice as I've experienced it first hand. I am an Australian male Who met a Polish woman who lives in Australia. They put on a fake facade with hair and makeup and jewelry to disguise their true ugliness.
pawian  226 | 27817
25 Jan 2022   #229
I dated a beautiful Polish woman

Good for you. You were lucky.

However, it is obvious you destroyed it with your drinking habit coz instead of one gal, you saw double, triple or even dozens of them!! Your own words prove it:that every man in the world loves them and they are the most beautiful women on earth etc

Try to solve your problem first and then approach beautiful women.
Novichok  4 | 8682
25 Jan 2022   #230
Hey, Jack, don't listen to pawian - the forum girlie man, cuddly and lovable but totally pussified.
Your short story is spot on. You should write a book to warn the naive and the blind that when they say "I love you" they mean everything but the sucker in front of them. Typically, "you" stands for immigration papers, but not always. The other "you" is the guy's checking account or credit card.
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
25 Jan 2022   #231

You fell for him Rich..... he is a troll....I would guess a British or Aussie one.... but a troll nonetheless.
pawian  226 | 27817
25 Jan 2022   #232
they say "I love you" they mean everything but the sucker in front of them

Yes, suckers who are unable to attract a woman with other things than money are fooled mercilessly. It is their own fault.

I see you are still embittered about women - after she decided to divorce you after so many years of marriage, you feel fooled. She did the right thing - you had stopped caring about your relation long ago, spending hours on end in the forum. Ha!
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
25 Jan 2022   #233

Mate, you made a big misjudgement here...... how could you be so stupid?
Novichok  4 | 8682
25 Jan 2022   #234
You fell for him Rich..... he is a troll...

I would have to be a mind reader to detect that he is a troll. Well, I am not a mind reader, just a simple genius.

unable to attract a woman with other things than money

There are only four things that can attract a woman: immigration to the US, money, dick, and a brilliant mind. How did you attract your wife?

I am sure she is very pretty so she was not desperate.
pawian  226 | 27817
25 Jan 2022   #235
immigration to the US, money, dick, and a brilliant mind. How

Using everything you mentioned. :):)
Novichok  4 | 8682
25 Jan 2022   #236
I am glad you didn't add humble to the list.
Women like humble only when they scream so that they can scream uninterrupted but not when the guy brags about them.
pawian  226 | 27817
26 Jan 2022   #237
when they scream

It is good that they have some defensive weapons against males who engage their fists too often and batter their poor wives or female partners. Screaming is much more civilised than battering. Simple.
Novichok  4 | 8682
26 Jan 2022   #238
As an expert on such matters, my stats show that women scream 95% to win arguments, 4% at the kids, and 1% in self-defense.
BTW, you should know that in the US, "I killed him because he abused me all these years" no longer works. Cops and the juries know it's a damn lie because she had a chance to call the police or move out. "I didn't because I loved him" is the surest way to get convicted. Hahahahahaha...Yeah, he beat you, he raped you but you loved him...Hahahahaha...

The other most popular bs is the so-called "intruder" who shoots the husband but spares her. Hahahahahahaha...
pawian  226 | 27817
26 Jan 2022   #239
95% to win arguments and 1% in self-defense.

No, winning an argument by screaming is also a sort of self defence for some women. Your stats are all messed up. :)

I killed him

Talking about your fav statistics: statistically, violence in marriage affects 95% females and only 5% males as victims, so stop those futile attempts to present the black as white and vice versa.
Novichok  4 | 8682
26 Jan 2022   #240
affects 95% females

...who later refuse to sign the criminal complaint or testify at the trial. BTW, many of these women were attracted to the abusers because they were "bad dudes" and drunks. This is where the Pygmalion effect kicks in as women like to repair bad dudes and wounded animals.

Actually, women are the main aggressors at home. They scratch, poke, and insult their men while counting on that "I am a woman" immunity.
And when they kill, it's with total premeditation - often by poisoning the guy who will die a slow and painful death. This is the first time a woman goes to the garage to use antifreeze. If it's a gun, she shoots him while asleep and screams hysterically to the 911 dispatcher about "an intruder".

Basically, women kill for money and custody. Today, the Burning Bed method is not selling anymore. We know too much how the bit*ches operate.

Abused? Get the fu*ck out asap and quit that bs how your love made it impossible to open the door and just drive away.

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