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Poles turn their backs on organised religion.

johnny reb  46 | 7688
16 hrs ago   #121
How lame maf, we see that you are stumped on the question too.
We are not talking denominations, we are talking the definition of a Christian.
Did you watch the video that I posted above about "Discerning the Devil's Playbook" ?
I'm trying to educate you lost souls so please take time and watch it so you can debate the topic of this thread rationally.
mafketis  38 | 10956
15 hrs ago   #122
we are talking the definition of a Christian.

most would say it's about accepting ideas of Jesus Christ being born truly human and truly god, from the Virgin Mary, being crucified for human sins, dying and ascending to heaven and returning at some point in the future to judge the living and dead.

But a Southern Baptist and Greek Orthodox won't agree on much beyond that.... in general protestants rely more on scripture and Catholic and Orthodox rely more on the the church (each thinking they are the one true church), Mormons think of themselves as Christians but many/most other Christians don't necessarily agree, etc etc...

For evangelicals (esp Baptists) it's all about a 'personal relationship' with Jesus while Orthodox think no such thing, but rather share in divine energies that happen during thier long and arcane services (and may spend a lot of time interacting with icons). Catholics have communion, most protestants don't...
johnny reb  46 | 7688
8 hrs ago   #123
Damn maf, when you put your mind to it, you are very good.
Better than anyone else here so far anyways.
Thank you for your input.
Tlum  12 | 257
8 hrs ago   #124
The soul's destiny after death has nothing to do with organized religion. Each individual will be judged according to his/her deeds and belief in Christ, not according to what Christian party he/she is associated with. The litmus test are the 10 commandments.
Feniks  1 | 547
1 hrs ago   #125
Each individual will be judged according to his/her deeds and belief in Christ

There's no hope for the so-called PF Christian then.

Home / Life / Poles turn their backs on organised religion.

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