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Poles turn their backs on organised religion.

johnny reb  49 | 8005
22 Oct 2024   #121
How lame maf, we see that you are stumped on the question too.
We are not talking denominations, we are talking the definition of a Christian.
Did you watch the video that I posted above about "Discerning the Devil's Playbook" ?
I'm trying to educate you lost souls so please take time and watch it so you can debate the topic of this thread rationally.
mafketis  38 | 11162
22 Oct 2024   #122
we are talking the definition of a Christian.

most would say it's about accepting ideas of Jesus Christ being born truly human and truly god, from the Virgin Mary, being crucified for human sins, dying and ascending to heaven and returning at some point in the future to judge the living and dead.

But a Southern Baptist and Greek Orthodox won't agree on much beyond that.... in general protestants rely more on scripture and Catholic and Orthodox rely more on the the church (each thinking they are the one true church), Mormons think of themselves as Christians but many/most other Christians don't necessarily agree, etc etc...

For evangelicals (esp Baptists) it's all about a 'personal relationship' with Jesus while Orthodox think no such thing, but rather share in divine energies that happen during thier long and arcane services (and may spend a lot of time interacting with icons). Catholics have communion, most protestants don't...
johnny reb  49 | 8005
22 Oct 2024   #123
Damn maf, when you put your mind to it, you are very good.
Better than anyone else here so far anyways.
Thank you for your input.
Tlum  12 | 297
22 Oct 2024   #124
The soul's destiny after death has nothing to do with organized religion. Each individual will be judged according to his/her deeds and belief in Christ, not according to what Christian party he/she is associated with. The litmus test are the 10 commandments.
Feniks  1 | 787
23 Oct 2024   #125
Each individual will be judged according to his/her deeds and belief in Christ

There's no hope for the so-called PF Christian then.
johnny reb  49 | 8005
23 Oct 2024   #126
Your opinion is meaningless since you are not a Christian.
There is no hope for the so called PF Atheists when they start trembling in fear when they hear Jesus Christs name.
OP jon357  72 | 23426
23 Oct 2024   #127
belief in Christ

Or Mohammed, Buddha, the Chi, Ahura Mazda, Shiva, other things.

Why judge if someone according to that person's/entity's teaching? Why judge at all?
johnny reb  49 | 8005
23 Oct 2024   #128
Why judge if someone according to that person's/entity's teaching?

You tell us jon, since you are the Master of judging others here on the Polish forums. :-o
OP jon357  72 | 23426
23 Oct 2024   #129
It's a talent, and one to be used.

Hard to imagine some churchgoers being politically conservative since Jesus' teachings were anything but.
Ironside  50 | 12969
23 Oct 2024   #130
It is just some wishful thinking nothing less and nothing more. Lefties are always full of such bright ideas because that is what they hope to achieve.

However, to address this issue honestly, it must be said that the number of attendees in religious activities varies from decade to decade and from century to century. In the end, it means little.
I would also add that it is quality that counts not the quantity
Lenka  5 | 3537
23 Oct 2024   #131
But a Southern Baptist and Greek Orthodox won't agree on much beyond that....

It's funny how religions that are theoretically similar can be so different.
The religious calture I see on tv in USA is so foreign to me.
I would also add that it is quality that counts not the quantity

Unless you want the laws etc to reflect your religion values.
johnny reb  49 | 8005
23 Oct 2024   #132
Hard to imagine some churchgoers being politically conservative since Jesus' teachings were anything but

Did you take that line from the Devils playbook jon ?
Another lie by Mr. Twister.
That is why I posted this U-tube that contradicts your lie, jon.

Discerning the Devils Playbook

Watch it and you will learn the lies that you are being fed by the devil.
Lazarus  3 | 367
23 Oct 2024   #133
The religious calture I see on tv in USA is so foreign to me.

That's because a lot of it is completely fake. For example, a poster here is an elder at a certain "Evangelical Church" in Michigan but still posts comments such as this one
Thats it, you done already, Lucy. 😋
(Wipe your chin)

Novichok  4 | 8836
23 Oct 2024   #134
That's because a lot of it is completely fake.

So are men who claim they are women. Go to an LGBT pride parade and yell:

Trans women are not women!!!

They are sick morons pretending to be women!!!

There are only two genders!!!

You can't change your gender!!!

...and tell us how it went...You can post from the ICU.
OP jon357  72 | 23426
23 Oct 2024   #135
a poster here is an elder at a certain "Evangelical Church" in Michigan but still posts comments such as this one

And they wonder why nobody goes to church any more.
Ironside  50 | 12969
23 Oct 2024   #136
Unless you want the laws etc to reflect your religion values.

Theoretically in Poland, an overwhelming majority of people are Catholic, in reality, it looks somewhat different so I stress again numbers are secondary to the quality and as such do not influence laws in the right direction.
Tlum  12 | 297
23 Oct 2024   #137
Why judge at all?

I personally don't judge. I'm just trying to give my best and honest opinion based on my life experiences. People don't realize that the devil is working in our lives to lie to us to turn away from Christ. I've personally experienced the works of the devil and let me tell you this - I do not wish anyone to experience the same for a short period of time, let alone for eternity. Satan is much smarter than us, he knows us more than we know ourselves and he would use every opportunity to tempt us to sin. When we sin, God may discipline us (if there is still hope for us) through the works of satan to get back on the right path. I cannot persuade my own mother about it, so I'm not surprised anonymous people don't take it seriously, but hey.. I've tried.
Bobko  27 | 2161
23 Oct 2024   #138
religious activities varies from decade to decade and from century to century. In the end, it means little.

You are absolutely correct in that it ebbs and flows. However, you are wrong when you say it matters for little. It's hugely consequential.

In America, you had the Great Awakenings. The Second Awakening, lasting for several decades in the early 1800s, birthed a bunch of new religions: Adventism, Dispensationalism, and the Latter Day Saints among others. There was also a Third Awakening, and then some smaller level spikes.

In the Middle East it is the same - where in the early 20th century you had powerful secularist movements driven by Pan-Arabists and modernizers - but then later a great religious awakening again, driven by the early Muslim Brotherhood.

In Russia, you had an explosion of religiosity starting in the late 1990s. Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, all types of Baptists, and others were making hay in Russia. Thousands of Orthodox churches were restored.

The American Great Awakening was a reaction to the rationalism and deism that dominated the American Enlightenment through the Revolutionary period.

The Arab religious awakening was a reaction to the corruption and incompetence of the nationalists and modernizers, which failed to produce the promised results.

The Russian awakening was the filling of a spiritual vacuum in a collapsing state.

Religion has an annoying tendency to come back, just when you thought it was dead.
Bobko  27 | 2161
23 Oct 2024   #139
I wonder if there can be a Christian religious revival even in the year 3024?

When we are colonizing other planets, live for hundreds of years, never get sick, and understand how every single little thing works from the subatomic level to the universal - will there still be people who get energized by the idea that a man living three thousand years ago on Earth had died for their sins?

The last two thousand years seem to suggest that no amount of progress in knowledge can destroy superstition.
Ironside  50 | 12969
23 Oct 2024   #140
However, you are wrong when you say it matters for little.

In the context of the subject title, it means little. I wasn't claiming that a region or fluctuation in the number of believers in time matters little.
It doesn't follow such a simple formula as the OP would like us to believe.
johnny reb  49 | 8005
23 Oct 2024   #141
People don't realize that the devil is working in our lives to lie to us to turn away from Christ.

Spot on !
You must have watched, "Discerning the Devils Playbook" that I posted.
It tells exactly how Satan does it.

The devil knows the Bible better than all of us and Billy Graham put together, he knows everything and possesses all but two things that he cannot possess,
Repentance and Redemption.
Yet just look at the world marveling at the power of NO, I don't want to.
Bobko  27 | 2161
24 Oct 2024   #142
It tells exactly how Satan does it.

Kind of weak operational security on Satan's part, if even Johnny Reb is clued in.

I thought the whole point of Satan is that he is very clever and sneaky.

A YouTube manual on how to deal with him seems suspicious.

My favorite mention of Satan is in the opening of the Book of Job, where he is presented as a completely normal guy, until an unhinged God decides he wants to gamble. This gambling addicted God throws poor Job under the train:

6 Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord, and Satan came also among them.

7 And the Lord said unto Satan, Whence comest thou? Then Satan answered the Lord, and said, From going to and fro in the earth, and from walking up and down in it.

8 And the Lord said unto Satan, Hast thou considered my servant Job.

Hahaha. Poor Job.
johnny reb  49 | 8005
24 Oct 2024   #143
A YouTube manual on how to deal with him seems suspicious.

Did you watch it in entirety ?
Bobko  27 | 2161
24 Oct 2024   #144
Did you watch it in entirety ?

I don't watch YouTube videos about how to understand the Bible. I think I am sufficiently equipped.
OP jon357  72 | 23426
24 Oct 2024   #145
I don't watch YouTube videos

I don't watch them at all. Anyone with a decent level of intelligence can think and reflect faster than those weirdos can speak and of course anyone can say anything there.
johnny reb  49 | 8005
24 Oct 2024   #146
I don't watch YouTube videos about how to understand the Bible.

Its not about understanding the Bible.
One more time, its about understanding
You must have watched, "Discerning the Devils Playbook" that I posted.
It tells exactly how Satan does it.

Its almost like he is describing 357 himself.
Crow  154 | 9475
24 Oct 2024   #147
Just forget papacy and you are nigh perfect.
pawian  225 | 27331
29 Jan 2025   #148
It is sad how some priests abuse the teachings of Jesus, thus further putting decent people off the RC Church.

During a meeting of Ciechanów residents with Karol Nawrocki, the parish priest of one of the local parishes spoke up and supported the PiS candidate. - As for Professor Dudek, I advise you to give him a right jab or a left jab when you meet him - advised Father Jan Jóźwiak in his speech and blessed Nawrocki. Professor Antoni Dudek recently assessed that Nawrocki is "one of the most dangerous people" in the public space. - God bless you, Reverend Dean. Thank you for these words and for your support - the PiS candidate replied to the priest.

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