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Poles are not racist

BubbaWoo  33 | 3502
23 Oct 2007   #211
many poles display racist tendencies, which is hardly suprising given the degree of issolation the country has experienced in recent years and the lack of immigration in general

as with most nationalities, many brits also display racist tendencies which i imagine is an accepted truth for most people living in the uk, despite the lack of any statistics that might prove this
23 Oct 2007   #212
But one thing I am heartened by is your attitude here, it's good and I am very happy to see that 99% of you on this forum are not racist.

Lady in red, I'm not that's why I'm asking for your view point, obviously your going to have a better idea about your people than me.
23 Oct 2007   #213
but are you the rule

The rule I guess.

behind a made up name

I never said it was made up. But it's seen to often here, a Polish person makes someone angry (for whatever reason) and they think it's acceptable to come on here and give it "Poles this, Poles that, they should all go home blah blah BLAH!" It's not acceptable. If you fall out with your bank manager tomorrow will you find a BankManagerForums and start there too?
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502
23 Oct 2007   #214
99% of you on this forum are not racist

unfortunately thats not true - this forum is rife with racism... which seems generally accepted despite that lack of supporting statistics

they think it's acceptable to come on here and give it "Poles this, Poles that, they should all go home blah blah BLAH!" It's not acceptable.

it might not be acceptable but its at least understandable
z_darius  14 | 3960
23 Oct 2007   #215
If the majority of Polish were like you here on this forum, then everything would be cool, but are you the rule or the exception to the rule.

I think it would be good for you to regroup (so to speak) and have some principles of a good argument in mind:

1. never use words such as: all, always, every time etc, without having a proof. All it takes is one exception and your statements are false.

2. avoid name calling - paradoxically, it doesn't necessarily describe your opponent, but it can say a lot about you and weaknesses in your arguments.

3. always check facts before referring to them - the Greek and Turkish stuff you mentioned before gave you away as an easy target.

Other than that, I hope you kick the asses of all racist you meet, be it Poles, Brits or others.
Lady in red
23 Oct 2007   #216
many poles display racist tendencies,

What do you mean by many ? Again, just a generalisation and I do not believe you can actually support that statement as a general fact. It's your interpretation, again based on your limited experience as you cannot possibly know 'many' Polish people (taken in the context of the whole population) Same with the British peole comments. :(

see that 99% of you on this forum are not racist

How do you work that one out then ? Again, a mere, how many posters have you actually spoken too, you aren't even a member.......get real !!
23 Oct 2007   #217
unfortunately thats not true - this forum is rife with racism... which seems generally accepted despite that lack of supporting statistics

So on the point above what do you have to say about it? If you hear another Pole being racist do you intervene or just accept?

Haha very funny, Bubbawoo, the lack of supporting statistics has confounded me too, lol.

Lady in red what do you mean by 'poster' as far as i was aware a poster is a bit of paper usually 2ft by 4ft depicting some advertisment, I wasn't aware could ask them questions....
Lady in red
23 Oct 2007   #218
about your people than me.

and just 'who' are my people then ???

you are assuming that the majority of members here are Polish? Lol..........


A poster can also be someone who posts on a forum.......

A poster can be a person.......look in a dictionary mate !

You haven't even registered as a member......who are you ? LOL
23 Oct 2007   #219
Lady in red i have had discussions with a few people today and only one has used a racist term approximately speaking that equates to 99% having not used the 'n' or any other similiar word leads me to believe that most people i have spoken to today are not, but im sure on a different day i would not find that the case.

You lot have got to stop being to damn pedantic, and asking about surveys and figures and evidence, jesus christ just give it a rest and have listen to other poeples points of view without this ridiculous want of evidence.

when i say 99% i am not being literal it is a figure of speech, but dont worry i have been informed that this forum is rife with racism, so the figure i used in my figure of speech is way of the mark. This is a discussion board not an amalgamation of statistics.
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502
23 Oct 2007   #220
If you hear another Pole being racist do you intervene or just accept?

thats a good question

i was in a club last time in poland and there was a tall black guy enjoying himself on the dance floor with his friends. i watched a group of locals take turns to go on the dance floor and 'accidently' bump into him in an increasingly provocative way. i watched this for awhile deciding what to do about it [im not know for my diplomacy] before the guy got the message and left

i have a couple of uk black friends in gdansk - this is something they claim to experience on a frequent [almost daily, for those who want it quantified] basis and i have no reason to doubt them as i have witnessed it myself whilst with them. its usual subtle like the desription above - sometimes its simply 'we dont want you here... finish your beer and go'
Daisy  3 | 1211
23 Oct 2007   #221
but dont worry i have been informed that this forum is rife with racism

Care to name your sources?
Lady in red
23 Oct 2007   #222
You lot

Yeah, but we like to read about 'real life' not story book tales......

What's your occupation then......a car salesman.......oh yeah lol
it figures <g>
23 Oct 2007   #223
darius the whole greek turkish thing i was quoting from another poster. But everything else im solid one. And I shall also refrain from using words like all, everyone, and majority, i shall now prefix these adjectives with 'In my opinion....'

and thanks for your last statment, the one about the arses and the kicking, I will!

Ok lady in red the poster thing makes sense now ooops sorry. Who am I? Well I'm Daniel Dean of course, do youwant my sort code and account number too lol.

Being so embroiled in this discussion I have neglected certain matters and will be back in a couple of hours once i have tended to them
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138
23 Oct 2007   #224
its usual subtle like the desription above - sometimes its simply 'we dont want you here... finish your beer and go'

Do you think that Poles in UK or elswhere don't get the same treatement ?
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502
23 Oct 2007   #225
im sure some of them do - you obviously seem to think that makes it all right... you strange fellow
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138
23 Oct 2007   #226
you obviously seem to think that makes it all right

That's your bizzare interpretation. What I say that this is common behavior and I don't see a reason why It should be any worse in case of black people than It is in case of white.
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502
23 Oct 2007   #227
What I say that this is common behavior

prove it... with stats... from a credible sauce... such as heinz or hp
27 Oct 2007   #228
You guys need to sort you own people out, then maybe us English will show you respect

Quoting: dandeanuk
If you hear another Pole being racist do you intervene or just accept?
johan123  1 | 227
27 Oct 2007   #229
You guys need to sort you own people out, then maybe us English will show you respect

Another well educated Brit!
27 Oct 2007   #230
Is that your attempt at sarcasm johan123?

Also are you polish, and if you are what do you do when you hear or see another pole being racist, nothing I bet, you just accept it don't you, if your not part of the solution your part of the problem.

England is a very liberal society we don't need you coming over here with your disgusting attitudes towards other cultures.

This site is rife with racism and none of you poles seem to be the slightest bit concerned and you wonder why the majority of English don't want you in their country.

These forums are full of hypocrisy, its ok for you poles to be racist towards other cultures in England, but when you are on the receiving end its all, 'O woe is me,' maybe you should ask yourself why, you bring hatred to this country you will not be tolerated.

sometimes its simply 'we dont want you here... finish your beer and go'

If this is how you behave in your own country, can't you see why you are not welcome here, haters and racists are not welcome in England!!
johan123  1 | 227
27 Oct 2007   #231
Is that your attempt at sarcasm johan123?

It's true that I am Polish and racist! I hate all Brits and the Asia and African versions of them. I am not a liberal and seek to change your culture of death society.
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502
27 Oct 2007   #232
who is that comment addressed to Oswald?
johan123  1 | 227
27 Oct 2007   #233

An African Brit from Dafur!
27 Oct 2007   #234
who is that comment addressed to Oswald?

It is addressed to the Polish here. I used your experience to show them what kind of abuse people of other ethnicities have to put up with in Poland. I was using it to illustrate their attitude and how that attitude is not acceptable in England.

And johan there are many africans living in the UK wtf is your point?
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502
27 Oct 2007   #235
I used your experience to show them what kind of abuse people of other ethnicities have to put up with in Poland

Kataryna  - | 36
27 Oct 2007   #236
attrocities commited hundreds of years ago. I'm not English, I'm not French I had nothing to do with the slave trade and cramming hundreds of slaves aboard ships suitable for only about 50 "passangers".

I had to add my 2 cents to this comment. It was not soley the English or 'whites' who were responsible for the slave trade; there were a significant number of black or Africans who sold their own people. These Africans made a pretty penny selling their own people. Granted, it was a horrible thing, however, 'whites can not be soley to blame for this.

In addition, yes, blacks are racist, as are every other ethnic group. But, I don't know if it's true racism or INTOLERANCE. Here in the US, I see blacks daily who have a chip on their shoulder towards whites and other blacks who have been successful. Right now, it's the illegal Mexican influx that we're having issues with. People, white and back, are very intolerant of the Mexicans. I am conflicted on my feelings for Mexicans; on one hand they are bettering themselves and their families, on the other hand they are here ILLEGALLY. Yes, my great grandparents were immigrants, but they were LEGAL and they assimilated. The Mexicans here are not assimilating and are getting everything that hardworking, tax paying Americans are getting. We have a serious problem and we have to do something now before we become MexAmeriCana (Mexico/America/Canada).
johan123  1 | 227
27 Oct 2007   #237
And johan there are many africans living in the UK wtf is your point?

That I am a racist, dirty, poverty stricken Pole that needs to be re-educated by the ever superior politically correct Brits!
27 Oct 2007   #238
I'm pretty shocked looking at this website to see how ingrained the racism is with you polski, it turns my stomach, and makes me very sad, you are a very backward race, no wonder you all want to come to the UK
johan123  1 | 227
27 Oct 2007   #239
Come to backward Poland to teach English and shrag Polish girls. We will then drink vodka in vasts amounts. Later we will experience our finest tradition" Kick black ass in Warsaw"
27 Oct 2007   #240
That I am a racist, dirty, poverty stricken Pole that needs to be re-educated by the ever superior politically correct Brits!

You want to fit in somewhere go to America or better still go to Iraq or south africa, go running your mouth off round there and see where that gets you.

Millions of people are poverty stricken, uneducated, and dirty throughout the world, but they are not racist, your hardhships are no excuse for racism, stop blaming your situation; 'Ooo im so poor my lifes so hard, that's why I hate' You speak quite eloquently your attitude is not befitting of that.

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